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Who feels the discussion needs to be started? Are you an American Indian? If not, why do you feel the need to speak out for them? They - as in "each and every one of them, individually" as opposed to "one of them claiming to represent all American Indians without having been voted to be such by each and everyone of them" - are perfectly capable of voicing their own opinion on this subject after all. If you are the question still remains: do you speak for all American Indians? I know that there are plenty American Indians who don't have any problems with being called American Indians so you seem to not speak for them at least. I also know that there are many American Indians who are not at all pleased with the way these self-proclaimed representatives keep on succeeding in removing references to their martial history from sports teams since they understand - rightly so in my opinion - that teams did not call themselves "Braves" or "Chiefs" or other such names because they thought American Indians were a bunch of sissies - they took these names because they wanted to catch some of the shine of the reputation for martial prowess American Indians had.

I'm a Dutchman. It has come to my ears that Americans often abuse the term "Dutch" to indicate (perceived) negatives:

- Dutch courage: liquid courage, bravery only due to intoxication

- Dutch treat/Going Dutch: everyone pays their own expenses

- Dutch Uncle: a besserwisser giving "stern but well-meaning" advice

- Double Dutch/High Dutch: unintelligible speech

I could claim to represent all Dutchmen and -women and demand that these terms be replaced with others not referring to my nationality even though I know this is the wrong place to complain about this, but hey, you need to start the conversation somewhere!.

I won't do so because a) I don't care and b) I do not represent anyone else but myself.

FYI, from what I understand the use of "dutch" in this way comes from the Anglo-Dutch wars: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_courage

Knowing this does not make the insult any less (or more) than knowing the origin of the name "Indian", this being silly Columbus thinking he'd found the long-sought passage to the east.

Nay, repent I say, the name of my fellow countrymen has been dragged through the mud long enough.

I wasn't trying to justify it, just letting you know the background, hence why I said "FYI". I'm half Dutch and it annoys me too.

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