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Ask HN: join live courtroom strategy discord and stream?
6 points by anindha on May 3, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I have been taken to court by my former employer. They have engaged, it seems, a high cost legal team. I have no means to engage my own legal team.

The legal system is overly complex and archaic. Even to file a few documents with the court requires days of work to just understand the process.

I was given just over 24 hours to prepare for my court hearing, and I believe this puts me at severe disadvantage.

My idea is to crowdsource my legal advice. I will be representing myself but I have created a Discord server to get advice from the community.

Whilst I am in court I will check the Discord server to get advice. The court hearing will be on an open video conference link so anyone can join and observe.

I am also asking the founders of Harvey AI, DoNotPay and OpenAI to consider assisting in my efforts. If you can introduce me to anyone there please let me know.

Please email anindha@gmail.com and I will send you a Docusign to confirm that you are on my legal team and you will need to confirm that you will not share information from the Discord server with anyone else, especially the other party.

I am based in Australia.

Anindha Parthy anindha@gmail.com

Can you post the link to the hearing

Eh no...

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