The title should probably say (2014) because that was the last commit and it says that the code is no longer maintained.
That said, probably maintenance is not needed. I am not aware that anything in that field has changed for a long time.
It's good news for me that this exists on the command line just out of my distro's repo. I don't need such calculations every week. When I did I just did a search and used whatever online tool came up. Sometimes the hits are good, sometimes they are crappy pages full of ads and/or poor functionality. It has also happened (not necessarily related to netmask calculation ) that some random online tool has provided wrong results.
> That said, probably maintenance is not needed. I am not aware that anything in that field has changed for a long time.
To point out the bleeding obvious, it's not necessarily about the subject matter changing, but the technical environment. Systems change, libraries change with them, leading to potential compilation issues amongst other things.
This is aptly demonstrated by emagii/sipcalc[1], which although no longer maintained itself since 2017 was "sipcalc-1.1.6 updated for cross-compilation, fix warnings".
A quick search on Github eventually reveals troglobit/netcalc[2] as the current maintained clone of sipcalc.
> Systems change, libraries change with them, leading to potential compilation issues amongst other things.
This project is
* Written in C
* Small
* Built with './configure && make'
Maintenance is almost certainly never going to be needed for this guy. It was done in 2014. Indeed, I just built it on my "bleeding-edge" Gentoo box and it runs just fine.
Good tool, does what it says on the tin and being command line driven means you can pass in a list of IPs and parse the results. Passing IPv6 addresses via pipe threw errors for me but xargs was an easy workaround.
Normally I’d use the subnet calculator on MXToolbox’s website for convenience but it doesn’t support IPv6.
That said, probably maintenance is not needed. I am not aware that anything in that field has changed for a long time.
It's good news for me that this exists on the command line just out of my distro's repo. I don't need such calculations every week. When I did I just did a search and used whatever online tool came up. Sometimes the hits are good, sometimes they are crappy pages full of ads and/or poor functionality. It has also happened (not necessarily related to netmask calculation ) that some random online tool has provided wrong results.