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Floating/Virtual IPs are one networking solution for HA. With Corosync/Pacemaker a cluster of hosts can decide how the ips are then assigned to physical hosts. CARP maybe/probably can do the same. I just googled and apparently there is also some IPVS/LVS project for Linux for HA loadbalancing?

This brought to mind the OpenBSD 3.5 release song https://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html#35

  VRRP, philosophically,
  must ipso facto standard be
  But standard it
  needs to be free
  the IETF
  you see?
  But can VRRP
  be said to be
  or not to be
  a standard, see,
  when VRRP can not be free,
  due to some Cisco patentry..

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