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do you have an example of other source trademark documents ? This one seems different from the one i have seen in the past

For example, this section mandating how a rust conference should be held :

> would expect events and conferences using the Marks to be non-profit-making, focused on discussion of, and education on, Rust software, prohibit the carrying of firearms, comply with local health regulations, and have a robust Code of Conduct.

I am totally for good firearm regulation, and resposible health behavior but can't remember anoter open source trademark document going this far (happy to be corrected though)

The python one has similar language though is a little more permissive and doesn’t go into as much depth as the rust one. The feedback the rust foundation is asking for is working as intended and they’re correcting some of their wording accordingly.


That specific line you mention is with regards to conferences that use Rust in their name.

So if HandmadeCon or GDC had a rust session, that would be fine because it’s not the focus of the conference. But if they called it Rust GameDev Conference , they’d need to abide by the usage rules.

This is to protect from negative associations with the rust brand. After all, you don’t want rust being associated with a mass shooting event or a stampede etc…

> This is to protect from negative associations with the rust brand. After all, you don’t want rust being associated with a mass shooting event or a stampede etc…

So we exclude people who have strong feeling about carrying firearms?

if you feel the need to carry firearms to a programming convention, then yeah I’m okay excluding them.

Many events, including the NRAs own events, prohibit the carrying of firearms in part or in full. This is normal.


Dude, c'mon. :(

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