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Ask HN: Postdoc Salary in the US
2 points by sarah_eu on March 27, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
I had a look at Nature job ads, and I see a big gap between the salaries I read about on Hacker News for your run-of-the-mill software engineer with a CS degree (eg. $100K average / (or even starting)), and a scientist with a PhD working a postdoctoral position. For instance, this advert [1] for a postdoc with a PhD in a quantitative science has an upper salary limit of $63K. Is this salary range typical for a postdoc in the US?

[1] https://www.nature.com/naturecareers/job/12796152/postdoctoral-associate/

Yes. It used to be worse. Much worse. Postdocs are expected to apply for research grants from which they can supplement their income.

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