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Barebones project to get an Inkplate 10 using WiFi, HTTPS using the Arduino IDE (jgc.org)
47 points by jgrahamc on March 25, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

The Inkplate platform is really neat. Sorry to see they shipped yours without the MCP23017. I used one of those pins for my project:


But probably some of the GPIO pins on the ESP32 are usable (unless they're reserved for the touch pad buttons on the front, I can't remember).

Cool project. Thanks for sharing.

Has anyone figured out how to make Inkplate10 function as regular display?

I'm not clever enough to make it work, but I'm assuming its something to do with peripheral mode

Please let me know should you stumble over some useful resources! I'm interested in this too. Sorry I don't have anything more to add.

What do you mean by “regular display”?

As in, turn an inkplate10 into a secondary (or even primary) display for something like a raspberry pi.

I want to make an eink writing machine, something like a freewrite but not costing $500.

Your best bet is going to be to get one of these: https://www.waveshare.com/product/displays/e-paper/epaper-1....

and then find an rasp pi project that makes it work similar to freewrite

however you can also do this just fine with the inkplate, just program the arduino itself to have type-writer like behavior

i'd recommend researching to understand the display refresh rates and how well it'd work for something like adding a single character

this video on the inkplate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVBetVqX_84

suggests there's a way to hook it up to a rasp pi, and that there may already be a demo project in the arduino library for typerwriter functionality. i'd recommend downloading their library and see what all it already includes

The Inkplate 10 is great. I haven’t gotten a lot done other than toy stuff, but so far it’s been a mostly good experience.

Another nice entry point is micropython. Some of the getting started stuff has gaps but overall nice and simple if you’re more comfortable in Python. Major libraries have ports so it mostly is an easy dive in.

Before you get too far, you may want to consider PlatformIO. It's a bit more involved to start than the Arduino IDE, but it includes a file where the hardware and library dependencies are specified. So if you want to develop on a second machine, you can just check out and go, etc.

Yeah. I know about PlatformIO. I'm pretty agnostic about languages and tooling TBH. I've used Arduino, AdaFruit things, Raspberry PIs, ESP8266, ESP32, ATTINY84, esptool, luatool, avrdude, you name it. Python, Lua, C, C++. Whatever gives me path of least resistance. Sometimes a Makefile, sometimes an IDE.


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