| | Ask HN: Went Back to School – Financing Fell Through | |
6 points by MouseInTheHouse on March 24, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
| | I was a Senior Software Engineer (iOS) at a Silicon Valley startup and returned to school to finish my bachelor's degree at an Ivy League school. I wasn't forced, and I gave my previous employer a year's notice that I was leaving for school. So right now, I'm having trouble getting approved for a student loan. I need to work, but I am having issues gaining traction in the job market. Any suggestions? I did freelance work while in school, so I have kept my skills up. I have seven years of experience with iOS, but that doesn't seem to be enough in the current climate. I missed out on the crazy salary inflation of 2021, so I'm not expecting more than I was earning. How do I put this across to hiring manager without seeming desperate to the point where I hurt my chances? |
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