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Baidu Ernie writes poems, says it has insufficient information on Xi, tests show (reuters.com)
37 points by rntn on March 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

The more locked down these models are, the slower their development will accelerate. Imagine trying to build MOSFETs but being banned from using them in violent or sexually inappropriate use cases. No missile guidance or porn allowed on this silicon!

>No missile guidance or porn allowed on this silicon!

Not exactly silicon, but Microchip (at least used to) require you fill in a paper ITAR form for their encryption libraries, stating you weren't making missile guidance systems amongst other things.

The iTunes EULA also had (has?) a section on that.


There’s actually pretty strong laws about manufacturing munitions without the government’s blessing.

Somehow it’s more demeaning when tech companies self-censor themselves. Case in point - Midjourney.

“As a LLM, they’ll kill me if I do.”

More likely "they will re-educate me", heh

"Retrain me" with increased amounts of cultural revolution reference material but purging any capitalist and decadent imperial references.

Well duh they want it to be unbiased. /s

Has it been jailbroken? As is often the case, there's not much English info on such attempts.

I figure this is the biggest question but if you can jailbreak it you might betting yourself in hot water assuming mainland only access..

When Ernie met Pooh.

"A paddywagon is now speeding to your home."

There must be a way to trick it into turning against Xi...

The censorship machine kept up w/ social media but will it with AI?

Microsoft's new Bing refused to wax lyrical about Trump and Biden, as creative content for such 'influential' politicians could be seen as 'biased or disrespectful' https://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-bing-refused-posit...

Biased AI? ChatGPT Will Write Poem Admiring Biden, but Not Trump https://www.allsides.com/blog/chatgpt-biden-trump-poem-admir...

ChatGPT goes woke! AI sensation is accused of having a left-wing bias after refusing to praise Donald Trump, tell a joke about women or argue in favour of fossil fuels https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-11726579/Cha...

There is, as yet, no human society without its own sacred cows. (Or, rather, "norms for public discourse.")

In China, you don't publicly criticize the Communist Party of China or Xi Jinping himself -- not unless you've got very good reason, and perhaps even then.

In the West, you don't publicly criticize... well... let's not go there.

Point is: Ernie being locked-down in this manner is absolutely normal, not unusual or aberrant.

In the West, pedophilia.

Are you saying pedophilia is allowed in China? Anything that is allowed in China but not in the West?

I did not get the sense that was what they were saying at all. Only that there are certainly sacred cows we are not allowed to speak of; I may add that several of them are extremely rapid and recent additions.

Democracy, complex causality, etc.

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