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Show HN: Micro – Platform APIs built for developers (micro.dev)
7 points by asim on March 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite
Hey all,

Just reposting after about a year since the last time I shared. Micro is a platform for API development. It combines a lot of the core primitives you'd expect from a cloud platform as a single logical server. The closest equivalent is Dapr.io. It bakes in the concept of environments, source to running builds and a framework for Go development.

It's useful where you want to write backend services in Go and expose them through a single API (also included in Micro).

We once wrote about "Netlify for the frontend, Micro for the backend" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25068782 which went down well on HN. From a purely open source perspective my goal is to continue to evolve Micro as a community led effort, whereas previously I was trying to push for VC funding and building a product (been there, done that with M3O.com powered by Micro).

By sharing this I'm hoping to just shine a light on the upcoming trend of platform engineering and the need for platform APIs as part of the offering.

If this doesn't go down well, I'll write a more thoughtful blog post on platform APIs and how Micro/Dapr play a role in that.

Edit: wrote the blog post https://micro.dev/blog/2023/03/20/platform-apis

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