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Ask HN: Best examples of software documentation that you've come across?
103 points by nickgut0711 on Feb 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 96 comments
Hi all. I'm currently trying to revamp the software documentation of a library that I'm trying to build. I would like to see examples of documentation that allows you to easily find the information you need. Thanks!

Postgresql, hands down. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/

And they do a great job of keeping docs for older versions available. They're on version 15 and they have back to 7.2 available.

If I can't figure out how something works in another DBMS, I usually read the comparable postgresql docs to get a good overview, and then go and re-read the docs for what I'm actually using to fill in the implementation-specific bits.

Drew Devault has written about how good even their commit messages are - https://drewdevault.com/2021/08/05/In-praise-of-Postgres.htm....

These are god tier docs.

When using mysql i search for postgresql docs, because mysql docs sucks, good thing they implement same sql standard on most parts.


King of documentation I'd say.

I almost treat it as the damn specification!

I'd cite the Django python web framework as one of the best documented projects I came across (and one the the reasons of its success):


Me too. I am currently forced (or at least heavily encouraged) to use ASP.NET, and while you could say its documentation is even more detailed, certainly not less, it lacks the clarity and "getting-shit-doneness" (TM). Somehow I find it harder to find what I'm looking for. And a few times I've been asking on discord channels and people wouldn't know either or only with asking multiple times like "come on, there has to be an easier way...". I didn't want to say "I know because Django has an easier way...".

Was about to post this myself. Django's documentation is fantastic, is strongly inter-linked and references other parts of the documentation throughout helping to build a stronger overall understanding. It also has all sorts of tips and tricks throughout which are almost always helpful.

Arch Linux: https://wiki.archlinux.org/

There are great examples of top-down authored docs in this thread, but Arch's docs manage to be comprehensive while being largely community contributed. Odds are if I have a question about any Linux distribution, I can find an answer for it in Arch's docs. As a result, they also often have considerable localization.

that documentation made me fall in love with linux

Emacs has amazing documentation.

You can ask what a specific shortcut key does, you can ask what a specific lisp function does. Everything is linked together (so you can get from the shortcut to the function and vice versa) -- there's a direct link into code/implementation so you can traverse various levels of abstractions.

When I contributed a module to melpa last year, the biggest back and forth was about documentation and description of what everything does.

The doc system makes Emacs a joy to use and really makes it a stand out.

The Emacs info manual is also a gem. And the Emacs info mode is my favourite document viewer, which makes for a nice experience all around.

Interesting idea: Four Quadrants of Documentation


The idea is that there are four different goals that should be accomplished independently.

More directly from https://diataxis.fr/. The person who came up with this worked at Divio; Diataxis is the canonical name for this framework!

I haven't seen this before, but it rings true. Nice conceptual framework.

What a great resource and concept. Thanks for sharing

Pro Git: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2

The Rust Programming Language: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ (the Rust standard library also has very comprehensive documentation)

Cocoa architecture: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Co...

Python: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html (also pretty good standard library docs)

Scheme R5RS: https://standards.scheme.org/official/r5rs.pdf

Racket: https://docs.racket-lang.org/

SQLite: https://www.sqlite.org/docs.html

FreeBSD: https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/

Wow! The last 4 would have been my entire list. I'm unfamiliar with the first four, but given the end of your list, I have to imagine we have really similar opinions about documentation. I'll definitely keep that git book in mind should I ever want to learn more about git.

Microsoft Developer documentation is imho best in class. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/docs/

Point in case https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.linq.enu...

Unfortunately the quality of the docs varies a lot. Most COM APIs are empty (i.e. their doc page contain only the functions signatures, with no description or explanation), while .NET is really well documented

true, but when they are good, they are some of the best I have seen.


Redis command docs are excellent and you can try the commands on the site itself!

Also love that they include the availability by version and the time complexity and tag the commands such as @slow for potentially slow commands, etc.

Also, the redis source itself. You know when they say “the code should be its own documentation”? Redis is a prime example of that (plus it has many good actual comments too).

And not only that, you also can just run:

    git clone ${REPO_URL} redis && cd redis && make
... and it will just work. Few projects are that pleasant to build.

I do wish they had more examples though.

An interesting perspective is most of the suggested docs were written in the last couple years, at most.

I think you'd benefit by finding retrocomputer people and asking them about docs they've seen to find the best technical writing of the century.

I don't have a short list of IBM Mainframe docs, but those are probably "the best documentation money could create" in the 50s-70s.

Easily second best would be the DEC TOPS-10 Software Notebook Series which in my experience was a set of 20 binders and in one shelf it contained all you need to run a major 80s minicomputer operating system including apps.

What 80s DEC documentation did VERY well, was every doc was planned out intelligently and in detail by actual users to make sense to a professional sysadmin on the job. Unlike "sales/marketing" driven docs, the software notebook series TRULY understood its audience of professional sysadmins. I also feel that 80s DEC documentation had the best intros in technical writing I've ever seen. Intros are underrated and the author(s) need to make a "contract" with their reader before throwing detail at them. Take for example, volume 6 or so of the dec-10 software notebook series which has the ALGOL programmers's reference guide with the best intro ever. "This is where you start" should be the most carefully designed and written chapter of the docs, not a filler chapter. In summary, don't skimp on outline and don't skimp on writing a real intro.

Personally I like some of the Tandy/Radio Shack Z-80 manuals. Perhaps the extended basic manual for the model III, or the 6809 assembly book they resold are the pinnacle of late last century technical writing for a more general audience.

Retrocomputing is a fun hobby that extends far beyond technical writing critique, obviously.

I agree with you, but let's be honest, if you aren't already well exposed to that world then those docs are going to scare the shit out of you. They definitely are not "easy reads". The extent to which you are looking for something reference like and intensely technical vs. something to ease you into a new stack will determine whether you appreciate IBMs mainframe docs. They definitely don't fit the mold of what most people expect from documentation nowadays though.

If anybody wants to see what they look like, type IBM zOS v2r5 indexed collection into Google (the most recent batch of docs). I don't really have any one in particular that I would recommend starting with, because none of it is going to make much sense if you are new to that world.

The ABCs of Systems Programming Redbooks are probably a better introduction than the main documentation, although those volumes are a little bit more out of date.

> which in my experience was a set of 20 binders

They came in binders because, regularly, you’d receive a packet of new pages, sometimes a few, sometimes tens or even hundreds, with instructions on where to insert them in the binders and what pages to discard.

git pull is a tiny bit easier ;-)

I agree with this. The Postgresql docs are adequate--not outstanding, just adequate--by the standards of the mainframe and minicomputer manuals of those days. Nothing else today even comes close[1]. There are so many things you just have to try.

1. OpenBSD makes a good attempt, but the project is under-resourced.

The Stripe docs are the gold standard on API documentation:


I would second this. Having interactive examples alongside the documentation (in multiple languages nonetheless) was something that stood out to me the first time I had to read the Stripe docs some years ago.

Vim hasn't been mentioned. It's right in the program. It's got a tutorial, a userguide, a reference manual. Stuff is hyperlinked. Follow link with Ctrl-] or double-click, go back with Ctrl-t. You can seek help on specific things like options (:h 'ai'), commands (:h :s), normal mode commands (:h w), insert mode keybindings (:h i_ctrl-r), command mode keybindings (:h c_ctrl-f), vimscript functions (:h getline()), etc.

The text itself is also well written. It's clear and doesn't feel lacking in detail.

Matlab has great docs. Lots of examples and just the right amount of detail.

As an example, here's the doc for the backslash operator that solves a linear system: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/mldivide.html

Matlab's focus on examples really shines. It's how people actually want to use docs: let me copy and paste something that works and then iterate from there.

Mathematica as well.

I found the Tailwind docs to be a surprisingly good resource for learning CSS itself.

Tailwind definitely has the most beautiful docs I've seen.

Oh god yes, my all time favourite. Everythign has a demo.

MongoDB. I'm not a fan or user of MongoDB, but their documentation is just stellar.

They have a damn good documentation group, largely because they hire a lot of engineers and teach them the writing bits on the job. I find documentation quality is often directly correlated to the technical understanding of the writer. To write good docs, you need to understand how to write well, of course. But you also have to beta test a lot of (undocumented!) features and become an expert in extracting information from code and engineers.

The beta testing and information extraction parts of that are damn near impossible without engineering experience.

That certainly explains alot.

An indirect answer, here are the components of good docs I think about:

1. Reference docs that describe the behavior of the thing and the API

2. Example code and tutorials that show you how to use the thing

3. Architecture docs that describe how the thing works at a high level and how you integrate it into your system

4. Operational docs to tell you how to run the thing in production with backups, monitoring, debugging, and scaling

5. FAQ and anything else

Lots of docs tend to focus on only a few of these. But you've got really great docs when you bring these all together.

ZMQ has fabulous documentation: https://zeromq.org/get-started/

is zeromq still relevant? https://github.com/nanomsg/nng

Oooh, not seen that, but no Ruby bindings?

Damn we need nodejs bindings

this one

Please excuse the self-promotion, but I made some documentation that includes interactive explanations that I think is really good:


The interactivity really lets you play around with the library to understand how it works and sharpen your knowledge by testing edge cases.

Easily MATLAB. MathWorks has a very dedicated and talented technical writing team.

While it's not an example of documentation per se (though it does follow its own recommendations), I'd highly suggest looking at Diátaxis (https://diataxis.fr/). It gives you a logical framework for organising your documentation in terms of the use cases.

Plaid is pretty good. I got an INVALID_FIELD error yesterday and was happy to see a clear message along with the hyperlink in the error object.

1. https://plaid.com/docs/errors/invalid-request/#invalid_field

Elasticsearch documentation has impressed me every time I've revisited it over the last decade.

The Elasticsearch Guide:


Besides the obvious (Stripe), WorkOS treats their docs as a product and is probably my all time favorite (just look at their arrow key shortcuts).

WorkOS: https://workos.com/docs

Twingate: https://www.twingate.com/docs/

Railway: https://docs.railway.app/

Planetscale: https://planetscale.com/

Evervault: https://docs.evervault.com/

Mintlify is also the best alternative to ReadMe or GitBook that I've found.

Wolfram Mathematica https://reference.wolfram.com/language/

Say what you want about the product, but the documentation is certainly top-notch.

The Perl man pages are extensive and outstanding. I was doing Perl at a customer site without an internet connection and they were a life-saver.


I have mixed feelings about Perl. The documentation tends to be in a style that prevents quickly scanning it. Instead you have to read dense text to make sense of things. For example: https://perldoc.perl.org/IPC::Open3

If you want to quickly figure out what the parameters for open3 are doing, you are forced to read through the description. It reads like a casual conversation someone is having with you, lecturing you about the function, dropping some important information here and there without any clear direction.

Vaultwarden - I like how they explain things completely on their wiki: https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden/wiki

I like GNU documentation (texinfo): reading those both as info manuals (usually in Emacs) and as HTML (in a web browser). Nice search and convenient navigation in an info viewer, available (and convenient) both offline and online, hyperlinks, HTML versions don't rely on JS (and do try to stay compatible with ancient web browsers), and it's rather generic (not language-specific).

Edit: I think pretty much all the GNU documentation (and most of texinfo documentation) I saw was nice, but as particular and common examples, there are manuals for Emacs and Elisp, GNU libc, coreutils, bash.

Marqeta’s documentation is really good for describing highly complex payment topics.

Additionally the way they structured their API responses is brilliant. The API response data structures are deeply nested which means you have to perform less API calls to get related data (which often occurs with payments data).


The Matrix Client-Server API you can test with your home server right in the browser: https://matrix.org/docs/api/#overview

The new SvelteKit docs: https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/introduction

Slack: https://api.slack.com/docs

In addition to being thorough, it has personality.

I’ll second this one. They don’t try to be cute or too funny, it’s just written in a casual tone. My only (fairly minor) problem is that it’s not always clear where to start. Once I’m in the right general place, I’m pulled along really well but, because there is so much that’s possible, it feels like they need a better overall getting started place.

Still, grade A work over there on docs!

Literally came here to say this. Great docs.

TIE Fighter came with a novella that was a great read and included how to operate a TIE Fighter in the story. I loved it.


SimEarth had a spiral bound 200+ page manual that went in to great detail, and was also a joy to read.

To me, OpenBSD FAQ:


and OpenBSD man pages


Kubernetes for sure. When anyone asks for a good place to get started with understanding k8s - I tell them the docs should be all you need, then go get hands on.

The stuff is world class.

It's more of a knowledge base, but I get frequent compliments for my project's documentation: https://onlineornot.com/docs/welcome

Not a library, but Discord API is very well structured: https://discord.com/developers/docs/intro

quite annoying that the bottom of the pages don't contain a "next topic" link like in most docs.

Wolfram Language Documentation http://reference.wolfram.com/

I use it for Mathematica. Its notebooks are full of editable examples.

I'll nominate R because the documentation is baked into the language. In Python I always need to lookup docs on the web whereas in R I've got everything I need right in front of me.

No one mentioned the Pandas and NumPy yet?

They have the best documentation that I have come across and come to rely on.

They are extremely well written, and contains examples for each method.

I really like them.

The Rust language in general. Half the time you don't even need to go to the documentation, the compiler hands you relevant chunks.

FastAPI! It shows the thinking and development process with diffs, going through each task.

(There are other projects with better «reference style» docs)

Django, Postgresql and Matlab. All three have been quoted down below.

I'll start off with the worst one: React.

I often found the React documentation helpful. React can be different things to different people, so I guess it's ok for the "primary" documentation to focus on reference and guiding principles and leave the more practical guidance to secondary venues.

What about the meta question: what software can we use to build docs like these examples?

You won't find many common threads there. No tool (yet) designs an effective information architecture, consistent style, audience awareness, or comprehensive topic coverage. Those all have to come from the contributors.

Aside from providing a front end for viewing and maybe editing, docs publishing tools mostly help make that content more accessible, provide some search and versioning functionality, ease some maintenance tasks, provide static publishing options like PDFs, and handle asset management. Maybe you get luxurious and have an authoring/reviewing/publishing workflow from a headless CMS, but most shops these days just try to bend a software issue-tracking system into doing that.

I figured anything that has a scenario section should be really good.

From decades ago, IBM’s API documentation for OS/2.

The old defunct Gentoo docs from mid-late 2000s :(

I'm sorry but the worst has to be redux

A lot of Google documentation I find hard to follow. Partly the material design styling. Partly that it is very focused on what and not why/how.

FreeBSD docs are my go-to example

Its not docs - but the "Awk programming lanugage" book it hands down the best book on any language ever. EVER!!!!

A monthly question, I think.

Arch Linux, SQLite

some legends say code should speak itself


It provides multiple layers of documentation along multiple dimensions.

Say you're an end-user. Where do you start? Maybe you read the tour on the webpage. Maybe you watch one of the countless videos. The first time you open Emacs, your cursor is on a link to the tutorial. The tutorial is interactive and allows you to save and continue later. The system sets you up for success in learning.

The tutorial leads you to the manual, written in Texinfo which is published in multiple formats. Within Emacs, you can use the info browser (you can access the same from the terminal outside of Emacs) to search and navigate the documentation. All manuals and references are also published to Html (as single page to facilitate searching terms across sections), as well as PDF and bound paper copies (available from the FSF). There is no single interface to the documentation. The interface can be a web browser, the info browser, your thumb on a physical page, etc.

Info/texinfo is amazing. Documentation is indexed. This allows you to search for terms, as well as section headers and keywords. If a term doesn't appear explicitly within the text or within your current document, it may be included as an index. What would fail in the pdf or html is found this way. You can search across documents (for example, the user manual vs. the programming reference). The apropos function even compiles search results as a table of contents.

Navigation of the documentation is robust. Forward, backward, up, down, top. Within Emacs, this is even better. There are lookups for functions, variables, and symbols. Lookups within the various documents (manual, reference, do strings, etc) is quick and integrated. Because the cost/pain of lookup is low, as well as terms indexed, separate documents feel like one.

Each function and variable has a quick-to-access docstring. The docstring may include links to other useful features or reference to other documentation. Documentation always has a link to the source code.

A lot of what I've said addresses the interface to the documentation. It's also important to consider the use-cases for the documentation and its intended audience. There are tutorials to introduce high level concepts (assuming zero prior knowledge), there are references for in-depth explanation of component details, there are docstrings to explain specific functionality, and there is the source code, two clicks away and able to modified immediately. When pictures are helpful, they're there. Manuals include examples, offset from the main text.

There are clear, published guidelines for how to write documentation. I've found those generally helpful.

There are mailing lists which are excellent documentation. The rules for participating, such as avoiding top posting and organizing topics in threads, aid comprehension and accessibility. The mailing list documents why decisions are made. They document the history of an idea.

If you've ever wondered why some people are fanatical about Emacs, an underlying reason is that information about it is really easy to get at and is accessible.

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