Recently, I saw Github Next Code Brushes ( which is a VSCode extension that can use AI to do things like make your code more readable, add types, etc.
This inspired me: what if there was an extension that could use AI to make your code worse as well?
Meet Spaghettify. An extension I developed that can do things like:
- Obscure your code
- Introduce a bug
- Make the variable names way too descriptive
- Use nonsymmetrical whitespace
- Add irrelevant/rambling comments
- Document the code with emoji
- Document the code in any style (Dirty Limerick, Fast Talkin' 1930s Gangster)
I built this extension over the last couple of days and released it in collaboration with It's available on the VSCode Marketplace, you will need an OpenAI API Key to use it. You can grab it here:
Code here: