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Is that germane? "[A] decision of the United States Supreme Court rejecting the First Amendment right of prisoners to provide legal assistance to other prisoners."

She was sentenced but not yet a prisoner, etc.

And still had her free speech rights. Now she doesn't.

There was nothing illegal about incarcerating her sooner rather than later (this is not commentary on the justness or lack thereof of her sentence).

If one says "fuck you" to the judge, instead of "thank you," one is more likely to hear "well, fuck you," back.

But she didn't say "fuck you" to the judge. She recognized that the judge had been lenient and was thankful:

"I know it is ridiculous that I'm going away at all... I know, and I know that there is a huge inclination to hate on the judge for giving me such a sentence, but know this, probably any other judge on that bench would have given me what the government asked for... because they are the motherfuckin' government, and could do whatever they want. He gave me less than half of what the government wanted and though it is harsh... we are file sharers ffs... I can do 22 months on my motherfuckin head. In fact for the first time in years, I can probably not dread the first of the month coming around. I'll drop a couple of pounds, pick up another degree or something, and make 17 cents an hour making license plates. //care. Fuck a landlord." http://www.ninjavideoforum.net/showthread.php?20347-My-quot-...

What, you want she should have no personality? That's how she got so loved (and hated) in the first place. That website got 6 million eyeballs a month.

I posted her actual letter to the judge here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3464862

This. Judges have almost unlimited power in the US, and it's just not very smart to spout off like that.

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