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Was this Brazilian major app bypassing Apple's location privacy on iOS? (notes.ghed.in)
31 points by lastofthemojito on Feb 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Ive seen this happen a few times lately, but it was occurring on an app that I was actively developing. It was perplexing because I knew the app wasn’t actually polling for location. It didn’t even have background location capabilities; I could attach a debugger and confirm.

Only by resetting the device could I clear the system location alarm. I can eventually reproduce the issue again after a few force quits of the app.

It’s a UI bug in iOS. The app was unlikely doing anything malicious.

I had it with an application I uninstalled (Paycor Scheduling) still supposedly claiming it was grabbing location even though the .app was fully removed from my device. I also had to restart it to clear that notification.

I sure hope they were, otherwise this is straight up libel.

The post says it went away after restarting his phone, and he hasn’t seen it since.

In what way is this libel, exactly? Can you detail support for your position?

IANAL, but I seem to recall that, in order for something to be libel, the party providing the misinformation has to reasonably believe that the information is incorrect; having a reasonable belief that what one is saying is true isn't libel. iOS shows a message saying an app without location permission is accessing permission, someone reports that thing happened, it's not libel.

Not only that. This is about a Brazilian app that only works in Brazil. There are similar concepts in Brazilian law but it certainly doesn't use whatever way US define libel.

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