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as a keepass user, i cannot be more happy.

contrary to popular belief, maintaining a file synchronized is not difficult.

This "breach" is just as good as assuming google or apple or any other bitwarden or any other cloud password manager is broken because they all work in the same way "we promise to keep it secure". this is different from storing a keepass file on the same google cloud because an attacker has to break into your cloud login first, then hope to find your keepass file. Then try to break that file.

as opposed to breaking into your google account and seeing the passwords or by breaking into bitwarden or 1password or something else.

if someone has a login to 1password of 10 people, there is good reason to assume there will be passwords stored.

I was a long time keepass user but moved to Bitwarden. My problem with keepass is the low quality and often poorly supported closed source clients that you get on mobile.

i dont know about you but i have been using keepassdroid and another client from F-droid for years now..... maybe this was because as you said " low quality and often poorly supported closed source clients"...

Strongbox works great for me on iOS and macOS.

Me too. Yes I paid for it. Yes it works extremely well.

The occasional times I haven't been able to log into my bank because I was on a computer that didn't have my kdbx file, or the small worry I have of keeping it up to date in multiple places while transitioning my main system.. are no bother compared to constant worry that someone might have my logins because of some security breech.. That said I just give apple everything when on that echosystem. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯.

Keepass2Android is excellent if you have an Android phone. You can use that with Syncthing to synchronise files, and InputStick to emulate a keyboard over Bluetooth if you're using a non-personal computer.

I've had good luck with KeepassXC. For an android client I use KeepassDX

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