I'm sorry, but this seems to be a string of letters and symbols without a clear meaning or context. Can you provide more information or clarify what you're looking for assistance with?
Copy and paste the out into the browser console and assign it to a variable called `qr`. Then run the following code to generate and display the string in the viewer:
(function(qr) {
let start = ' L L L L K L L L L K'
let draw = val => {$('.names').value = val; main() };
let decode = val => val.replaceAll('d','a ').replaceAll('r',' a ').replaceAll('u',' a ').replaceAll('l',' a');
let size = 4
let on = (s) => {
let ret = ''
let line = 'r'.repeat(s-1)+'l'.repeat(s-1)
for (let i=0; i<s-1; i++) ret += line + 'd';
ret += line
ret += 'u'.repeat(s-1)
return ret
let right_cell = (s) => 'r'.repeat(s)
let left_cell = (s) => 'l'.repeat(s)
let down_cell = (s) => 'd'.repeat(s)
// draw(decode(on(3)+next_cell(3)+on(3)+next_cell(3)+next_cell(3)+on(3)+next_cell(3)))
let str = start
for (line of qr) {
for (val of line) {
str += val ? (on(size) + right_cell(size)) : right_cell(size)
console.debug(`A ${left_cell(size).repeat(line.length)}, ${size}, ${line.length} line ${line}`)
str += left_cell(size).repeat(line.length)
str += down_cell(size)
What was your motivation for the following function?
function rotateLine(position) {
if (position < halfabet) {
context.rotate((-90 \* Math.PI) / 180);
} else if (position > halfabet) {
context.rotate((90 \* Math.PI) / 180);
} else if (position === halfabet) {
context.rotate((180 \* Math.PI) / 180);
I'm sure you have your reasons, but when I was writing the alphabet to make a spiral I found the rotation reverse on me at 'n' which is where the other cases of rotateline() kick in. Why isn't this function just:
function rotateLine(position) {
context.rotate((-90 \* Math.PI) / 180);
Is it because it creates uninteresting results for actual names? Everyone just becomes spiral variations?
Update: wow I did not expect this response, I am so happy that people are enjoying Names! I have gathered some ideas for new features and improvements from the comments, I will see if I can implement them.
I'm impressed by the responses here. I wonder if it's possible to write something in plain language that can be read, which is also represented by the image it generates.
An attempt:
pick a card, any card. pick a card, any card. pick a card, any card. pick a card, any card.
Yeah, some people in the comments got really creative but it would definitely be nice if sharing it would be easier. I might also add a download as png button at the bottom of the canvas. (Can already be done by right clicking but thats not very user friendly)
i.e., `.` changes direction. Once you get to `z` you can continue appending additional `z`s to keep it going. I quit making the spiral here cos I realized the top comment is also a spiral, although theirs is in the other direction.
I wondered what word would represent a square and did a quick guess with otto (a German name), which was actually very close (after investigating a bit more I'm even more surprised).
Not a word, but "zzzz", or any four character repetition makes a perfect square. So now the previous comments that generate almost-squares make sense to me. It all clicked a little late for me :)
Repeating a string 4 times creates fun patterns with 360, 180 or 90 degree rotational symmetry (modifiable by adding spaces) which make nice looking avatars:
> hello i need help i'm trapped in a giant painting by wassily kandinsky and i can't find my way out of here what should i do?
a lot of these are very cool and artful and incredibly creative, and I mean, the QR code generator, what can I say, but I think this one is my favorite
Pasting all plain text on the discussion page here at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34470287 as of 22-01-2022 16:00Z renders Hilbert curve prominently while the rest is a Hodge podge of blocks and lines.
Like a minified code whose functions only return void. A lot of potential of creating funny programs based on named functions encoded in alphanumeric characters + some special ones. Well..we were coming from tape automata anyway, snap semantics to it!
If you mean from a drawing of lines in the exact same style to the original text prompt, i dont think so. Unless you make some program that can be given the start and endpoint of the drawing, then it could decode the length and angle of all lines from end to start. This would not allow for overlapping lines though, since multiple lines could be overlapping, but maybe that actually doesnt matter. Could be a fun experiment :)
For every letter typed a line is drawn. The length of the letter is determined by its position in the alphabet. The next line will be drawn with a rotation depending if its in the first or the second half of the alphabet. So it goes to the left is its between a and m and to the right if its between n and z. Hope that clears it up for you!
tarquinfintimlinbinwhinbustopftangftangolebiscuitbarrel quickly runs off the edge of the world. Maybe connect opposite edges to form a toroidal geometry to avoid this?