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How do I draw a pair of buttocks? (2014) (mathematica.stackexchange.com)
992 points by _Microft on Jan 5, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 187 comments

For anyone interested in drawing/sculpting with math, I would highly recommend this channel. There are some amazing things.


I second this recommendation, Inigo Quilez is amazing!

If you're interested in learning the fundamentals of some of the math he uses, I can highly recommend the CMU computer graphics course. It's free on YouTube.


The professor, Keenan Crane, puts out a ton of super interesting, high-quality research as well. His website is awesome.


IQ is the man! He’s the dev behind ShaderToy. He’s seen as somewhat of a Gandalf figure in the amateur shader dev community; some of what he produces in GLSL is light years beyond what most devs can conceptualize in a shader.

He's pretty much the GOAT of SDF art, and as such he created https://shadertoy.com if you're interested in that kind of stuff.

Was about to link the exact same thing. For context, Inigo is one of the authors of Shadertoy.

https://youtube.com/@TheArtofCodeIsCool has been my favourite so far, and he focuses on writing shaders. This seems like the next logical step thank you for sharing!

So glad someone else posted this, his shader tutorials are so good!

   ...although I have to say that it is a little bit embarrassing that my "reputation" up to now is mainly from this thread. – 
    Nov 25, 2014 at 18:19

I still can't decide if this example shows how amazing Mathematica is or something else:

    pelvisLoc = AnatomyData[Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Pelvis"], "RegionBounds"]; 
       Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Skin"]["Graphics3D"], 
       PlotRange -> pelvisLoc, 
       PlotRangePadding -> {33, 33, 19},
       ViewPoint -> {0.961, 1.62, 0.203}, 
       ViewVertical -> {0.109, 0.284, 1.202}
It certainly shows how rich of a data set mathematica has. This[1] was another such example.

1: https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/71631/upgoat-or...

Funny how it triggers all sorts of puns in the replies: "This might get me suspended from the site butt I cannot resist."

The Poasson distribution is what got me.

In German, this is actually a double pun, because Po = butt.

I assumed it was going for psoas, but popoasson would work too...

As long as it stays an exception to the rule. I would not want to see HN turn into Reddit.

You’re right, humor almost always gets flushed hereaboots. Fascinating how the fury let loose on this one. Must have been quite a bit of pressure backed up, now thankfully relieved.

I've seen plenty of tasteful and smart joke threads on here. What's not tolerated are low-effort and meme jokes.

Quote in parent comment is from OP's answers, not this HN thread.

That comment was brilliantly constructed.

Wow, great detailing on the cleftal horizon. It's interesting to see this expressed mathematically in this way.

Could you, Sir, write a mathematical formula pointing where the defendant kissed you?

> cleftal horizon

I was going to complement you on making up a term, but I googled and it is unfair a thing.

I think this is an IT Crowd reference ;-)

What better answer than drawing butts of course, to all of those students who are wondering where they would ever use sin/cos/tan in a real world application.

What a great way to draw in students and encourage them to engage with the material. “25 extra credit points to the first student who submits an algorithm for drawing a butt.”

I guess that’s how TFA came about.

That has already been done, they will need to draw something new. Plagiarism: exists

This is the 21st-century version of writing 8008135 on a digital led calculator


The other way around

“Parametric Buttocks Manipulator” is a post title for the ages.

… and the “improve butt” macro.

I feel that I should be expected to have some commentary on this post, but I’m just going to quietly admire it instead.

Related: "How to fit an Elephant" by John D. Cook (2011), https://www.johndcook.com/blog/2011/06/21/how-to-fit-an-elep...

Takes me back to the days of putting things like "function whose graph looks like Sonic the Hedgehog" into Wolfram Alpha.

Anyone know how of a good detailed book / guide / walkthrough on SVG path math? That has alluded me for a long time

Pomax's primer on splines is excellent, though it's not specific to SVG

This is way more amusing than it should be.

This clearly predated the Internet Butts as a Service paradigm shift that https://www.butts.life brought about.

I am absolutely not clicking on that link.

Fortune and Butts favor the bold!

Millions of years of evolution has resulted in the invention of machine-learning which can be used to come up with the optimal formula to solve this conundrum.

In latex its just $\omega$

He has a wife, you know.

That was hilarious

Matlab was honestly my foray into more advanced programming, coming into it with engineering. It was refreshing and so cool to see my programs visually. I do miss it.

Matlab fun fact: It was voted as the most dreaded language in the stackoverflow 2022 survey.

maybe I don't miss it that much haha, but it was cool to visualize in 3D, as this post shows.

"It's a new kind of buttocks, you know." – kirma





"Von Neumann's elephant is a problem in recreational mathematics, consisting of constructing a planar curve in the shape of an elephant from only four fixed parameters. It originated from a discussion between physicists John von Neumann and Enrico Fermi."


Most interestingly, I can't see the top answer (by mikuszefski) as anything mathematical, it just looks like body parts. Quite odd.

Tenuously related, I just realized that the bottom symbol ⊥ kinda looks like a cubist bottom.

Worm can

  ɛ  ɜ  ɝ
  థ  ద  ధ
  ᆺ  ㈆

Minimalist, not cubist

The accepted answer is awesome. This has finally shown a practical use for math!

I wish there were some boilerplate equations like this in 3D software, it's so tedious getting something even remotely realistic looking that something like this would be a great start.

POV-Ray lets you render surfaces defined by equations: https://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.0/73/

Gotta love the triple-cheeked butt (tutt? 3-butt?) in the last example.

Once you solve the n-butt, classical butt is just a special case.

Zaphod Beeblebutt

That girl from total recall more like.

Eccentrica Gallumbitz

Kind of looks like an inflamed pilonidal cyst.

Strikes me as the perfect target for a truncated 3D Fourier transform.

This twitter account has similarly mind-blowing animations using formulas.


1. Draw some circles 2. Draw the rest of the fucking buttocks

Based on this meme, in case I get downvoted for swearing: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/how-to-draw-an-owl

We know it's based on the meme. You're probably downvoted because it's played out and doesn't really apply to this specific post much.

It would perform well on reddit surely.

Hm, I didn't get downvoted as far as I saw, but thanks for the clarification. I will be sure to follow your strictures to the letter in the future :-*

It all started with cave men drawing butts on the walls using mud, now, after hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, we graph digital butts.

Impressive! How can I get so good at "finding/combining functions to provide a desired behavior"?

Step 1, draw a heart. Step 2, keep tweaking...

The top answer is really imprassive.

I just had to check that 'imprassive' wasn't a synonym for buttocks!

What about a Game Of Life drawing ?

TIL? a pair of buttocks is just one butt? So a buttocks is just one cheek? I had no idea.

Wouldn't it be a buttock?

Yes, it is, in fact, a buttock.

Pair of buttock? You mean or still pair of buttocks?

One is a buttock. Two is a pair of buttocks. Three or more is linguistically possible but physically unlikely.

It's generally "pair of <plural>".

Ok, thank you. I guess that makes sense.

It's funny how different the atmosphere is on the various stack exchanges. On many other sites that question would have been closed with the rational "Needs more focus."

Note the year. 2014 was a very different time on the internet.

I don't think it was that different on the internet per se, but SE itself was relatively young at that point and more lax with its own rules. This early period is when you also had funny answers for bad questions, like using RegEx to parse HTML.


I also recall answers solving simple problems with an overuse of jQuery. Some answers got comments "not enough jQuery".

This is something I’ve been contemplating way too much lately.

I’m 37, but I look back at the internet I don’t really remember anything feeling like an overnight paradigm shift. But, revisiting moments like this buttocks post are like relics frozen in time — and I definitely feel like things are different and more streamlined in the internet now.

The internet became a streamlined hate-filled echo chamber so slowly that I never saw it happening.

It was a slow process, usually following money; you see it in communities like Stack Overflow and even moreso Reddit, the latter of which started out as a "bastion of free speech", but after a while they started to crack down; first on hate subreddits and speech, then de-prioritizing NSFW content from /r/all (the only way to get everything without publically subscribing to porn subreddits) (and I'm sure that will be removed entirely if they want to go public).

I'm not sure what happened to SO, I can imagine their intent was to improve quality and reduce duplication - both bad for e.g. Google ratings or returning users. But the funny posts made it a living community. Removing the fun parts of a site like that makes it sterile.

I mean there's still e.g. codegolf, worldbuilding or the D&D spaces that are kinda funny sometimes.

You're overlooking the obvious answer: some people think humor itself is offensive.

I wouldn't call that "obvious".

For starters, it's incomplete. Yes, "some" people think humor itself is offensive. I would wager that there have always been some people like that, since humor itself was invented. How does that relate to what happened to Stack Overflow?

To make your answer complete, you have to connect the remaining dots, and there are multiple ways to do that. Thing is, none of those ways are "obvious".

For example, you could posit that the majority of people find humor offensive today, as opposed to 2014, but I don't see any evidence that's even true, much less obvious.

More likely, you're implying that the majority of people who have influence over Stack Overflow's tone consider the humor itself offensive. If that's obvious to you, it sure isn't to me.

It's an opinion and an open-ended discussion topic. I have my opinion, and you apparently have yours.

Are you expecting a link to a scientific study proving it, or what?

I'm not. I was just trying to find out what you're actually trying to say, instead of going against HN "most generous take" policy and assuming it's a political stance ;)

> what you're actually trying to say

.. is what I said. Why can't you just leave it at that?

Most of this thread is humorous, or trying to be. I don't see you answering every other post in it.

What made internet culture change so much after 2014?

The second Eternal September, directly related to the rise of social media, which I think was ultimately fueled by the mass adoption of smartphones.

Before, the Internet was mostly inhabited by people who wanted to do something specific, and were at least minimally invested - they had to actively use a computer to access things on-line. Nowadays, the Internet is inhabited mostly by people ready to judge you while sitting on a bus, because their phone buzzed them a notification that their friend retweeted a story about some stranger being outraged that some other stranger retweeted a link to your SE question.

I think of that more of an eternal Summer of 2007 since that's when the iPhone came out, and anecdotally the shift in society was well underway by 2010. I'm not sure we could use this to explain things are necessarily that different today than in 2014.

I am tempted to think the amount I have used social media and my smartphone has actually declined since 2014, and in the case of facebook I suppose it considerably has, but I'm not sure I haven't just replaced it with other compulsive clicks. So in that sense I must agree things have probably escalated a bit, but I can't point to a single event over the past decade to create a turning point.

I agree, 2007 is closer to the epicenter. However, I also think the shift away from social media and cell phones is rather uncommon. I have had no social media for almost a decade, but we are few and far between.

People still "have" it but it's mostly a ghost town. That's maybe a function of your friend group, but I have a feeling that younger people do not use Facebook for dating and adventure like they did in, say, 2008 (when I got an account).

Does reddit without the redesign count as social media? if not I've been off since 2011. If so, why doesn't hn count?

Not by my definition:

A main difference between {MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.} and {reddit, hn, chronological forums, etc.} is that the former heavily rely on following/friending (i.e, establishing your social network) while the latter do not. Thus, the latter are not "social media" in the sense of media existing in a social network.

Also, I find that when replying to something in the former I'm thinking about the person (I know them, in some sense) and what they said, while in the latter I'm thinking almost exclusively about what they said (I probably don't know the person). The latter lacks that social element.


We've banned this account for repeatedly breaking the site guidelines. Please don't create accounts to break HN's rules with.


No personalized feed, no "friending", no statuses, no social network.

If every forum qualifies, you're using the term so broadly that it's useless. That's what everyone else understands, which is making it seem to you like they're missing something you see. They're not.

But upvotes/downvotes, karma, and a non-chronological feed (both for submissions and for comments in threads). Those already do some damage.

> a non-chronological feed

For comments that's mostly a consequence of a tree-based commenting model, whose huge benefits over linear model more than offset any "damage" caused by it not being strictly chronological.

You are on social media right now.

Surprised I havent come across any sites that are computer-only. Seems like it would be a good natural filter.

Things got corporate.

What was once a bunch of individual sites, forums, chatrooms, etc., is now concentrated on a few companies (facebook, google, reddit,...), which are not that interested in content, but more into advertising and pleasing advertisers, and earning money, and advertisers, and ads and money, and less on their users.

This meant that everything had to be policitally correct (unless it was deemed acceptable to target a specific group), moderators got more powers, more thought bubbles and echo chambers... and now everything is going slowly downhill.


>Nearly 90% of all purchases are made by women for women and children.

Hate to be that person, but do you have a source for that claim?

According to a quick search of BLS data, single men outspent single women on food and cars, and comparable amounts on entertainment. Women spent more than men on clothing, but men outspent women overall.

[1] https://www.bls.gov/cex/tables.htm

Those numbers were from multiple business magazines not that long ago (well not as high as op above used but very high still)



> Women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence. Influence means that even when a woman isn’t paying for something herself, she is often the influence or veto vote behind someone else’s purchase.

Also this https://hbr.org/2009/09/the-female-economy

> Women make the decision in the purchases of 94% of home furnishings…92% of vacations…91% of homes… 60% of automobiles…51% of consumer electronics

Unfortunately, that survey doesn't seem like something that can be heavily relied on. For one, they only surveyed women. It's unclear if the men in the same household would give similar or different estimates. They also don't define what is meant by "influencing" a decision. When you try to go to the link to learn more about the survey methodology, the link redirects to https://breastfeeding-mom.com/ instead.

I think the BLS is probably better data.

When a comment seems ridiculous, it's usually worth looking at the posting history to see if the account should be taken seriously.

I think 2016 was a big turning point for US (and to some extent global) culture, where politics became a 24/7 spectacle for many that had been previously disengaged. I think all that energy then carried over to lots of pursuits that people didn’t take too seriously before.

The change started well before 2014 but social media mostly.

The kids grew up. It's not really the internet that changed much, but the people being active on the Internet and responsible for content and sites simply became older, more opinionated, more educated, sometimes more damaged. Society simply matured and people stopped playing around.

Humor was made illegal around 2014.

I would say it changed after 2016, the Brexit vote and Trump winning the presidency seemed to signal to the big social media companies that they needed to make changes, and this spread to many other sites too, perhaps with social momentum or perhaps simply because Google or Facebook et al can limit a site's audience if it won't act in a certain way.

"Closed as duplicate: how to draw a donut."

Topologically they are both Genus 1 surface

I mean... only if you're somehow including a mouth along with the butt... and modeling a digestive system as a tube.

The digestive system is a tube. You have a continuous hole from your mouth to anus. The human body is a meat tube.

Relevant vsauce video: https://youtu.be/egEraZP9yXQ

Never heard it called a mouth before.

Interestingly, in Hebrew it actually is called "the mouth of the ring", which if I'm not mistaken is a translation of a German phrase. But I'm at work, not comfortably confirming that right now.

Mouth is the start of the hole that ends at the anus.

where can I buy a compendium of these definitions?

And AFAIK that tube is one of the first physiological structures that forms in an embryo when it folds its two sides over.

What about nostrils?

Among people who are actually into drawing, photography etc, human body is much less of a taboo. For example, to just shoot a basic portrait pleasant enough to hang on the wall, one needs to consider subject's gender, age, body shape and skin tone - for his or her own enjoyment of your work. In the same way, I would imagine you have to first draw buttocks to eventually proceduraly draw a passable clothed person, which has many important applications in art, gaming and even education, medicine, ergonomic design...

Yeah the mathematics related SE sites seem to be very rational about mathematical problems

Or migrated to Mathematica, they obviously do that stuff there.

Judging by the comments in this thread, I can see why. The signal-to-noise here is drastically low.

I’ve not used Mathematica before, but I managed to get it twerking.

The benefit of having A BootieFull Mind.

You, sir, are a bastard.

My apologies, I didn't mean for you to Nash your teeth :/

Please keep these pointless pun threads on Reddit. HN doesn't need this taking over here too.

-- he exasperatedly exclaimed for the third time, in the middle of a serious technical conversation about drawing a pair of buttocks.

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom from butt jokes. - Thomas Jefferson

Another non-HN like comment. Please refrain.

You don't have to read every story on HN. Maybe in future you could avoid any obviously unserious ones. The word "buttocks" in the title is a good hint of what to expect.

Ahh yes the obligatory “we must never use humor here on HN” comment has arrived.

Other discussion sites that have a "vote to the top" system similar to Hacker News usually get _flooded_ with low effort humor posts, to the point where it's hard to find any actual interesting comments on the subject. It's not difficult to see why - it's a lot easier to make a small comment with a pun than a longer thought out comment (so output is greater), it's a lot faster as well (the fastest comments are the most likely to stick to the top), and it's a lot easier to vote for your comment. Someone reads something for five seconds, smirks, and gives an upvote, instead of deciding whether or not to spend a couple of minutes reading a comment and thinking about whether or not the agree with the point being made.

Interestingly, this never seemed to be a big deal with the old forums. The upvote system seems to really encourage a certain type of behavior (small low effort comments that lack substance).

You are really tempting me to write a long thought-out comment about how to draw a pair of buttocks, with lots of citations and quotes and code samples and a good dose of gratuitous partial differential equations needed to meet the paper quota for impressive formulas. [1]

Butfirst [2] I will refer you to my previous long thought-out comment about Sun Microsystem's dress code, the practice of "Skinnyhacking" [3] pioneered down the road at SGI [4], and the full names of the nude hackers involved [5], as well as a citation to the 1992 SIGGRAPH proceedings, and a link to a pdf of the paper [6] including a photograph of the Skinnyhackers in all their glory:

"Fast Shadows and Lighting Effects Using Texture Mapping", by Mark Segal, Carl Korobkin, Rolf van Widenfelt, Jim Foran, Paul Haeberli, Silicon Graphics Computer Systems. Computer Graphics, 26, 2, July 1992, Page 252, Figure 3: Simulating a Slide Projector.

[1] https://wrfranklin.org/Teaching/graphics-f2016/heckbert-rls-...

[2] https://fmslogo.sourceforge.io/manual/command-butfirst.html

[3] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34129571

[4] https://rdtk.net/internet/how-do-you-check-a-computer-s-comp...

[5] https://groups.google.com/g/comp.sys.sgi.misc/c/X50cCoYrU20/...

[6] https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/133994.134071

I am admittedly old, but when the hell did tech folk get so goddamned serious that ass/fart jokes and lame puns became such objects of derision and not badges of honor among us? This post epitomizes creative problem solving and creative butt jokes

Once upon a time we ruled this world…now we have become that disapproving aunt who thinks the world is going to hell because Johnny Carson let George Carlin talk about bad words on his show.

In defense of the curmudgeon, the mature atmosphere of HN is quite rare and, frankly, refreshing.

I guess I don’t see maturity and humor as mutually exclusive.

Certainly wit, sarcasm, and satire are all welcome contextually. The criticism is obviously on facile low-effort puns and juvenile butt-joke humor which are welcome on 100% of every social media platform I'm aware of.

  anally retentive (adjective) [1]

  Someone who is anally retentive is too worried
  about being organized and tidy:
[1] https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/anall...

Come on, even the subject is not serious and it has puns in it too.

You have little to worry about as for puns taking over Hacker News.

why are you so personally offended by these jokes? You have spammed the exact same reply at least three times on this thread.

1. Use Mathematica.

2. Draw the rest of the butt.

Arse technica.

Please don't stink up this place with pointless puns, keep it on Reddit.

Your choice of the word "stink up" makes the whole thing more funny. Maybe it was intended, but(t) I'm a very literal person.

You’re right of course. I apologize, and promptly turn the other cheek.

Oh don't be an ass.

They’re not pointlass, they are pretty much on point.


Please don't stink up this place with pointless puns, keep it on Reddit.


(. )( .)

There, I fixed it for ya

I never realized that female nipples point at a 45 degree angle from each other (i.e., they do not point straight ahead) until I took a human anatomy drawing class. It was interesting that something right in front of me was not obvious until pointed out.

Does that make it easier for breastfeeding?

Is that angle dependent on breast size?

Careful now, too much discussion on this point, and you'll invent a new compression algo.

There's a correlation but it's not a dependency.

A woman with very small breasts won't have the tissue volume to have nipples pointing at certain angles, but in average to large sized breasts, they point in many different angles. It's more dependent on tissue density + how self supportive the breasts are.

I'm a bra fitter. I look at a lot of boobs.

( .)(. )

We shall animate it


Not a native speaker but when working in an international environment, everybody has an accent, and it's rude to comment/complain about it, in the same way it would be rude to complain about somebody's physical traits. Also English has such a variety of accents (native / non-native) that everybody is quite used to it.

Also, most of the time, I understand better non-native speakers than native speakers. The hardest people to understand for me are native speaker with any accent that is not North American.

When I was younger, I was very self-conscious about my foreign accent. and I noticed that people who mentioned my accent in a negative way were systematically people from my own country whose accent was just as thick as mine (and probably were as insecure about it as I was). But mostly, I found native speakers to be very patient and polite with foreign accents, I'm grateful to them.

> The hardest people to understand for me are native speaker with any accent that is not North American.


But it's hard and exhausting to listen to! It's making my ears bleed, without any prejudice! It's like being around someone with open sores. How is that racism for christsake. That's why I'm asking, do people with native English have better time listening to this, by virtue of more skill/better brain automation?

You're hard and exhausting to listen to, too.

People with all kinds of accents, and with and without native English, have a hell of a hard time listening to what you're saying, because of your intent and the actual meaning of your words, not just how you pronounce them, which makes our ears bleed.

You sound like you have open sores and deep psychic wounds, so stop picking on them and people who speak differently than you do.

And cut it out with the intentionally cruel and spectacularly unoriginal body shaming too, buddy:


Non native speakers usually "tolerate" and understand a more wide range of accents, if they learned english in a multicultural environment where everyone had a different accent.

Also in general between both native and non native speakers, commenting negatively about someone's accent is considered rude, or colloquially, an "asshole move"

If you are a non-native speaker without encountering such accents you must be Indian, right ?

This does not match my personal experience; having lived in countries on both sides of the equation, with those in the more non-native country (South Korea) having a much less tolerant for non-American/British accents (e.g. Chinese, Indian, Filipino) than those from native or very high-fluency countries. I.e. Ive found tolerance for non-native accents to be inversely correlated with personal fluency.

I had in mind environments like Europe, where social interactions are like the beginning of a joke: A Czech, a Dutch, a Greek and a French walk into a bar..

I'm European ESL but don't come to much contact with European English speakers, because it's, like, objectively hard to understand and dissonant for me. I am fine with American, British, Irish, etc accents but I've had to interact with a French woman speaking (bad) English on an exchange thing and it was one of the more excruciating things I've experienced. Similarly many youtubers who have, presumably, interesting content but strong, unbearable accents (Anton Petrov comes to mind). This is why I'm asking. I just physically can't listen to the Inigo guy, it's like nails on a chalkboard. Am I supposed to, just, NOT feel that, to not be somehow rude? I think Inigo, as an aspiring public person should work on his accent instead.

Also flagged? I'm seriously confused.

> Also flagged? I'm seriously confused.

People usually can't change their accent. Complaining publicly about this is just rude, and on the verge of racism (speaking with someone with a French accent being "the more excruciating things I've experienced.").

>People usually can't change their accent.

Skill issue.

You certainly need to work on your social skills.

And how about cutting out the intentionally cruel and spectacularly unoriginal body shaming too, buddy:


I like all the different accents, and I like to learn them. Is it rude to ask if I do it nicely. Like "you have a beautiful accent, where is it from?"

Nowadays, you never know. I think it's fine but keep in mind some people would be offended by this. Probably it depends on the context.

Especially in a non-native, where everyone has at least a tiny accent

There is no such thing as accent-free spoken English. Americans and English have American and English accents.

The baseline for comparison tends to be the cultural hegemony. e.g. Hollywood, Standard American Accent. “No accent” is a euphemism for the ubiquitous or most expected accent.

It seems a fairly normal Spanish-speaker-speaking-English accent. I have no problem with it.

Expect people to take offence if you complain about their accent — potentially very serious offence, as English accents and race or national identity are strongly linked in many places.

In my experience, nonnative speakers seem to be more tolerant— probably due to empathy gained from shared experience. Anyway, I love the Spanish accent.

Never been to Scotland, have you?

"Pick a window. You're leaving!"

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