I always have the itch to learn C, juts because it was such an influental language and when you are digging around a lot in GNU/linux you will have contact with it one way or another.
What is the way you would suggest learning C in 2023? I am already familiar with other languages (rust..) but would like to have an introduction to the C basics and program some hands-on projects in C, so I can learn the pecularities of the language.
If you have lots of time: https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02383654
If you can't be bothered reading a whole book: https://matt.sh/howto-c
Exercises: https://www.codestepbystep.com/problem/list/c and https://exercism.org/tracks/c
Once you have syntax and basic algorithms down well, watch this, the only 2 hour YouTube video I'll ever recommend: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=443UNeGrFoM
Both r/cprogramming and r/C_programming are active, also full of lazy students trying to get people to do their homework. If you come by, describe your problem well with code. Say you're learning for yourself, not for school.
Together C & C++ is a good Discord if you prefer live chat: https://discord.gg/tccpp