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568 points by eecc on Dec 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 198 comments

I still play with Rust (and Zig), but I have decided to put my work efforts into SPARK[1], the subset of Ada, for high-integrity software and formal verification. I know AdaCore and Ferrous Systems are collaborating in trying to bring a lot of Ada/Spark's capabilities to Rust, but this is still going to be some time. Ada has a longer legacy in this game.

I am working on safety critical control systems and there is a lot to prune from existing work in this area in SPARK and Ada.

This book[2], "Building High Integrity Applications with SPARK" really sold me on the benefits. It is a great intro of how SPARK was used for the CubeSat program at Vermont Technical College (VTC). A CubeSat was successfully launched in 2013. I could not find any critical mission software written in Rust yet especially that far back.

I found Julia's selection for a flight collision avoidance system perplexing[3], but it proves a PLs syntax and evangelism (maybe not in this case), can bias a selection of a PL for such tasks. People find Ada/SPARK's syntax and methods verbose and similar to Pascal or other PLs, however, I was up and running quickly in it as opposed to Rust.

You can program to bare metal in SPARK, and the tools are already there to provide high-integrity software. The tools for SPARK automate most of the verification. Most of Rust's wishlist is already in SPARK (and Ada). I hope the Ferrous Systems and AdaCore collab bears fruit for Rust, but I have been programming since 1978, and I play with many PLs, but I found Rust's initial learning curve very off putting and I don't have the time to wait for it to mature to SPARK's level. And this is from someone who loves J/APL/BQN and Lisp, so I have no issue with different programming paradigms. I found Zig much easier to get things done from the start, although it does not strive to be a SPARK or Rust.

[1] https://www.adacore.com/sparkpro

[2] https://www.amazon.com/Building-High-Integrity-Applications-...

[3] https://juliahub.com/case-studies/lincoln-labs/

People have picked stranger things than julia for safety critical control systems. I know people have generated it from simulink and have used labview, and it wouldn't surprise me if somewhere someone is using an excel macro to control the pressure system on a boiler... The world is a scary place.

Reading theough the spark tutorials and examples seems fairly similar to the rustlings excercise. I find the ways spark prevents problems, like forbidding side effects, is more onerous than the borrow checker making me specify a lifetime every so often. I'm not saying you are wrong to prefer spark, just that people with different backgrounds will find the learning curves different. You have been programming longer than I've been alive, so you certainly have a different perspective. I started with c64 basic then c on the amiga 500, then x86 assembler on 386, them turbo pascal, then turbo c++ on the 386.

I can't argue that spark isn't more mature for formal verification, but it feels like formal verification relies heavily on correct contract specifications with no way to measure when your contracts are correct. Unit tests and coverage at least give me a little feel good that I wrote enough tests for my rust.

I started working with functional safety only two years ago, and I've been surprised when colleagues expressed that Simulink was actually the go-to solution for functional safety software where they were working before. The logic being that the Simulink toolchain is qualified for functional safety, and if you use it in combination with a qualified C toolchain and RTOS, then you're good to go, certification-wise.

My impression when working with people using Simulink is that 'safety' is much weaker that for people working on formal methods, and certification limited a lot the kind of programs that they would write. It made totally sense for their domain, but -- as a general practice to write software -- it didn't impress me at all. I may be wrong.

I was expecting functional safety standards to require the use of formal methods, similar for example to how AWS uses TLA+, but I was surprised to discover it was not a requirement at all.

SPARK is expressive and it has a formal specification from the get go that makes it easier to stay within the requirements and provides automatic verification. GNAT tools are pretty cool. I don't think Rust has much of this other than its specification. It has momentum and a great community, so I think either way it will succeed in many endeavors. Like Erlang for distributed computing, I think SPARK has carved out and earned its niche, and Rust will not soon take over this domain.

For me, Rust seems too complicated at this point. I will continue to play and watch it. I use the Helix Editor, which I love, and it is written in Rust!

I'd say most of the truly safety critical control code I encounter was generated in simulink, and the remainder is all in subsets of c++. Some of that c++ was loosely ported from ada (not spark) long ago. So rust wouldn't be taking over the domain from spark, it would be taking it over from c++ and simulink which took over half of the safety critical domain some years ago, many years if you count misra c. I would certainly advocate for spark over any of those languages, but that is a hard sell as people want free open source tooling that is used by google or amazon, and if they say no to spark, but yes to rust, well at least it isnt c++98 anymore. Or simulink models version controlled using folders with dates in the names.

SPARK being a derivative of Ada, which appeared over 40 years ago, inherits its legacy, so I would say it is older than its 2014 name tag. It was based on the Ada 2012 specification. Contracts are relatively new, but it has many real world mission critical applications in its portfolio other than the CubeSat program I put forth from 2013[2]. Rust wasn't even two years old at that point.

If you go back, then assembly was mainly used in mission critical software in aerospace, for example the Apollo guidance system. To quote an article about NASA programmer, Ron Garret about options in 1988[1] and the now-famous Lisp troubleshooting from 150 million miles away:

“There is Pascal and C and Basic and machine code. And that’s pretty much it in terms of popular languages. To get anything done in any of those languages is just really, really hard.” The code for most spacecraft ended up being written in assembly language.

I want free too, but tooling makes the system, and in SPARK2014 it is the tooling, not just the formally verified spec. of the PL that makes it really groove. Rust has a great build system in Cargo, but it does not have 10% of what SPARK2014/Ada/GNAT provide as an ecosystem and apps under its belt. I do think there are people working on this for Rust (Ferrous Systems with AdaCore), but I want to ship a product before that will ever happen. Maybe my next project will be Rust or Zig with contracts or April (Lisp and APL - my favorite, although there is BQN implemented in Rust!)

[1] https://thenewstack.io/nasa-programmer-remembers-debugging-l...

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPARK_(programming_language)#I...

Here’s a recent podcast episode that looks at Rust and Ada with some folks who work on Ada Core, https://rustacean-station.org/episode/067-quentin-ochem-flor...


Regarding the collaboration between AdaCore and Ferrocene, the effort is to produce a Rust toolset that is qualified for safety critical usage (e.g. verification of object code that is produced, etc). That is _not_ the same as bringing SPARK-like language capabilities to Rust. I think too many people get that confused.

More about Ferrocene, the safety-critical Rust toolchain / specification that is in the works:




NVidia also went through a similar decision for their high security critical firmware.

> I found Julia's selection for a flight collision avoidance system perplexing

From [3]:

> Julia is [...] executable

Indeed, that's a useful feature for a programming language :)

I've looked a tiny bit into Ada and I like the language. I particularly like the pascal-like syntax and the ranges feature.

However I love rusts cargo and build system better than Alire. As Alire seems to bolted ontop of gprbuild. I also find it unfun to go back to forward declaration and definition (ads) files.

It also seems to me the rust ecosystem has more libraries in things I'm interested in and better support for the platforms I'm interested in.

What libraries are you interested in that Rust has and other PLs do not?

What is your main use of Rust? It all depends on what you are doing. I use Zig for fun game dev stuff, and not SPARK, but for the safety-critical control systems, it's SPARK, not Zig or Rust.

I'm using rust to develop a internet client. So I need libraries for gui; rust has many to choose from (I'm using gtk currently). I see a few that plan on supporting Android which I'd like to port to down the line. Of course rust has many networking libraries also so I feel covered there.

Safety is fairly important and I like ada/spark for that but rust's community seems to be farther along in terms of support for Android and looks way more active right now.

what resources can you suggest to learn formal verification and implement it to make high integrity fault tolerant services? I am quite intrigued by AdaCore. Want to try it out. I dont know much about Formal Verification.

Is this “just” a 20% project or is this more significant (like Android one day supporting Rust to develop apps)?

And I haven’t looked at everything yet, but it suggests to install Rust like this:

  sudo apt install cargo rust-src
While everyone I know uses rustup^:

  curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
^ https://rustup.rs/

Hi, I wrote the course :-) Yes, this is a real thing — Android has had support for Rust in the Android Platform for a few years now. Most recently, we shipped support for DNS-over-HTTP/3: https://security.googleblog.com/2022/07/dns-over-http3-in-an...

We put out the course to make it easy for even more people to onboard with Rust.

Rust does not guarantee that there are no memory leaks, you can have things reference eachother and therefore never count to 0. This is why weak pointers exist in rust.

Right, this is a problem with reference counted data structures in general. You're correct that Rust doesn't try to solve this particular problem.

Put differently, the borrow checker won't allow you to create a cycle of refrences (the & kind). But you can do it with library types such as Rc.

It's a property of basic RC but real-world RC based GC systems can often collect reference cycles. For example Python and PHP do this.

(I'm sure you knew this, just adding to the discussion)

Rust doesn’t though. But it does make it much harder to leak memory than C. You need to create a cycle between reference counted objects versus just forget to free something.

Not that it matters as much as people think. Memory leaks aren’t a correctness problem. You typically want to restart a program or service regularly anyway to deal with memory fragmentation. You also frequently have a watchdog like systemd to restart your program if it crashes. Heroku restarts your whole dyno once a day. This means in practice that programs with slow memory leaks tend to work just fine (there are plenty of them in the wild.)

Interesting view that memory leaks aren't correctness problems. But I would require more convincing to agree.

It's true that memory leaks can be small enough that they don't become problems in the end-to-end behaviour of the system in regular use. But a lot of bugs are like that. For example many memory safety bugs.

> Interesting view that memory leaks aren't correctness problems.

The view of rust is rather that they’re not safety problems.

Whether they’re correctness problems is more complicated: in general they are, but there are lots of cases where they’re not, like short-running processes (once the process terminated it’s memory is reclaimed so freeing it is unnecessary overhead), or FFI (you’re moving memory out of your purview, you can’t know whether it’ll be disposed of anymore).

Safety and security as terms have an interesting relationship especially in Rust context - traditionally in engineering safety means defending against accidents and security means defending against malicious attackers, but "safety" in the term "memory safety" commonly implies security as well. Language is hard...

Considing whether memory leaks are a security problem brings us to the traditional CIA definition of security - the A (availability) is at risk from memory leaks.

Sorry, I should have said they’re not safety problems. The commenters below got it right.

Memory safety bugs are very different, because whether or not they affect the functioning of your software, they’re a ticking time bombs that could compromise your system. A memory leak will at worst crash your software.

It does not guarantee, but it is actually quite hard to cause a memory leak by accident, because at the same time Rust makes creating cycles hard.

I actually haven't tried this... do you know off the top of your head what it takes to make a cycle with Rc?

It should not be possible with normal borrows (and safe Rust) since they're statically checked to be acyclic.

The Rust Book has an example: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch15-06-reference-cycles.html

Of course, leaking memory is as easy as using `Box::leak`, although that's probably never going to happen accidentally.

You could store a `RefCell<Option<T>>` in an `Rc` and set it to `Some(rc)` after creation.

Or you could use the recently-stabilized `new_cyclic` method: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/rc/struct.Rc.html#method.new_c...

And when using C libraries / FFI, there are a lot of tricky things going in, it is much easier to leak in unsafe land.

You're incorrect, sorry. It's very easy to creat cycles in inner-mutable data structures (e.g. Rc).

> Is this “just” a 20% project or is this more significant (like Android one day supporting Rust to develop apps)?

Android already uses Rust internally, in fact for new code it's a major language. They have made this guide to teach Rust to their engineers working on Android, according to this post on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/zrs1of/new_rust_cours...

I'm tired of installation instructions that consist of "curl | sh". Especially since this one just tries to detect the platform and downloads the correct installer for me. I know what platform I'm running, and I don't want to pipe the internet to my shell. In the end this is unpacking a tarball in ~/.rustup, I don't need the risk of running some bespoke script for that.

To be honest, the course suggests using apt since that's an easy security-approved way to install things on our computers (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLinux).

I'll be happy to update it to suggest using rustup like "normal". Could you make a PR for that?

Actually, there is already an issue for this: https://github.com/google/comprehensive-rust/issues/19 and I hope someone will fix it soon :-)

Are you sure you're replying to the correct comment?

Sorry, you're right :-) I meant to comment further up where people asked if we could reference rustup.rs in the installation instructions.

Since the ultimate objective is to run a binary blob that you just downloaded off of the internet, piping a script to your shell over HTTPS adds no additional attack surface.

Actually no, one can detect curl-piping server-side and serve hostile blobs only to those foolish enough to do so: https://www.idontplaydarts.com/2016/04/detecting-curl-pipe-b...

And kibwen's point is that if you're in a situation where you're running potentially hostile binaries from a remote host, the fact that you used `curl | sh` to obtain said binary is not the pressing problem.

I'm well aware of that attack, it's quite cute, but if you don't trust the host not to serve you a backdoored binary then you've already lost.

And where is this trust supposed to come from? I downloaded the thing manually, looked at the scripts, ran the binary in a sandbox, it seemed to be OK. Right, I'll recommend that everyone just curl | bash's it ...

I think the worst thing about this is that Rust is fashionable, so encouraging inexperienced devs think that these dangerous practices are just fine. Look around at how many n00b projects now suggest doing exactly the same thing. It's simply irresponsible of the Rust crowd to keep promoting it.

The bash timing exploit makes everyone focus just on how cleverly evil it can be, and forget the big picture that it's about trusting the Rust org not to screw you.

(BTW, you can run `curl | sh` in a VM or with a modified bash to intercept the code and catch the bash script in the act, so it's not actually as sneaky as people believe).

If you think the Rust org is going to pwn you in a clever sneaky way, then you can't use Rust or any Rust-containing products.

In the end, you're pulling hundreds of MBs of binaries that you won't review, they're compiled from over 15 million lines of code that I don't believe you'd ever review either. Reviewing just the first 10 lines of code gives you nothing. A smoke test in a sandbox is also worthless, since a binary could detect being run that way, or delay the attack, or attack by specifically miscompiling your code (see Reflections on Trusting Trust).

In the end, you have to trust the Rust org, all of it.

I call this the "Lie back and think of England" stance.

You're not wrong, until the end, it should be: "you have to distrust the Rust org, all of it."

And not just Rust, Python and JS and all the others. There are languages and systems that take trust and security seriously, but these are not they.

Pray tell us, which languages do take trust and security seriously, according to you?

(Is it that you don't know of any yourself? Or that you think I can't provide examples? In what world is what I said even slightly controversial? Type checking is just catching on now, decades after it was invented and implemented. C'mon.)

Anyway, off the top of my head, Ada.


and E...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_(programming_language) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CapROS

Qubes and SEL4 are Operating systems. (OK Labs was acquired by General Dynamics. That seems like a pretty good recommendation to me.)



"Trusting the Rust org not to screw you" is one part, another part is trusting the Rust server operators to defend against server compromise by any third party. So trusting the intentions is not sufficient.

The same thing applies to any binaries downloaded from their site, so unless you you've got signed binaries (that use an independently obtained/verified chain of trust), trusting the server is your your only option. Even with signed binaries, you're still trusting the entity that holds the signing key.

In real world trust is not so binary. In a risk assessment I'd be interested evaluating the level of assurance there is in the supply chain of how you get your binaries and artifacts. Some of it can be done using crypto like you say, some of it could be eg published audit reports from a reputable evaluator or other credible information about the processes.

Changing nothing about the relative security of using curl | sh.

also by doing that you don't keep a copy of the script for investigation if something smells fishy later

piping to the shell might be somewhere in the middle but node's npx is just asking for trouble. You type `npx cmd` and it downloads cmd. Which means any typo could be death

You meant a binary blob in your distro's repository, so one that was checked, tested, approved and verified with a hash. Which is wildly different than downloading and running random binaries or scripts for that matter off the internet.

No, it's hardly random, it's an official binary provided the Rust project from an official domain managed by the Rust project. If you don't trust it, then you shouldn't trust the Rust source code either.

In this case, the Google internal course explicitly does not trust that random shell script, even if it came from rust-lang.org, while their internal apt repository is trusted. See https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34092187

When I'm installing package from the repository, it's signed with GPG. Hopefully in a more secure place than WWW server. May be even at offline server with HSM (one can hope!). When I'm running code downloaded from HTTPS, all it takes is compromising this WWW server (or AWS Cloufront for this particular sh.rustup.rs example). HTTPS adds additional attack surface.

You can't check the hash of something you immediately piping to your shell, for example.

Checking the hash isn't relevant here. The content is served via HTTPS, you either trust the host or you don't. A host can easily serve you a malicious binary, as well as the valid hash of that malicious binary.

Which is why many people choose to only install software from their trusted distro maintainers who add a layer of vetting for random software packages, often built from source so messing with the package isn't possible without leaving some kind of trace that can be detected later.

Indeed, by all means, prefer to trust your distro if they package a version that's new enough. Alternatively, prefer to build from source if you like. But if you trust the Rust project to be competent enough and benign enough not to include malware in the compiler itself, then it's not a stretch to trust their official toolchain juggling tool downloaded from their official website. Focusing on the curl | bash aspect is a tired meme at this point.

Your distro's overworked maintainer isn't reviewing 15+ million lines of code included in Rust.

Most likely they get the precompiled rustc binary just like rustup, and LGTM-YOLO the package. If they try to be diligent, they maybe take extra 150K lines of mrustc code they can't reasonably carefully review for backdoors either, and then use it to bootstrap the several sets of 15M lines of code they won't look at.

The one thing you may get in using your distribution is protection for the case that the rustup.sh website has been temporarily pwned. But I agree that focusing on curl | sh is nonsense.

Checking is the only reason that hashes are provided.

you might have another known-good source of the hash.

I get what you are trying to say here but I could also make the argument that you actually doubled it because now you have to trust two things rather than one.

Depending on how you want to consider trust in a wider sense too it may even be worse than “double” because I do not have the same amount of trust for the package I am ultimately installing and the script I am using to install it.

Edit: it’s actually 3 things you need to trust I didn’t include curl itself which just released a security audit that found a number of vulnerabilities here https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/12/21/the-2022-curl-securit...

…security is often harder than it looks.

> now you have to trust two things rather than one

No, you're still trusting one thing: the host itself. You're downloading both the script and the binary from the host. Both could be backdoored, and of the two, the binary is far easier to hide a backdoor in.

As for not trusting curl, you still need to fetch the resource somehow, so you're going to be trusting some tool to do it for you. That's not relevant to increasing the attack surface.

I’m not actually in the Rust ecosystem at all and only just discovered the domain belongs to the official Rust project.

That clearly changes the trust calculation in this scenario.

I had assumed it was some 3rd party project which would have put it in a different category of problems entirely.

But the entire conversation is kind of pointless then. “There is a secret backdoor in the official Rust binary” is not a useful part of any reasonable threat model.

> You're downloading both the script and the binary from the host.

Technically, if you don’t read the script, you don’t know the binary is from the same host.

That doesn’t matter, though. The chain of trust is deep, including the tooling that produced the binary, your CPU, the internet, etc.

Downloading the first file basically says “I trust this site to give me this tool and nothing else”. Where it then gets that stuff from shouldn’t matter, even if it is from a shady site. You trusted them not to do that, just as you trusted them not to open up their own site so that hackers can replace files ont it.

On some distros you can install rustup directly, e.g. NixOS or Arch. For Ubuntu, it's sadly not in the default repositories, but there is a snap for rustup uploaded by the rustup maintainer.



This is because people are tired of figuring out seventeen (hundred) different package managers that may or may not work and that may or may not accept your package into their repo?

Apt gives you the version of Rust that was packaged for your distro, so you're not keeping up with the latest releases. It's typically configured to reuse the system install of LLVM, missing some Rust-specific patches that are in the process of flowing upstream. And it references distro-packaged crates by default, meaning that again you're not getting the latest published versions.

They're using Rust in the android system: https://security.googleblog.com/2022/12/memory-safe-language...

I sit next to a guy in Mountain View that works full time just on teaching people Rust and integrating Rust into Android. There’s a whole team dedicated to getting Android developers writing Rust.

The difference in installation procedure is probably a security measure. Piping curl to bash is a bad move and it’s the Android security department that’s pushing Rust in Android. Plus, internally, Google has well maintained aptitude repositories with projects built from HEAD. It’s nice installing something like lldb from the command line and the internal Python interpreter is the latest version. And you know all of your coworkers are running that version, too.

> Is this “just” a 20% project or is this more significant (like Android one day supporting Rust to develop apps)?

It's very unlikely you'll ever see Android supporting apps written in 100% Rust (just like it doesn't support apps written in 100% C++/C) - the APIs and UI toolkit are exposed and written in Java and you'll need to bridge either way.

Supporting Rust as a native code language to augment existing support for C/C++ via NDK is much more likely.

They mention rustup on the 3rd slide.

This is great. I'd recommend the Learn Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists [0] tutorial as the next step. It really helps you grok the borrow checker.

[0]: https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/index.html

Yeah, that is a fun tutorial indeed :-D I forgot to add that one to the list of https://google.github.io/comprehensive-rust/other-resources..... Would you care to open a PR for that?

It's kind of surprising to see that Rust is so rapidly accepted by wide range of developers.

Unfortunately I'm from DataScience field, so I cannot see much motivation to learn Rust, but I am considering learning it, because language itself seems exciting!

Is there anyone on HN who is from DataScience field like me and has learned Rust? It would be much appreciated if you could share the experience.

We developers love so much to learn computer stuff that we want to do it even when we don't need to.

I worked on data science, computational science, some system engineering and embedded projects. I tried Rust on all of them but it was valuable only for the third.

In data science the focus is more on speed of development and as much as Rust is more enjoyable to use than C++, it doesn't match scripting languages (namely Python) for the flexibility you get, the easiness with which you can adapt to changes and the lack of a need to focus too much on machine-related details. This is the least suited field for Rust between the one I mentioned, in my view.

Computational science needs to focus on algorithms and formulas, Rust can hide them a bit too much under "unwrap"s "iter"s and so on. Plus still no stellar library support and (my) experience with other tools (namely C + OpenMP, Julia, C++, numpy...) made me feel using Rust for that was unnecessary and slower.

When you are designing systems, however, that's where Rust is a complete game changer. Honestly I don't think C++ can stand a chance in its current level. Everything, from the package system, to the borrow checker, to the safe threading model, makes you pity your C++ ancestors for how hard they thought this kind of programming had to be. Rust makes it orders of magnitude more approachable, saner, and with better results too.

Embedded... it's nice but honestly all the dark arts of unsafe Rust are not standardized so it doesn't feel as future-proof as C already.

Idk how long ago you tried doing embedded Rust, but nowadays it is quite decent. I think I'd choose Rust over C for embedded 99% of the time.

Rust still needs to do a lot of catching up in HPC, HFT, GUI, game engines, console SDKs, OS drivers on Apple and Microsoft OSes, Arduino, LLVM and GCC,...

Rust threading is only safe between threads accessing data structures in process own memory. It does nothing for shared resources using OS IPC, or external resources shared among threads.

It will certainly improve, as hopefully C++ will, even it never gets 100% as safe as Rust, the ecosystem has too much weight for decades to come.

> Rust threading is only safe between threads accessing data structures in process own memory.

"Only". Intra-process shared memory is by far the most important kind of shared memory. 80% of the time you see someone advocating for message-passing multi-process over shared memory multi-thread concurrency or parallelism, it's because shared mutable memory is incredibly hard to get right in just about every mainstream language except for Rust.

> It does nothing for shared resources using OS IPC, or external resources shared among threads.

Only partially true. The very same language constructs which make shared memory safe can also be used to create safe wrappers for other shared resources.

Not in the age of microservices.

Language constructs only help if there are no other applications accessing the same resources.

> Not in the age of microservices.

There's a huge world outside of microservices.

> Language constructs only help if there are no other applications accessing the same resources.

You're mistaken. Rust's language constructs can often help you write safe wrappers around inter-process communication and synchronization mechanisms. Of course, all bets are off if the other processes don't adhere to the agreed-upon IPC protocol, but that's not the point. The point is that Rust makes it easier to not accidentally screw up the protocol yourself.

That is indeed the point, as most projects don't use a single language in isolation.

So now you're arguing that Rust won't help because it doesn't fix the deficiencies of other languages? So what? At least you'll have fewer defects in those parts that do use Rust.

I feel like this was true a few years ago but things have changed a lot recently.

In my opinion Bevy may be one of the better ECS implementations I've seen, as ex-gamedev it's just very well thought through. It's never going to supplant Unity or Unreal but that's less of a language issue than just the scope of those codebases.

You're seeing a lot more of it showing up in OSes across Android, Linux and I've seen a fair bit of movement in the windows space as well.

As for IPC, C/C++ doesn't help you their either, that's more of a framework level concern. If anything the threading model helps when you're doing concurrent IPC dispatch(ex: MTA COM or equivalent high throughput IPC) and preventing data races.

Rust has amazing integration with Python through PyO3 [1] so see it like a safe alternative for high performance calculations and operations.

The rust data science ecosystem itself is starting to come together with projects like Polars [2] (Pandas alternative), nalgebra [3], Datafusion [4] and Ballista [5]. Of course nowhere near Python but that is hard to beat today.

[1] https://github.com/PyO3/pyo3

[2] https://github.com/pola-rs/polars/

[3] https://github.com/dimforge/nalgebra

[4] https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion

[5] https://github.com/apache/arrow-ballista

Also dfdx [1], which is shaping up to become a great neural network library (though GPU support is still WIP, give it a couple months before production use).

Of course the ecosystem isn't as diverse as python yet, but if you're willing to call a bit back and forth between rust and python it's great.

1: https://github.com/coreylowman/dfdx

> Is there anyone on HN who is from DataScience field like me and has learned Rust?

Yeah me. I’m data science/data engineering.

Wrote and debugged a lot of R and Python, fair bit of Spark too.

Learning Rust was fine. Not trivial, but definitely worthwhile. I work on more “data systems” than once-off scripts and analysis in my work, so the performance and correctness of Rust has proven more valuable to me than the flexibility and development speed promises of Python. The former lends itself to difficult to maintain, hacky, patchwork code, and the latter falls apart after the nth time you have to fix some Python code in prod that’s failed 3.5 hours into a process, because some random package has thrown some as-yet-unseen error.

There’s some interesting stuff happening in the data space in Rust-polars data-frame library gives you pandas like functionality, but with better performance and type checking, the data-fusion stuff is making strides as well. There isn’t a 1:1 replacement for all your ML libs, but it’s getting there! Linfa and SmartCore are making strides on the sklearn-like space.

Would you use Rust to replace your ml stuff in Python at work tomorrow? No, probably not just at the moment. Is it worth learning because it’ll make you a better dev, and give you more options and tools the next time you have a non-standard problem to solve? Yes, definitely.

I've had some success with polars.

But: I'm not well versed in Python Pandas either, and my rust is better than my python (though Ruby is my daily language, so I'm very used to dynamic languages). The thing I miss most is the rapid REPL workflow in Python, where I work out the pipelines, filters, map-reduce and so forth, on the interactive REPL and then extract that into python scripts.

The polars scripts that I worked with, were small enough and the builds are incremental, therefore fast: milliseconds. But the build-step inbetween is somewhat clumsy when exploring data.

But the end-results are just so extremely cleaner, saner and especially faster that it certainly is worth it. I worked on a dataset where crunching it in python took upwards of 14 hours, and the polars under an hour. That feedback loop alone is worth days of fighting the borrow-checker. And that immediate feedback by the compiler/checker "this column isn't guaranteed a String, it could be missing, could be unparsable; deal with this now" is priceless. Too often did I have some ETL run for 8 hours, and then choke on some column that I swore should've been UTF8. Fix it, and re-run. Wasting 8 hours. A type-checker in ETL/data flows is priceless.

Edit: to be clear: I am developer. Not datascience. But I do need to understand my users, my business, my market. Developer/devops today do need to crunch large datasets: at least I do.

[1] https://www.pola.rs/

I started learning Rust a few years ago, with the intention to use it for data science.

I ended up writing a book, "Data Analysis with Rust Notebooks", where I demonstrate using Rust + Jupyter Notebooks for tasks I'd normally use Python for. It's a good experience, although there are some additional limitations when using Rust as a notebook kernel.

[1] https://datacrayon.com/shop/product/data-analysis-with-rust-...

I'm also in the data science field, and I'm currently teaching myself rust as a possible replacement for C and C++ for all those times I have to write something fast and novel and that I can call from python.

That's exactly why our Data Engineering team is also looking at Rust, but we're looking at Go, too. I have a hunch that Rust is going to be a harder sell to the broader team given its learning curve and that most of the team don't already have a compiled language in their tool belt. I'm quite open to either, though, as they'd both make my pipelines go vroom.

Rust has the upper hand for incrementally replacing Python modules. With PyO3[0], you can seamlessly replace existing Python code with native extensions written in Rust.

If your use case is to replace entire tools, and your team isn't familiar with static languages, then Go is probably the better option. There's no denying that it's much easier to learn.

[0] https://pyo3.rs/

I did. It's a very fun language to learn. If you're comfortable with the simplicity of Python, Rust would be too verbose. I'm personally fine and actually like Rust more. With the current adoption pace it should be competing with Python in the Data Science field soon.

I suppose if you're coming from Python, you could use Rust (with PyO3) instead of C/C++/Cython in something similar to the Numpy/ML lower-level implementations.

But I wish there were a language that solved the two-languages problem (fast vs. easy to work with). I find Rust quite verbose.

> But I wish there were a language that solved the two-languages problem (fast vs. easy to work with).

That is the motivation and purpose of Julia.

For some people's workflows it already seems to have solved the problem, but in general the "easy to work with" part is still in progress IMO. Some of it is the (in)famously annoying compilation delays, but a large part of it is just a tooling and ecosystem thing (both of those sides of the issue are being actively worked on).

The difference from C/C++/other low level languages is that it's not the language itself that's difficult to work with, it's the current tools and workflows that are suboptimal. The language is pretty well-designed and fun to work with, so there's hope that it can actually solve the two-language problem for a wider variety of devs and their needs.

But I wish there were a language that solved the two-languages problem

That's the whole pitch of Julia.

> But I wish there were a language that solved the two-languages problem (fast vs. easy to work with). I find Rust quite verbose.

Rust itself can be made "easy to work with" at the cost of boilerplate. You end up with code that's littered with idiomatically superfluous uses of things like .clone(), interior mutability, Cow<>, perhaps even such exotic features as the Any trait for encoding "dynamic" behavior.

The flip side is that it's easier to refactor this code and make it more correct and performant; "simply" replace the boilerplate with proper Rustic code and deal with the resulting compile errors. It's a very viable strategy that has no direct equivalents in other languages, not even in C/C++.

Julia, Common Lisp, Scheme, OCaml, Haskell, F#, D,..

Rust is a safer C/C++. If you'd never consider writing anything in C/C++ (i.e. low-level code where performance is essential), you'll never use Rust.

That’s underselling it quite a lot.

Rust has a number of features (ergonomic and technical) and some really nice language design that permits writing quite “high-level” code. Personally, having a compiler and type system as powerful as Rusts makes it worthwhile alone.

This. Rust is quite pleasant to use and once some barriers are overcome quite productive. Not Python fast dev speed, but easily Go levels of productive for me. I rarely fight the borrow checker unless building tricky data structures. It will still stump me once in a while with lifetimes, but the trade off is so worth it to have memory safety guarantees and know there are no foot guns like C code would have. And if you are just cranking something out you can write code a little less idiomatically and of efficiently for quick scripts or smaller throwaway CLI tools. Rust prefers a more functional style but you can just as easily make it not so.

It's nowhere as ergonomic, for the general population, as the likes of Python. References alone add a level of bothersomeness to the language that dramatically restricts its appeal.

Rust has a great role to play, replacing C and C++ in all performance-critical and security-critical underpinnings of modern computation (from kernels to UI toolkits). But higher up the stack, where those concerns are outweighed by overall development costs, other languages will continue to rule; and if one's focus is there, learning Rust is probably a waste of time.

> higher up the stack, where those concerns are outweighed by overall development costs, other languages will continue to rule;

Eh, I've written and maintained data pipelines, and API layers for downstream teams in prod in Rust, and it was a much more pleasant and low-effort experience than either doing either in Python. I could have had a "complete program" written first in Python, sure, but that gain in velocity is rapidly overtaken by the hours spent debugging and fixing issues in prod, issues that in Rust, I've not typically had.

> if one's focus is there, learning Rust is probably a waste of time.

au contraire - I genuinely think that learning languages, especially ones that are _not_ similar to your day-to-day language is an incredibly valuable thing to do. Learn a Lisp, learn some Haskell, etc, it exposes you to ideas that you wouldn't have otherwise come across, and gives you extra skills and tools with which to solve problems better. Maybe not all those tools are always applicable, but when they are it's a force-multiplier.

Most of those features are available in ML derived languages, without having to deal with Rust features that make it usefull C and C++ replacement.

With faster compiler toolchains and REPL like tooling.

You're not wrong. Ocaml, Haskell, etc are pretty slept on, and have some amazing features, and I 100% think people should be more open to using them.

In my space (data engineering and associated systems), Rust is a much more palatable and easier sell than an Ocaml or a Haskell.

> With faster compiler toolchains and REPL like tooling.

TBH I don't really miss a REPL, I know a lot of people love it, but between the type system, tooling like RA, and how Rust makes writing tests _so_ frictionless, I've not really had any need to touch a REPL in the last ~2 years. I've probably been abusing the frictionless test functionality to write little snippets to test out using a new library or tool, I certainly find it a lot manual work than the "type multi-line snippet into repl. Make a typo. Start it all over again. Discover that part x actually wants a y. Write it all over again. Repeat until correct. Painstaking trawl through repl history to find the set of code that actually does what we want and lift it into our actual code base" experience I have with reps-based development.

The trend is to just assume that using GC is off the table, without that being driven by any actual requirements or measurements.

The usual cargo cult.

I see what you did there…

It is not rapidly and widely accepted. It is pushed by a small but very vocal minority for all the wrong reasons.

When you have to prove your intelligence level (or rather "street cred") in a competitive market you have to show that you can learn the newest complicated things quickly. Rust is pure cryptonite in such a world.

> It is not rapidly and widely accepted.

It has been adopted by most large tech companies and several high profile open source projects within ~5 years of it's stable release. It certainly has been rapidly and widely accepted.

For important projects too: Google is using it in Android, Microsoft is using it in Windows, Amazon is using it for Lambda, Meta is using it for their source control tool, Dropbox is using for their storage backend AND in their client apps, Cloudflare is using it for their core proxy, etc.

And linux itself is in the process of adding support in the kernel.

Cryptonite? I am... not sure it means what you think it means.

I only know this word from context. And it is actually written with "k". So what does it mean? (Context/my reasoning: If you have to prove that you are a smart programmer you can't stay away from learning Rust. Hence it is kryptonite.)

Kryptonite isn't something you can't stay away from. It is something that makes you weak. As it did to Superman in the movie. An Achilles' heel.

Merriam-Webster's definition: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/kryptonite

You're looking for something like honey that no one can resist - kryptonite is Superman's weakness; he avoids it at all costs.

Why would one use this tutorial over the main https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ ?

Apart from the Android specific additions I mean.

Thanks for reposting :-)

In general, I feel that the new course will be useful for people who want to teach Rust. If you have a group of engineers and you want to teach them Rust, then this is a ready-to-go solution. You only need to spend some time getting familiar with the material and then you can start teaching it. I don't think there was such a resource before.

For self-study, I really like the Rust book and also Rust by Example. I've listed a bunch of good resources here: https://google.github.io/comprehensive-rust/other-resources.....

Based on my personal experience, I think it might also be helpful to have an even shorter version tailored to "Rust for C++ programmers", which I find to be useful because you can mostly just go "ok here's the syntax for basic things, here is how lifetimes work and what problems they solve, here are the replacements for things you are familiar with and why some operations are not available for them". In particular, this lets you skim over "What is the stack? What is the heap?" that many introductions will spend time on.

Yes, it's definitely important to tailor the training to the audience!

When I'm teaching the course, I start by asking people about their background — if it's primarily C/C++ people, then we can quickly page through the slides about the stack and the heap.

Perfect. Thank you.

Unrelated: but why does Google use Kotlin(for developing Android apps) and Rust when they have a nice little language in Go. Genuinely curious: Is Go not a good fit for developing Android apps(Is targeting JVM the concern?) or system programming(using Rust in Android systems), what does it lack?

My take is that Java -> Kotlin was a very natural progression, as they are very similar languages with an identical runtime in the jvm. Kotlin is just a better Java, which is incredibly easy to adopt into an existing Java ecosystem.

But then they also wanted a more bare metal environment in addition to that. So something like C, C++, or Rust.

It's always been unclear whether Go belongs in that list. It was conceived or at least positioned as a "systems" language like those I listed, and there was noise early on about it replacing C++ codebases at Google, but with over a decade of hindsight now, I think in practice it's pretty clearly a Java replacement rather than a C++ replacement. (I guess there's a fun symmetry here in that Java was also conceived as a C++ replacement and also wasn't.) But Kotlin is just a much more natural way to fill the Java replacement niche on Android.

I dont have first hand knowledge, but I've been in the space for 10 years and wrote Go, Java, Kotlin, so here is my take.

Kotlin made a huge effort to stay compatible with Java. You can call Kotlin code from Java and Java code from Kotlin, so orgs could migrate their apps piece by piece. The only real incompatibilities that I've experienced were when going from C code via JNI into Kotlin. All sorts of really weird issues creep up.

There was no boiling the ocean in any of the large apps I worked on at Amazon and Meta - just add Kotlin and see how it goes, it's a really easy sell to tech VPs. First we added Kotlin just for the unit tests, then for small features and eventually with Google releasing Jetpack with Kotlin extensions, for all new apps and features.

Kotlin also improved upon existing painpoints in Java and provided a ton of syntactic sugar for things that were tedious in Java. For example, proper get/set syntax for fields, data classes with autogenerated equals/hashcode, explicit nullability for types, val with 'final' semantics to get rid of all the final variables, fields in interfaces, top level functions, etc. All the functional stuff in it is nice too.

Go is much leaner than Kotlin. The VM or performance is not an issue - Kotlin generates entire classes for simple syntax, to make things convenient and compatible, but the bytecode is pretty bloated.

I imagine that Google had sufficient resources to make a Go<->Java translation layer (though Go would have needed generics) but transitioning a huge API like Android is already a large effort, and if the language isn't fully compatible with the existing code, it would have added an order of magnitude of complexity, so Kotlin was a much easier sell.

In my opinion, migrating to Dart would have been more practical than Go (as evidenced by Flutter), so thats the real head-scratcher. It would have been easy for Java devs to learn Dart because the OOP concepts translate directly.

Other factors:

Google already had a relationship with JetBrains because of Android Studio.

The Oracle Google lawsuit was happening at the time and I speculate that Google needed to show to Oracle they can move off of Java. Kotlin happened to be available.

The lawsuit excuse has always been quite a lame one, because regardless of Kotlin or Java, the whole Android development stack depend on the Java ecosystem for the IDE, Gradle, Maven Central based libraries, and Android team never made any effort to port anything on top of Kotlin/Native, or even improve it.

Most system APIs are only exposed in the JVM environment without native equivalents. You do need a JVM language to do anything meaningful. Either that, or you'll have to use JNI.

because some people in charge of android mistakenly believed that because some stats claimed Java was the most popular language that chosing Java would lead to the most developers for android (and then they chose Kotlin later beacuse it's a better Java and compatible with the JVM)

IMO, choosing Java was one of the worst decisions they ever made. There's a reason why no other platform (PS5, XBox, iPhone, Mac, Linux, etc..) don't choose a language like Java. Android has so much jank because they chose Java

Choosing Java made a lot of sense when Android got started. The binary architecture for mobile devices was not standard in any way, ARM, MIPS, x86 were all in common use at some time or another. And nowadays AArch64 (which is not the same as older ARM) is quite widespread. Plus there was nothing like WASM back then, so if you wanted binary independence for apps and the like you were stuck with something very much like Java.

Not sure why they picked Kotlin (probably JVM interop) or Rust, but Go's thread safety is closer to C++ than Rust. I think of it as an excellent python replacement, not a C++ replacement.

Thanks for posting the link and thank you very much to everyone who have sent us PRs over the last 24 hours!

Please keep submitting them. You can use the little pencil icon in the top-right of any page to quickly submit a typo fix patch. I'm from Denmark and English is not my first language — I very much appreciate the help from you to fix all the grammar mistakes :-)

The first thing I implore everyone to do when evaluating Rust is to check out a non trivial project and start hacking on it. I have always found the compiler to be unacceptably slow in these cases, especially if you come from C rather than C++. If you work your way up from Hello World you may not ever notice this until you already invested a substantial amount of effort.

On the other hand, I've always found it surprisingly easy to dive into non-trivial rust projects and start contributing, at a speed that would be unthinkable in C or C++.

So I second the advise for non-trivial projects, they give a much better idea of the upsides and downsides of rust.

Is that really due to the language or that we collectively have become better in structuring software projects?

It's at least partly due to the build tooling. `git clone ... && cargo build` (and `cargo test` too) "just works" for 99% of the Rust projects I have interacted with. And it generally works just as well for projects that have been abandoned for 5 years as it does for well maintained projects. The ones it doesn't work with it's usually because they depend on a C or C++ library!

Build tooling for the C/C++ ecosystem is a mess.

You can trust the compiler to yell at you when you break many invariants that would be tacit and implicit in C and even in C++ (even with best practices followed) which can make you much more productive when you’re just familiarizing yourself with a codebase.

Also, the two aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. Many people learning the language have reported being surprised by the way Rust seems to make "doing things right" the path of least effort, and this applies to best practices in general, not just memory safety.

I’ve had that experience. I had to write code for a complicated reference counted datastructure. The code was a mess at first because I was approaching it the wrong way, but once I understood it well enough to write it correctly all the pieces fell into place. Extraneous complexity was eliminated, and all the possible mistakes turned out to be impossible. The resulting code is so simple and straight forward that anyone can read it and see that it is correct. And as is traditional, the first time it compiled it was correct in all respects.

People have become not just better at structuring projects, but also at writing standard libs and programming languages.

Many features gained a lot of adoption accross languages over the last two decades, like anonymous functions (with convinient arrow syntax), explicit option types instead of implicit null/undefined, match constructs, well-integrated library management, for(each) loops using iterators instead of indices, map/reduce functional iterators, etc. Rust has the advantage of being able to make these core parts of the language and standard library, resulting in an overall more expressive language.

And in rust's view these features should not only be used to make coding more convinient, but also to encode intent and make undesirable things impossible. This is reflected in the standard library (for example it's impossible to access the data protected by a mutex without locking it), and the philosophy is copied by the ecosystem.

I'm suspicious of this as well. It's common for OSS C and C++ projects (at least in embedded) to be mostly undocumented / few comments, have no easy way to debug by printing to console, and have a complicated build process that requires a certain OS and setup.

Top doc comment: The same license info that's in every file. Not helpful for describing what the module does and how it fits in with the rest of the project.

Well, I've refactored large portions of Rust code with ease and I can't imagine doing it with any C/C++ code because I might break some invariant somewhere.

I class Bevy as a “non trivial” project. It's also an example of how to immediately set new Rust devs up with better system performance to reduce the problem you mention where compilation becomes a bottleneck as a project grows.


The early setup docs offer ways to improve compile speeds. Some help all Rust projects (change your linker) and others are specific to Bevy (enable dynamic linking if you're not on Windows).

Yes, it's a little jarring for an intro to game development with Rust to start with, “first, change a bunch of things so your compile speeds don't suck by default”. But I appreciated it because it helps you evaluate Bevy properly (it's as fast as it'll get from that point) and it also made my non-game Rust project workflows faster.

Bevy also sets expectations well about the initial slow-ish build (“This will take some time as you are essentially building an engine from scratch. You will only need to do a full rebuild once. Every build after this one will be fast!”).

Yeah Bevy does a fantastic job here(which given the focus on iteration time for gamedev makes sense).

With the dynamic link feature it takes about 1s to compile + link and Bevy is very much a nontrivial runtime/library that makes use of lots of Rust features.

I work on quite a large Rust project, and my regular `cargo check` takes around 5 seconds. Of course, I'd be happy if it were instantaneous, but "two deep breaths" worth of turnaround time is hardly a deal-breaker, especially given all the bugs that the compiler prevents for free that I don't need to spend time tracking down.

EDIT: I checked just now and it takes one second to `cargo check` the shallowest crate in our workspace, and six to check the deepest.

Slower compile times are a small price to pay for memory safety and much higher productivity.

I get those with Go and I have blazing fast compile times too.

Really? Do you get compile time deterministic memory management while being much more high level than Go?

There are trade-offs, rust makes one, use it if it makes sense but these comparisons are just pointless. This whole thread is filled with such arguments. Sure use OCaml, Haskell, Go whatever suits your needs. But let's not pretend that they achieve at compile time what rust does.

Somebody is complaining about compile time, somebody says GC alternatives exist. No, if you are getting into Rust you pretty much know the trade offs. It's on you if you choose Rust somewhere where a GC, REPL providing alternative would have been enough. The miracle of Rust to me is that I usually find Rust high level enough to not have to bother with the alternatives most of the time. I would write my UIs in flutter and my web frontends in TS. I am under no illusion that a GC language would not be more productive in most cases.

> Sure use OCaml, Haskell, Go whatever suits your needs. But let's not pretend that they achieve at compile time what rust does.

Are you talking specifically about the memory use of rustc vs. ocamlopt? Or do you mean that rustc is faster than ocamlopt at compiling a similar program? Or are you saying that rustc does more work than ocamlopt because of the borrow checker?

Go is not a C/C++ replacement. Rust is.

Rob Pike did intend Go to be a C++ replacement for some use cases:

  I was asked a few weeks ago, "What was the biggest surprise you encountered rolling out Go?" I knew the answer instantly: Although we expected C++ programmers to see Go as an alternative, instead most Go programmers come from languages like Python and Ruby. Very few come from C++.

  We—Ken, Robert and myself—were C++ programmers when we designed a new language to solve the problems that we thought needed to be solved for the kind of software we wrote. It seems almost paradoxical that other C++ programmers don't seem to care.
Source: https://commandcenter.blogspot.com/2012/06/less-is-exponenti...

The sort of people who used C++ and thought "if only I could have garbage collection!" all moved to Java well before Go got a foothold.

Rust is its own thing that may share some niches with cpp, but it does not replace it. I would really have to care about memory safety a lot to pick Rust over Zig (for example) as a cpp alternative, but then if I really care about memory safety I might pick something other than Rust as well. When it comes to performance, you will probably end up needing unsafe anyway, which raises the question of why you should write an entire application in Rust as opposed to mixing a simpler and slower safe language with a simpler unsafe language for performance.

Go isn't very safe and in general is a big mess with pointers and those zero-values. It gives you speed, a lot, but at a cost.

Slow compile times can reduce productivity.

Most of the errors can already be caught by running `cargo check` which is substantially faster than rust.

Coming from C++ rust's compile times don't feel extraordinarily long.

When I write Rust code most of my errors typically get caught by my language server. Unfortunately, this doesn't help much with making builds faster, though it may reduce the number I may have to do.

Useless for graphics and GUI programming.

For GUI programming, you can use a toolkit that have a preview extension that updates in real time as you type. For example, Slint does that.

It doesn't do that for Rust code being called from UI.

Not nearly as much as chasing bugs that do not happen in Rust.

That would depend on what you're doing, of course :)

No not at all.

…perhaps you lack experience of a time where fixing bugs that cannot be effectively discovered using tools available in other languages took less time than the equivalent code in Rust would take to compile?

Yet all the tools that exist still don't prevent memory safety bugs found regularly in pretty much any C codebase. Using safe rust will be a productivity boon because of its type system, crate ecosystem and memory safety.

> Yet all the tools that exist still don't prevent memory safety bugs found regularly in pretty much any C codebase.

They can help, but I am well aware of which kinds of bugs existing C tooling cannot catch. I still take issue with your opinion, which hold through this thread, that claims that productivity gains from not having to track these down necessarily outweighs Rust's compile times.

You can get memory safety and much faster compile times in many other languages, so that is not a valid argument on its own.

Not an issue on other safer languages, currently on Rust it is mostly having the focus elsewhere.

I have never found this to be the case as long as you are using workspaces to split up the compilation units.

> I have always found the compiler to be unacceptably slow in these cases, especially if you come from C rather than C++

I’ve found this to be highly dependent on the hardware you are using. On my 2015 MacBook Pro, Rust was slow enough to be annoying. On my new M1 Pro MacBook (which is ~9x faster), it’s fast enough for me not to notice compile times.

Look into Apple silicon - lots of cache, great branch predictions, pointer-chasing prefetchers and more to subside just about all of your compiling worries.

Hmph, I wish…

Splitting your projects in smaller packages by using workspaces helps a lot reducing the compile time.

> have always found the compiler to be unacceptably slow in these cases

How slow is "unacceptably" slow?

Personally I do not find this to be an issue the vast majority of the time. Especially in combination with cargo watch which can automatically run a check/build/tests/... whenever a change is made.

I think this is good advice! But YMMV; I've also always found the compiler to be slow, but acceptably so for what it's giving me.

Could you point me towards a project where this is the case? I want to try it out as I never found Rust slow to compile.

Rust is most definitely slow to compile compared to GCC or LLVM for C/C++. This is a known situation and has been since the pre-1.0 days because of the heavily front-loaded macro and borrow systems. It's the tradeoff you have for having a "safe" language vs a "trusting" one.

I would argue that it's not as bad as it's made out to be, especially if you're not doing full recompiles and using it on modern (2019+) hardware; but it is a noticeable difference in similar large codebases.

Rust macros are not the fault for its slowness. expansion is one of the fastest compilation phases. Time is rather spent in other steps like type checking, llvm optimizations and such. The issue is more Rust's generics as they cause a lot of code to be passed to llvm (among other issues for Rust's slowness).

Macro expansion is slow, but only noticeably in the specific situation of a) third-party proc macros, b) a debug build, and c) a few thousand invocations of said proc macros. This is because building in debug mode also compiles proc macros in debug mode, so while the macro itself compiles quickly (because it's an unoptimized build), it ends up running slowly (because it's an unoptimized build).

I know this from observing a ~90s difference between debug and release builds, of a large (mostly auto-generated) crate that had a couple of thousand `#[derive(serde::*)]`s. [1]

This doesn't affect most users, because first-party macros like `#[derive(Debug)]` etc are not slow because they're part of rustc and are thus optimized regardless of the profile, and even with third-party macros it is unlikely that they have thousands of invocations. Even if it is a problem, users can opt in to compiling just the proc macros in release mode. [2]

[1]: https://github.com/Arnavion/k8s-openapi/issues/4

[2]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/5622*

> Macro expansion is slow, but only noticeably in the specific situation of a) third-party proc macros, b) a debug build, and c) a few thousand invocations of said proc macros.

Oh that's interesting. But note that it's an issue caused by (from the perspective of the language) user code being slow, and also only if you compile in debug mode. You probably don't want to unconditionally compile proc macros in release mode, as most times they probably don't get invoked thousands of times. Ideally you would probably a) invoke macros in a parallel fashion, with multiple expansion threads, and b) maybe have rustc signal to cargo somehow that there are tons of invocations of a specific macro and that it might make more sense to recompile the proc macro with optimizations turned on.

It's slower then C for sure. But slower then C++? I doubt it.

C++ is only slower in heavy template metaprogramming.

Additionally thanks to heavy reliance on binary libraries, when starting a new project, we only need to compile our own code.

Rust is most comparable to C++ with heavy TMP, as it itself also makes use of templates.

To be precise, Rust generics perform monomorphization, which C++ templates also perform. But I wouldn't go so far as to compare the language to "C++ with heavy TMP", as that's far too broad of a characterization; TMP implies a lot of things, e.g. poor error messages, that Rust doesn't necessarily exhibit.

> TMP implies a lot of things, e.g. poor error messages, that Rust doesn't necessarily exhibit.

That's fair. My comment was mostly about performance.

“I’ve never been bothered by the compilation speed” is not the same thing as “It isn’t slow to compile.”

Sure! I didn't claim anything close "it isn't not slow to compile" and I'm not sure how you could interpret my comment like that. Notice how I clearly asked to be educated.

Fantastic timing! I was just going to start looking into running Rust on Android

Can Rust make Android apps faster ?

It feels logical because Rust is close to the metal, but I don't know enough Android or Rust to be sure.

Hi, I wrote the new course. We have been enabling the use of Rust in the Android Platform.

Roughly speaking, the Android Platform is the Linux distribution running below the Android apps we all know. There are a number of daemons running on the system and these are often written in C++. We've now made it possible for Android engineers to write them in Rust instead (or to link in Rust libraries if they want). To do this, the Android build system had to be extended with new rules, see https://source.android.com/docs/setup/build/rust/building-ru....

The overall goal is to have more secure software. Rust removes a whole class of possible security vulnerabilities and we deploy it to make phones more secure. See https://security.googleblog.com/2022/12/memory-safe-language... for details on that.

Android apps are already compiled to native code, being faster or slower is a matter of developer skills, and how much they paid attention to algorithms and data structures lectures.

Rust can make Android apps faster, but so can Python or Java or JavaScript or C++. It's generally not useful to make a comparison like this in a vacuum.

Anyone happen to have this in EPUB or PDF format (for an ebook reader)?

The course is meant to be interactive, which means that you should try out the embedded code snippets. You can edit them and run them from your browser :) However, if you really want a PDF, then use the print page[1]. It will let you produce a ~210 page PDF with the entire course.

For learning Rust via a non-interactive medium, I recommend the Rust Book[2]. It has all the narrative that the course material is missing.

[1]: https://google.github.io/comprehensive-rust/print.html

[2]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/.

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