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Strg.snek (toulou.itch.io)
69 points by colinprince on Dec 17, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

I think I must be missing something. Seems like a snake game, but no food shows up to eat... wander around the screen until I die. See my ghost there, but running over it does nothing.

you can travel through areas that don't have borders

go down

Are you the original author?

This is a really fun exploration of an old premise, thanks! Great little easter eggs with color zone and the wedding.

(But I'm completely stuck in the hard rain, after 'Emergency - connect to snake', sometimes i survive the stream, sometimes i can't, i haven't figured out the state that makes the stream traversable.)

> Are you the original author?


Rather reminescent of VVVVVV.

One of the comments on the itch.io page calls out to VVVVVV as well.

I like it overall. That said there are some frustrating aspects of it. The green world is a warp maze with small entry points. That's where I quit. If I could slow it down I'd have a better time. I've never been good at quick reaction time games and this requires accuracy in getting into the warp doors and quickly re-orienting to the exit point. I'm sure others will enjoy this challenge.

Least intuitive opening to any game I've ever played besides Eve Online.

Put an arrow or something to indicate that you should go through the hole in the border at the bottom.

"Gamers" need to stop being so wussy and play a game without expecting it to hold your hand.

Funny, I was complaining about this very attitude on HN a few days ago and people were like, "no no, modern gamers aren't like this" and here is that attitude right here.

You would have hated the original Zelda game.

It's dangerous to go alone. Take that tutorial.

Here is some praise and not just complaints, this game is great! Is there a version that can run on dos? Is this emulated or just made to look like a dos mode game?

how many points can you get in total?

Shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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