"Checking Dependent Types with Normalization by Evaluation: A Tutorial" [1]
This one is cool too, I believe from the same author. I've read it recently and it makes pretty clear the intuition behind dependent types implementation.
It's interesting to see it's implemented in Haskell, looks like Clojure, has certain Rust-like semantics, and compiles to C. Quite an eclectic mix of languages going on here. Quite unusual that they don't mention anything about concurrency anywhere. The docs do say that there's a fork function, but there's no real information. Maybe the expectation is for developers to use C concurrency primitives?
Surprisingly similar to Rust, though I wonder if borrowing-by-default wouldn't be more readable than adding & everywhere. If you really need to give something ownership, you could have a sigil that maps to (move <var>)
That's correct, concurency is not supported right now. I have a POC for using pthread but essentially the borrow checker is not aware of it and so it's quite unsafe.
I saw a talk once by Siskind who was a very smart fellow. The origin of the name Stalin in this case came from "Static Language { (I)mplementatio(N) }" in deliberate contrast with "Dylan" [1] which was a more dynamic dialect of Lisp being developed at the time whose principles he disagreed with. I think he worked on Dylan originally, so one could also say he disagreed with the principals as well as the principles. ;-)
FWIW, I've wondered whether your use of the past tense meant that he died (maybe it's just me thinking that way), so I've verified that this doesn't appear to be the case, his CV [1] has been updated this year.
Optional parenthesis and optional separators always force me to pause and parse the code instead of scanning it, because I need to establish the context of every single operation.
I'm sure Carp is interesting, but I would be so unproductive in it.
What do you mean by optional parentheses? Are you referring to the square brackets? Carp is inspired by Clojure, and in both [] is a reader macro that instantiates an array (a vector, as opposed to a list). I'm not a fan of using the array syntax to define function arguments.
I'm not sure what you mean by optional parenthesis. I'd say optional separators are a legacy feature, I don't think anyone writes Carp with separators.
Whoa - please don't take HN threads further into flamewar, and especially not nationalistic flamewar! This is going the wrong way down a one-way street.
I realize these things can be annoying but what commenters here (all of us, including me) need to work on is metabolizing annoyances rather than venting them. Then we can keep having a curious conversation.
So because most people on this site are American and might misread the title, the authors have to consider changing it? Why would the authors of Carp care about the demographics of Hacker News?
4 million just in Ukraine. (All this is pre-WWII.) How many of 30M Soviets died because the whole officer corps was executed just shy of WWII? Or because all military assets were poised at the border, easily bypassed, not defending cities?
The first actual census in USSR came up 15M "short", but it is unknown how many were killed, vs. previously overcounted because of weird czarist policy inherited from Mongol rule: peasants who escaped were still counted against a town's tax obligations.
Making nukes whose spiritual descendants will be handed over to Putin's insane successors, as Russian Federation splinters, might do in the whole world.
Stalin — man of steel — was his nom de guerre, just as many people are (or at least that was long the convention) referred to by their usernames.
The term is used quasi-ironically on this very site, when people say they will “steelman” an argument. And there are many other people born with that name in various languages, such as Stahlman or, notably around here, Stallman.
I’m not to trying to defend one of the most brutal dictators in history, but since you’re the one who raised the onomastic issue…
იოსებ სტალინი seems to have had a good education, despite having had the kind of early family life which makes for either bitter revolutionaries or slow, steady, drinking. I wonder if his choice of nom de guerre had been a deliberate 20th century rejection of Plato's {gold, silver, iron, brass} men in the Republic?
(compare the meritocracy espoused here and in following sections with that described by Goldstein in 1984 ... and we can be certain EA Blair had read the Republic)
Very cool... and congrats.
But unless I missed it ?
Where are the network,db and concurrency libs or packages ?
I know its still early, but to code something practical in 2022, We need to be able to connect and talk to other programs.
1) Network lib (http client + server)
2) Basic Db access
3) How will concurrency work ? Threads ? CSP ?
4) Cryptographic functions (hashes etc)
5) enc/dec like json, xml etc
Don't get me wrong Im very impressed with Carp, but i want to be able to actually use it :/
Please dont say 'the std lib needs to be small' and ppl can bring their own http and crypto libs. Its 2022 (at least for a little bit more) your language is up against a lot of competition that does include the basics.
Go-Lang (I know not everyones.cup of tea) what they did do right from day one is include these basics in the stdlib. They really wanted ppl to use it to build stuff!
Again congratulations on getting this far, been keeping an eye on it every now and again.
>Go-Lang (I know not everyones.cup of tea) what they did do right from day one is include these basics in the stdlib. They really wanted ppl to use it to build stuff!
This is one possible philosophy. Another is the one rust is following.
>..and instead of commenting on the project, you complain that it doesn't have the libraries you need for your job.
Aaai I guess the my tone got lost via the internet :/
That is why I made sure to compliment the author/project twice in the beginning and in the end.
1)>>Very cool... and congrats.... I know its still early...,
2)>> Again congratulations on getting this far, been keeping an eye on it every now and again.
I am assuming, at some point the authors would want their project to be used by some people ? If I were one of those people, the above is what I would need.
I guess the internet and my 2nd-lang-english, might have made me came out "rude" ? But I assure you it was really just "positive-feedback" and my honest opinion !
You are 100% right, but I'm guessing it's a fair guess that if you ONLY can implement one (time/dev resources etc) you probably can't go too much wrong starting with HTTP.
> It doesn't have any of the above in the standard library, apart from threads, and it seems to be doing fine...
Keep in mind that Rust has a package manager (+ registry) and build system as part of its distribution. The whole mentality of "small, reusable crates" is what makes a small standard library reasonable.
>It doesn't have any of the above in the standard library, apart from threads, and it seems to be doing fine...
Lol true, true. I showed one example (Go) where they had it in and (I liked it). You showed one example (Rust) where it was/is not in the case. My personal preference is to have them included YMMY :)
Carp – A statically typed Lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28875051 - Oct 2021 (134 comments)
Carp 0.3 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20368969 - July 2019 (23 comments)
Carp: A statically typed Lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16829278 - April 2018 (39 comments)
Show HN: A simple drawing and animation framework in Carp - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15995146 - Dec 2017 (1 comment)
A walkthrough of the internals of the Carp compiler - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15986827 - Dec 2017 (1 comment)
Carp, a compiled Lisp with type inference and a borrow checker - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15778530 - Nov 2017 (109 comments)
Carp Language - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13087780 - Dec 2016 (1 comment)
Carp: a statically typed lisp, without a GC, for high performance applications - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12039268 - July 2016 (67 comments)
Carp – a statically typed Lisp, without a GC, for high performance applications - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12037783 - July 2016 (1 comment)