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I really like postgres, but I'm starting to wonder if some of these articles are GPT or not.

Good to see I'm not the first one to notice. Some of the author's points are super vague:

> Use Postgres for caching instead of Redis with UNLOGGED tables and TEXT as a JSON data type.

> Use Postgres as a message queue with SKIP LOCKED instead of Kafka (if you only need a message queue).

I'm sure if we try hard enough we could find some sort of meaning in these points, but then the content is coming from the reader not the author.

Also from the author's mastodon:

> Using ChatGPT As a Co-Founder

I wonder if the author is trying out GPT as a kind of auto-complete for ideas. I have not had a lot exposure to GPT, but it does seem to have something like an "accent". I was listening to This American Life, and they had a mini game show about accents and ages. So, maybe that's just on my mind.

The "Use stored procedures" link points to ChatGPT, so I'd say that's a distinct possibility here.

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