It's worth noting you can do something similar with Django & HTMX. These two combine to provide a DX in the same rough direction as Rails Hotwire and Phoenix LiveView (although the low-level semantics are different; it seems Pynecone is more similar to LiveView if I'm following correctly).
Looks like Pynecone uses Fastapi under the hood, which is a huge win for me. I can't stand "the Django way" of doing things and find Fastapi's philosophy much more harmonious with the way I think. So if you are the kind of person that enjoys a more functional style, with dependency injection, static types, etc, this is nice. If you like dynamic everything, this is probably less appealing.
We get huge development optimizations by using django over other python frameworks.
I think a better approach would be to make the back end pluggable to put whatever backend framework you want. And then you don't have tell people "well you can't use this fancy new tool, unless you move your entire stack over to fastapi..."
I mean there doesn't seem to be any reason you can't have a PineConeView that subclasses the django View class...
I do like FastAPI. django-ninja looks interesting as a potential alternative in the functional & Pydantic-typed API style, while still keeping the benefits of the Django ecosystem and ORM.
While I've not worked with it, one example of Djangonic Components might be Wagtail's:
Interested in others' thoughts on what Pynecone will do better.