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Thank you, that's kind of you to say.

I also want to say thanks for exactly the same reasons expressed above. I learnt a lot from your writing when I was a junior developer just starting out in 2010.

You shared a lot of insights that made the internals of the systems we build upon much more accessible to me and helped shape my relationship with all programming languages I have used since then.

And thanks to all the repliers below for their kind words. My goal was always to share knowledge and enthusiasm and it is genuinely touching to know that I succeeded.

Your blog was a huge influence on me, and it, along with The Old New Thing, led to me working at Microsoft for almost a decade. I learned more about software engineering and programming from your blog than from any set of college classes or textbooks, and what you taught directly impacted so many project I've worked on.

Thank you so much, and I hope that someday in the future you will return to blogging!

Just wanted to say thanks too. Back when I was at the university, your blog helped me discover programming languages are something you can actually design. I even ended up contributing to the Rust compiler, which was an incredible learning experience. Thanks for the inspiration!

Eric, want to echo what folks are saying here. I stumbled on your blog in high school (ca 2003?) and you (and Raymond Chen) fueled so much of my passion for compilers and API design respectively, which dictated both my school choice and at least some career choices later. You were highly influential from afar :)

ditto, thanks Eric!

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