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> there's nothing I have to offer another person in a relationship.

I think that the most valuable (and appreciated) thing you have to offer are your atttentive ears and your time. That's what many people are looking for in a true, deep friendship.

The real frienship isn't about super-intresting hobbies or flashy personality but really basic things like listening each other, supporting i small or large difficulties etc.

Yup, exactly like the article mentions emotional support and debugging.

Listening with your whole attention and authentically sharing your experiences is a massive component of any strong friendship.

This is something I've only understood in the last year or two. It took me ~40 years to understand because I was very emotionally neglected as a child, so I never processed my emotions or helped others do the same. From my mid-teens through 35, I thought I didn't have the same emotions as other people.

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