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Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore so how do they connect to the internet? (cloudflare.com)
505 points by jgrahamc on Nov 25, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 133 comments

This is a wonderful article. Thanks for sharing. As always, Cloudflare blog posts do not disappoint.

It’s very interesting that they are essentially treating IP addresses as “data”. Once looking at the problem from a distributed system lens, the solution here can be mapped to distributed systems almost perfectly.

- Replicating a piece of data on every host in the fleet is expensive, but fast and reliable. The compromise is usually to keep one replica in a region; same as how they share a single /32 IP address in a region.

- “sending datagram to IP X” is no different than “fetching data X from a distributed system”. This is essentially the underlying philosophy of the soft-unicast. Just like data lives in a distributed system/cloud, you no longer know where is an IP address located.

It’s ingenious.

They said they don’t like stateful NAT, which is understandable. But the load balancer has to be stateful still to perform the routing correctly. It would be an interesting follow up blog post talking about how they coordinate port/data movements (moving a port from server A to server B), as it’s state management (not very different from moving data in a distributed system again).

I have a lot of trouble mapping your comment to the content of the article. It is about the egress addresses, the ones CloudFlare use as source when fetching from origin servers. Those addresses need to be separated by the region of the end-user ("eyeball"/browser) and the CloudFlare service they are using (CDN or WARP).

The cost they are working around is the cost of IPv4 addresses, versus the combinatorial explosion in their allocation scheme (they need number of services * number of regions * whatever dimension they add next, because IP addresses are nothing like data).

I am not sure where you see data replication in this scheme?

It's not meant to be a perfect analogy. The replication analogy is mostly talking about the tradeoff between performance and cost. So it's less about "replicating" the ip addresses (which is not happening). On that front, maybe distribution would be a better term. Instead of storing a single piece of data on a single host (unicast), they are distributing it to a set of hosts.

Overall, it seems like they are treating ip addresses as data essentially, which becomes most obvious when they talk about soft-unicast.

Anyway, I just found it interesting to look at this through this lens.

"Overall, it seems like they are treating ip addresses as data essentially"

Spot on!

In past:

* /24 per datacenter (BGP), /32 per server (local network) (all 64K ports)


* /24 per continent (group of colos), /32 per colo, port-slice per server

This is totally hierarchical. All we did is build a tech to change the "assignment granularity". Now with this tech we can do... anything we want. We're not tied to BGP, or IP's belonging to servers, or adjacent IP's needing to be nearby.

The cost is the memory cost of global topology. We don't want a global shared-state NAT (each 2 or 4-tuple being replicated globally on all servers). We don't want zero-state (a machine knowing nothing about routing, just BGP does the job). We want to select a reasonable mix. Right now it's /32 per datacenter.... but we can change it if we want and be more, or less specific than that.

Is this feature fully rolled out yet? I still see unicast IPs connecting from the entry colo and traceroute confirms that.

Only downside seems more stress on quicksilver ;)

By stateful NAT they mean connection tracking. In the described solution, the LB/router doesn’t track connections - it simply looks up the server via local mapping from port range to server, and forwards the packet.

Incidentally, this is exactly how GCP Cloud NAT works.

Whenever I see the name Marek Majkowski come up, I know the blog post is going to be good.

I had to solve this exact problem a year ago when attempting to build an anycast forward proxy, quickly came to the conclusion that it'd be impossible without a massive infrastructure presence. Ironically I was using CF connections to debug how they might go about this problem, when I realized they were just using local unicast routes for egress traffic I stopped digging any deeper.

Maintaining a routing table in unimog to forward lopsided egress connections to the correct DC is brilliant and shows what is possible when you have a global network to play with, however I wonder if this opens up an attack vector where previously distributed connections are now being forwarded & centralized at a single DC, especially if they are all destined for the same port slice...

I think this is no worse than using unicast IPs - they can probably reuse the same firewall technology to guard against attacks as before.

you wonder about an attack and everyone else wonder if that was the main point of all this.

> However, while anycast works well in the ingress direction, it can't operate on egress. Establishing an outgoing connection from an anycast IP won't work. Consider the response packet. It's likely to be routed back to a wrong place - a data center geographically closest to the sender, not necessarily the source data center!

Slightly OT question, but why wouldn't this be a problem with ingress, too?

E.g. suppose I want to send a request to What I don't know is that is an anycast address.

So my client sends a SYN packet to to open the connection. The packet is routed to data center #1. The data center duly replies with a SYN/ACK packet, which my client answers with an ACK packet.

However, due to some bad luck, the ACK packet is routed to data center #2 which is also a destination for the anycast address.

Of course, data center #2 doesn't know anything about my connection, so it just drops the ACK or replies with a RST. In the best case, I can eventually resend my ACK and reach the right data center (with multi-second delay), in the worst case, the connection setup will fail.

Why does this not happen on ingress, but is a problem for egress?

Even if the handshake uses SYN cookies and got through on data center #2, what would keep subsequent packets that I send on that connection from being routed to random data centers that don't know anything about the connection?

Yep, it can happen that your packet gets routed to a different DC from a prior packet. But the routers in between the client and the anycast destination will do the same thing if the environment is the same. So to get routed to a new location, you would usually need either:

* A new (usually closer) DC comes online. That will probably be your destination from now on.

* The prior DC (or a critical link on the path to it) goes down.

The crucial thing is that the client will typically be routed to the closest destination to it. In the egress case the current DC may not be the closest DC to the server it is trying to reach so the return traffic would go to the wrong place. This system of identifying a server with unique IP/port(s) means that CF's network can forward the return traffic to the correct place.

Dang this stuff is super interesting. As someone who knows very little about networking and DNS, both your comment and the parent comment are incredible insightful and illuminating! Thanks for sharing.

It works because the route to is relatively stable. The routes would only change and end up at data center #2 if data center #1 stopped announcing the routes. In that case the connection would just re-negotiate to data center #2.

Ah, ok, that makes sense. So for a given point of origin, anycast generally routes to the same server?

Correct. From a single place, you're likely to BGP-reach one Cloudflare location, and it doesn't change often.

This is a problem in theory. In practice (and through experience) we see very little routing instability in the way you describe.

You mean, it's just luck?

calculated luck

right? also seems like load should or at least could be changing all the time. geo or hops proximity is really the only things that decide a route? not load also?

But although I would be surprised if load were not also part of the route picker, I would also be surprised if the routers didn't have some association or state tracking to actively ensure related packets get the same route.

But I guess this is saying exactly that, that it's relying on luck and happenstance.

It may be doing the job well enough that not enough people complain, but I wouldn't be proud of it myself.

Your intuition is more or less all wrong here, sorry.

Most routers with multiple viable paths pass was too much traffic to do state tracking of individual flows. Most typically, the default metric is BGP path length, for a given prefix, send packets through the route that has the most specific prefix, if there's a tie, use the route that transits the fewest networks to get there, if there's still a tie, use the route that has been up the longest (which maybe counts as state tracking). Routing like this doesn't take into account any sort of load metric, although people managing the routers might do traffic engineering to try to avoid overloaded routes (but it's difficult to see what's overloaded a few hops beyond your own router).

For the most part, an anycast operation is going to work best if all sites can handle all the forseable load, because it's easy to move all the traffic, but it's not easy to only move some. Everything you can do to try to move some traffic is likely to either not be effective or move too much.

Why shouldn’t they be proud of a massive system like Cloudflare that works extremely well? As a commentor below described, it’s not luck or happenstance, it’s a natural consequence of how BGP works. Seems pretty elegant to me.

Anycast is implemented by BGP and doesn't take load into account in any way. You will reach the closest location announcing that address (well, prefix).

TFA claims that Anycast is an advantage when dealing with DDoS because it helps spread the load? A regional DDoS (where it consistently hits a small set of DCs) is not a common scenario, I guess?

Basically yes. Large-scale DDoS attacks rely on compromising random servers and devices, either directly with malware or indirectly with reflection attacks. Those hosts aren't all going to be located in the same place.

An attacker could choose to only compromise devices located near a particular data center, but that would really reduce the amount of traffic they could generate, and also other data centers would stay online and serve requests from users in other places.

In addition to what others have said about route stability, there is possibly a more relevant point to make: for 'ingress' traffic, the anycast IP is the destination, and for 'egress' traffic it is the source. This distinction is important because the system doesn't have any reasonable way to anticipate where the reply traffic to the anycast IP will actually route to. A packet is launched to the Internet from an anycast IP, and the replies could come to anywhere that IP is announced - most likely not the same place the connection originated. Contrast to when the (unicast) client makes the first move, and the anycast node that gets the initial packets is highly likely to get any follow up packets as well, so in the vast majority of cases, this works just fine.

As others have mentioned, this is not often a problem because routing is normally fairly stable (at least compared to the lifetime of a typical connection). For longer lived connections (e.g. video uploads), it’s more of a problem.

Also, there are a fair number of ASes that attempt to load balance traffic between multiple peering points, without hashing (or only using the src/dst address and not the port). This will also cause the problem you described.

In practice it’s possible to handle this by keeping track of where the connections for an IP address typically ingress and sending packets there instead of handling them locally. Again, since it’s a few ASes that cause problems for typical connections, is also possible to figure out which IP prefixes experience the most instability and only turn on this overlay for them.

Yes, as others have mentioned, route flapping is a problem. But, in practice, not as big a problem as DNS-based routing.

- See: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10636547

- And: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17904663

Besides, SCTP / QUIC aware load balancers (or proxies) are detached from IPs and should continue to hum along just fine regardless of which server IP the packet ends up at.

As an industry, we are bad at deprecating old protocols like IPv4. This is a genius hack for a problem we have due to IPv6 not being adopted widely enough so that serving legacy IP users becomes a dropable liability to the business. The ROI is still high enough for us to “innovate” here. I applaud the solution but mourn the fact that we still need this.

I guess ingress is next, then? Two layers of Unimog to achieve stability before TCP/TLS termination maybe.

I've been thinking a lot about this in my own enterprise and I've increasingly come to the conclusion that IP itself is the wrong abstraction for how the majority of modern networked compute works. IPv6, as a (quite old itself) iteration on top of IPv4 with a bunch of byzantine processes and acronyms tacked on is solving the wrong problem.

Originally IP was a way to allow discrete physical computers in different locations owned by different organizations to find each other and exchange information autonomously.

These days most compute actually doesn't look like that. All my compute is in AWS. Rather than being autonomous it is controlled by a single global control plane and uniquely identified within that control plane.

So when I want my services to connect to each-other within AWS why am I still dealing with these complex routing algorithms and obtuse numbering schemes?

AWS knows exactly which physical hosts my processes are running on and could at a control plane level connect them directly. And I, as someone running a business, could focus on the higher level problem of 'service X is allowed to connect to service Y' rather than figuring out how to send IP packets across subnets/TGWs and where to configure which ports in NACLs and security groups to allow the connection.

Similarly my ISP knows exactly where Amazon and CloudFlare's nearest front doors are so instead of 15 hops and DNS resolutions my laptop could just make a request to Service X on AWS. My ISP could drop the message in AWS' nearest front door and AWS could figure out how to drop the message on the right host however they want to.

I know there's a lot of legacy cruft and also that there are benefits of the autonomous/decentralized model vs central control for the internet as a whole but given the centralized reality we're in, especially within the enterprise, I think it's worth reevaluating how we approach networking and whether the continuing focus on IP is the best use of of our time.

> my laptop could just make a request to Service X on AWS

I was looking for the "just" that handwaves away the complexity and I was not disappointed.

How do you imagine your laptop expressing a request in a way that it makes it through to the right machine? Doing a traceroute to amazon.com, I count 26 devices between me and it. How will those devices know which physical connection to pass the request over? Remember that some of them will be handling absurd amounts of traffic, so your scheme will need to work with custom silicon for routing as well as doing ok on the $40 Linksys home unit. What are you imagining that would be so much more efficient that it's worth the enormous switching costs?

I also have questions about your notion of "centralization". Are you saying that Google, Microsoft, and other cloud vendors should just... give up and hand their business to AWS? Is that also true for anybody who does hosting, including me running a server at home? If so, I invite you to read up on the history of antitrust law, as there are good reasons to avoid a small number of people having total control over key economic sectors.

> How do you imagine your laptop expressing a request in a way that it makes it through to the right machine? Doing a traceroute to amazon.com, I count 26 devices between me and it. How will those devices know which physical connection to pass the request over?

That's my whole point. You're thinking of it from an IP perspective where there are individual devices in some chain and they all need to autonomously figure out a path from my laptop to AWS. The reality is every device between me and AWS is owned by my ISP. They know exactly which physical path ahead of time will get a message from my laptop to AWS. So why waste all the time on the IP abstraction?

> I also have questions about your notion of "centralization". Are you saying that Google, Microsoft, and other cloud vendors should just... give up and hand their business to AWS?

AWS is just an example. Realistically a huge amount of traffic on the internet is going to 6 places and my ISP already has direct physical connections to those places. Maintaining this complex and byzantine abstraction to figure out how to get a message from my laptop to compute in those companies' infrastructure should not be necessary.

And in general the more important part is within AWS' (or Microsoft's or enterprise X's) network why waste time on IP when the network owner knows exactly which host every compute process is running on?

Instead of thinking of an enterprise network as a set of autonomous hosts that need to figure out a path between each other think of it as a set of processes running on the same OS (the virtual infrastructure). Linux doesn't need to do BGP to figure out how to connect two processes so why does your network?

Sorry, this still sounds like architecture astronautics to me. You have an intuition that things could maybe be simpler, which is not a bad place to start, but then you have to ground it in the actual reality.

> You're thinking of it from an IP perspective where there are individual devices in some chain

What do you plan to replace the individual devices with?

Looking at the traceroute in question, something I'd suggest you do for your own, I see one router owned by me, 6 by my ISP, 2 at an interchange, 5 for a backbone, a number of intermediate ones of mysterious ownership, and finally one owned by Amazon, presumably with a bunch of other Amazon hops that are hidden from me.

These are physical devices connected by physical links (wires, cables, fiber). Wires that people installed. Wires that break. Connected to devices that break. What in your proposed grand vision will happen there? Please start with the happy path and then give detail on the failure cases.

A similar problem applies in Amazon. The abstraction they hand you is pretty convenient. But that abstraction is made out of many millions of devices connected up in cunning ways.

Linux can connect two processes because the kernel has total control over a modest number of CPUs and RAM. That just doesn't compare to literal billions of interconnected devices with no central control. It's like saying that because your dad knows your mom's name and how to reach her, he should be able to do the same thing for everybody in his country.

> The reality is every device between me and AWS is owned by my ISP. They know exactly which physical path ahead of time will get a message from my laptop to AWS.

Neither of these are true in general. And suppose AWS (or GCP, or Azure, or Cloudflare...) decides to add a new POP. How do they broadcast to your ISP and all the other ISPs in the world how exactly to send datagrams to it?

> That's my whole point. You're thinking of it from an IP perspective where there are individual devices in some chain and they all need to autonomously figure out a path from my laptop to AWS. The reality is every device between me and AWS is owned by my ISP. They know exactly which physical path ahead of time will get a message from my laptop to AWS. So why waste all the time on the IP abstraction?

The ISP can internally use MPLS to do routing exactly the way you suggest: build a "circuit" between you and Amazon and then route the packets internally in their networks through this circuit, instead of using IP. This works because the ISP has a global view of their network and as such their routers don't need to work independently. MPLS was needed in a time where IP routing was too slow, but nowadays you can get full speed without MPLS.

But anyway, it doesn't matter how packets are routed internally within each network, IP is still required for routing between different networks. Which is actually super common!

> That's my whole point. You're thinking of it from an IP perspective where there are individual devices in some chain and they all need to autonomously figure out a path from my laptop to AWS. The reality is every device between me and AWS is owned by my ISP. They know exactly which physical path ahead of time will get a message from my laptop to AWS. So why waste all the time on the IP abstraction?

IP is concrete, not abstract. Whatever the form the network takes, when you make a request, your ISP is going to have a make a decision on how to route it over their physical assets to get it to the desired destination. Unless you are talking about your ISP provisioning a physical circuit directly between you and Amazon, with no multiplexing and no equipment on it, you are going to have those hops whether you use IP to choose the route or not. That is not really negotiable, or you're not describing a network (or something even remotely viable) at all. Maybe that path is invisible to you, but it exists.

And in fact, in many or even most carrier networks, this is abstracted in much the way that you describe within that particular network using MPLS. But this approach doesn't scale to the scope of the Internet, requires all edge devices have complete knowledge of every necessary path in the network, and makes inter-networking more difficult because every endpoint and its end-to-end path to every other needs to be shared and synchronized. This is actually more complex, and much more brittle, than the current implementation. And for what? I still have yet to understand what advantage you think would be gained here. Right now, if you want to talk to s3, you send a packet to s3, and your ISP does all the 'complex and byzantine' work. What do you care how they do it?

Ignoring the long tail is also silly. FAANG might represent a majority of traffic on the Internet, but the long tail is huge, and you can't just hand-wave it away like that. Enabling it is what makes the Internet what it is, and if your proposal doesn't account for it, it's dead in the water.

> And in general the more important part is within AWS' (or Microsoft's or enterprise X's) network why waste time on IP when the network owner knows exactly which host every compute process is running on?

Knowing that is the easy part. You still need to figure out a path and actually route the packets along it. You still need to deal with path selection, load balancing, fault tolerance, and synchronizing any necessary state. You still need devices along the path to know what to do with a packet they receive, somehow. It turns out that hop-by-hop routing is an efficient and viable way to accomplish this.

> Instead of thinking of an enterprise network as a set of autonomous hosts that need to figure out a path between each other think of it as a set of processes running on the same OS (the virtual infrastructure). Linux doesn't need to do BGP to figure out how to connect two processes so why does your network?

Because the 'network' you describe is not a network? It's processes running on the same machine? This is not analogous at all to a large distributed network like the Internet.

> So when I want my services to connect to each-other within AWS why am I still dealing with these complex routing algorithms and obtuse numbering schemes?

> AWS knows exactly which physical hosts my processes are running on and could at a control plane level connect them directly. And I, as someone running a business, could focus on the higher level problem of 'service X is allowed to connect to service Y' rather than figuring out how to send IP packets across subnets/TGWs and where to configure which ports in NACLs and security groups to allow the connection.

You shouldn't be? Doesn't AWS number your machines for you automatically and give you a unique ID you can use with DNS to reach it? And also provide a variety of 'ingress' services to abstract load balancing and security as well? I'm not a consumer of AWS services in my dayjob, but isn't this their entire raison d'etre? Otherwise you may as well just run much cheaper VMs elsewhere.

> Similarly my ISP knows exactly where Amazon and CloudFlare's nearest front doors are so instead of 15 hops and DNS resolutions my laptop could just make a request to Service X on AWS. My ISP could drop the message in AWS' nearest front door and AWS could figure out how to drop the message on the right host however they want to.

Uhm, aside from handwaving away how your ISP is going to give you a direct, no-hops connection to AWS, this is pretty much exactly what your ISP is doing. Hell, in some cases, your ISP has abstracted the underlying backbone hops too using something like MPLS, and this is completely invisible to you as an end user. You or your laptop don't have to think about the network part of things at all. You ask to connect to s3, your laptop looks up the service's IP address (unique ID) in DNS, sends some packets, and your ISP routes them to CloudFlare's nearest front doors.

There are some good arguments to be made for a message-passing focused rather than connection focused protocol model, but that doesn't seem to be what you're talking about. What you seem to be talking about is doing away with routing altogether, and even in a relatively centralized internet, that just makes zero sense. We will continue to need the aggregation layer, we will continue to have multiple routes to a resource through multiple hops that need to be resolved into a path, and we'll continue to need a way to uniquely identify a service endpoint.

The IP addresses you see as an AWS customer aren’t the same used to route packets between hosts. That said, there’s a huge amount of commodity infrastructure built up that understands IP addresses and routing layers, so unless a new scheme offers tremendous benefits, it won’t get adoption.

At least from a security perspective though ip acl’s are falling out of favor to service based identities, which is a good thing.

You can see how AWS internally does networking here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ii5XWpcYYnI

This service pretty much does what you were asking for: service name and it handles the routing under the covers:


> Rather than being autonomous it is controlled by a single global control plane and uniquely identified within that control plane.

By default, sure. You can easily bring your own IPs into AWS and use them instead, and I don't think it's hard to imagine the pertinent use cases and risk management this brings.

You misunderstand what "the internet" is. "The internet" is a process and methodology for connectivity between LANs. And 48 addressing bits is more than enough to solve this problem.

TCP/IP is full of cruft and causes a shitload of unnecessary problems, but increasing the number of bits in the addressing space solves literally none of them.

This is a horrible way to avoid upgrading the world to IPv6.

The industry will not transition to v6 unless: 1) The cost of not doing so is higher than the cost of sticking with v4. Because of all the numerous clever tricks and products designed to mitigate v4's limitations, the cost argument still favors v4 for most people in most situations.


2) We admit that v6 needs to be rethought and rethink it. I understand why v6 does not just increase IP address bits from 32 to 128, but at this point I think everyone has admitted that v6 is simply too difficult for most IT departments to implement. In particular, the complexity of the new assignment schemes like prefix delegation and SLAAC needs to be paired back. Offer a minimum set of features and spin off everything else.

Spot on with part 2. Ignore all the folks saying IPv6 is "simple" or works well.

I am absolutely no expert, but could get my head around ipv4, but IPv6 - I always end up running into a fuss. I really wish they'd expanded address space to 64 bits, a few other tweaks, and called it good. Maybe call it IPv5? Is there any chance of doing something like this.

So many things that are so trivial or well known in IPv4 are a total nightmare pain with IPv6. Some quick examples:

Internet service providers will happily give you a block of static IPv4 addresses for a price. ATT goes up to a 64 ip address block easily, even on residential. Almost impossible to get a static block of IPv6 in the US.

Let's say you are SMB, you want WAN failover. With IPv4 this is simple. You can either get two blocks of static for your upstream, and route them directly as appropriate to your servers, or go behind a NAT and do a failover option. Whent the failover happens, your internal network is relatively unaffected.

Now try to do this with IPv6? You can't get your static IP's to do direct routing with, and NPT and anything else is a mess, and the latency in having your entire network renumber when the WAN side flaps is stupid and annoying.

In many SMB contexts folks are very used to DHCP, they use it to trigger boot scripts TFTP, zero touch phone provisioning and lots more, pass out time servers and other info and more. The set of end user devices (printers, phones, security cameras, intercoms, industrial iOT) that can be configured and supported with IPv6 is so poor and the complexity is so high.

Not all ISP's offer prefix delegation to end user sites. Because you have an insane minimum subnet size with ipv6 a lot of things that for example you just need two IPs (think separate network for customer premise equipment) now need a 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 addresses.

The GSE debacle means instead of a very large 64 bit address space we got an insane 128 bit address space. Seriously, how about 96 or anything else a bit more reasonable.

Even things like ICMPv6 - if you just let it through the firewall you could be asking for trouble, but blocking it also causes IPv6 problems. Ugh. Oh, it's simpler than IPv4 they say.

> Even things like ICMPv6 - if you just let it through the firewall you could be asking for trouble, but blocking it also causes IPv6 problems. Ugh. Oh, it's simpler than IPv4 they say.

This causes issues on IPv4 as well, the only difference is that a lot of the dirty hacks and workarounds were removed for IPv6 so that people are forced to deploy it properly.

First, ICMPv6 has more features - and can drive network configuration and reconfiguration. I've seen ICMPv6 stuff for things like discovery, address configuration, PMTU, ARP RARP type stuff, maybe some multicast group management? Where is this in ICMPv4?

"forced to deploy it properly" = giant headache. I'm tired of IPv6 folks saying it's a pain in the neck because it's "proper".

With ICMPv4 if you really needed / wanted, you could basically drop ICMPv4 at the firwall edge (with TCP MSS clamping etc). And the attack space with ICMPv4 coming through I don't think was TOO bad.

When folks say they don't need to filter ICMPv6 for things like RS / RA / NS / NA traffic that seems SO SO sketchy to me.

That and I have PTSD from IPv6 routing to random places being broken which nobody notices because the fallback to v4 is still working ...

> In particular, the complexity of the new assignment schemes like prefix delegation and SLAAC needs to be paired back.

Prefix delegation to customers is necessary if you want to avoid NAT. IPv4 stayed with delegating just one IP address to customer (household) because everyone used NAT in home routers due to IP address conservation.

SLAAC was introduced because people wanted a simpler alternative to more complex DHCP. That is why it is mandatory, while DHCP is optional.

> but at this point I think everyone has admitted that v6 is simply too difficult for most IT departments to implement.

I do not think that IPv6 is too difficult to implement, i rarely heard this argument. The main reason that there is no transition is that there is no economic nor political incentive to do so for individual organizations, so there is a coordination problem.

> We admit that v6 needs to be rethought and rethink it... Offer minimum set of features and spin off everything else.

NAT is that IPv6.

I think we would have been better off if ipv6 just lengthened the address fields and left it at that.

Both prefix delegation and SLAAC are optional. Use DHCPv6 if you like.

If they are not needed for core functionally, why are they part of the standard? It's not just IT departments not able to grok v6 that's the problem, IPv6 implementations are a total crapshoot in terms of quality. Some are great, a small few are terrible or straight up don't work at all, and way too many perform perfectly in common situations but blow up in an uncommon edge case. A significant number of devices (especially in industrial, healthcare and scientific fields) still don't support it at all. This both is caused by and perpetuates lack of adoption on the user side.

Reduction in scope and complexity makes it easier to implement high quality IPv6 stacks. We also need more high-quality reference implementations available for newer and underserved platforms, but that's a different subject.

Some quick questions.

SLAAC seems to introduce insane churn in the IPv6 of end user devices. SLAAC (vs DHCPv6) seems to struggle in fully configuring an end user device (think DNS servers etc.

As someone who has beat my head on the IPv6 thing for a bit before giving up (I tried to go all IPv6), what is the "proper" way to setup a home IPv6 network with SLAAC and not DHCPv6?

If DHCPv6 for some reason is essentially always required, why not let subsume SLAAC for IP address assignments?

> SLAAC seems to introduce insane churn in the IPv6 of end user devices.

By "insane churn" do you mean "devices generate and allocate new IP addresses for themselves periodically (maybe daily, maybe more frequently)"? If you do, then that's not SLAAC, that's the head-assed thing sometimes known as "IPv6 Privacy Addresses". From what I've seen on Windows, OSX, and Linux, this makes it so that there's one IP that remains constant, and a parade of addresses that get assigned as time marches on. You can disable it on Windows, OSX, and Linux, and I would recommend doing so.

> SLAAC (vs DHCPv6) seems to struggle in fully configuring an end user device (think DNS servers etc.

Yeah, if you're interested in only using SLAAC, then the best you can do is set the `RDNSS` option [0] in your Router Advertisements and pray that the network configurator in the OS you're using has bothered to pay attention to it.

[0] <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8106#section-5.1> (Do note that despite the date on this RFC, this option was first specified in 2007, and first specified in a non-experimental RFC in 2010... so, it's not like it's new.)

Always learning something, RDNSS - cool. It always felt silly to have this whole system, and STILL need DHCP to do basic stuff. Glad to hear the ipv6 purists CAN avoid the DHCP server. Practically I think it's here to stay for a bit.

I think privacy extensions are unavoidable - they default on in many places. So I'm leaving them. Some devices actually rotate more often (ie, when connecting to different wifi points even if underlying network is the same, apple seems to generate another new IP). But compared to ipv4 (where you can almost immediately trace from an IP you have in a log to device) -> you need more support in your tooling to do that with IPv6 and privacy extensions.

> But compared to ipv4 (where you can almost immediately trace from an IP you have in a log to device...

Honestly, given that the vast majority of the sites that use v6 "privacy addresses" are going to be end-users at their home, and that most of those folks are going to be either using web browsers, and/or already logged into the servers that are servicing their requests, there are so very, _very_ many powerful ways that folks can be tracked that have absolutely nothing to do with their IP address.

"Privacy addresses" are just a nuisance.

> Some devices actually rotate more often (ie, when connecting to different wifi points even if underlying network is the same, apple seems to generate another new IP).

I'm not sure _exactly_ the setup you're talking about. If "connecting to different wifi points" means "disconnecting from one SSID and connecting to another SSID but still being on the same physical network", then I think that this is OSX randomizing your MAC address and/or OSX generating a new DUID when connecting to a different SSID.

Any sane home router should make it Just Work. All the router has to do is advertise which address prefix your ISP gave you, and your device just chooses an address under that prefix. It couldn't really be simpler - even DHCP is more complex.

However, it only handles your address. Apparently there's an extension to make it also provide DNS addresses and so on. If you don't have that, then I guess you configure DNS manually. Or use

It's not like your router is doing some magic DNS auto-discovery, by the way. It just tells devices the addresses that someone typed into its own configuration page.

First of all, can you point me in the direction where I can get a static IPv6 block from AT&T easily so it will "just work"? Or maybe google fiber for IPv6? [1] There is currently more of a shortage of IPv6 (!!) in terms of getting a static block then there is with IPv4 in my experience.

I'm really tired of hearing it will "Just work" - that's proven to be a lie over and over. But I would love to be shown where these major players do their static blocks for ipv6 (having fought this fight for a while).

Are you using comcast? I think they only DYNAMICALLY assign you a 64 - so you can only create ONE subnet on your entire network. Again illustrating the shortage and difficulty in using IPv6. I'd thought /48 would be minimum PD, but that is not the case. Or even a /60? No go. There are workarounds I'm aware of, but this stuff absolutely DOES NOT "just work".

[1] - https://support.google.com/fiber/answer/6136162?hl=en&ref_to...

Really hoping you come back and read this comment, but perhaps I am too late:

> Are you using comcast? I think they only DYNAMICALLY assign you a 64...

In my experience here in San Francisco with both IPv4 and IPv6 service (and IPv4 service elsewhere in the US years and years ago) Comcast will give you a v4 IP (or v6 subnet) for as long as the same edge device (or an edge device with the same MAC address (or DUID for v6)) continues to renew the lease. So, yeah, it's dynamic in theory, but static in practice.

> Or even a /60 [via DHCPv6-PD]?

Weird. Configuring my DHCPv6 server to do Prefix Delegation and request a /60 always worked just fine for me. I was disappointed that I couldn't get a /56 or /48, but was okay with the /60 that they gave me. Again, this was in San Francisco, so maybe other parts of the country are managed _way_ differently. Maybe.

Alternatively, are you _sure_ that the DHCP-PD request was refused and that that you didn't -say- fail to configure your system to actually assign slices of the /60 to your LAN?


Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I seem to recall a problem like you're describing.

If I'm not misremembering that I had this sort of problem, then, maybe, try configuring your edge device to ask for a /60, change the DUID that it will use to make the request, and then bounce the WAN interface (or reboot the device, or do whatever is required to apply the changes). My memory is absolute shit (and likes to hallucinate things that never happened), so this might not do anything useful. But it's usually a pretty easy thing to try.

> what is the "proper" way to setup a home IPv6 network with SLAAC and not DHCPv6?

RFC 8106 IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS Configuration


I'm surprised that Cloudflare isn't all IPv6 when Cloudflare is the client. That would solve their address problems. Maybe charge more if your servers can't talk IPv6. Or require it for the free tier.

It's useful that they use client side certificates. (They call this "authenticated origin pull", but it seems to be client side certs.

Sadly Cloudflare seems to treat client certificates as an optional nifty feature as opposed to the critical feature that it is. And even some of the settings that look secure aren’t:


Authenticated origin pulls should not be “useful”. They should be on and configured securely by default, and any insecure setting should get a loud warning.

I have tried using cloudflare's client certificate, but it doesn't play well with nginx ssl cache due to increased size on a relatively high load website.

Hi there! In the article I only briefly mentioned IPv6, it was long enough.

Indeed, we do happy-eyeballs where we can and _strongly_ prefer IPv6 when origin host resolves AAAA. However, we still need IPv4, since there is still a big chunk of traffic that only works IPv4.

If the client gives us a chance, we'll strongly prefer IPv6.

They also have to egress to third party servers since they are a CDN and support things like serverless functions

It is easier to convince a group of geniuses of a grand idea, than to convince an average person of changing one thing.

Given the discussion under https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33743935 about opening a connection to (I'm prompted by the same curiosity about ingress load-balancing, statelessly)...

How does the ingress "router" load-balance incoming connections, which it must (even if the "router" is a default host or cluster)? CF isn't opening TCP, then HTTP just to send redirects to another IP for the same cluster.

I guess hashing, on IP and port, is already readily used in routing decisions, so eyeball-addr and -port of the inbound packets, 4-tuple (CF-addr [fixed, shared], CF-port [443], eyeball-addr, eyeball-port), provides a consistent.

I guess that this is good for 99.9 percent of connections, which are short-lived, and opportunistically kept open or reused. I suppose other long-lived connections might take place in the context of an application that tracks data above and outside of TCP-alone. I'm grasping for a missing middle, in size of use case, and can't quickly name things that people might proxy but need stable connections. CloudFlare's reverse proxying to web servers would count, if the web-fronting had to traverse someone else's proxy layer.

What are the rough edges here? What's are next challenges here to build around?

It's strange/sad how 50% of their problem is caused by geofencing which is caused by archaic laws.

40% is caused by archaic protocols that don't allow enough addresses or local efficient P2P or ISP caching of public content (sort of what IPFS aimed to do), which would alleviate much of the need for CDNs in the first place. The remaining 10% is just solving hard problems.

I'm a little surprised that splitting by port number gives servers enough connections; maybe they are connection-pooling some of them between their egress and final destination. If there was truly a 1:1 mapping of all user requests to TCP connections then I'd expect there to be ~thousands of simultaneous connections to, say, Walmart today (black Friday) which is also probably on an anycast address, limiting the number of unique src:dst ip and port tuples to 65K per cloudflare egress IP address. Maybe that ends up being not so bad and DCs can scale by adding new IPs? https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-stop-running-out-of-ephem... covers a lot of the details in solving that and similar problems.

TLDR: Cloudflare is using five bits from the port number as a subnetting & routing scheme, with optional content policy semantics, for hosts behind anycast addressing and inside their network boundary.

By far the best summary I've come across so far. Thank you!

All this wonderful complexity, just because a few servers insist on behaving as if the location of the IP address and the location of the user should always match.

Pretty interesting article. TLDR: they're now using anycast for egress, not just ingress.

Each data center has a single IP for each country code (so that they can make outgoing requests that are geolocated in any country). In order to achieve that, they have a /24 or larger range for each country, and announce it from all their data centers, and then they route the traffic over their backbone to the appropriate data center for that IP.

Then in the data center, they share the single IP across all their servers by giving each server a range of TCP/UDP port space (instead of doing stateful NAT).

It’s not a single IP address per data center. Otherwise they’d only be able to make 64k simultaneous egress connections, nor would their scheme of different ip addresses per “geo” and product work.

Edit: based on this part of blog post:

“With a port slice of say 2,048 ports, we can share one IP among 31 servers. However, there is always a possibility of running out of ports. To address this, we've worked hard to be able to reuse the egress ports efficiently.”

I don't know if their stack allows for it, but the number of concurrent connections is limited by unique 5-tuples (which is what the host uses to identify the sockets), not just source ports. There is presumably quite a lot of entropy available in destination IP & port to enable far more than 2048 connections per server. But it's hard to be deterministic about how much, so they might be choosing to ignore this and use the lower bound.

Do you mean 64k simultaneous egress connections per origin server IP? That's still a reasonable number of connections.

I might not be understanding, but it needs to know how to route the packets back to the server and it does that with ports.

I guess for large data centers they could use multiple IPs and the overall scheme stays essentially the same, but the article seems to strongly imply that it is one single egress IP per DC. The 64k simultaneous connections limitation is only per origin server IP.

> TLDR: they're now using anycast for egress, not just ingress.

I don't see this behavior in my setup. I have a server in AMS and connect from IST, but `netstat` reveals a unicast IP address that is routed back to IST.

What they describe sounds a lot like a distributed static RSIP scheme.


With port ranges rather than being 'leased', being allocated on the the basis of per server within a locale.

So the IP goes to the locale, the port range is the the static RSIP to the server within that locale.

Concerningly, they discuss routing traffic between jurisdictions when it is meant to be local. This is something state actors use to get around domestic spying rules.

Neat technical solution though!

Related :

Deploying IPv6-mostly access networks : https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33694293

(I can't for the life of me find the comment chain where this link was posted ~4 days ago ??)

RFC 8925 – IPv6-Only Preferred Option for DHCPv4 (2020) : https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33697978 (posted on HN by me)

As a networking noob, can someone explain to me how this solution plays nicely with the geofencing constraint described in the post? How does the IP/port combination map to a CIDR block defined in the geofeed?

Packet headers contain essentially info that labels a packet. In v4 world they are running out of bits so they are maneuvering in my view that’s cool yet at the same time boring to me.

Perhaps they should go v6 internally and implement one v4-v6 gateway to put all these tricks behind.

The fact that we haven't yet adopted IPv6 tells me that IPv6 isn't actually that great of a solution. We need an Internet Protocol that solves modern problems and that has a good migration path.

Fun fact: the first product we announced to celebrate Cloudflare’s launch day anniversary was a IPv4<->IPv6 gateway:


The success of that convinced us we should do something to improve the Internet every year to celebrate our “birthday.” Over time we ended up with more than one product that met that criteria and timing, so it went from a day of celebration to a week. That became our Birthday Week. Then we saw how well bundling a set of announcements into a week was so we decided to do it other times of the year. And that’s how Cloudflare Innovation Weeks got started, explicitly with us delivering IPv6 support back in 2011.

40% of Google's traffic comes via IPv6. Up from 1% a decade ago. https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html

If you think you can do better than that, I look forward to hearing your plan. Personally, I think that's huge progress.

Where do they say that they haven't adopted IPv6? All their offerings support IPv6.

You need an IPv4 src address to connect out to an IPv4 origin.

Cloudflare and Akamai: competition


> To avoid geofencing issues, we need to choose specific egress addresses tagged with an appropriate country, depending on WARP user location. (...) Instead of having one or two egress IP addresses for each server, now we require dozens, and IPv4 addresses aren't cheap.

> Instead of assigning one /32 IPv4 address for each server, we devised a method of assigning a /32 IP per data center, and then sharing it among physical servers (...) splitting an egress IP across servers by a port range.

Ha, I guess this is one way of summarizing it :) Author here. I wanted to share more subtleties of the design, but maybe I failed.

Indeed, the starting point is sharing IP's across servers with port-ranges.

But there is more:

* awesome performance allowed by anycast.

* ability to route /32 instead of /24 per datacenter.

Generally, with this tech we can have much better IP usage density, without sacrificing reliability or performance. You can call it "global anycast-based stateless NAT" but that often implies some magic router configuration, which we don't have.

Here's one example of problems we run into - the lack of connectx() syscall on Linux - makes it hard to actually select port range to originate connections from:


I was surprised IPv6 was only briefly mentioned! Is that something you're looking at next, or are you already running an IPv6 egress network?

Of course not every destination is an IPv6 host, so IPv4 remains necessary, but at least IPv6 can avoid the need for port slicing, since you can encode the same bucketing information in the IP address itself.

I've seen this idea used as a cool trick [0] to implement a SOCKS proxy that randomizes outbound IPv6 address to be within a publicly routed prefix for the host (commonly a /64).

I guess as long as you need to support IPv4, then port slicing is a requirement and IPv6 won't confer much benefit. (Maybe it could help alleviate port exhaustion if IPv6 addresses can use dynamic ports from any slice?)

Either way, thanks for the blog post, I enjoyed it!

[0] https://github.com/blacklanternsecurity/TREVORproxy

I was also interested to know how this was handled for IPv6, but it was only briefly mentioned.

Probably they didn't need to do much work with IPv6, since half of the post is solving IPv4 exhaustion problems.

Cloudflare wants to make money. The IPv6 features can come second as v6 usage increases.

All of Cloudflare services ship with IPv6 day 1. IPv6 not an issue as we have enough IPv6 for each machine to have own IPs.

From your article it seemed that your use of anycast was more accident than feature, due to the limit of BGP prefix sizes. If you could route those IPs to their correct destination, you would, you only go to the closest data center and route again because you have no choice.

Maybe this ends up reducing cost on customers though, because the international transit happens in your backbone network rather than on the internet (customer-side).

Is the geofencing country level only? So if, using warp, I use trip advisor and go and see nearby restaurants it will have no idea of what city I’m in? Guessing that’s not so but wondering how it works

This blog post has some info: https://blog.cloudflare.com/geoexit-improving-warp-user-expe...

Warp uses its own set of egress IPs and their geolocation is close to your real location.

In english they now do carrier grade nat.

right? "We don't like distributed NAT" couple paragraphs later - "hey check out this awesome dist NAT implementation".

well, vanilla NAT really.

Spammers are exploiting cloudflare by creating thousands of new domains on the free tld (like .ml) and hosting the sites behind cloudflare and spamming social media apps with links to scam dating sites. CPA scammers.

If anyone from CF sees this, I can work with you and give you data on this. I’m dealing with this at one of the large social media companies.

Here's an example, this is NSFW - https://atragcara.ga

Same goes for DDoS attacks. I am not sure how they do it but we get hit by CF IPs with synfloods etc.

You do not get attacked from Cloudflare with TCP attacks. Somebody is spoofing the IP header and make it seem like Cloudflare is DDoSing you.

The only way for somebody to DDoS from Cloudflare would be using workers, however, this isn't practical as workers have a very limited IP Range.

The reason people do this, by the way, is because it's common if you're hosting via CF to whitelist their IPs and block the rest. This allows their SYN flood to bypass that.

I run a fairly popular service and have received DDoS attacks from Cloudflare's IP range (~20gbps). I can confirm they respond to SYN+ACK with an ACK to complete the TCP handshake. Through some investigating it seems like a botnet using Cloudflare WARP (their VPN service).

Why are you assuming amplification attacks aren't a thing?

I think you're probably right about the spoofing but it comes off a little dismissive when the possibility of a site that queries other sites, could be tricked into doing something it shouldn't, is always going to be in the realm of a possibility.

Anyone can set the source IP on their packets to be anything. I can send you TCP SYNs which are apparently from Cloudflare.

There was a proposal (BCP38) which said that networks should not allow outbound packets with source IPs which could not originate from that network, but it didn't really get a lot of traction -- mainly due to BGP multihoming, I think.

BCP38 has gotten some traction, but it's not super effective until all the major tier-1 ISPs enforce it against their customers. But it's hard to pressure tier-1 ISPs; you can't drop connections with them, because they're too useful, anyway if you did, the traffic would just flow through another tier-1 ISPs, because it's not really realistic for tier-1s to prefix filter peerings between themselves. Anyway, the customer that's spoofing could be spoofing sources their ISP legitimagely handles, and there's a lot of those.

Some tier-1s do follow BCP38 though, so one day maybe? Still, there's plenty of abuse to be done without spoofing, so while it would be an improvement, it wouldn't usher in an era of no abuse.

So why aren't social media platforms blocking the domains?

We do. But with free TLD's, spammers and scammers can create an unlimited number of new domains at zero cost. That's the problem. They can send a single spam URL to a single person and scale that out, each person gets a unique domain and URL.

So how about blocking the users then? Or limit their ability to post links.

That's done too. But it's not just a few, it's literally 10s of thousands of individuals from places like Bangladesh who do this as their source of income. They are smart, on real devices, will solve any puzzle you throw at them, and will adapt to any blocks or locking. It's not an easy problem to solve which is why no platform has solved it (oddly, spam is pretty much non existent on HN)

I don't think there's any benefit in spamming HN. There aren't that many users in here, and it could lead to a backlash consider the technical expertise of most people.

OK, but why don't you block Freenom domains entirely?

Apart from perhaps a couple of sites like gob.gq, there's essentially nothing of any value on those TLDs. Allow-list the handful of good sites, if you must, and default block the rest.

I could. But we are talking about one of the worlds largest social media platforms used by hundreds of millions of people daily. There’s legit websites hosted on these free domains and I don’t want to kill those along with the scam sites. I’ve mostly got the scam sites blocked at this point though. Just took me a week or so to adapt.

> There’s legit websites hosted on these free domains

Are there though, really? Can you give some examples?

To a first approximation, I contend that essentially everything on Freenom is bad. There are maybe a handful of good sites (the one I listed, https://koulouba.ml/, etc) but you can find those on Google in a few minutes with some site: searches.

I commend your efforts in blocking the scam sites, but also honestly believe that it would be better for you, your customers and the internet at large to default block Freenom. Freenom sites are junk, wherever they are hosted.

Here's NSFW scam sites behind CF that use free TLDs. I could post 10s of thousands of these.

* https://atragcara.ga

* https://donaga.tk

* https://snatemhatzemerbedc.tk

Yep, I know. I monitor these as they appear in Certificate Transparency logs and DNS PTR records.

Freenom TLDs are just junk. Save yourself the hassle and default block :-).

Seems these sites should be blocked on CF, at the root. Not all the leaf nodes apps. It’s pretty easy for me to automate it at my company. Seems CF could?

Am I missing something here or did they just reinvent a NAT gateway with static rules?

I understand that they started using anycast for the egress IPs as well, but thats unrelated to the NAT problem.

Yikes. More cloudflare breakage of the internet model. Pretty soon we might as well all just live within cloudflare's WAN entirely.

Author here, I know this is a dismissive comment, but I'll bite anyway.

As far as I understand the history of the IP protocol, initially an IP address pointed to a host. (/etc/hosts file seems that way)

Then it was realized a single entity might have multiple network interfaces, and an IP started to point to a network card on a host. (a host can have many IP's). Then all the VRF, dummy devices, tuntaps, VETH and containers. I guess an IP is now pointing to a container or VM. But there is more. For performance you can (almost should!) have an unique IP address per NUMA node. Or even logical CPU.

In modern internet a server IP: points to a single CPU on a container in a VM on a host.

Then consider Anycast, like or An IP means something else... it means a resource.

On the "client" side we have customer NAT's. CG NAT's and VPN's. An IP means similarly little.

The IP's are really expensive, so in some cases there is a strong advantage to save them. Take a look at https://blog.cloudflare.com/addressing-agility/

"So, test we did. From a /20 address set, to a /24 and then, from June 2021, to an address set of one /32, and equivalently a /128 (Ao1). It doesn’t just work. It really works"

We're able to serve "all cloudflare" from /32.

There is this whole trend of getting denser and denser IP usage. It's not avoidable. It's not "breaking the Internet" in any way more than "NAT's are breaking the Internet". The network evolves, because it has to. And for one, I don't think this is inherently bad.

>It's not avoidable. It's not "breaking the Internet" in any way more than "NAT's are breaking the Internet".

I agree. NATs, particularly the Carrier NAT that smartphone users are behind, has broken the internet. It's made it so most people do not have ports and cannot participate in the internet. So now software developers cannot write software that uses the internet (without depending on third parties). This is bad. So is what you've done.

Someday ipv6 will save us.

> And for one, I don't think this is inherently bad.

Ao1 has super nice censorship resistance properties. With DoH + ECH, that essentially is game over for most firewalls. Can't wait to see just how Cloudflare rolls Ao1 out (I'd imagine it'd be opt-in, like Green Compute).

> Then it was realized a single entity might have multiple network interfaces, and an IP started to point to a network card on a host

Much to Nagle's chagrin: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21088736 (a Berkeleyism as he calls it)


Another perspective is that the connection of an IP to specific content or individuals was a bug of the Internet’s original design and thankfully we’re finally finding ways to disassociate them.

How? Original internet design meant a decentralized network of devices, which need a resolvable IP. Once you are behind a middleman, you have to orchestrate a delicate dance to be able to reach something.

What’s breaking the internet model is the internet becoming too popular and running out of addresses. There’s nothing specific to Cloudflare here. You’re free to do the same thing to conserve your own address space. It’s sort of a super-fancy NAT.

The internets a set of abstractions, as long as they still implement some common protocols and don’t create a walled garden, is there any real social or technical issue with them doing unusual things in their network?

I can totally see an argument against their CDN being too pervasive and problematic for TOR users, but this seems fine IMO.

I quite like what CloudFlare has done here.

There's a fourth way to resolve this, that works for the core use case, is less engineering, and was in production 20 years ago, but I can't fit it within the margins of this comment box.

// CF's approach has additional feature advantages though.

Wouldn't it be better when all those big CDNs just switch off IPv4 and force the sleeping ISPs to enable IPv6? Maybe we should introduce some IPv6 only days as a first step...

If you don't need an IP to be connected to the internet, sign me up... I think they are full of it though... Even if you only have one IP.... you still have an IP

> PING cloudflare.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.

> 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=10.6 ms

With a ping like this, you know that I am not using Musk's Internet....

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