Well, the starting datetime at the beginning of execution in the container is whatever you set it to:
$ hermit run --epoch=2022-01-01T00:00:00Z /bin/date
Fri Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 2021
We, somewhat eccentrically, put it in last millennium by default. It used to default to the original Unix epoch back in 12/31/1969, but that was causing some software to be very unhappy ;-).
The reproducibility guarantee is that the behavior of the program is a deterministic function of its initial configuration. The epoch setting is one aspect of that initial configuration (as are file system inputs, RNG seeds, etc).
> We, somewhat eccentrically, put it in last millennium by default.
Hah, that is still going to make some TLS software and their certificate tests very unhappy! Does it show that I've ran into a similar issue before? ;)
But of course, it's trivial to fix with the --epoch parameter :)