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Show HN: Launchpad – Zero DevOps Kubernetes (github.com/jetpack-io)
20 points by jljljl on Nov 17, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
Hey everyone,

We recently open-sourced the deployment framework we use at Jetpack to deploy our web sites and services to Kubernetes, and we wanted to share it with the community!

Our goal was to simplify the developer workflow for deploying to Kubernetes, and to reduce the time needed to onboard new developers. With Launchpad, our developers can provision their access with a single login, and start deploying to Kubernetes with just `launchpad up`.

We also wrote a blog post describing why we built launchpad, and the benefits we've seen here: https://www.jetpack.io/blog/announcing-launchpad/

Zero DevOps is crucial to Kubernetes adoption. We've seen so many companies choose to delay the adoption of Kubernetes and cloud development far into the future when migration costs are much higher. We hope that launchpad can lower this barrier of entry significantly.

Nice work, glad this is finally out and open sourced.

Hey everyone, happy to answer any questions you might have about Launchpad here!

When can we expect to see terms and pricing for the parts that require a login to jetpack cloud services, such as secret management?

Are you looking to use it for side projects, or something more formal? It is free for individual projects, including the secret management part

It looks like it could be interesting for projects at work, but it's hard to tell without more information around price, SLA and details about the service - for example in order to do an informed risk assessment.

We’re still evaluating pricing based on early feedback. We’d be happy to chat about what your work case looks like and share more details.

I could reach out to you over email, or we could chat on our Discord server at discord.gg/jetpack-io

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