I got sick of the old software development loop:
Change code -> Run tests -> wait -> wait some more -> look at failures.I decided to build a tool that will enable you to: Change code -> look at failures.
No wait time, no explicit test running.
Under the hood:
- Runs the whole test suite and collects code coverage per test.
- For each auto file save, analyzes the changes on the tests.
- Runs changed tests in the background.
- Display results, the loop time from change to test results is approx 250ms.
Instead of:
code -> alt+tab -> arrow up -> rerun all the tests -> wait ... -> test results code -> alt+tab -> test results!
Check it out!
InfiniTest - https://infinitest.github.io/ an dhttps://infinitest.github.io/doc/intellij#how-it-works
JUnit Max - https://web.archive.org/web/20090206151635/http://www.threer... partially surviving as https://junit.org/junit4/javadoc/4.12/org/junit/experimental...
Ruby has something similar:
autotest - https://github.com/grosser/autotest
I think it's a good idea, and i'm surprised it hasn't become a standard feature of IDEs and test runners.