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Same problem with node / electron though. It generally looks nothing like the native UI, and has a ridiculous memory footprint.

What does look like the native UI? I'm not a Mac user so maybe that platform has some uniformity? Windows is a total mish-mash and just about every app and utility for the past 20 years (even MS Office) has had its own "skin". On Linux, Gnome and KDE constantly redesign things, and every distro is different, so there isn't really a standard. The only things I can think of that are consistent are the utilities that come with the DE, but most of the apps I use on Linux are either browsers or IDEs, each with their own style, or console stuff (and even then, the UX varies!)

I'm a bit bewildered by these memory complaints. RAM usage on desktop applications hasn't been an issue for 20ish years. Open up your process manager once in a while.

It is an issue on machines with 2GB of ram or lower.

And there is no good reason we should throw away those perfectly working machines just because devs are lazy waste creators and global warming mothafokers.

While I prefer native apps, I’m fine with electron and web apps as long as the ui is good to use and to look at.

Some electron apps are great to use, many have terrible UIs. But in my experience all Qt apps are ugly. I was wondering if Qt has been working on improving that.

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