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Dagger Python SDK: Develop Your CI/CD Pipelines as Code (dagger.io)
161 points by yurisagalov on Nov 10, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 91 comments

I've long wished to be just writing (ideally) Python to define and run CI/CD pipelines. YAML is simply hell, `if` keys in such data description languages are cruel jokes.

Round-trip times for GitHub Actions are too high: sometimes you're waiting for 10 minutes just to run into a dumb typo, empty string-evaluated variable or other mishap. There's zero IDE support for almost anything beyond getting the YAML syntax itself right.

We have containerization for write-once-run-anywhere and languages like Python for highly productive (without footguns as bash has them), imperative descriptions of what to do. The main downside I see is it getting messy and cowboy-ish. That's where frameworks can step in. If the Dagger SDK were widely adopted, it'd be as exchangeable and widely understood/supported as, say, GitHub Actions themselves.

We currently have quite inefficient GHA pipelines (repeated actions etc.) simply because the provided YAML possibilities aren't descriptive enough. (Are Turing-complete languages a bad choice for pipelines?)

What's unclear to me from the article and video is how this can replace e.g. GitHub Actions. Their integration with e.g. PR status checks and the like is a must, of course. Would Dagger just run on top of a `ubuntu-latest` GHA runner?

>Are Turing-complete languages a bad choice for pipelines?

I'd say that non turing complete languages are a bad fit for pipelines. Even mildly complex pipeline will eventually have loops and conditionals.

Better python than some originally-a-config-YAML language turned into an imperative monstrosity with loops and conditionals bolted on.

Dagger originally started with CUE, and is still powered by it under the hood, which has the constructs you mention, while also being turing incomplete.

I don't understand this move to define infra and CI imperatively, and tool vendors moving to support umptine languages for their users... Say what the world should look like, not how to get there?

Thanks for your work on cue (cuetorials)!

It's really a blessing for something like CUE to come (I've had some exposure to gcl/bcl and if it wasn't for the internal diffing tool, I would've been lost - https://pure.tue.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/46927079/638953-1.... )

I've even started prototyping something like bazel/gn but based on cue, but no time to finish it up.

Software is never finished... keep moving it forward when you can!

Not a snarky question : what about having data and config in yml, and some high level tool like ansible or terraform and the occasional bash?

You loop and branch in ansible/terraform

I hate that setup but also I have a hard time thinking of something else

Looping in ansible/terraform is exactly the problem. Logic and control flow in YAML/hcl is a nightmare. Plus there's no debugging! You can't set breakpoints in a yaml file or HCL.

Adding more YAML to be parsed by other YAML is just terrible at scale.

You definitely can in Ansible.

you _can_. but _should_ you?

Ansible / Terraform are great when you're declarative, but once you start adding too much logic, things get hairy.

I don't think there's a meaningful distinction between configuration and code in a CI pipeline. This is what people try to do, and it's frankly a massive waste.

The problem is the attempt to make a distinction when there cannot be one.

Something like Dhall might be viable for pipelines. I wonder if there are any efforts in that direction.

I can only agree, sitting with this right now and it's all so brittle. Of course, it's not just YAML, it's Javascript, Powershell and Bash embedded into strings plus various hacky methods of escaping, templating and sending values between steps. It's really a mess.

> What's unclear to me from the article and video is how this can replace e.g. GitHub Actions. Their integration with e.g. PR status checks and the like is a must, of course.

You guessed correctly: Dagger does not replace Github Actions, they are complementary. The Dagger project itself uses Github Actions and Dagger together :)

> Would Dagger just run on top of a `ubuntu-latest` GHA runner?

Sure, you can do that. The only dependency to run Dagger is Docker or any OCI-compatible runtime. So, assuming the `ubuntu-latest` runner has docker installed, you can just execute your Dagger-enabled tool, and it should work out of the box.

For example here's our own github workflow for testing the Python SDK (you can look around for other workflows): https://github.com/dagger/dagger/blob/main/.github/workflows...

Note that the word "dagger" doesn't even appear, since Dagger is embedded as a library (in this case, using the Go SDK). As far as GHA is concerned, it's just executing a regular binary.

> Are Turing-complete languages a bad choice for pipelines?

Yes and no. If you write “steps” in yaml, you are doing it wrong and might as well be using a Turing complete imperative language.

On the other hand, linear steps isn’t always the best to begin with for a pipeline. Better have a dependency tree such as makefiles but more advanced, that the CI engine can execute in the most optimal order by itself and retry failing steps without restarting from the beginning. Just keep the number of transitions between declarative and Turing complete few, nobody likes templating strings to inject data into a small script.

A good first reach is encoding your CI into a first class construct - ideally in the language of your codebase.

CI paths are underdeveloped, which IMO is a huge miss: you pay a developer premium and potentially risk every iteration. Keep the GHA glue light and invest in your code not your lock in.

I've been using Apache Airflow for CI. It's a square peg in a lot of ways but I like that it's python and I like I can run it locally and iterate by just rerunning a single task instead of the whole pipeline.

Pretty much everything is just a @task decorated python function or a KubernetesPodOperator but sometimes I imagine I'll write CI-focused operators, e.g. terraform.

You can! At least with GitLab. Our pipelines are written in Python, and generate YAML that kick off child-pipelines. It's fairly trivial and works really well. Having for-loops and building an object based on functions making things so much easier.

You start to wonder thy you have to compile to 'yaml', instead of just having gitlab just give you a normale interface, in the form of a library. And then we've come full-circle.

Child pipelines work kinda weird.

Think about it from the perspective of the provider of the build platform (e.g. CircleCI, GitLab, GitHub). There are way fewer edge cases parsing YAML files than allowing Turing complete languages.

Be that as it may, YAML has plenty of edge cases that make it the wrong choice.

As always, rather than describing it as right or wrong, consider the trade-offs. For a simple project managed by a small team, Python might be a better solution. There’s a point at which the trade-off changes.

I don't know if this is just scoped to my company, but drone seemingly supports starlark, which is just python

I've used GitHub Actions a little in the past, also lots more of GitLab CI (I liked their pipeline description format a little bit more), some Jenkins and recently I've settled on using Drone CI for my personal projects (disclaimer: has community and enterprise editions, the latter of which is commercial): https://www.drone.io/

Personally, it's pretty interesting to see how different tools in the space handle things, even without getting into where and how your pipelines run. It's nice to see the increasing move towards defining everything in "code", regardless of whether it's a DSL or a turing-complete language - I'll take a versioned Jenkinsfile over messing about in the UI most days.

> I've long wished to be just writing (ideally) Python to define and run CI/CD pipelines. YAML is simply hell, `if` keys in such data description languages are cruel jokes.

I'd say that YAML is passable on its own, but gets more and more inadequate, the harder the things you're trying to do get.

Thankfully, I've been able to keep most of my CI pipelines relatively simple nowadays, along the lines of:

  - initialize some variables that don't come out of the box from the CI solution
  - parse or process any files that are needed for the build/action, such as attaching metadata to project description
  - do the build (nowadays typically just building an OCI container), or whatever else the pipeline needs to do (since you can do more than just build applications)
  - save any build artefacts, push containers, do logging or whatever else is needed
Even navigating between build steps is mostly taken care of by the DAG (directed acyclic graph) functionality and choosing whether a build needs to be done is typically done declaratively in the step description (though I haven't found any solution that does this well, e.g. complex conditions).

That said, there's basically nothing preventing me or anyone else from including a Python script, or a Go program, or even Bash scripts (if you don't want to think about getting an environment where most of the other languages are available, in lieu of the footguns of Bash) and just running those. Then, control flow, looping, using additional libraries or tools suddenly becomes more easy.

> Round-trip times for GitHub Actions are too high: sometimes you're waiting for 10 minutes just to run into a dumb typo, empty string-evaluated variable or other mishap. There's zero IDE support for almost anything beyond getting the YAML syntax itself right.

In regards to writing correct pipelines, I really liked how GitLab CI lets you validate your configuration and even shows how the pipeline would look like, without executing anything, in their web UI: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/lint.html I think most tools should have something like that, as well as pipeline visualizations - anything to make using them more user friendly!

As for the cycle times, if most of what the build or CI action (whatever it might be) needs is already described as "code", you should be able to run the steps locally as well, either with a separate wrapper script for the stuff that you won't get locally (like CI injected environment variables, which you can generate yourself), or with a local runner for the CI solution.

This is why I mentioned Drone, which has something nice in this regard: https://docs.drone.io/cli/drone-exec/

But generally, for most simpler pipelines (like the example above), you can even just set up an IDE run profile. In my case, I typically version a few run configurations for JetBrains IDEs, that can build containers for me, run tests and do other things. Sometimes the local experience can be a bit better than what you get on the CI server: if you have any integration tests that automate a browser with Selenium (or a more recent solution), you can essentially sit back and watch the test execute on your machine, instead of having to rely on screenshots/recordings on the server after execution.

Of course, much of this would gradually break down, the more complicated your CI pipelines would become. The only thing I can recommend is KISS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle Sadly, this is a non-solution when you're not in control of much of the process. Here's hoping that Dagger and other solutions can incrementally iterate on these aspects and make CI/CD easier in the future!

Hey, lead developer for the Python SDK here.

I have a few examples in https://github.com/helderco/dagger-examples and I plan to add more.

There's also reference documentation in https://dagger-io.readthedocs.io/ so you can get a birds eye view on what's possible.

The api looks very simple and easy, that's a very good sign. We've been doing similar stuff in python, mainly in combination with Pulumi automation.

You can do some very fancy things, and I'm sure Dagger would be a nice addition to that. But honestly the thing I'm missing most is a nice UI above all that. How to present realtime and historic logs (and state) for multiple concurrent actions is still not as easy as I think it could be.

> I'm missing most is a nice UI above all that. How to present realtime and historic logs (and state) for multiple concurrent actions is still not as easy as I think it could be.

We have plans to solve that :)

What I'd like to see is integrations with existing systems. If I could somehow automatically map stages in dagger to the stages in a Jenkins pipeline, this would be ideal.

I agree, that would be very useful. We have been investigating the best way to deliver this. Probably a generator tool, that would take a dagger project as input, and produce a jenkins configuration as output. This of course could itself be a dagger pipeline :)

Any guidelines on how to structure the final jenkins configuration? What would the stages look like in your project for example? Any mistakes to avoid?

Haven't tried it yet, but I like the features!

Hi everyone, Dagger co-founder here. Happy to answer any questions.

We also released an update to the Go SDK a few days ago: https://dagger.io/blog/go-sdk-0.4

It looks awesome! I have a clarification question on this one:

> Using the SDK, your program prepares API requests describing pipelines to run, then sends them to the engine. The wire protocol used to communicate with the engine is private and not yet documented, but this will change in the future. For now, the SDK is the only documented API available to your program.

Does it mean the sdk is making a round trip to the dagger API remotely somewhere, or is the round trip to a locally running docker container?

> Does it mean the sdk is making a round trip to the dagger API remotely somewhere, or is the round trip to a locally running docker container?

The short answer, for now, is: "it's complicated" :) There's a detailed explanation of the Dagger Engine architecture here: https://github.com/dagger/dagger/issues/3595

To quote relevant parts:

> The engine is made of 2 parts: an API router, and a runner. > - The router serves API queries and dispatches individual operations to the runner. > - The runner talks to your OCI runtime to execute actual operations. This is basically a buildkit daemon + some glue. > The router currently runs on the client machine, whereas the runner is on a worker machine that will run the containers. This could be the same machine but typically isn’t.

> Eventually we will move the router to a server-side component, tightly coupled and co-located with the runner. This will be shipped as an OCI image which you will be able to provision, administer and upgrade yourself to your heart’s content. This requires non-trivial engineering work, in order to make the API router accessible remotely, and multi-tenant.

Hi, on the locally running engine.

This is very cool!

Also, from the post:

> Get started with the Dagger Go SDK, Dagger Python SDK, or let us know which SDK you're looking for.

Are you guys seeing many requests for a Dagger Rust SDK yet? :)

As someone who writes mostly in Rust, I’d love to get rid of yaml definitions of CI pipelines and instead define pipelines using Rust

Yes, we're getting a bunch of request from rustaceans

Hey there, this looks interesting. What's the scope of this project? Is it meant to be closer to developers or do you see this being used in production?

How is progress of builds, observability, etc being tackled?

> What's the scope of this project? Is it meant to be closer to developers or do you see this being used in production?

Dagger is meant for both development and production. Note that Dagger doesn't run your application itself: only the pipelines to build, test and deploy it. So, although the project is still young and pre-1.0, we expect it will be production-ready more quickly because of the nature of the workloads (running a pipeline is easier than running an app).

> How is progress of builds, observability, etc being tackled?

All Dagger SDKs target the same Dagger Engine. End-users and administrators can target the engine API directly, for logging, instrumentation, etc. The API is not yet publicly documented, but will be soon.

We're also building an optional cloud service, Dagger Cloud, that will provide a lot of these features as a "turnkey" software supply chain management platform.

A) Why async in the user code? Is it really necessary?

B) Can you mock pipeline events?

> A) Why async in the user code? Is it really necessary?

We support both sync and async mode. The Python ecosystem is in a state of flux at the moment between sync and async, so it seemed like the best approach to offer both and let developers choose.

> B) Can you mock pipeline events?

Could you share a bit more details on what you mean, to make sure I understand correctly?

>We support both sync and async mode. The Python ecosystem is in a state of flux at the moment between sync and async, so it seemed like the best approach to offer both and let developers choose.

Correct me if I'm wrong but it doesn't seem like async will really offer anything a pipeline framework might need?

>Could you share a bit more details on what you mean, to make sure I understand correctly?

I often find myself debugging pipeline complex release workflows that get triggered by a git tag or something.

If I use this thing with github, how can I debug that workflow when it fails?

Related question - as pipelines are not python programs - it would be nice to be able to write unit tests to pipelines code :) And that's where mock pipelines/tasks could be helpful

You can absolutely test Dagger pipelines, in the same way you test the rest of your code. Just use the dagger library in your tests files, the way you would use any other library. It should work the way you expect.

> A) Why async in the user code? Is it really necessary?

It's not a requirement, but it's simpler to default to one and mention the other. You can see an example of sync code in https://github.com/helderco/dagger-examples/blob/main/say_sy... and we'll add a guide in the docs website to explain the difference.

Why async?

It's more inclusive. If you want to run dagger from an async environment (say FastAPI), you don't want to run blocking code. You can run the whole pipeline in a thread, but not really taking advantage of the event loop. It's simpler to do the opposite because if you run in a sync environment (like all our examples, running from CLI), it's much easier to just spin an event loop with `anyio.run`.

It's more powerful. For most examples probably the difference is small, unless you're using a lot of async features. Just remove async/await keywords and the event loop. But you can easily reach for concurrency if there's benefit. While the dagger engine ensures most of the parallelism and efficiency, some pipelines can benefit from doing this at the language level. See this example where I'm testing a library (FastAPI) with multiple Python versions: https://github.com/helderco/dagger-examples/blob/main/test_c.... It has an obvious performance benefit compared to running "synchronously": https://github.com/helderco/dagger-examples/blob/main/test_m...

Dagger has a client and a server architecture, so you're sending requests through the network. This is an especially common use case for using async.

Async Python is on the rise. More and more libraries are supporting it, more users are getting to know it, and sometimes it feels very transitional. It's very hard to maintain both async and sync code. There's a lot of duplication because you need blocking and non-blocking versions for a lot of things like network requests, file operations and running subprocesses. But I've made quite an effort to support both and meet you where you're at. I especially took great care to hide the sync/async classes and methods behind common names so it's easy to change from one to another.

I'm very interested to know the community's adoption or preference of one vs the other. :)

don't forget about CUE please! Dagger is a good reason to learn CUE, my gut feeling so far is, my life is better with CUE experience.

Any reccs for moving into the IaC space?

Haven't heard of Dagger before, but using IaC as code to model your pipelines (including pipelines of infra that itself is modeled as IaC) is absolutely the right way to do things. And doing it in a real programming language rather than some limiting yaml schema is so much nicer. Places I've worked at in the past would refer to these as meta pipelines or self-mutating pipelines.

For this reason, I love using the AWS CDK. Being able to model things in TypeScript was so much nicer than the janky flow of always feeling lost in some Ruby/JSON/YAML IaC template monstrosity.

Curious how Dagger differentiates itself from AWS CDK or cdktf.

Dagger and IaC tools (AWS CDK, Terraform, Pulumi) are very complementary. Here's a livestream of Nic Jackson (devrel at Terraform) using Dagger and Terraform CDK together to build and deploy an application: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFNe5W1o2_U

The main difference is that Dagger focuses on running your entire CI/CD pipeline as a DAG of operations running in containers; whereas IaC tools focus on managing infrastructure state. The typical integration is Dagger would run your IaC tool in a container, and integrate that into a broader pipeline with well-defined inputs and outputs. Dagger itself is stateless except for its cache: infrastructure state management is handed off to your IaC tool.

FYI one of Dagger’s developers runs the most excellent, and breath of fresh air really, Ship It podcast, which focuses on CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code (and always be improving!).


Hi guys, love the idea and the code examples look simple and understandable. Nicely done!

One of the reasons we use proprietary pipelines is the automatic 'service principal' login benefits that exist on e.g. Azure Devops, where the pipeline doesn't need to authenticate via secrets or tokens, and instead the running machine has the privileges to interact directly with Azure. (See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tas... particularly "addSpnToEnvironment" parameter). I'm sure other clouds have something similar.

Running the same pipeline locally, there are ways to synthetically inject this, but there's no ready support in your framework yet for this (as ideally you'd have an 'authentication' parameter that you can set the details for). Is something like this planned?

Thanks for the kind words!

> Running the same pipeline locally, there are ways to synthetically inject this, but there's no ready support in your framework yet for this (as ideally you'd have an 'authentication' parameter that you can set the details for). Is something like this planned?

Yes, we are watching this new pattern of authorizing CI runners very closely. We fully intend to support it, as it seems inevitable that this model will become the standard eventually.

You may actually be able to implement this pattern now, with the current API.

I'm not familiar with this Azure-specific feature, but in the case of OIDC tokens, it's typically as simple as retrieving the ephemeral token from a file or environment variable, and injecting it as an input to your pipeline.

Would you be able to share some more reading material on the "ways to synthetically inject" that you mentioned? We could use that information to devise a plan for supporting it. Also happy to discuss this directly on our Discord server, if you're interested!

Thanks again for the feedback.

Logging on to Discord now - I think I can help out with this. Thanks for the welcome! :)

Curious if cuelang just ended up being too much of a hurdle for onboarding. I like it and have used it quite a bit but there's something about the syntax that makes it impenetrable for many.

There's some of that. CUE is incredibly powerful, but it can be polarizing. But the fundamental problem is that developers don't want to learn a new language to write CI/CD pipelines: they want to use the language they already know and love.

So, no matter what language we had chosen for our first SDK, we would have eventually hit the same problem. The only way to truly solve the "CI/CD as code" problem for everyone, is to have a common engine and API that can be programmed with (almost) any language.

In my case, I just simply didn't like it (CUE). I'm much more optimistic about Nickel at this point.

This post is for the python sdk, but the golang SDK is fantastic too.

Complete gamechanger to be able to move away from jenkins groovy CPS hell

Could you share some information about how you're doing this? How do you create Jenkins stages, push artifacts, test results, etc.? Cheers

3 days later a response.

We have extensive jenkins pipelines, and the "platform team" supports multiple types of build/release models. Most of the infrastructure is written in TF. * 3 languages * 5 "types" (http/cron/flink/etc)

As such we've got huge groovy libraries that codify the build/release process.

I'm using dagger to re-implement most of these libraries, but in a way that I can test and develop locally without getting into tiny commit/rebuild hell.

Using a language like golang with an engine like buildkit behind it, allows me to more easily test each step of the pipeline, without running the whole thing.

So far I've been using Earthly for structuring builds, and it's been brilliant for the most part. Dagger was interesting but a no-go without Python, so curious to see how it stacks up.

Years ago, I had inherited a complicated C code base with some clever Makefile jujitsu. None of the recent maintainers understood it at its core. They just put a little lipstick here, and a little there to keep things running.

I sat down and extracted the compiler/link flags, and then wrote a Python script to do the build. The code was smaller, and built faster.

Every “build” engine evolves from being a simple recipe processor to the software equivalent of a 5 axis CnC mill. Some things should not succumb to one size fits all.

Python is good enough.

Maintainability? Just if one start any OO features, one will gradually deal with modern day goto scenario. One can start another round of guessing, especially you have global.

I found it is easier to read a lisp or a c (functional mostly) source than python. But guess we have to use python these days.

Btw, your saying sound like the usual lisp meme - for every … there is a tiny untested lisp engine there.

> Every “build” engine evolves from being a simple recipe processor

what if I told you it was every machine

While I prefer python over yaml, I tend to think imperative build systems are inherently more brittle.

Dagger remains a declarative DAG-based system. The trick is that you can control it with a (also declarative) API. This gives you the best of both worlds: a robust declarative environment to run your pipelines, accessible from your favorite language (imperative or not).

Yeah I would worry without some very strict policies you could slowly end up with your CI taking on insane dependencies like requiring a full numpy and scipy install because someone years ago wanted to make a chart as output. Google went deep into python as a build system and it burned them enough they built Bazel and starlark as a python-like build system but without the rope to hang yourself in full python.

Even if this was a great, well-built tool, which I am sure it is...

Doesn't this introduce a whole dimension of extra stateful complexity compared to configuration YAML?

But when we have control structures built on top of yaml (like ansible's `loop`, or `when`), we might as well just use proper programming language.

I had a look at Dagger, but I'm having a lot of success recently just building CI/CD pipelines with Nix. My `.gitlab-ci.yml` file is then just a thin wrapper of `nix build` commands, and pipelines can be run locally in the exact same environment as CI/CD.

Yep, being able to hand-tune the environment and then run it anywhere has been a staple of Nix far longer than Dagger has been around. I know it has its detractors (especially around here), but it's going to take something a lot more awe-inspiring before I give up my Nix superpowers :)

This makes a lot of sense but would it prevent developers from using the default diagrams already built into most CICD websites. I assume migrating to this would make the CICD pipeline look like one step from gitlab, bitbucket, and githubs perspective.

It's up to you how granular you make your CI configuration. Much of it depends on the context and how your team works.

If you've already found yourself integrating a Makefile in a CI job, and figuring out the best mapping of Make rules to CI job/step/workflow: this is exactly the same. Ultimately you're just executing a tool which happens to depend on the Dagger engine. How and when you execute it is entirely up to you.

For example, here's the Github Actions job we use to test the Dagger Python SDK. It executes a custom tool written in Go. hhttps://github.com/dagger/dagger/blob/bd75d17f9625f837d7a2f9...

I mentioned this above, but I believe that the killer feature would be integrating with one or more existing front end CI/CD systems so that the dag created by dagger automatically maps to e.g. the pipeline steps of a Jenkins blueocean job.

This is an absolute god send for data engineers! We often get blocked full stop with CI/CD headaches and the alternative of “no CI/CD” is just unbearable at times. This needs to catch on quick !

Pipelines as code is the way to go, no matter whether it is CI/CD, data or ML. It’s unfortunate that a lot of pipeline tools use YAML. Glad to see projects like Dagger that use Python instead.

However it is not clear for me what is the benefit of using it instead of calling commands like docker, pytest and kubectl from Python with Plumbum or similar library. Add Fire and it is trivial to create a complete DevOps CLI for your app that can run locally or called from GitHub actions.

This is something I’d love to try on my personal projects.

I recently used act[0] to locally test my GitHub actions pipelines and worked okay, the fact that I could interact with the Dagger API via a Python SDK could be even more convenient, will definitely try!

[0]: https://github.com/nektos/act

Might be an interesting middle ground between the nightmare of everthing-as-plugins-but-flexible Jenkins and something like tekton.

Shameless plug:

I'm working on a similar project, portable pipelines built with Nim :)

The idea behind this project is to:

1. Dev and Prod pipelines runs the same code, the only difference is where are executed. Allows easy troubleshooting and faster development.

2. Tests output by default on each script.

3. Decouples the code from the image/container. This allows it to be embedded into any CI stack.

4. Complex rules for retries specific scripts rather than the whole pipeline or even the step (stage)

A typical pipeline definition looks like this:

    kind: pipeline
    version: 1
    policy: strict
      - hello

      - script: echo "hello world"
        expected_output: "hello world"
        expected_return_code: 0
        retries: 5

    ./takito --tasks tasks.yml --step hello

Here's the demo video linked in the blog post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0bLWmi2B-4

It goes step by step through the getting started guide from the Dagger Python SDK docs

Confusing. I initially thought someone ported the Dagger DI framework to Python: https://dagger.dev/

I wondered how it related to https://dagster.io/

(NB: No relation to the widely-used Android/Java DI library)

This looks awesome! I’ve built similar CI logic using git and docker apis for an autograder system. Looks like I can throw out some of this code… and replace it with dagger.

Debugging and maintaining code is to be avoided at all costs. You may prefer writing code as a developer, but it doesn't provide value to the people paying your paycheck, and it doesn't result in better outcomes than simple composeable actions.

Proprietary CI/CD systems are a waste of time. If it's more complicated than a shell script, you need to strip it down.

Usually the problems occur when there are too many people between people paying for a product (and therefor paying the paycheck) and people actually working on the product.

Wish I could use this for work, but with no buildkit access its a no go :(

I'd love to learn more! May I ask what your use case, and what you mean by "buildkit access"?

We have some custom thing built on top of jenkins, and we don't get access to a docker socket, so getting dagger to work doesn't seem possible.

how do you use docker in your pipelines then?

Why does it require docker? That's a show stopper.

It requires an OCI compliant container, not Docker specifically so technically you are not running "Docker in Docker"

how this compares to buildbot or gajapipelines

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