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Actually I don't know if they are keeping it real, you don't know unless you meet them. I'm not a fan of stuffy corporate bs either, I've never met anyone who loves that.

I think being thoughtful, informative, and respectful doesn't have anything to do with corporate bs. I've worked at many companies with great cultures that don't need to write questionable job postings to keep it real.

Being professional and being stuffy are two very different things. I know a whole industry of professionals I'd love to work with or have a beer with anytime.

Yeah, seriously. You don't have to use cool-speak to keep it real. It doesn't matter how big or small you are, sincerity always shines through.

As to the original comment, I think this may swing either way. This could either be the real deal, hot tech startup or it could be some assholes who are totally overcompensating with all the secrecy and trying to play it super hipster. I see where you might get arrogance from it. I didn't think of that first though. Considering we're on HN here and since the site has an outstanding reputation for keeping most riff raff out, I just assumed it was a hot-next-big-thing startup looking for employees.

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