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Recovered: Sega Exclusives on Palm OS (2019) (gingerbeardman.com)
55 points by zdw on Oct 26, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Man I adored my Sony Clie. Even into the mid 2000s I was still rocking mine. I would've loved Columns and that accessory on it, but by the time I would've wanted it I'd moved to the Sony Ericsson M600i and then the P1i -- the weird keyboard (two letters per key, but the key was a shallow "U" shape so you tapped the left edge for Q and the right edge for W) actually made it excellent for Sega Megadrive emulation (as they ran Symbian with the UIQ3 interface): I regularly played Sonic 2 (with frameskip, these weren't powerful devices) in my free period at high-school on it.

This is super cool to see! I wonder if my Clie is still around and kicking, might be fun to try and load them up on it.

I was working at Palm (subcontracted end user support) when this project was announced.

The first thing my mind went to was 3D games because Palm had just announced that the next iteration of their chip would have a PowerVR based mobile capabilities and the teams at Sega had just finished a number of years making games with the Dreamcast (also PowerVR).

I never heard of these games, and a couple of years later Palm was pretty clearly irrelevant (although that did not stop me from acquiring a dead-end Treo 180g device).

I honestly don't think they could have pivoted to save themselves, everything about their interface was wedded to the stylus interface.

For me the iPhone was closer to a PDA than a smartphone. Ie Palm and WinMo were close. Why didn’t they go all the way?

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