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Ask HN: Has anyone managed to find enjoyment in their work after burnout?
473 points by dotdashdashdash on Oct 19, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 355 comments
Sorry for the mini-rant, I’m just a bit lost at the moment. I don’t know whether it’s worth looking at changing careers, trying to stick with it or something else I haven’t thought of. I’ve been working in the industry for 14 years and feel like I’m old and jaded. I got a bit burnt out a couple of years ago working 70-hour weeks and haven’t been able to bounce back since. Now, whenever I’m coding, it just feels like an enormous effort to get anything done. I’ve tried to work on different projects and things that are more in line with my interests, but that hasn’t really seemed to help. I’ve worked in various management roles over the years and have been drawn more towards that side of things at the moment, mainly because it isn’t coding. I feel like I’m average at best as a manager, but I have ASD so there are a few aspects of it that I really struggle with. I feel like I could work on these aspects, but it will always be draining and it will never be easy the way coding used to be. The other problem with management is that most people want you in-house for that, whereas I enjoy the freedom of contracting.

Has anyone come back from being burnt out to love what they do again? If so, how did you manage to do it?

This advice is going to be hated by a lot of people but.. care less.

You’re in an industry that values your skills and seems to always have demand. Whether or not that’s true in the future, it certainly is today, so the best thing you can do is put yourself first and worry less about work as a whole. Especially if it’s not your own company.

Spend more time on you, on activities with friends and family, on hobbies. If you don’t have particularly healthy hobbies, maybe start some. Getting away from your work more and more will make it all the more bearable.

These days work is close to the bottom of my list of concerns, which sounds really bad - BUT - I find I’m more productive than I’ve been in years because I’m not worrying if something takes longer than expected or is bigger than I realised. I can just enjoy the problem solving and shipping without the stress.

If you’re burned out this badly I’d suggest it’s your soul’s way of telling yourself “hey this isn’t working for me”. As someone who has been to some pretty messed up depths with the anxiety monster, I’d heed that voice. Life isn’t long enough to stay stuck in a rut like this for any amount of time at all.

Kind of this.

I don't think it's "care less" but I think it's "care appropriately for 40 hours a week."

The concept of "quiet quitting" is a shameful, panicky fraud perpetuated by the power holders in the industry that see their power slipping. "Quiet quitting" has been known as "work to rule" or "fulfilling a contract." My paystub says 40 hours. My original contract says nothing about overtime. I'm not quiet quitting, I'm doing my !@#$ing job.

By being STRICTLY limited to 40 hours, I can do my job at full strength, providing consistent results and quality. And then I'm not so burned out that I go home and do whatever I please with my life. Sometimes that's more coding for me!

My job is a side quest, not a main quest.

> My job is a side quest, not a main quest.

Even if it were your main quest, I think the strategy you outline is worth following. Going all out is what causes burnout, and that applies to whether you are working for yourself or for someone else, and also whether you are working a job or working on your passion.

A career is like an ultra marathon -- maintain a sustainable pace, and run with people you like to spend time with.

This ^^^^. I am in my thirty ninth year in embedded development, started the year I turned 27. (yeah, do the math) I have strictly limited myself to 40 hour weeks following a severe burnout in the late 1990s.

I could retire now, if I had to, but I hope to do this for another three to five years. It is just far too interesting and fun. I had an older coworker that worked full time until he was 74. He also just enjoyed the work and the people he worked with.

It is a marathon, and change is constant, which makes it more interesting than a lot of careers in the long run. Plan for the long run, and make room to live your life all along the way.

Right on! Do you have any resources to share that you've found excellent such as books or articles? Any projects you've enjoyed? Do you hack with any of the new languages? Do you have a blog? I'm always curious and work in the web space and think this sounds interesting. Thank you!

Not who you asked, but I found this course and considering doing it: https://www.udemy.com/course/mcu_msp430/

And definitely do not put any kind of work contact on your phone. If people are texting your private number, ignore it until you are back on the clock, or even consider blocking them. If you're not on the clock, you're not reachable. If they want you reachable, that's called "being on call" and is a separate negotiation involving higher wages and agreed-upon hours.

It’s interesting to see the shift on HN from hustle/burnout culture to wiser takes on work life balance. The startup culture in the Bay burned a hole in my soul at one point with its 80+ hour a week puritan laden virtue signaling.

We're growing up!

This 100%. I got burned out by the classic case of working at a startup from pre-seed round. After two or three years or so of working virtually every single day, including between leisure activities on “days off” and almost always “on call” replying to emails and DMs, I just stopped. I didn’t reply at absurd hours, even if I knew the answer or had something to say. I didn’t spend hours outside of work thinking about work anymore.

Over time, I started putting more time into properly decompressing from work at the end of the day so I didn’t feel stressed about the next day.

I get burned out from time to time still, but it’s much more “in the moment” burn out vs systemic burn out.

> The concept of "quiet quitting" is a shameful, panicky fraud perpetuated by the power holders in the industry that see their power slipping

Is it?

I always took "Quiet Quitting" to mean, "Lets see how long I can do nothing until I get fired", not "Work to Rule" or "work your pay", or whatever.

I've seen this "Work 5 hours a week sporadically answering slack and see how long till they notice I produce nothing" before, and it's surprising how long I've seen people get away from doing basically 0 work and continue drawing a paycheck.

I think it's largely because most companies don't properly manage a remote teams. It happens when they don't understand how to properly set results-based expectations and deadlines for remote work.

But it's also a huge middle-finger to your teammates who may still care about their work and job, and having dead-weight on the team is demoralizing.

Can you give some details on where you saw this "work 5 hours a week" thing? I have never seen anything like that in my career. I have seen incompetent colleagues who worked hard but produced less than 5 hours of useful work per week though.

I found out through a friend they had started a new job, and instead of turning in notice, they just rode it out for a few months taking multiple paychecks. Look around on r/overemployed on reddit for a lot more examples of the mindset that does this type of thing.

I'd take what you read on subreddits like this with a pinch of salt. A lot of people like to embellish or flat-out lie to either fit in, sound cool or to provoke a reaction (see "am I the asshole").

:shrug: there's definitely role-playing in there, but anecdotally, I know 2 close friends who did this during Covid and had 2-3 full-time jobs in non-software roles.

So I imagine the percentage of role-playing in r/overemployeed is less than 50%.

That's a non-trivial number of people, and I'd bet if you work for a large company, there's a non-trivial of people doing this now. (See the thread about Experion firing contractors with multiple jobs[1])

1 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33198708

Companies don't know hot to manage in office teams either. So many people walk in, do nothing all day, complain, are awful to work with, etc.

That would basically just be “fraud” IMO. Maybe others can chime in but I’ve only seen quiet quitting described as “not going above and beyond anymore. Just doing the minimal job.”

When it comes to health and well being f*ck what's appropriate do whatever you can get away with ... just do not put life or well being of other people in harm ways

I really enjoyed, thank you. lol

This is so funny, totally made my day

"Do nutting." :D

>This advice is going to be hated by a lot of people but.. care less.

I think there's a nuance in this that's easy to be missed. It's possible to care about the quality of your work but not care about the various forms of insanity in your management chain.

I think a lot of people fear that not caring means you turn into a totally useless person - that extremely unproductive person in the company that everybody hates but management and HR refuses to fire.

Not caring doesn't mean you have to become that person.

> I find I’m more productive than I’ve been in years because I’m not worrying if something takes longer than expected or is bigger than I realised. I can just enjoy the problem solving and shipping without the stress.

100% this. Care about the quality of your work. If you work for a place where that's never possible due to constant unrealistic expectations, start looking for another place to work.

I've actually found that some managers like employees who don't care so much because they need much less care and feeding. People who care too much also complain too much. And even if you do good work, constant complaining can overshadow that.

I think a better way of putting it is: "don't get too emotionally invested". Writing code I often times get emotionally invested in it's success, but with a job you have to create that clear line of "I care, but I'm not emotionally invested". I really want to fix that bug in the system but if 5PM hits, I don't have the emotional investment to keep going into the night like with a side project, I can get to it in the morning.

> I think there's a nuance in this that's easy to be missed. It's possible to care about the quality of your work but not care about the various forms of insanity in your management chain.

Yes, exactly! I've found this to be the main cause of my own burnout, caring too much about the background noise and not focusing enough on the parts of the job that I actually enjoy and do well. When I stopped caring so much about all the chatter in slack and jira, all-hands meetings, etc.. and spent all my time at my desk closing tickets assigned to me, and nothing more, things got better.

> People who care too much also complain too much.

I agree but I've also witnessed other devs burn out who just decided everything was their problem and tried way to hard to please everyone with a problem. Rather than complaining they imploded.

Yeah this is solid advice.

I'm on year 17 in the industry and year 5 of "care less" which has really turned into "care very little, if at all". I work for a FAANG and while I procrastinate like crazy (btw I have very bad ADHD, so factor that in), I still tend to complete my work on time or ahead of schedule. I do the bare minimum though and I don't give a damn about the job at all beyond that. I haven't put in an honest 40 hours in years. I try to cram all my real work into a 2-3 hour block of time each day. Somehow my managers are still very happy with my output and I still get offered promotions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My sole reason for working is to survive and provide for my family. I put most of my passion and energy into hobbies instead. All of this makes it so I don't dread work every day; it finally feels like I have equilibrium in my work-life balance now even though I still do on-call rotations and work for a massive company.

Funny thing is all of this started from me randomly finding an "e-book" called "The Gervais Principle, Or The Office According to The Office" by Venkatesh Rao. It's a somewhat exaggerated take on things, but it got me to re-evaluate my career and life. Free to read: https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-...

> I do the bare minimum though and I don't give a damn about the job at all beyond that. I haven't put in an honest 40 hours in years. I try to cram all my real work into a 2-3 hour block of time each day. Somehow my managers are still very happy with my output and I still get offered promotions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Shit, I can't consistently do more than 3-5 hours of "real work" each day.

My wife just started a WFH office job, after years in a career where she spent a lot of time on her feet, working very socially and responding to things moment-to-moment (though not without planning in the mix). I felt validated in my capacity for staring-at-a-screen work when, after a couple days, she remarked to me that now she understood why I felt brain-dead in the evenings—she finds this way more draining than what she used to do, even though on-paper I think her old career should have been harder in many ways.

The fucking glowing screens are powered mostly by sucking out energy from the user, I swear.

> I try to cram all my real work into a 2-3 hour block of time each day

I tend to do this too. Thing is, without the down time I couldn't do it consistently, so I'm really still putting in a full day of work.

100% agree. My life used to be all about tech / software engineering, especially when I got started in the industry and was learning a lot. One day I became burnt out and realized my life was so one dimensional, all I could talk about was different tech products and software engineering. I decided to put my work on the back burner and focus on instead trying various hobbies.

I ended up for a while just "caring less" about work while still getting my work done and putting all of my heart and soul into my hobbies (mostly Muay Thai and Running). Ironically, I think the time of putting engineering on the back burner has re-ignited my interest in it again. So it's not like you have to "care less" forever.

I've come to realize that I think life is cyclical like that and we need to be able to drive our energy towards new and interesting things, or even our families and the burn out is a signal you need to turn your energy towards something else. Your craft will always be waiting for you on the other side.

Coincidentally this is how I know what I am made to do. I've stopped programming on personal stuff for months at a time to solve burnout. Yet, I always manage to get the spark reignited, drop every other hobby, and focus on what I love doing. I've lost a lot of friends this way (sorry can't do X, I'm working on a project) but generally people don't understand anyway.

Sometimes separation makes the heart grow fonder, even in tech.

> care less.

This is the right and timeless advice. Indifference and equanimity towards your craft and output is the way I came out of my burnout. I can't believe that listening to your body has become a hated advice these days. Are we so deep in the pit?

The thing is, it's Management's objective to keep productivity high and prevent burnout in the first place.

They've failed to do so, now that you're taking care of yourself, consider that you're doing their job.

It seems to flow both ways. Management gets burned out dealing with people who just don't care, and they end up not caring about the people they manage.

6 years ago, a COO once told me, "Employees are donkeys. You use a carrot and stick. If they weren't donkeys they'd be running their own business."

It seemed like such stuck up, pretentious 'advice' at the time that I ran far away from that social group. But parent comment made it click - people act like donkeys for a reason. And your comment made that click too, once the whole group acts like donkeys, they're treated like one.

> It seemed like such stuck up, pretentious 'advice' at the time

Because it is pretentious and stuck-up.

Any non-trivial endeavor requires humans working together as a group to achieve it. Reducing the humanity of the group you're working with to "donkeys" is horrifying, and the best executives are the ones who understand - and respect - their people.

>6 years ago, a COO once told me, "Employees are donkeys. You use a carrot and stick. If they weren't donkeys they'd be running their own business."

A COO is an Employee too. Therefore he is a Donkey as well :)

For context, it was a talk on HR policies. He retired at 40 after investing in real estate, then went back to work running companies, but was no longer solely motivated by compensation or the threat of being fired.

He did call managers "donkeys with sticks", though. Just because they manage, as long as their motivation is solely tied to compensation, they're still no better.

A COO is an "officer-employee", distinct from a regular unqualified "employee."

So you are saying a COO is an officer-Donkey? :)

But to go back to the parent post, what the COO said "If they weren't donkeys they'd be running their own business."

Maybe some COOs run small businesses they started where they call the all shots. But most big company COOs have a lot of obligations and have a different carrot and stick for the C-Suite. And a lot of them didn't start the business where they became the COO. So, yes, still Donkeys.

The COO never said they weren't a donkey

It's donkeys all the way down.

> 6 years ago, a COO once told me, "Employees are donkeys. You use a carrot and stick. If they weren't donkeys they'd be running their own business."

I don't want to run my own business because I want to be able to drift along and switch off after work. If I did run my own business then it would be better than anybody with this attitude.

If I weren't a donkey, then I wouldn't even be working in the first place let alone running a business.

I don’t think it’s that black-and-white. Sometimes mistakes just happen anywhere, be it with management of developers or whatever. It’s also highly personal the types and amount of stress each individual can cope with. Burnout also happens across many professions, including the managers themselves.

How the manager responds to you having a burnout, however, is what’s important. A good manager will manage to accelerate your recovery, and come up with some plan to prevent it from happening again in the future.

I also believe that in the end, stress management is something that in the end, it’s best you take your own responsibility for. Learn to say no, learn to communicate about your limits, and learn to walk away / push back in case those limits are crossed.

I went through a few burn outs through various phases of my life, and almost always it was a combination of multiple things at once. While a manager can help, in the end I am responsible for my own mental well being.

Well sorry it feels like that my message is blaming management for that. It kinda does (that it's one of their objective and failed to do so). But it's more to show that you're not care less about the work by taking care of yourself, because it's also in the interest of higher ups that you keep up being productive.

If you’ll read the post you’ll see poster is drawn to being a manager.

Managers have managers, though. But perhaps they’re expected to be more self-sufficient in this regard.

I wouldn’t want to be a manager precisely for this type of thing, the ability to absorb stress / pressure from within the organization and relay it in an orderly fashion to your team.

When you are a manager, having a good manager becomes even more important. I enjoyed my time leading a team for exactly this reason.

Working now at a startup, there is little to no management and I find myself wishing for good leadership.

I have been through the same. Caring less, working 40 hours and nevertheless, productivity went up.

Work is a tool to enable your private life. Not the other way around.

I work to enjoy my personal time. It allows me to do the things I want. It’s nothing more.

So, totally in agreement. I don’t live to work, I work only to live.

"Work to live." not "Live to work."

Having a good life outside of work is a great goal but I've been lucky enough that the first 25 years of my career I actually fully enjoyed going to work.

I know people will dismiss this because of the reputation of the industry but I worked in video games. Teams were small (10-30 people). I was not just a cog but had a roll that let me feel the games I shipped were my project. I'm not saying I led the project but the way I might be proud to show off some art I made, I was proud to be making the game. It was mine, not just some item on a jira ticket. I rarely hated going into work. It was like being paid to work on my own project and with cool people I liked collaborating with.

Then I switched to FANG. Now I get paid TC of 2x-6x, I get 2x/2.5x more vacation. I have zero crunch. Lots of other perks. And..... I hate my work life. I have no interest in the work. It's not mine. I don't feel any attachment to what I do. The team is large so no sense of ownership.

Of course, maybe finding work you enjoy is as rare as being a rockstar. Maybe I just got super lucky. But damit, I miss enjoying work to the level I used to.

This advice is going to be hated by a lot of people

I'll chime in here with more of this.

1) Make sure all work related correspondence goes via specific email aliases, logins, etc, etc. And turn it off when away from work.

2) Probably, get a personal phone, and just turn off your work phone after hours.

One way to burn out, is to never, ever have work, and work related issues, out of your mind. Unless you are on-call, there is no reason at all someone needs to reach out to you after hours.

And one needs, absolutely needs to not think of work after hours!

Of course people will burn out, if every waking second is filled with work thoughts! Just glancing at status messages -- thinking of work.

Get rid of it. Decouple 100%, completely, totally from work when not there.

Get different room for work when WFH

I respectfully disagree. Ignoring a major part of your life, that sustains you and your family, might be a luxury for people that get burned out with $450k salaries and have $2M in savings.

Finding a good balance and pride in the 1/3rd of the life you spend, without being scornful is worth while. Build a good robust career, become an expert, have passion and perseverence, foster discpline; make a career that rewards you. The world isn't set up against you as people on HN and media would like you to believe; the world is amazing and there are plenty of things to do that can sustain you and your family.

Being apathetic or scornful of "work" is a terrible long term strategy.

Get a copy of Adam Savage's Every Hammer is a Tool: https://www.amazon.com/Every-Tools-Hammer-Life-What/dp/19821...

You'll find better advice than this depressing apathy on HN and places like r/antiwork.

We did all that, and are talking about what comes after.

Burnout can mean a lot of things, without precise and quantifiable definition, you cannot broad-brush this. Burnout can mean from "slight discomfort to challenges" to "suicidal" state of person. So I am giving general advice to build a sustainable career and if you're burned out and on the verge of suicide, you're going to have to find solace in some other type of work that gives you purpose and that you can master it.

Advice presented by others in this thread would lead to worse spiraling effect where bad work ethics would lead you to be worse at mastering things which would lead to even worse work ethics. Sustaining a career for decades requires careful attention to balance between work and life, ideally if both are coalesced (which many people here would gasp in horror). Even after a burnout.

I can relate to all of this. One consequence for me has been lower visibility from my managers. I'm more productive by focusing on the work of my team and helping others, but by not participating in the politics I am perceived as a lower contributor than someone who does the opposite. It's still worth it for me, I've just given up on the goal of being perceived as the top contributor.

I was having burnout, the team I was in was not as challenging. Simple features took me weeks to finish. It got so difficult for me to turn on the laptop in the morning. Internally I asked to be moved to another team, but it did not improve.

What did I do?? I did not take vacations or time out. I just changed companies, and made sure the job has variety, and a lot of customers, and asked for a good raise. All the symptoms disappeared after 1 day. Like magic.

I feel I am more respected and more critical in their team. If there are no customers, and they pay you a little, you feel worthless, and treated as a second class dev. Start looking outside, you may find a good opportunity

Yeah I agree with this.

I used to be the sort of person who would stay at work until I got to what felt like a "good" stopping point in what I was doing. If something wasn't working, and seemed like another 30 minutes might fix it, I would often do it. Of course 30 minutes often turned into 3 hours.

Now I'm much more likely to just go home at the end of the day. I don't really care what fires are burning, they will be there tomorrow and nobody will die.

This. Also: Find friends outside of work that don't have to do with your field of work. Find them in meetups that have to do with your hobbies.

The real question you're answering is:

"What are you going to do with your one wild and precious life?"

You don’t need to care less, but it helps.

If I may: consider it an achievement to work for 60 minutes with heavy focus. Sincerely do so, and even reward yourself with some sort of token for it to represent the effort you did. Use larger tokens for milestones. Over the weeks, these tokens will help motivate you to pull yourself out of your slump and feel good about your work again

I will write an article series on why this works one day, but for now, give it a try? Tiny wins do a lot to help burnout

The absolute simplest version of this is just pomodoro timers with a tally

Care more, but worry less.

Caring less is one of the main symptoms of medical burnout. I wonder if it's correlation the other way though.

I think your are agreeing? Choosing to care less takes the pressure off. People take their jobs too seriously (except maybe doctors) and work too hard. Chill out, no one is going to die and that deadline was made up by an incompetent project manager or exec anyway. If you don't enjoy your job change your company, or change your company.

I call it ”the healing power of apathy".

It sounds funny and weird, but benign neglect is sometimes an appropriate response.

This is great advice and unless it's a startup or your own company there little need to kill yourself working for someone else.

Having your own life outside of work and sticking with it can help the burnout and dive into new skills that might lead to a new career.

Never give up your creative hobbies.


"there little need to kill yourself working for someone else."

There is also little need and sense in killing yourself, if you work for yourself.

This is true, work smart is a good rule to follow

This, a great article that has been written recently: https://www.schlaf.co/ambition/

This is actually very reasonable, but I think it's sad that we have to do such gymnastics to justify a healthy work-life balance. It's even sad that we had to coin the term "work-life balance."

This is excellent advice. Treat work as part of your life, not your whole life. Try and build your social circle of people who aren't in the industry, let alone your colleagues.

I found that just moving teams and dropping a load of baggage made a huge difference and a huge improvement.

I also found that regular physical exercise outside (running for me) is a game changer and totally allows your brain to disconnect.

Finally, don't guilt trip yourself on your free time. There is nothing you "should" be doing on your spare time. Want to code? Fine. But do you really? Want to just veg out and watch Netflix? Also fine. Want to do some "junk food" gaming? Do it. Hang out with friends family and loved ones? I encourage that. Don't pressure yourself about open source projects or side hustles etc.

Similar for me, I noticed that the thing that lead to burnout was the politics around work, not the work itself. I changed companies and was happy till I got myself in the same political nightmare. If you find yourself in the same position, change the project/company, it will make a big difference for a while. Try to find a company with a healthy management/culture for a long term fix (if you want to spend more than 2-3y in one place), this is very hard thing to come by.

I just assume there is no healthy management culture anywhere for American companies, especially not with MBAs continually poisoning the well. It’s finding what you can tolerate and still maintain your self worth and sanity.

Absolutely +1 on the exercise. For me it's road biking. I just hop on farm roads and ride for hours listening to Audible, podcasts, or nothing at all and just enjoy the scenery.

Also - and I can't stress this enough - absolutely use your vacation time. And when you do, utterly disconnect from work. Turn "do not disturb" on your phone and other devices and not only don't answer work emails, don't even look at email, slack, etc.

I agree with the comment about doing whatever it is that will relax you. Sometimes that is just binge watching the latest Netflix show. But, if you work from home, I've found that absolutely nothing beats GOING somewhere for your vacation time. I - and friends who also WFH - find that just being at home on vacation can still be emotionally draining. Even a 4 day weekend away from home doing something completely different can be very recharging.

Even if I've come back to work and had to fix things others "broke" because they had to work around me not being there, I was much happier with that than if I did any work during my time away. And it also pointed out to me where documentation and knowledge was lacking or tools could be improved, etc. ;)

+1 on exercise. I find HIIT better for breaking out of mental slump then most other forms of exercise. Sprints are best for me[0].

0 - https://twitter.com/thisritchie/status/1426215815175680001?s...

Yeah, it's your coworkers/manager — exercise is a requirement (should be required by the company).

Code is code, but if you have a cool manager and coworkers it can make it enjoyable. Particularly, for myself, I liked management that gave me autonomy, trusted me to write a framework without feeling the need to hand-hold.

Exercise breaks (I started out running, switched to walking when I got older) were something I used to feel guilty about — going out for a run/walk in the middle of a work day. I always wanted to be the guy who always had their nose to the grindstone.

As I got older (and more seniority, I suppose) I got over the guilt by just saying fuck 'em, health is more important. In fact though my productivity and ... code fidelity? ... likely improved. Often I left on the 20 minute walk with my head in a programming fog, returned with a succinct plan on how to proceed before the next programming hurdle reared its head.

+1 on regular exercise - it makes a huge difference! We are not built to sit all day.

+1 Start doing Callisthenics. 100 pushups, 100 pullups, 100 squats and 6 miles of run every day will help you immensely. Eliminate excuse's.

This reads like a humble brag. You don't typically recommend "start exercising" then suggest a daily workout that even professional athletes wouldn't do

It is a joke -- it's the exercise regime used by one punch man to become stronger than a god

As impressive as this regime is if you can do it, I'd recommend most people start a little slower and mix it up a little more - this kind of highly repetitive strain will burn out your body, just as the insane work schedule burnt you out.

Start slow, throw in some yoga or tai chi and build up those joints and tendons - they don't increase in strength as quickly as muscles do.

Doing this will make you strong enough to win any fight with just one punch, too

Side effects also include going bald, so consider carefully

This is great advice, but a mile without stopping is a huge achievement if you haven't been a runner before.

I could crank out a mile easily. At least a person can just run slowly. 100 pullups though? That just ain't happening

> I also found that regular physical exercise outside (running for me) is a game changer and totally allows your brain to disconnect.

> Finally, don't guilt trip yourself on your free time. There is nothing you "should" be doing on your spare time.

Don't you think these two pieces of advice are conflicting?

'I need to be reading docs on the latest <X> release to determine if we need to upgrade...' is moreso what he meant I think.

+1 for sport and moving to another team.

Weightlifting is the best anti-depressant I've ever tried.

Can you afford a sabbatical?

The term has roots in "seven", just like Sabbath, so with 14 years in the industry, you've skipped one.

I think a solid half-year off every seven to ten years is an excellent practice for intellectually demanding labor.

What makes it a sabbatical is that it's a change of pace which furthers your career. I'd love to take a sabbatical and just work on building stuff, personally: from soldering, to designing boards, probing them, writing firmware, I'm a rank amateur, and I'd love to level up for awhile, while free of the burden of justifying my salary in the process.

It could be painting, there's a popular author who wrote a book about the connection between painting and hacking, can't remember his name but his stuff gets posted here all the time.

What it isn't, is a vacation, or a convalescence. It sounds like you haven't hit "can't work", just "sucks to work", which is a blessing.

If you can't afford it, that's understandable, there are ways to get some of the benefit from a new job, but "relieved of the burden of delivering value" is an important factor.

I've known people who pushed "sucks to work" until it became "can't work", and they don't all make it back to the profession, a bit less than half in fact. Whatever you do, I urge you to take burnout seriously, because at the limit it's a serious medical condition which can cripple or kill you.

> Sabbath

Some context for the fun of it. Sabbath is the 7th day of rest that the God of Genesis took -- yes even God found rest to at least be good (if not needed). He also prescribed for the jewish people of the Old testament seven sacred feasts, which could be multiday if not weeklong festivities and breaks from work. Then there was the Sabbatical you mentioned -- One year off in 7 to rest the land and labor. Furthermore there was "Jubilee" -- a special sabbatical year every 7th sabbatical that went even further :)

Seems like ancient people (if not God) deeply understood the need for rest!

This is what I did. Took 2 1/2 years and didn't write a line of code for two of those years.

I simply fucked off and traveled the world. Half the time I didn't even know what day of the week it was.

It was glorious and it cured my burn out.

How much did you forget in that time span? Did you have to relearn a bunch, and did it come back faster the second time?

I feel like I forget so much about programming on a daily basis that I would probably have to re-earn a CS degree if I took 3 months off lol.

Forgetting is not a problem. Given all the churn in the js world lately it feels like I’m re-earning a CS degree every 3 months anyway.

Skipping 3 years you wouldn’t miss anything, just read up on the latest and you are good to go.

If you are lucky, the PR you submitted to some sleeping library, months ago, might have finally been accepted when you get back.

Yes, absolutely. It's been a rocky road getting back. I'd say after a year and a half I'm about 85% back to where I was before.

How do you live without an income for so long?

By being single with no children and working in tech.

A sabbatical sounds outrageously stressful to me. I'd immediately have significantly worse health insurance, I wouldn't be contributing to retirement, all the while I'd be draining away my safety net.

Obvious for me to say: there's a point in time when you're going to stop working and you're going to be draining away your safety net regardless, because you're retired.

So with a sabbatical now, just think that you're making time now so that you can have a better retirement later because you'll be ready for an enjoyable retirement as opposed to needing to take two or three or five years of your retirement, just calming down from your crazy career.

It's definitely not an easy thing to consider. Do evaluate with an extended pros and cons list and weight each item in the list.

Burnout for me weighed extraordinarily heavily.

Understood, but to an extent retirement isn't a choice. At a certain age I will find it harder to get a job and harder to do most things.

You also have the concept of compounding interest. A year of savings at age 30 is much more valuable than a year of savings when I'm 60.

You can say the same thing about health. A year of less stress at age 30 is more valuable than when you are 60.

Is it? I'm more capable of physically managing stress at 30. At 60 it could kill me.

If you develop serious conditions during 30s, you're going to enjoy them longer. I think the aim overall should be balanced life oriented towards future. If whatever I am doing now seems unsustainable it's not gonna be sustainable in a year (I will just learn how to ignore it).

If you're a software engineer that has been working for 7+ years and don't have enough savings to survive 6 months off work or are so behind on retirement savings that this would seriously impact your future I think you should work seriously on getting your finances in order.

I'm on track with retirement and savings, but do you know what would put me immediately off track? an unpaid sabbatical with bad health insurance.

Well obviously if you are so sick that the only way for you to survive, financially and literally, is to have employer paid health insurance then ok don't take a sabbatical. This is of course a US-centric problem and would be absurd to basically anyone outside the US.

You don't even have to be "so sick"! for a family of 4 health insurance from a state exchange costs $1,000 a month and can come with a $7k per-person deductible. That's a minor car accident away from $26k in healthcare costs ($14k family deductible + $12k in annual premiums)...

It's less that and more that you're not maximizing retirement savings at that point, which is something that stresses a lot of folks out.

Also, even within software, I can't imagine trying to find a job with a 6-month gap on my resume. I'm not in the bay area, and even working remotely, competition is brutal. A gap on your resume is a great reason to get immediately rejected by wherever you're applying to.

Not all of us are in the niches of software where jobs are easy to come by. Not everything is web dev.

This is well worth replying to, it surfaces some culture/class things which are worth making explicit.

Being responsible about the future is important, but let's phrase the goal as "savings upon retirement", rather than "retirement savings".

A sabbatical can help with that in a few ways, but first let's talk about the gap.

A sabbatical is not a gap in one's resume, it's a sabbatical. What's done with that time is open-ended, but one of the things it does is provide a useful line item.

This is in fact a class thing. People of independent means will take time off to improve their careers. Real talk, I can't stress this enough: don't buy a sabbatical, or a Porche, if you can't afford it.

They don't put this on their resume, but rather, on their C.V.

I'm not from those people, but growing up in a university town, one gets to know them.

A sabbatical is good if: you can write an open-source library in your niches which solves a problem, if you expand the breadth of your expertise, if what you're doing has a significant philanthropic angle. All of these can set someone up for a higher tier of job, something with better prospects.

It's good to have a comfortable nest egg, and it's even better if when you do, you have the kind of respect and stake in your field where you don't actually retire. Emeritus is a wonderful Latin loanword. May we all merit emeritus.

> It's less that and more that you're not maximizing retirement savings at that point, which is something that stresses a lot of folks out.

I understand where this is coming from, but it can be a trap. Maximizing your retirement savings for the distant future at the cost of your current health is not a good tradeoff.

All things in balance. One's current needs are just as important as their future needs. "Future you" can figure it out when the time comes. They're pretty smart :p. "Future you" would want you to properly take care of "current you".

I say this as someone who has spent most of my net worth -- over $100k -- over the past 2 years of not working as I've taken time to heal and grow and learn how to live life better.

It's been a difficult journey for me but it is something I needed to do. I have more hope for the future than I have had in many, many years.

> Also, even within software, I can't imagine trying to find a job with a 6-month gap on my resume. I'm not in the bay area, and even working remotely, competition is brutal. A gap on your resume is a great reason to get immediately rejected by wherever you're applying to.

This may be a hurdle, but it's probably not as big as you think. You were taking care of your health -- no details required. The matter has since been resolved and you are excited and ready to make use of your skills again. Do they need someone with your skillset or not? Don't project your worry onto them :) They will sense that and that will be the actual issue.

> It's less that and more that you're not maximizing retirement savings at that point, which is something that stresses a lot of folks out.

What you contributed in years 1-3 are going to be worth far more than what you are contributing after year 7, see exponential returns.

>Also, even within software, I can't imagine trying to find a job with a 6-month gap on my resume.

Idk what field you are in but I get recruiter calls and emails daily, there is massive demand so I don't see this making much sense.

>A gap on your resume is a great reason to get immediately rejected by wherever you're applying to.

I don't think this actually bears out for people with in-demand skills that can interview well. Maybe you are overthinking how long people even look at a resume before interviews, hint: it's not long.

One could easily move past the gap by saying you took an extended break, were traveling, were working on a passion project, etc.

People in US seem so freaked about it. I don't think many people in EU would care that you have a gap. Great you will join in as fresh. Further I think you can just write "working on personal endeavors"... which you will. Many people have gaps on startups that failed and now there is even no website to show, no?

You should think about retirement, but maybe that will never come. You can hit by a bus any day. You could be sick from the stress and won't able to enjoy the money you saved. You have to live a little right now.

You shouldn't have gap in your resume. I took more than one year off to travel around New Zealand. I put this in my resume and I think it made it more interesting. After that I migrated from Hungary to the UK during COVID and didn't had any problem finding a job.

Agreed. Currently I am on a 3-month sabbatical after being laid off from my previous position of 7 years. While I could have opted for a longer duration, I’ve been happy with the time off thus far, and my efforts of saving and investing over the years has made finances a non-issue during this time.

I also set up my next gig in the weeks immediately following layoffs, which I’ll be starting in November, so I’m excited to know that there’s financial security at the end of this experience.

It’s been a much needed break.

That depends on what you do with that. You can also look at this as an investment in yourself that will substantially increase your income later. If you have something to show for it after you sabbatical, you can actually win long term.

> If you have something to show for it after you sabbatical

this is also a terrifying concept: what if I don't?

It's entirely possible that you take a long break from work and find that you don't want to do anything. That means that you burned out completely. Just say that in an interview - that you needed to take a serious mental break, recharge, find your new orbit, and decide what you wanted to do next.

If you look for a job a bit later, it's actually easier than looking for it right after when you find yourself unemployed ;)

This. I'm on one now and it is incredible. I'm in my early forties and was a senior software dev manager at a big co. I've been doing stuff around the house like yard work, tinkering with a raspberry pi, metal and woodworking, etc. My general disposition is much sunnier. I'm sleeping and eating better. Making time for fitness without it feeling like a chore.

And importantly, I have space to think about work--what I like and don't--so that when I go back, I can be intentional about my next move. Rather than just climbing the ladder that's in front of me.

> Hackers and painters


> Can you afford a sabbatical?

I would definitely not want to have no income for half a year (or more). Especially considering the current economic downturn. It would probably stress me out even more.

I don't know. I just lost my job and I have fewer savings than I wanted (six months just about), and I am feeling phenomenal. I started finally working on my own long-neglected passion projects, and I feel excited about coding again. Started drinking way less, stopped stress-eating, etc.

Granted I was planning on doing this anyway (just a bit ahead of schedule for me), I needed to be ejected from the hamster wheel by force to acknowledge that it was the job and not me.

Then next year I will start looking again, but I will be way more picky. A job that you hate can wreck you.

If you're anything like me, this will have enduring positive benefits on both your personal happiness and lifetime earnings.

A sabbatical is an investment in yourself, and by definition not a cheap one. Although depending on who you are and what you want to do with it, it doesn't have to come 100% out of one's own pocket.

A great sabbatical would be teaching children, or underrepresented adults. That will affray expenses, and gets you in on a group buy for health insurance, for those of us stuck with that problem.

Still, it's not available to everyone, I don't want to dismiss that. I'd like to see it possible for more of us. This is not an industry which is short of wealth, and a nonprofit which helps match mid-career software people with sabbatical opportunities, scholarships, and so on, would be a welcome addition to the landscape.

I think a sabbatical is a great suggestion. It's length depends on a balance of your financial situation and bank balance addiction and goals.

great info, I didn't know the origins behind the word. Thanks.

I'm still pretty young so this might not apply, but I tried to skip university and make it as a freelancer. Worked out fine money wise, but got severe burn out working on a project that I shouldn't have taken on in the first place, but needed the money.

I recovered fine, but it was pretty brutal. For a while I couldn't even look at code without getting nauseous and a having a splitting headache. I'm not exaggerating here, it was like I had lost the ability to comprehend code at all. Code was just meaningless symbols randomly arranged without any rhyme or reason.

What helped eventually is about ~6 Months of completely distancing myself from Programming. No programming for work, no programming for fun, not keeping up with current developments, nothing. I was fortunate enough to be able to afford this, but I truly believe that a 6 month long hard brain reset was needed. Wouldn't have worked in 3 months. Other comments here echo a similar sentiment and you'll find other blog posts and personal experiences on the internet with the same conclusion.

On the upside, coming back after 6 months and discovering that I stopped getting physically ill trying to code was an amazing moment. I fell in love with programming all over again. Only this time I learned to listen to my body and started prioritizing health and happiness over a steep career and financial success.

Honestly I don't think many people would be impressed by my professional output (especially not on this site), but I can honestly say that I've never loved it as much as I do now and I can rest easy knowing that it's sustainable and doesn't negatively impact my mental health.

As a society we should figure out some sort of systemic work exchange program where people suffering from burnout can leave their career for 8 months to work in a brewery or be a fire watcher or herd goats or whatever until they figure out that, "damn, my old job wasn't so bad after all." Either that or they become a full time goat herder...

It's not systemic, but I'm unironically doing this. I live in a LCOL city and I just walked away from my previous career path and am working in a lingerie shop. It's definitely not a forever thing, but the time to get my brain together is invaluable.

You do realize, illegal work environments and unreasonable expectations on developers is "best practices" in software development. As a society we need to end illegal best practices that require developers to work so hard they have physically damaged brain issues from the overwork and stress afterwards.

> You do realize, illegal work environments and unreasonable expectations on developers is "best practices" in software development.

This doesn't match my decade+ of experience. 35-50hr weeks and open communication on project statuses and timelines. I've had two or three crunch-times. Worked at a startup that went unicorn.

Perhaps my ambition exposed me to the worst of our industry: Apple Macintosh pre-release developer (everything in Assembly), OS dev for both the 3D0 and the original PSX game consoles, was at E.A. during the E.A. Spouse Era, managed a game studio for several years while also coding on titles, was a director of R&D for the first Internet live video infrastructure provider, worked in feature film VFX across 9 features while earning an MBA, failed at a very ambitious VFX/Advertising startup, and worked more recently as principal of a leading facial recognition developer. Across all these specialties, I've had a career composed of 7 day 60-80 hour weeks for over 4 decades.

Modern tech jobs (in the era of free money, which may be ending) have really put a clamp on long hours. Tech jobs were notorious for long hours until recently where it has flipped, and they are known for comfy work/life balance approach.

Do you consider yourself a victim? Holding the titles of director and principal means you used your position to reinforce this pattern, no?

I generally work in small teams, where I look out and mentor those I work with, rather than work them into the ground as I was.

You could say I consider myself a "Protecting Veteran".

What part was illegal exactly? My legal understanding is that there's no cap on salary working hours, no mandatory vacation or weekends, and a 3-day minimum on paid sick days (in california) .

Very true. Most agile principles are optimized to squeeze the most out of everyone. There is no space for breathing.

I think it would be really good for most people.

Oddly enough, it probably wouldn't be that hard, or even trivial if you are already a contractor

I mean, depending on where we're talking here, I think my girlfriend would love being a f/t goat hearder.. can you hook me up?

But, would you want the burned out brewers, fire watchers, or goat herders placed in your development team for 6 months at a time?

No, I wouldn't wish that evil upon them.

Hey, just wanted to mention that your path is pretty similar to mine. No college, jumped into gamedev to get out of high school, ended up burning out hard and doing nothing for a solid year after that job. I was playing Heroes of Newerth (a dota clone) all day every day. The game was super buggy, which annoyed me – I knew I could fix the bugs if I was given access to the code. Long story short, managed to get a job there and fixed all the bugs.

My point is, there’s a lot of truth to what you’re saying. One would not expect that playing dota all day for a year would lead to the next phase of your programming career. But it did, and (acknowledging luck) I firmly believe it was because of that brain reset you mentioned. So I wanted to underscore your words with an example.

Bu your last paragraph is why I’m writing to you. My professional output wasn’t too impressive either. My first manager said “If you were a Carmack, I think we’d know it by now”; I forget how it came up, but I remember how disheartening it felt to hear.

Fast forward to present day, and I’ve done a bunch of stuff I’m proud of (including collaborating with Carmack for a few weeks on AI). The reason I got here was because of the other rehung you said: you love programming, and so did I. (Also Prozac was pretty important, in hindsight.)

So please don’t stress about whether you’re impressive or whether you measure up. You impressed me. You’re good enough to do whatever you want to do. And you’ll find your path if you keep looking.

Ditto for whoever’s reading this wondering if they’ll ever recover from burnout. You will. Don’t worry. It ends.

Hey, thanks for the kind words. Really, I appreciate it a lot!

Saying that others would not be impressed by my professional achievements doesn't mean that I'm not proud of my work. I have many valuable qualities, being a 10x Developer is not one of them. You're right, I am good enough to do whatever I want to. But I am very happy that post-burnout I want different things.

Striving for a stable life with a healthy mix of meaningful work and a good social circle is not what my teenage self envisioned for my future, but it has made me much much happier than striving for an impressive resumé. I'm sure there's lots to come in the future, but I'm proud that I had this realisation relatively early in my professional life. Without this change in perspective I would've been miserable forever. Because in the end, I really am no Carmack. And that's totally fine :)

It’s not like that though. Some of the most impressive people I’ve met got where they are by having your mindset, not by being “a Carmack” (coding machine). I’d like to think I had some impact in the areas I focused on, and my output wasn’t much more than yours, in all likelihood. It was just focused, and I was in love with the programming part.

I think you’re selling yourself short. Don’t count yourself out as someone who can impact the areas you want to.

I’m glad your life is stable now — if you ever need some encouragement in the future, DM me! Always happy to.

> For a while I couldn't even look at code without getting nauseous and a having a splitting headache. I'm not exaggerating here, it was like I had lost the ability to comprehend code at all.

I thought I was starting to experience burnout this year, but I've never had physical symptons like yours. Before that happened, did you note something particular? I don't think it came out of the blue

"What I learned is that burning out isn’t just about work load, it’s about work load being greater than the motivation to do work." https://thetech.com/2010/04/09/dubai-v130-n18

I recommend reading the whole section on burnout. Although burnout isn't really the topic of the article this is the most enlightening writing I have ever read on it. Hoping it might serve you.

I enjoyed the article a lot. Not only the burnout part but also to enlighten me why free marketeers true believers incorporate as their moral ground on it.

This quote brought to me how naive that view can be:

> I’m a free marketeer. I believe that voluntary exchange is not just a good method of incentivizing people to provide their labor and talents to society, but a robust moral system — goods and services represent tangible benefit to people, market prices represent the true value of goods in society, and wages represent the value that a worker provides to others. Absent negative externalities or monopoly effects, a man receives from the free market what he gives to it, his material worth is a running tally of the net benefit that he has provided to his fellow man. A high income is not only justified, but there is nobility to it.

Truly believing that free markets have some inherent morality in its mechanisms was not something I considered before, probably because I came from a poor background and have seen how flawed that assumption is in reality.

Thanks for sharing it, definitely worth the read much more than just the burnout section.

> Absent negative externalities or monopoly effects, a man receives from the free market what he gives to it,

Naive almost doesn’t capture the essence of this for me… Willful blindness maybe? I’m a pretty free market kind of guy, not because I believe it is the ultimate expression of human morality, but because I think for most industries it produces the best practical results of the various economic systems that have been tried at scale. But, here on this particular planet, negative externalities and monopolies are ubiquitous. I don’t get how people can’t see that. I also came from a poor background - by USA standards anyway - but found financial success in my adult life, so maybe that has something to do with it?

In addition to the ubiquity of monopolies and negative externalities mentioned, public goods are also a way in which free markets don’t properly reward people’s contributions to society. The classic textbook example is a public park, whose price in the market will typically be far under the value it creates for the community it is in.

I know a lot of teachers who give much more to humanity than e.g., the CEO of Equifax. People in the marketing department at Phillip Morris undoubtedly make more money than people working for doctors without boarders. This is severely flawed logic, people get from the free market what a series of pricing mechanics based on numerous factors like supply & demand and underlying business segment margins produce. It has nothing to do with positive impacts on humanity.

Free market believers aren't wrong on their belief that a free market has a kind of morality. Instead, they are wrong on their belief that free markets exist.

This disclaimer carries a lot of weight, and puts yourself into pure theoretical modeling:

> Absent negative externalities or monopoly effects

Anyway, we are biologically inclined into doing commerce. So you will find out that people have a great deal of easiness into adopting pro-market beliefs.

It's an interesting point about motivation and work load. My experience with burnout occurred at a time where I was regularly doing 60 hours / week, and enjoying it! The motivation hit came when a new manager moved into the team, and he suddenly wanted to shift my role in a career direction I did not agree to. Prior to him joining, I felt my path was progressing in the direction I wanted, with the blessing of my previous management.

It's amazing how fast a single person can flip that motivation versus work load into the wrong direction.

Thanks, that was worth reading and the writer has a clear writing style which I envy.

I think working 5 days a week, 8h a day on the same topic is insane. I can't think of anything I would want to do for so many hours a day, almost every day.

For me, switching to 4 days a week was a huge improvement in my quality of life. Now I've switched to 3, and have a completely different second job 2 days a week. And two days of rest.

I love both, for different reasons, but could never go back to a full week of IT, or switch to a full week of my new job. They balance fine, but I don't think they can exist on their own.

After going through 7 different jobs in 12 years, I realize the only thing that keeps me happy is the team itself. Great team? Great job. Bad team? Bad job. Your mileage may vary, but if you're in a rut, maybe try finding a better, more humane team.

And by all means, scale back to 4 days a week. You'll have way less disposable income (especially because some costs are fixed: rent, food, health...), but you'll have more time.

Essentially, you're trading time against money. What's most valuable to you?

> Essentially, you’re trading time against money. What’s most valuable to you?

It took me an embarrassingly long time for this to sink in all the way. I worked in crunch-time-heavy jobs like filmmaking and video games, sometimes doing 12 hours a day for 7 days a week for stretches. The problem with working that much is that it’s essentially using 100% of your time: after eating and sleeping, there is not enough left to have time for friends or family or much of anything else at all. I finally realized that when I trade all of my time away for money, I’m effectively putting a dollar amount on the value of my life, and it turns out that the number wasn’t anywhere near high enough for me.

Yes, it's possible. Give yourself time to recover, as long as it takes, and time after that to rediscover the joy. That may mean, for a little while, grinding away at some kind of unsatisfying but low-stress job while doing your own little "joy" projects in your spare time, or training in a new platform/language just to remind yourself of the fun of starting again from scratch.

Nobody says you have to be a manager, or take a permanent role. This time is a gift - an opportunity to sidestep whatever "career track" you thought you were expected to follow and instead figure out your own values and priorities - it sounds like you've already gone along way towards that, at least you know what you don't want.

We are uniquely blessed in this business with such a wide range of opportunities and modes of working. The rise of remote work has only made that better. Be kind to yourself, and remember that despite whatever kind of imposter syndrome may be lurking in the back of your head, you most likely have an extremely valuable skill set that continues to be in demand around the world.

Also, like me, you may have to accept that you are getting older and can't rely quite so much on having that super-sharp working memory to hold an entire codebase in your head and stay focused for hours on end. A lot of my burnout came from putting unreasonable expectations on myself. Once I started taking a lot more notes, drawing a lot more diagrams, and asking a lot more questions I actually found I became more efficient than when I was relying on mental capacity alone. And it became much easier to take breaks and tolerate interruptions.

I am starting to realize that if I don't write things down, then they won't stick around.

I've procrastinated writing things down because it would take more time and effort than its worth -- If I just think a bit longer and harder, then the solution will come, and I won't have to waste all the time it takes to write everything out.

Recently, I have noticed this usually fails, and when I end up writing things down, then I come to the realization that actually writing things down would have saved more time in the first place. It was merely my assumptions, laziness, and arrogance that cost me more time.

> Give yourself time to recover

This worked for me. I had to first admit that I wasn't okay, then I had to change the expectations I had of myself.

I had to get comfortable enforcing boundaries (i.e. say no), which was made easier by changing jobs (because I had an opportunity to set expectations with my employer). I also had to gain some better soft skills to make 'no' sound more reasonable, which was a challenge at first, but has served well since.

The other huge factor that made it possible for me was financial stability. It is much easier to set boundaries when I have money to survive an unplanned job hunt.

Yes, am old, it has been multiple times through those cycles. Many stages in the emotional journey for me. They centered around the key idea that joy/enjoyment must be found- which is active- and in order to perform that finding one has to be ready- rested, restored- and it can take a long time to be restored- weeks/months- because restoration is a building back up, a refilling, of a large infrastructure of capacity. The stories of restoration of creative folks- like novelists needing to take time off after finishing a book- were helpful context.

Good luck.

Autistic here as well, tremendous burnout and trauma from my last job. It took me a lot of writing / reconnecting with why I love technology in the first place, and a 3 months sabbatical at the recurse center to… feel like I’m back. A big part in this is also the very privileged fact that I have total freedom and trust at my current work, which allows me to follow my holistic way of thinking and not having to do hierarchy and workplace cosplay. I do work from home, and it feels like I’m back in my days of freelancing.

If I ended up in the same situation again, but say, without that job, I would tell my older self:

- take a big break, and reconnect with your enthusiasm. The book “Unmasking Autism” has a lot of concrete ways to do that, since it can be hard for us. It also talks a lot about autistic burnout

- go back to freelancing, or find a job where I have lots of freedom to follow my routine, and where I am valued for my thinking and communication style

- reconnect with writing code for fun. Programming is legitimately the one activity that fully calms me and replenishes me. I stopped doing any side-programming for 10 years, and reviving that atrophied part of myself has been absolutely invigorating.

- get monster ear protection. This has to be one of the revelations: noise stresses me out sooo much, and I have been repressing it for so long. I now have -35 dB + noise cancelling earplugs and can basically live in complete silence, in the noisiest environment. I can finally think things true the way I want to.

(edit: formatting)

I wear similar ear plugs and then hunting ear muffs as well to completely cover my ears in any kind of noisy work environment.

> - reconnect with writing code for fun. Programming is legitimately the one activity that fully calms me and replenishes me. I stopped doing any side-programming for 10 years, and reviving that atrophied part of myself has been absolutely invigorating.

I'm struggling with this right now. I have not worked on hardly anything on the side in many years as well. Either I find some excuse not to, lack the confidence/knowledge to do it, or I just do not have any ideas on what to work on.

I actually enjoy programming, but I just struggle with motivation and focus issues which makes things much harder to get started.

Do something that reminds you about the value you provide - to users, not managers, not administrative bureaucrats, not marketing people - real users.

I have ~40 years experience delivering software around the world in a variety of industries. I have found that whenever I get burned out on the subject of software, its usually because I haven't had a good hard look at my users.

The people whose lives will actually be impacted by the value I provide in the software I write.

If you can't conceive of how you're going to see your users, or get a feel for the way their lives are improved by your work as a developer - there's your problem.

Everyone needs to have their work acknowledged - everyone, no exceptions. If you can't get access, fix that. If they're unhappy - fix it. If their lives are not impacted positively by your efforts - fix that.

I coded in my own firm with a partner, then on my own, then burnt out after about 12 years. Could not get any motivation to service my own clients, or complete my projects.

I took a job in an education setting, a much more diverse role, hardware/software/networking, very little coding, much less hours. I arrive at 8am then leave at 5pm on the dot everyday. I walk to and from work. I work very hard, but not at all when I'm at home. I only look at email when I am sat at my desk. I don't think much about what I've done on a given day, or what I'm going to do - just do what I'm told.

The scene in American Beauty where he finds a job with the least possible responsibility reminds me of my life.

I look forward to each day. I don't dread Sundays. I have a good nights sleep every night. It can be done with variety!

Burnout is kinda like an injury, it makes new injuries more likely and you need to train around it.

I think there are a few things that I've found that always help:

* Removing the source of frustration or the thing that is burning you out -- this might mean quitting a toxic job, reducing hours, whatever. But be honest with yourself, ask for somebody who you talk to a lot to give input on what they think it is and listen.

* Rest. This doesn't have to mean "do nothing" but it can. I think a lot of people do nothing for not enough time. A 2 week vacation and then back to the grind, you may find yourself feeling fresh and re-burnt out in less time than you were gone. I'd say rest more accurately means "do something that is easy but keeps you active" or "do things you've neglected, but don't push the area you're frustrated". I find that working on something that's lower stakes or requires less back and forth and allows me to think through and fix without questions of my dedication or intention are most helpful for me, but for you it might be something else. If burnout is around coding, managing a complex, non coding problem might be helpful. I have friends who have done home improvements or setup beer brewing etc to focus their skills on somewhere lower stakes.

* Do recovery "exercises". If big projects or coding has burnt you out, slowly introduce it in a healthy manner, accounting for the changes you made by removing frustration. This should feel like the most difficult part, because you're attempting to do something new. Introduce the thing you want to do but you've been prevented because of burn-out and try slowly to do it while addressing any strains the source of your injury immediately. This might mean having more candid discussions with managers or team members to prevent toxic patterns from emerging. This may mean tempering expectations early or setting clearer boundaries. Do the hard thing and prevent re-injury. Taper, and don't increase capacity until you're sure you're gaining energy rather than losing it again.

* Be patient. I've been burnt out pretty badly with projects and it's taken several months of healthy, quiet coding in the back seat of a good team to feel well rested again. It's given me a lot of time to assess what went wrong, what I liked and what I have missed about my time resting. I'd say probably 6mo for just a single terrible 2 months of work. Be patient and trust the process.

I'm burned out from spending a couple of years in meaningless corporate jobs, and now that I found a more challenging job I truly love, I'm finding myself unable to hit the bar. All of are insightful and actionable tips, thank you so much for the great advice!

No problem. I'm by no means an expert, just a sufferer of burnout myself and a friend to a few people I've seen struggle with it.

I think sometimes the unfortunate news you'll learn is that you did something during your career path that felt right, but put you in the wrong situation down the road. The type of change that's needed to correct that might be learning something new, applying to jobs you'll love more that are perceived as "beneath your ability" or simply changing trajectory.

70hrs work-weeks? Of course you are burnt out.

Stop killing yourself for their profit. You have no downtime, you have no peace, you have no time to 'do' anything else.

70hrs a week (assuming you sleep 8hrs) only leaves you with 10hrs a week. That's just 2hrs a day! AND I bet most of those 2 hrs is used up in "morning routine, and food preparation".

You need to cut back A LOT.

Stop working at 40hrs. Stand up for yourself. Don't let your company bully you. Pre-Industrial revolution, the average person had more 'time off' then we do. A peasant, living subsistence farming lifestyle had more free time then you do.

Seconded. 70 hours is too much, even over a fairly short period of time let alone years. Everything you do above ~40 hours draws on finite reserves, getting back down to a sane work schedule is critical if you want to recover.

Yes, but only after making peace with not 'striving', and making some larger shifts in how my life is set up.

I experienced major burnout after a 4 year stint in an early stage startup, and I walked away. I had a six week break which was wonderful, but the next step I took after that was essentially a similarly stressful (but rehigh profile) job. I lasted a year.

Now I have a less prestigious job, at a less recognisable (but much more compassionate) company. I've moved out of the big tech hub city and now I work remote. I'm much, much happier, and have something approximating a healthy work life balance. I can walk to quiet woodland from my house, where I work, which helps.

The hardest step, which still troubles me from time to time, is stopping striving. I could be earning more, have a better job title, etc. But I remind myself I don't want those things more than I want a fundamentally comfortable life with ample time to spend with family and friends.

Still facing this. After 5+ years of straight working, and nothing but short 3 day vacations. Took nearly 7 months off so far. I was staying at my parents for half the time, and was able to have enough savings to take a long break, therefore it was an option I could take. But still feel mentally jaded.

For the first few months, time just passed while I was at home, and I thought it would get better but it didn't. I realized I needed to change environments, so I ended up doing some traveling in Europe but staying at places for longer, not just hopping around(I also have been wanting to visit forever). It was cool, and fun, but also realized I needed to work to change habits and mindsets in order to totally feel recharged.

Habits like checking my emails, and social media, are very hard to turn off and were draining me of my mental energy and being able to enjoy the present moment. I wanted to travel without my phone, and to just get a not so "smart" phone. But, I ended up ditching that idea as I'm dependent on it even for travel. It's a work in progress, but I'm starting to notice changes in habits, and I hope to carry those forward with me. A lot of it has honestly been me working on emotional intelligence, and figuring out how to manage my emotions, which in turn will help me manage stress, work/life balance, etc, and in turn avoiding burnout.

Finding hobbies I enjoy, and spending time on it, like Art and drawing has also been rewarding. I think a lot of it is un-learning bad habits, and learning good ones, like taking care of yourself better. Wish you good luck on your journey!

Also I found meditation to be really helpful. Hard to get into, but so worth it.

I was in burnout pretty bad while working for a big bank in my country. The work was very stressful, lots of office politics even though they paid pretty well, and my boss were nice (with a lot of pressure lol). I just thought I was not a good employee because I was tired all the time, then I started my company. My gosh, the work was (and still is!) 1000 times longer, harder, everything is so so bad and need addressing all the time YET I am no longer feel burnout for a few years now (since I started my company). For me, the burnout is not related to the workload or the complexity of the work--you need to ask yourself a question: why are you doing what you are doing? Is it what you want? Otherwise you will always in burnout until you find your mission in life.

I'm in a weird loop where I am so burned out/depressed that I struggle to get anything completed, thus I procrastinate a lot, and since I procrastinate a lot, I have "make-up" my lost time. In order to make up for lost time, I have to work extra. Working extra fuels the burn out even more, and then the next iteration of the loop begins.

I do not have the money for a sabbatical, and I sadly work in the lowest-stress programming job possible (which is reflected in the relatively low income: 6 YOE @ x < 80k). I feel like I am suffocating and can't get out.

I’m sorry to hear that. Look, I’m not sugarcoating this one: if you think you won’t break the loop, then you will be like that forever. Maybe lets start small by: reading a book (for me, Becoming Steve Jobs was the book that saved my life when I was unemployed), taking a walk everyday (helps you think and clear your head), spend time with close friends or family or partners or whoever believe in you. Good luck, and I’m on your side! The world doesn’t like underdogs like you and me, but we need not to accept that.

I am a generic programmer, the most ordinary one and I absolutely love my work (Not job). I often get this from co-workers and friends that they are in "burn out". while I understand it's a real situation and common among developers but I never faced it. The reason for that is I never overexert myself. The people who tell me they are in burnout are the same people I see working day-and-night, when company asks them to implement x thing, they will work at night, over the weekend, in their free time to implement X + Y + Z thing. I never understood why! impressing your superiors might give you a feeling of achievement but it's not hard to understand this is extremely temporary. better ways to achieve same things are actually working on things that you love, including and excluding programming. contribute to oss, go on hike, get a dog, draw or paint what's the point of converting a Proof of concept into a production ready code by investing your own personal time for which you are not even getting paid overtime?

just wanted to vent

I know everyone says exercise, but I think there's a cycle. The work burnout makes it hard to exercise. The anxiety presses upon you that you never have time for yourself, but you'll feel better if you can just get over this work hump. Lack of exercise reduces the ability to handle the stress and anxiety.

What you need is a change at work and the exercise to heal the mind. So as you make adjustments at work, also make sure you're setting aside time for any amount of exercise and vitamin d.

Every time I've changed jobs it's been a total reset for me. It takes a while for a job to reach 100% workload and that honeymoon period is usually enough to recover.

I believe that once you feel an unhealthy personal connection to your job it's time to move on. For example, you're upset and exhausted every day because a project you spent two years on isn't gaining traction and may be cut. Or you find yourself regularly checking in while vacation because you're worried.


I find it really hard to exercise during say an extended lunch break or heaven forbid in the morning. It always feels like I’m missing important work stuff and basically don’t “deserve it yet” (that sounds dumb). Also my mind was either at work or preparing for it. I switched to exercising in the evenings, when I’m “done” with work for the day. Bonus points if you manage to do this with kids… it’s hard, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

I burned out like 15 years ago.

I was lucky that I had money to quit working completely for about a year and go backpacking.

When I started again, I did so in a different company but in the same field.

The biggest change I made and which I think was key to find a balance was to enforce boundaries.

Before I had a job that had lots of midnight on-call wake ups and no set hours.

In the new place I forced myself to show up at the office at 9am so I could walk out at 5pm without anyone having anything to grumble about. This was not the norm in the company but as I started doing that from day one, it was accepted.

Whenever anyone asked me to stay late I referred them to my manager for them to approve paid overtime. Most of the time the discussion stopped there, but there were a few times when they decided to pay.

It's incredible how much time for yourself and friends-family is left over when you clock-off at 5pm always.

You're likely at a career inflection point where passion isn't going to cut it anymore. Passion and motivation are fleeting and unreliable emotions. Realize that what your employer is asking you to work on isn't going to align with your interests. You likely are seeing patterns of how organizations function (or dysfunction), patterns in what you're being asked to build, and technology trends cycling their way back into the fold and it all feels the same, right? That is just how things go - I've spoken to people in other fields and they observe similar patterns.

Its like playing a video game with a leveling system and you have an aha! moment where you recognize a grindy pattern from the past has come back and are sick of it. The difference here is your employment is directly linked to being able to eat, etc.

Be more disciplined, put in the hours, slog through the work and also be more disciplined about stopping the work when the day is done and taking vacation or time away to recharge. Discipline is something you will need to build up but is much more reliable than waiting for passion or motivation to stop by (they still will). Find hobbies or interests outside of computing/digital things.

I think it's worth looking back at where you came from. When you're young and naive it's easy to push yourself to work 70 hours a week doing something because you have a goal in mind. Maybe its money, prestige, or just a sense of accomplishment, but you buy into the idea that if you just keep on going and push through the pain, you'll be happy when its all over. Eventually you get older and wiser and see that's not true - maybe one project is a slog that just never leads to anything, or maybe you put your heart and soul into something and are just left empty afterwards, or maybe those few extra hours of exertion just cost your body a lot more now and a reward that once sufficed no longer does. People talk about burnout like you're a battery that is designed to be drained and recharged, but you're not. That shitty feeling is not your body asking for a rest, it is your body saying you need to make some deep fundamental change.

In my experience, it's much easier to learn to be good at something you enjoy than it is to learn to enjoy something you're good at. It's okay to not enjoy programming like you once did, find and do what you enjoy now.

About 14 years into my career I got stuck on one project, out of control, working sixty to seventy hours a week. Salaried, no overtime. That went on for about seven months, I was miserable. I had a one year old child, she was miserable, my wife was miserable. I was at my wits end. I spoke to my supervisor at the time, and he understood, but told me it was only going to get worse, so I found a new job.

I have made the commitment to myself, from that time, that I only work 40 hours a week. I'll occasionally work a little overtime if I am on a roll on something interesting, or if there is a short term panic at work, but very infrequently, and never, ever, more than fifty hours in a week.

I make that clear when I interview, and I will admit that on individual jobs that has been a deal breaker, but those were the small minority of interviews.

The twenty four years since then have all been good. Four different employers, all in embedded development, all interesting challenges.

Yes absolutely.

I wrote an entire book that was basically "I'm fed up with the world and my job right now, there's got to be more to life than this".

I found more meaning in my work as I got to know myself better. Similar to an oxygen mask in an airplane, I had to put myself first before I could for others(or work for that matter).

The only advice I'd give someone in this situation is to work on yourself everyday until you gain enough clarity to make your next move. Don't panic or do anything drastic until you're in a stable mindset.

This. There have been times when I thought about changing careers, but when I look back, that was an obviously terrible idea (in my case).

I've managed to go from thoroughly burned out to functioning again without quitting my job. But it always feels like I'm teetering on the edge of burning out again. Previously I had burned out and did a career switch which helped for a while.

I don't know how much useful advice I can offer but I think my own problem is lack of self discipline. I end up working when I should not be. Whenever I can muster the self-discipline to stick to a proper schedule things seem to get better.

I am inclined to say that burnout is so widespread because we are managing engineers badly.

Try to manage artist, designer, song writer, actor, or stand up comedian and they will burn out as well.

Give more OKRs and JIRAs for the song writers...

Schedule regular one on one with an actor!

Daily stand-ups for the university professors!

Have you tried taking a long break (months, not days/weeks) or did you dial back the hours and keep going?

I've burned out a couple of times and the fix was to stop working and do other things (e.g. travel, music, photography, pottery, sport) until I naturally drifted back to coding. Obviously not an option for a lot of people, but with 14 years of experience maybe you have money in the bank.

Finding enjoyment in work feels like a slightly different topic, I try to find some sort of interesting technical challenge or new learning opportunity in every project - though not just adding unnecessary stuff for the sake of it, of course. I kind of disagree with people who say "get a meaningful job", there aren't nearly enough of those to go around. Redefine "meaningful" instead.

Burnout always happens, in every job. Solution? Well, first, not everyone has the privilege to do something about it, but you're in tech so: Vacations. Sabbaticals. Gap year. Change jobs. I've had 35+ years in tech and done all of the above. I routinely "burn out" (aka, get bored) after about 5 to 7 years and move to a new group or company. Still love coding, still love leading projects. Just need to change it up.

I don't really think you can aka burnout with get bored). What I experienced was losing self control, being amazed how uncooperative one's brain can be, inability to get anything done even when trying to the max to get something done. Then being amazed by one's uselessness. It is like living in debilitating pain without the actual pain.

What I think it actually was - strong negative emotions. About the tools, about the organization, about the tasks. And these emotions only got stronger over time and could not be rationalized away.

And looking back, quitting and looking for things I still like was the only solution. Need a certain percentage of work to be exceptional match with what I like to do.

Getting bored is not a burnout.

Ya it's like calling depression "just being sad"

I've heard there is a secondary condition called, "bored out" which is similar, but not a 1:1. I mean, pathologically speaking, I am not sure if bored out exists, but as far as buzzwords for a bundle of emotions, then I think it's quite valid.

I've burned out and "recovered", getting bored is what I feel like when the monster is peeking over the horizon. It's the leading edge of another one.

I'll be playing cat and mouse with it for the rest of my life probably. So yes I think you sort of can aka getting bored with burnout...

I could have worded that better. I think it is in indication that burnout is headed your way. When you don't want to a do a job anymore that you used to like doing (bored if it) and you are being forced to continue doing it, burnout is about to happen.

It's possible there are many different paths to the clinical end state, but for me burnout had nothing to do with boredom at all. It also didn't feel like being bored when it has set on.

I guess I could have reworded my rewording better. My multiple experiences with burnout were preceded by boredom, but I guess my burnout isn't the same as your burnout, or others' burnout. I define burnout as just not giving a f*ck anymore, not caring if the project succeeds or fails, or if I get fired. I don't know what others' burnout is like.

I had only one episode, it lasted 18 months of complete inability to perform my job (that I was perfectly capable doing before). Full recovery took several years. It was like a firecracker went off in your head and left a buzz that prevents you to stick to your task even for a second - except there's no actual buzzing sound.

The trajectory that took me there was acutely unpleasant but I would not describe any of it as boredom. You ain't getting bored on your death march.

Can't imagine several such experiences, I'd rather change career.

36 messages and nobody pointed out that a main source of burnout is when your *values* are not aligned with your work.

It's unsurprising people burn out when their job is about optimizing ads to enrich some billionaire and stuff like that.

Find jobs that are meaningful to you and you can improve.

There are no meaningful (at least to me) jobs around here that can feed my family.

heh yeah the fear of not being able to provide for my kids and family keep me from getting "burned out".

If anything it's the opposite.

Things that worked for me:

Exercise. Sleep. Reduce your workload to something manageable.

Say No.

Meditate, active meditation is ok (yoga, some martial arts, even running)

Stop having hobbies that look like work and involve obligations, at least until you recover.

Clear your todo list. Clear your inbox. Like, just empty them.

Rest. Take back your evenings and weekends. Vacation if you can.

Above all, this is going to take a while. I don't think there is magic bullet.

That's a great tip on curtailing the hobbies that look like work.

Yeah, dropping my side projects and obligations to other people really helped a lot.

I did.

I got really burnt out at the beginning of the pandemic. Ended up quitting my job and taking some time off. For a long while, just thinking of doing coding projects would fill me with disgust.

After about 9 months, I decided to make an app for the workout program I was following (5/3/1) as I didn’t like the ones out there or using spreadsheets. Working on something where I was user 0 was tons of fun and reminded me of why I liked coding in the first place. The fact that the response to the app was great did help too.

Can’t say that it would work for everyone, but this got me unburnt out. I just started a new job now and am loving it.

Off topic but what's the app called for 5/3/1?

Because I hate shamelessly plugging my app, I'll do it for them:


I cannot say with certainty that I had a burnout. I absolutely have had a lot of "this is all pointless, and life itself is pointless and repetative" times in the last few years.

There's an oft-used expression: do what you love, and you'll never work another day in your life. (The meaning, for non-native English speakers, is that if you love what (the work) you're doing, then it won't feel like work and you'll be naturally motivated.)

I was in bad mental shape during my last gig. When the company decided not to renew any external contracts due to economic fears, my contract expired and I was without a job. I decided it was time to finally do something that I cared about, and do it my way. Maybe money would come from it, or maybe not. My runway is fairly short, but it's enough time to maybe build something.

It took at least two weeks of doing nothing computer related (other than reading HN, I'm sure) for me to start to see sunlight. And when I was tempted to look at jobs, it would only take reading one job req for me to feel sick. So I decided to make my own reality and stick to my belief that if I build something, something good will happen. We don't know how that story ends yet, but I know I'm infinitely happier and certainly healthier. My alcohol consumption is near zero now, down from a very excessive amount. My weight is down too. Bonus!

My advice is to take some time and try to discover what your interests or passions are. Then start making connections with people who have similar. If you don't know what those things are, then start doing new things which don't necessarily have anything to do with work or projects or money. Take some latin dance classes (much fun!). Take some fitness or sport classes. Travel and enjoy good food, and meet strangers.

Just maybe you will start to see where you can do things which make you feel energized, and just maybe it will become profitable.

Even mediocre managers are valuable. Some of us need a manager sometimes to keep us from falling into too many rabbit holes or to help us map goals and plans and stay on them. The way to find those people seems unclear or random, but it certainly seems that the more you connect with others, the better the chances are.

Short answer: yes, but only after a multi-year hiatus and a long hunt for a new employer.

Long answer: after a long time in the technology sector with a single employer, I felt that I had grown to hate the entire tech industry. I left the sector for a couple of years, working various freelance / self-employment roles outside of tech. Finally, after the prolonged break, I decided to consider going back in, but with some very serious requirements: I had to have highly competitive pay and 100% remote work with a flexible schedule, or I wouldn't go back. After a long hunt I finally landed a role that fits, and I'm actually happy with it.

Why did I go back? The camaraderie. If you leave the tech sector, but you're still passionate about the field, you're going to find that there is a major part of your intellectual life that you don't get to share with other people. In other words, my main motivation to return was not the income, but to get that kind of cerebral interaction again. The high requirements are simply my minimum standard for dealing with all the horrible, soul-draining aspects of the industry (and I'm under no delusion that they've changed).

I was burned out in 2015, and abandoned the entire field in favor of a move into law enforcement. That didn't end up working out, which is for the best, in retrospect, because what I wanted wasn't a job with less thanks and more danger, but a job that I felt was worth getting up in the morning to do.

What eventually worked for me, was switching from operations to infosec, and switching to a new (to me) company, where I was able to pre-vet my chain of command, making sure I wasn't going to run into the previous problem, that of working for someone or someones who have squandered their chance to earn my respect for various reasons. Thus far, it has been highly successful. Not only do I not feel burned out, I am relatively excited to start working when I wake up, and kind of have to restrain myself in order to maintain personal life boundaries. At night, I'll spend time thinking of new ways to solve work problems, because it's fun, not because I'm stressed out or obsessed with completing a given project or task.

I recommend not trying to fight the burnout (you're clearly still in it) and if your economic situation can handle it - lessen the hours, take 1 year off? take 2 years off?

I've been programming for approximately 20 years, and there was a period where I was definitely burnt out. I can remember thinking to myself, 'who would ever read a blog about programming outside of their work?' But, that passed and I have been in love with programming again for a long time.

My advice would be to do what you need to do to weather this period of your employment and not give yourself a hard time about it. you don't NEED to be doing anything. If your job is still coding, do some coding while you are at work, go home and then do some hobby that you have been wanting to do. Learn to play the piano or fly racing drones or whatever.

If you have a long enough career, having a six to eight month slump of not being into coding is nothing, so don't sweat it. Just make try to make it through it without making it worse.

I am part of a group of CEOs that meet with a coach to work through company issues, and one of the things they continually drill into us is that employees need to buy into the mission of the company in order to be most effective. The reason they are most effective is that they are happy when working on something that means something to them. So I think it's good advice the other way as well. Find a company with a mission you can get behind, which should help motivate you to excel, and thus have a sense of accomplishment, and ultimately be happier. I think this is different than working on something that overlap with your interests. You might be interested in cars but an auto parts outlet and Tesla have very different missions. Also, if you don't like management, don't be a manager.

> Find a company with a mission you can get behind, which should help motivate you to excel, and thus have a sense of accomplishment

I'd say that having realistic expectations about work (you're not "changing the world", you're just building a product that's useful for some people and makes you and your employer some money) and having reasonable working hours (no more than 40 or whatever is in the contract) can be more important.

If you identify too much with the product or company, that can be a sure path to overwork, caring and investing too much time and effort without getting any recognition and neglecting your own needs.

But of course, given equal conditions, prefer working for a company with a good mission. Just don't expect too much.

> Find a company with a mission you can get behind, which should help motivate you to excel, and thus have a sense of accomplishment, and ultimately be happier.

The company mission exists to guide decision making. Employee motivation and happiness comes from understanding that a job exists to pay for a fulfilling life

High performing people can choose where they work. Here's how you can attract them to your company:

- Make their job reasonably challenging. Their accomplishments should look good on a resume.

- Give them reasonable autonomy on how they work and who they work with (hiring).

- Enable a fulfilling life, whether on the job or out of the job: Reasonable and predictable work hours, good working environment.

- Don't make them pretend to drink the kool-aid. In fact, keep the kool-aid in a corner where people have to go out of their way to drink it. Having guiding principles on how to do business is fine, just don't pretend like someone's life motivation is to change the world through quantum-AI-enabled-crypto-retargeting-adtech.

- What makes me in particular go to work everyday? I like my coworkers and becoming better at my craft.

- There's no shortcut for a good working environment. Focus on having the right people/incentives/culture. Perks and offsites only go so far and won't fix your company.

Must be careful not to creat a culture of “toxic positivity” where everyone is expected to drink the kool aid, and talking freely about real problems becomes impossible.

You can definitely recover from burnout. The question is are you ready to face what happens after you recover? Because sometimes burnout is just burnout and you need a break. But other times burnout means you are on the wrong path, and you’ve got to make some kind of turn in your career.

Yes. I have burnt out a couple of times. Given enough time and rest, you will reset. But my suggestion is that after you feel recovered, get into therapy to find out the root causes that got you into burn out in the first place.

It's hard work but it will pay off both for you and your near ones :)

"Yes. I have burnt out a couple of times" a couple of times? Dang. My near-burnout scared me so much, i can't even imagine surviving a couple.

> I’ve tried to work on different projects and things that are more in line with my interests, but that hasn’t really seemed to help

I think once you hit burnout, you need to completely stop doing the activity entirely to really recover. Switching to a less draining variant helps before you hit full on burnout.

If you are in a position to do so I'd recommend taking 6 months out of work, and go and do something where you have no pressure to be productive. That might be personal projects. It might be travelling the world. If you have any hobbies or interests that you usually don't get as much time as you like pursue, then that might be a good starting point.

A 2 week vacation might also help if such a long break isn't practical for you.

Burn out is mostly a question of how your resources (energy, time, mental space, relaxation) are spent. In burn out, your resources are quickly drained. So it might be that what you do isn’t as important as how you do it. I was able to escape the worst of it through a lot of work with a professional. A good one will aid you in finding pleasure again in your life and work. From setting clear boundaries to how you look at time and your energy. It took me years though and a considerable amount of effort to do that as we are ingrained into patterns often that don’t or no longer serve us.

After grad school I thought I'd never be able to enjoy work again.

I took a break and a hard look at what I wanted to do and came back the other side thinking I wanted to learn something new and apply it to make the world a better place.

I took a job that paid the bills and allowed me to have (long commute) time to learn AI. Fast forward 5 years, I now work using AI to help doctors do their job better and I love it.

I should say a big part of it was promising to myself to separate work and life. 9-5 is work. Weekends and other times are for my family and I to enjoy, recharge, and make sure I can back to a job I love.

Good luck on the journey.

I have found one solution. Take time off, like 6 months or a year. You need to take so much time off that you start to get excited by the idea of going back to work. Do anything in the meantime. You could work a shop counter, travel, play video games. Anything that awakens even the slightest interest.

The idea that that some motivation circuit in your brain has fried. This happens when you spend too much time forcing yourself to roll the proverbial boulder up the hill just to see it come back down again. Your brain will heal itself, but you need to stop rolling that boulder first.

I suffered serious burnout a few years back. I took long service leave, any kind of leave, to get away from the stressful and toxic environment. I used that time away to apply for a different job. I told my managers that I would not come back if I could help it. Luckily I didn't have to go back to that workplace.

Burnout also manifested itself in health problems with no explanation. I suffered epileptic-like episodes on a plane a week into my leave from work. I spent a year getting tests, unable to drive until cleared by a doctor, which were all inconclusive. The timing of this, and the fact I've not experienced this before or since, makes me think stress was the cause.

It took months of doing practically nothing at home, and a year or so in a new job, to understand a few things.

  - There are external and internal stress factors that can influence burnout. You might have external workplace factors you can't influence, or you might also have unrealistic expectations, be a perfectionist, have an intense work ethic, or unbalanced work-life balance.
  - After burnout, you can recognise these stress factors, and how to mitigate or avoid them. Some you can control, some you can't. If you need to leave somewhere, then leave. Before I suffered burnout, I saw a therapist and they said that leaving was the best option. They were totally right.
  - Once you recognise stress factors that you can control, you take steps to mitigate or avoid them. You change your attitude towards work. You time box between work and life activities (if your work allows). You make meaningful boundaries, which can be physical, time-based, or mental.
  - It's ok to feel defective for a time. For a year or two after my burnout, I felt like I was "damaged goods". Certain situations were triggering, I would not apply myself to work in the same way as before. I wondered whether I would "find my mojo" again. This is temporary, but it's a crucial time for reflection and learning.
I am actually grateful I was able to have this experience relatively early (first decade) of my professional career. It taught me lessons that I will use for the remainder of my career. I feel like some people learn the easy way, and some people learn the hard way. I am the latter, and this was my hard way of learning boundaries and self respect.

I don't think I have. I was an early employee at a startup that made it through a few rounds of funding. Somewhere in there the ship started sinking and it was pretty obvious.

In the beginning, we routinely worked 60+ hours a week and it didn't really bother me. But when it felt like no matter what I did my efforts wouldn't matter, I lost all my motivation and burned out. But I still couldn't bring myself to quit. I was emotionally invested in the company, our team, and our customers.

The second round of layoffs in a year (a 67% staff reduction) was the final nail for me. After I left I didn't work for at least six months. The first two months, I basically did nothing and got a lot of sleep. Then after that I decided to start doing all the things I never had time for. I cooked all my meals, I exercised, I traveled, I spent more time with family and friends, and I developed some hobbies outside of tech.

That was about five years ago. I've had 3 jobs since then, and I left each of them before a year was up. If the right amount of balance is just to have a job you punch in/out of that pays pretty well, I'm just not that interested. But I also know that there's no way I have another startup in me. For awhile now I've actually made more money with my "side hustle" than I can as an engineer, even though my cash flow is very uneven. So I think I'm basically done with software.

Coming back from a 2 week absence due to burnout right now. Problems I experienced are still there, so all I can really contribute is a guess that 2 weeks isn't enough of a gap to recover.

I took 3 months off and didn't look at a computer when I was burnt out. When I was interviewing for jobs after my break I felt pretty good, but less than a year into my new job I'm right back where I started.

I do think it's important to work with a psychologist to understand what aspects of your work are making you burn out. Simply taking a break and then diving back into a similar environment is a recipe for failure.

Yeah one mistake I made was promising myself I would catch up on some personal software development things. I didn't end up doing many of them, but always felt a sense of stress that I should've been spending time on them.

I should really have just stayed away from my computer altogether, you made the right choice.

IME 6 months was closer to the time required (and I suspect returning to the same role would have caused an immediate relapse).

Yep I've actually got about ~17 days holiday left (I had a busy year) I think at least taking December off will help.

1. If you have the money take some time off and go somewhere. Bring the kids if you need to. At least two months.

2. While there, consider if burnout is partially your subconscious telling you something. A lot of people, myself included, have gone through phases where we later realized that the joy in learning how technology is made has faded and the mission that we're attached to doesn't actually align with what we actually want to do. Sometimes it's ok to quit a six digit position and take a five digit one if it means it fulfils some longing in our life, like help a friend, help the poor, or safeguard the world in some way.

3. See if there are aspects of your life that you may, deep down, want to change but that you're avoiding changing. For me, it was excitement. Note that these are different than mission in that they're self or at least family directed. Be clear eyed about the risks, because ultimately you are responsible for the choices you make, but don't be so cautious as to be cowardly. If you want to fire a gun at bad guys, first understand that they may fire back, but ultimately if you still think it is the best call, to not do so is cowardice.

4. If nothing above works, just start helping the least fortunate. It has a double effect of reminding yourself, viscerally, just how bad it can get[0] while also providing your mind with a sense of community and purpose.

[0] I met a former programmer at a soup kitchen who just had a run of bad health and life issues.

I was CTO many years ago, got sort of burnout and then new owner came just when I was at my lowest. Owner and I did not like each other at all. So I quit and went on my own. Since then I design and develop various products. Mostly for clients but also some for my own company. No more burnouts ;) Of course there are always problems here and there but overall I am happy.

I also do at least 2 hours of cardio almost every day and strength exercises with my own body weight. This helps very much both physically and mentally.

I had similar feelings at my old job, and tried a bunch of band-aid solutions: setting boundaries, spending more time on hobbies, exercising more, caring less. None of these tactics had the same impact as quitting my job and taking a sabbatical.

Some things that were useful when I was thinking about quitting:

1. Auditing my assets to see what I could pull from on short notice without impacting my tax situation or retirement savings.

2. Reviewing this guide (https://www.academia.edu/9672192/MDD_Major_Depressive_Disord...) to verify that I was burnt out and not depressed; I didn't want to quit if I was depressed and not burned out. Had I been depressed, the move would have been to get on therapy through my company insurance.

3. Journaling about how I felt, what I didn't like at my job, and what I was looking forward to on break.

I don't know if I'll go back to the same type of work or industry, but my time spent reflecting on my goals, enjoying hobbies, and sleeping is already paying off tremendously.

I see some people mentioning the stress of not having a job during an economic downturn, but I find there's a certain amount of peace to it; I've already lost my job so I don't have to worry about that happening in the future.

Burning out is working for something which is not your purpose or not knowing your purpose. If it were your purpose in life you could work without burning out. It’s all in your mind.

It's not that simple but there is still something core to what you say. For instance you may burn out at one company, but not at another.

I'll try to summarize my process: I've been working as a freelance full stack dev for around 12 years now. 2 years ago I hit a point where I couldn't work anymore. I just had such a strong aversion to the job, it almost felt like pain to sit down and just look at code. It was really bad for around a month where I barely worked and really struggled with clients and earning money. I then had a mushroom trip where i completely broke down. The idea that I've built my whole life around this career that just deals with "virtual stuff" and doesn't really add any value to peoples lifes made me panic. I had no plan B. Somehow I managed to really go into these feelings of despair and had a strong emotional release. I woke up the next day with a new strength to change things. Since then I've simplified my job a lot and had many very fortunate opportunities. I'm running my own very minimal one-guy saas business now that came out of an old project. I work maybe 2 hours per day and get by well. Everything seemed to just magically come together as a result of this psilocybin experience (and a couple more after that). Not recommending this approach, but it worked for me.

I wouldn't say I've rediscovered my love for coding, but I have periods where I do enjoy it again (if I limit the time I spend in front of the screen and balance it with other activities). Also what was important was to really focus on simplfiying my own life and also achieving that through my work/product for others. You could say the crisis helped me to shift my intention regarding my purpose and to really appreciate simplicity.

I've been very close to a burnout. The only thing that helped was completely quitting what caused it.

I was appointed the role of team lead on top of my normal team member role. The major issue was that management told me not to hold team members accountable for their performance or actions. So suddenly i was responsible for everything within the team but could not do really much about issues within the team or its clients. Trying to solve everything myself made me very tired and depressed.

I started working after I graduated in 2012 and was severely burned out in ~2016 for about a year.

Changing jobs really helped me. Gave me new perspective on what matters and what didn't matter (and I had inflated some things needlessly in my head).

One thing that really helped me was that I was trying to be a hero in the past - I realized that systems built on the back of heroes is not healthy because eventually the hero has to leave and the system decays rapidly. Rather, it's much better to have a system that works well when it's operated by average people doing a reasonably good job. That really took the pressure off of me when it came to my own mind.

That advice may or may not apply to you - it sounds like you've done some thinking but I would try to isolate the problems into a couple different categories: is the people? is it the domain of the work (e.g. are you making games, or e-commerce, or saas, etc)? the type of work (you mentioned you don't like coding)?

Lastly, remember that it's a big world out there. You don't have to pick between 'coding' or 'manager'. You can always move to a beach in Indonesia and be a fisherman or something. The world is wide open.

I dropped my dev career on the floor in april this years due to stress, anxiety etc.

Since then ive started on carpenter school which all though fun and "real" also has made me poor.

I picked up the computer two weeks ago and coded some badly written code to do visuals for a friends techno gig, first time coding for half a year and i liked it. I dont know if i would be able to go back to full time coding but the idea of teaching others sounds interesting to me.

Good luck!

In about the same boat, but I'm in the midst of channeling anger and frustration into trying to make a way figure out why people don't seem to "get it", and in general suck at saying what they mean, your truly included.

I long ago came to terms with the fact a lot of problems when working with technical systems arise out of the human side of things. People saying they did this, but they actually did that. People staying silent out of fear of looking daft, or hoping to $deity they don't attract attention to themselves. People saying they understand when they demonstrably do not.

I guess I had a slight shift in life goal. I'm no longer all about just learning/driving/using computers, but actively trying to get at the root of what makes it so difficult for people to bridge the gap/learn them well enough to use them.

Particularly since there are so many problems with other complex systems you can't even recognize until you've had the epiphany that nothing is magic, and if you didn't do it, it's not a safe assumption to think it'll just work, you can't even begin to approach trying to understand that they are fundamentally broken.

I'm not sure if what I had was considered burn out or not, but I lost my passion for programming and stopped really caring about anything work related. Sometimes I'd get spurs of motivation, and during one of those spurs I applied to a startup because they sounded interesting. They didn't get back to me after a few weeks and that demotivated me further.

I sold my flat and was planning to move into a van to become a surf-bum. I handed in my notice and was working on autopilot/coasting until it was done. Then it all happened very quickly, that start-up contacted me, I had an interview, did a trial week (which I loved) and I decided to join them.

It was the best decision ever, I very quickly got my passion back for programming & creating products. Plus the job was remote, so I could move somewhere closer to the beach/mountains to surf/snowboard more.

I think what helped me was getting away from the stuff I hated, i.e; meetings/emails/'chats'/story points/jira and just focusing on programming and the product I was working on. Combined with the fact that it was much easier to peruse my hobbies, it cured my burnout (if you can call it that).

Yes. I needed perspective.

I took night classes to get my real estate license and was planning to change careers. Seemed like a good idea. After going through the training, getting the license, seeing how brokerages worked and what was involved in the field...I knew I could do it but I realized pretty quickly that I hated just about everything around how the industry worked. It honestly seems more designed to extract money from people who decide to get their license than anything else. Fees on top of fees on top of fees. My favorite was a Keller Williams speaker who looked like he was on drugs and told us all how to trick rich people into being friends so they would refer people to us. Scouting doctor's offices decorations and inviting them to do things that they seemed interested in, etc. Creating shopping or tennis groups for ladies to hang out where you can mention you're a realtor next time one of them says they are looking to sell. It was all so sleazy.

After that, I took a step back, realized that I was in one of the best fields in the entire country. Decided to suck it up and move forward, realizing that my worst days were better than most other folks best.

Since doing that I've done a lot more training and tried to ensure I get stronger and the things that interest me the most. I do scaled agile training and consulting to help create environments that will help organizations work more effectively together and prevent programmer burnout. I started focusing my energy on finding ways to fix the issues that caused my initial burnout.

It's going well so far. Picked up a good bit of consulting work and will probably be teaching some training courses fairly regularly in the future. It's nice to have an outlet to fix things that matter to me.

I've noticed that during my times of burnout I code less at home. I do what I need to at work and go do something else. Sometimes this involves taking up an alternative hobby until I feel the spark again. The last time this happened I didn't code outside work for 10 months. That's how I knew I was burned out. I love to write code and explore things.

I've also left jobs that burned me out for no real reason. For example, I was on a project where there were two of us holding down a critical piece of software. After hearing we will get more engineers for the Nth time I just gave up and left. I couldn't do the constant on-call, being the liaison for bugs and everything, etc.

I also deliberately avoid going into management to fix my burnout because you simply just transmute your burnout into a different form. What you need is a break. You may not wish to quit your job but it is important that you minimize your work as much as you can possibly and focus on yourself. Given you are working double a normal schedule you may even consider saving up enough money to take a month off and then looking for a new job.

You've lost interest. It's ok - it happens (it happened to me).

Option 1: Pivot

You need to analyze what you still enjoy, if anything, and what areas you would like to pivot to and hopefully excel in.

Management is a clear option, but not everyone's cup of tea. Maybe you could utilise your analytical skills in a completely different area outside of software development? For example, I've recently moved from a developer role into the company's Learning and Development manager - it's a dream (especially because nobody in this area has an engineering mindset).

Take what you're good at, see where you can grow, add value and find joy and then put a plan in place to aim for that.

Option 2: Break

People take sabbaticals for a reason. Maybe a complete 6 month break is an option. Or if not now, then in a year's time. It depends on your financial and personal circumstances of course.

I burnt out playing piano in my youth (I was aiming for concert training at the time), took a two year break after university, couldn't listen to any Classical music during that time, then one day turned on the radio and fell in love with it again. Now it's my favourite hobby. Breaks help if circumstances permit it.

Option 3: Less is More

During the lockdowns, I started to burn-out in my role because I was not speaking to anyone in person anymore. So I made it a deliberate practice to meet and talk with people as much as possible. 5pm - laptop off, talk with my family, meet friends, go for a run, place soccer with the local club, anything to get away from work, switch off and talk to people. Just listening to their complaints somehow helped me deal better with mine.

I've been thinking about the following question a lot in the past few years: How do we keep our work from damaging us? I think a lot of people here have offered good advice here: put guardrails on your work. No reason to work over 40 hours/week. And if you need to, work less than 40 hrs/week for a while. If that doesn't help then maybe a sabbatical is in order.

The cult of constant productivity is strong in this culture. Try to recognize it and resist it. Don't rest so you can be more productive (I often hear this) - rest because you are a human being who has worth regardless of how productive you are. Rest because you realize you are finite and have a finite amount of energy to give. Rest because you need to. Consider practicing sabbath - sure that's a term usually associated with certain religions - but the concept is applicable even if you're not religious. Pick a day to disconnect. Don't try to be productive. Get out in nature and let your mind wander. Disconnect from social media. Try to connect with yourself, others and nature again.

I was pretty burned out when I was a tech recruiter running an office. It sucked. Was doing really long weeks, working any and all hours, often at the office till 7 or 8 on fridays.

Switched careers to dev work and enjoy it a lot more. As others have said enforcing a healthy WLB and 40 hour week has helped a lot.

I dont dread going to work anymore. I view work as part of my day rather than my entire day. I also try to do something with my lunch break other than sit at my computer. I go to some type of exercise class, because I enjoy it, many days. Bike/run with my dog others.

So Monday isnt, ugh the start of another week of work. Monday is a day where I do some work, go to a jujitsu class in the middle of the day, do some more work, walk my dog at 5, make dinner with my wife, play a little video games or read, and then get to wind down for the day.

Nothing work related on my phone. Notifications shut off on my computer. Slack gets closed at 5. Laptop gets closed at 5. Once in a while I need to do something extra for work but as long as that is rare then its easier to keep the balance.

Please see a licensed mental health professional with experience in this domain. Your root problem(s) may not be what you think it is.

I went through this for a few years up to about two years ago, though the cause of my burnout was less overwork and more politics and things like that. I don’t feel comfortable giving advice, but here’s what I did:

1. Therapy - it turns out a lot of my burnout was due the ways that I had grown to handle hard situations breaking down. I needed to process how I dealt with success and failure and hard situations. Ultimately it’s similar to the “care less” advice but I couldn’t have gotten there without therapy.

2. Time off - this was a tremendous luxury, but I took about 6 months off. For the first month I did nothing but help my kids do remote Covid school. After that I started trying to work through where I was at. I started meditating, reading books on self-compassion, burnout, and career changes. I started exploring potential career changes. After a while, I started getting the itch to program and worked on some personal projects. This was really useful for processing that I still enjoyed programming.

3. Figure out why the previous job didn’t work. I spent a fair bit of time thinking about why the previous job was hard for me. Turned out it was the slow pace of decision making and diffuse accountability that made driving projects really stressful for me.

4. Find a job that checks the boxes… once I realized I still enjoyed writing code and had figured out what I didn’t want, I was able to optimize my job search and ask the questions I needed to during the process to find something we’ll-suited for me. It’s possible to be wrong here, either about the causes or about what the new job will offer, so I gave myself some slack here; nothing is perfect. 5. Medication - even after I started my new job, I still dealt with some burnout-y feelings, after conversation with my therapist, I got a prescription for a relatively low dose. This wasn’t magic, but it has helped me reset my baseline feelings and approach things with more ambivalence.

Yes, I was a burnt out software engineer in the defense industry and I found really meaningful work with a non profit that got me so excited. And I started my new job after a two week break and I was still burnt out. That sucked because I thought the break and the excitement for meaningful work would cure my burnout. I stayed with the job, kept working, albeit not at the pace I wanted due to the burnout and anxiety. I had been seeing a good therapist for years but just couldn't get out of the funk. What finally helped me was surprisingly acupuncture. I went for computer neck and it released a bunch of tension I was needlessly carrying, the physical result of trauma and anxiety. I am not saying acupuncture will necessarily work for you; rather, I think that seeing if there are underlying causes you can address rather than just changing your work situation seemed to yield more results. Good luck and I hope you find happiness!

Having been out for 9 months because of burnout, I think I can add at least my pov on it. My burnout was not caused because of the amount of hours I worked per week (60~80 were no exception) but rather some other factors. Being perfectionist being the easiest to identity and to work on, was one of them but surely not the only one. Issues with management (within other departments I depended on) and overloaded (often almost useless) administration were certainly important as well. Medical issues (with my wife) were not the most important factor, but was rather the one factor that pushed me over the edge. All of these factors together made it at some point even impossible for me to even read my e-mail (even my personal one).

I am working again for almost 2 years now, but I dare to say my burnout is not yet over, but ather under control. I have a very good manager and he teamed me with a coworker that acts as a buffer between me and the other departments. I have daily meetings with my co-worker and let him decide when solutions I develop are 'good enough', even if I see plenty room of imporovement. I work 95% of my time from home, but I have a seperate working room. Closing the door of that room means end of the working day for me. This really works.

From my first week out I have been visiting a psychiatrist and have been practicing yoga. 2 activities I would recommend everyone, even to those not (yet) in a burnout. The psy sessions really helped a lot, not only to identify what were the real causes of my burnout, but also working towards a solution for each of them.

I can really say, I do enjoy my work again, although it will never be the same as it once was. Even now I make progress every week, little things I wasn't able to do anymore are coming back bit by bit.

I see lot's of 'care less' advices. I'd like to adjust this a little: Only care when you're in control of it, and even then try to balance.

Write down a realistic but achievable set of tasks/subtasks at the start of the day. Start them, when it's time for lunch, take 1.5 hours and do something totally not work. A nap, a run, a swim something active and restorative. Then go back to work, and you'll finish you're list probably before the end of the day.

If you don't, resize you're list untill you can steal away a 1.5 hour lunch break each day. If you're doing something like hitting the gym or running you'll find you have a lot more energy and generally feel better. That may not solve the problem of liking your work, but you'll at least be in good shape and rested to deal with it.

If anyone calls you out on the long lunch breaks, just cancel / don't attend meetings to make up for missed time. and block book weeks and months of calander time out with complex sounding meetings no one is invited to.

Give yourself space. You're probably still burnt out a bit.

I worked at a startup for many years. I used to work even during weekends and hardly had any work life balance. The work was very interesting and there was so much to do and so much to learn and grow. I was also rewarded for my contributions. But by 202, I felt burnt out. For the last five years I had hardly any social life and all I did was just think about work. I decided to take a break. Quit the startup in good terms. Got a small piece of farmland and did farming for 1.5 years. Relaxed a lot. Enjoyed my life. Got the farm to a level where I am no longer required to work there everyday. Have a couple of farm hands who take care of it. have automated most things and have an app that tells me the situation at the farm. have gotten contracts to sell the produce.

Now I am back at the same startup in the same role after a 1.5 year break. I always enjoyed the work, just was burnt out. And this farm project helped take my mind of that work.

My biggest fear after my burnout was that I'd killed my passion for the rest of my life but I was able to take a year off (after 6 years non stop) and now I'm back at it for 2 years now with the same vigor I had when I started.

There is a good chance you can see 80% of the benefit by taking only 20% of the time off that I did. Start with a 2 week vacation and then notice how after 2 days you're itching to get back to work on something. Resist the urge, let it build. After two weeks go back to work and find that your first week back is great but don't get demoralized when your 2nd week you find yourself in the same rut. Your weekends are 32 waking hours (almost a full work week) where you can pursue activities that are not work and can be your own vacation (32 hours ~= 40) if you get up early and get out.

If that doesn't work then think seriously about taking 6 months off and see where your hobbys/desires take you.

Good luck!

People talk mainly on exercises (that are important).

But the central point is taking care of yourself. Finding tools that work with you.

For instance, I'm finding more and more that music is great, even being a bad player, just by playing a few notes here and there I found myself interested in the math and logic behind. SoMe2 movement on YouTube helped me find this.

Then I started doing simple programming exercises with different languages. Not the ones the market thinks are the most important ones. But ones that can bring back the "hacking" joy. Being a craftsman again.

For instance, I tried to start a side project with Elixir. It didn't work well so far. So now I'm just using exercism.io to do that. Basically, finding the smallest piece that you can handle, truly.

At the same time, you need to find people that you can talk about openly. You'll be surprised that people around also don't take their time to think about them.

It's perfectly normal to experience ebbs in motivation. As you age you can't handle burning the candle at both ends so much anymore. But you can more than make up for this with experience; prudent decision-making beats overactivity 9 times out of 10. Eating properly and exercise, combined with dropping stimulant use and sleeping properly will also make you feel better.

Generally, the best way to regain enthusiasm is timeout, perspective, and a change of environment. This has never been easier than today, with increased tolerance for remote work, many services facilitating remote offices and mail, and increasingly popular digital-first financial and government services.

Furious activity is no substitute for understanding. - H. H. Williams

... quote via https://github.com/globalcitizen/taoup

I burned out in 2016 and worked really hard to recover. But the honest truth is I never cared the same again. I burned out worse in 2021 after almost 4 years; my client denied multiple PTO requests and I worked 12 months straight with just a few fridays off and I had to pull the trigger on "Roll me off the client or I'm gone". I took a month off of work. I'm still not the same, and I never will be. There is lots of good advice in this thread, but I honestly love writing code and just want to do it for someone who will pay me to kick ass for them. It's hard to just care less about my art. But I'll never care in the same way again, I work really hard to set boundaries and I'm much less invested in the outcome - which is sad and I miss feeling invested in the outcome. I don't have any advice for you; it sucks but it is reality.

My burnout experience was a little different, I was younger and it was like 50 to 60 hour weeks that burned me out combined with a really bad startup experience.

I took a few months off (in SF, that burned through my savings) and had a nice long think about my relationship to my job/career. Ended up moving out of the Bay Area because I wanted hobbies and to be able to meet people who weren’t in tech.

IMO boundaries are really important. I work a max of 40 hours a week as a rule (always been salaried) and force myself to leave my work desk at 5PM (even if I’m having fun working on something and want to continue). I only work after hours if there’s a page or something similarly urgent.

I’d also recommend a hobby or a sport (programming is ok just make sure it’s not work related stuff)

So far it’s working, but I guess I could always become a float plane pilot in Alaska, or do something with bikes if I got tired of software.

Don't feel bad, I think this happens to a lot of us.

TLDR: learn to chill and enjoy your career and free time doing the things you like most, with the people you like the most.

I decided to get back to a technical role (from management) because it's what got me excited about tech in the first place; but I have become very protective of my time.

MY TIME is just that, and not for sale, and non-negotiable.

I don't mind not being the best in the room, and I feel it's better that my younger colleagues get a chance to take charge while I provide support when needed.

Focus on the important things, family, hobbies, friends, building your network, and enjoying your free time. In tech you can always have a nice career and a nice salary, even if you're not at "the top"... learn to chill and enjoy your career and the wonderful opportunity you have in this golden age of technology because it won't last forever.

I suffered from pretty severe burnout once, which took me about a year to recover from. Thankfully, I had the means to quit working and change gears to a slower life tempo. I started rock climbing again, spending lots of time with my partner, even painting occasionally. One day, I just felt like programming again, for myself, and man was it fun!! I rediscovered the joy programming.

I decided to make a change in my work-life. I decided to only take jobs/contracts that I'm excited to work on. For me, that largely means graphics and game-engine programming. It's a tremendous amount of work to learn those skills, but when I'm working on graphics programming I feel like I'm programming for myself 90% of my day's.

I guess my advice here is (if you can) walk away, take some time off to recover, and you'll remember why you started programming.

Burnout is extremely common in solo dev web3 projects. The first time I saw a dev stop responding to messages except telling close friends he was traveling Europe it looked like a moral failing. The 10th time it looked more systematic. Dev work requires extreme focus under pressure - then when they crack the community blamed the dev instead of looking at themselves for placing unreasonable expectations.

Unfortunately for your situation, I have almost never seen a dev fully recover from extreme burnout. If your case isn’t too severe you should immediately get away from code for an extended period of time until it becomes attractive to you again. Otherwise, don’t blame yourself but transition into a different field. Management is possible for individuals with ASD if you can put in the focus to learn social cues.

Burnout takes different forms and people create different methods for coping.

Twenty five years ago I began working on a large project that had no chance of success because of an impossible schedule. I was one of just a few senior people who had been asked to support it, while most of the team consisted of new-hires. (The reason for this was the classic "they won't know that it's impossible, so maybe they can do it" strategy.) After about a year and with some success, things began to go wrong. In order to get things done faster, the team had neglected documentation on the first build (of 13). So even though the first build was mostly on time, the whole team was so burned out that most of them had left. (Attrition was over 60% and many engineers became so disillusioned with their career choice that they switched to something else.) The new team was left with no documentation and no experience, but the impossible schedule remained. Management began having daily morning meetings (two hours) as part of our 12 hour day. Every morning we would re-plan the schedule and every day it would slip.

After working in this environment for almost two years, I moved on. Before I worked on this project I had a strong commitment to schedule and I would do whatever it took to make sure things were on time. After working this project I found that I never took any schedule seriously. I would do what I could to get things done, but I wouldn't work excessive hours or stress myself about being late. This coping mechanism has (mostly) helped me both in work and in life, but some program managers have viewed my attitude as insubordinate.



When I get burnt out, I go to a different but adjacent role. That way I can apply my experience, but perhaps in a different context. It's helped with my burnt out.

Companies tend to look at someone who's good in their role and say 'surely they'll be good at managing people in the same role'. But perhaps you're not suited for management due to any number of factors. Experiences bears out that I'm good at training. But I find training all day long and work travel incredibly exhausting. So moving to trainer wouldn't have worked for me.

I'd suggest trying to find an adjacent position to what you currently do while still being an individual contributor. Or maybe look for companies wanting principals or tech evangelists. Maybe that will put you onto something less draining for you.

Depends if you do what you do strictly as a vocation, or you can't believe they pay you to do shit that you'd be doing anyway.

If it's the latter, it generally comes back, but you might need to change job or workplace.

Over the years I've worked plenty times 84-94 hour weeks for months at a time, but that was project work with a foreseeable end and in a fully catered mining/construction camp or offshore where they made your bed every day for you, meals on tap etc etc.

But a few times I had to do the same hours close to home and going home every night, and it just killed me, the overheads are all yours so a lot harder, plus family don't get you have no free time, because they can see you.

So, it's not just the hours, it is also the structure around them, if there is actual light at the end of the tunnel, and so on.

For me, switching teams and eventually job helped. I switched to a domain (ML) where I had little experience but for which I had a lot of interest.

That said, coding for fun recovered separately from that. When I was burned out, I did not find joy in writing code for fun anymore. Through Advent Of Code, I recovered that aspect.

Today (years later), I don’t get to code at work anymore, as I’m an Engineering Manager. Partly made the switch because I was burned out on coding again. And by not doing it as part of my day job, I find myself enjoying it more after work again. I now only code things that I actually want to - without deadlines etc.

I think what I have come to understand is that it’s a cyclical thing for me. At times I really want to write code, other times I just had enough of it for some months.

I have for now, it took a pretty big shift in how I engage with work and it's proving pretty easy to slip into bad habits. But I now have the ability to spot when that's happening. I'm a software developer who has traditionally worked in digital agencies for context.

I worked very hard for a long time, whilst also trying to start my own SaaS products, and basically ended up not being able to do anything anymore. I couldn't bring myself to do any work. No amount of logic, rationale, money or anything was able to get me to care. I never took any leave, so I had something silly like 12 weeks of leave pay when I left. That plus savings, I took a 6 month break, and slowly got into freelancing as money was starting to run out.

Freelancing let me engage with work in a way that let me slowly build my enjoyment back up, and during this time I was able to build up new hobbies, start caring about old hobbies again, and start engaging with life properly. I did some cheap travel, I was always a gym nut but I got into mountain biking too, I was outdoors a lot.

I was fairly adamant I'd never work a 9-5 again. Then the pandemic happened, and work was good, but I was looooneley. I missed the hustle and bustle of the city, banter with workmates and after-work pints at the pub.

So this year I started another office job, I don't do a full week, and I clock in and out on the dot. I doubt I'll be in the office forever, but it is really great right now and I'm enjoying caring about the work again. Eventually I'll move on as everyone does, and hopefully it'll be to something not in an office.

It has also helped to have goals outside of work, during my time away from full time work I was able to dig deep and really consider what I wanted my work-life to look like in 10, 20, 30 years. Knowing what that could look like gives me a purpose to work toward, and I find that takes a lot of the FOMO/anxiety out of work. One burning question I always had during burnout was "Is this all life is?" and it was important to take the time to figure out that the answer is no.

I have some experiencing with the burn-out cycle (you can direct message / email me for my story). Suffice to say, I've done software, teaching (Teach for America), and medicine (I'm finishing residency this year). I have experienced burn-out in every one of these endeavors. What keeps me going is having something else to work on alongside my main grind. These have ranged from side-projects (free apps I made for fun), side-gigs (AirBnb, Turo), side-jobs (part-time programming while in med school), side-hobbies (CrossFit, Yoga, BodyPump, hiking, my dog, dating), and so on. There's no perfect solution, but every once in a while you will find something that you really love and it makes the grind tolerable.

Same exact story here except my story is not about coding. It is cad drafting.

I didn't heal from burnout. I went into mgmt. And found some room to grow there. Only for it to be taken away by higher up.

Now I am looking for career change.

Your high intensity feelings are built on three pillars: growth in your work; time with community; and work on your spiritual side.

If you are agnostic, spend time volunteering and seeing the fruits of your labor for spirituality.

If you cannot grow in your work, start looking for new kinds of work. Could be a new subject. And Or a youtube channel.

If you don't have a community in person, you are in trouble. Find someone. Anyone.

Upward trajectory in any of the three subjects lifts spirits.

And don't ever get so excited again that you give it more time than its worth. Coding has the tendency to do that.

If you can afford it, giving yourself a sabbatical is an incredible way to recharge.

Everyone's financial / family / etc situation is different, so do what works for you, but I think there's actually a pretty broad range of options you've got:

- Do nothing but reconnect with family/friends for an entire month - Do something, but not programming, and compensated if you need it, for N months - If situation allows, travel to a place you never expected to live

My guess is you'll end up with one of two outcomes, both good:

- You'll spend 2-3x the time you'd planned, because you're loving it so much - You'll end up rushing back into your engineering career, because you've hit on an idea or opportunity that you can't pass up

Yes. I switched careers for a while after being burnt out with tech and that helped me realize just how good I had it doing something I mostly enjoy. I do think the break itself also helped. Even the best musicians in the world sometimes take a break from the grind of regular practice and performing. Recharging your batteries is well worth it and nothing to feel guilty about.

> whenever I’m coding, it just feels like an enormous effort to get anything done

What does feel effortless and get you in the flow? If the answer is "nothing", get checked out for depression. If the answer is something else, then maybe you've simply outgrown coding as a pleasurable activity. It happens.

Within a specific role....no.

Within an org or job type after making a change. Yes.

I learned long ago to maintain hobby's that scratch certain itches that my career also does (ie: engineering, problem solving, analytical thinking etc), but work with different levels of 'criticality'.

I also matain hobby's that work different parts of my brain (ie: music/creativity and fishing/hunting/no tech).

Combined they help with burnout.

What i have noticed in the last year or two is that I am burning out on life, not work. Work is fine. But people in general are burning me out. Again, that has had me focus more on the isolating type hobbies as an escape (ie: fishing/working on things in the house etc)

Was burned out at 21. Took me a few years to figure out some lingering childhood trauma was pulling me down. Came to term by accepting that some things I can't change, and figured out that control upon people should not be desired (got help to get to that). Then decided I should only pursue things in life that I love, whatever that is.

Like many said, caring less can be good, but only if that means you don't take things at a personal level. It's never about ourselves, it's about the others. Greatest truth I've ever learned.

Overall, a great hack in life is to develop some faith in the fact that things work out by themselves over time.

I just had somewhat of a burnout last winter and left my job. I'm lucky enough that I could take a couple months off to get back in shape mentally and physically.

Invest in yourself however you can, that means doing some sport you love and/or go see a therapist. What I'm realizing is that I have a lot of power over how I feel, way more than I previously believed. Make a conscious effort to let go of negative thoughts when they arise.

Make sure your house is in order, it's an extension of yourself. Do whatever you need to feel satisfied, it's your life. It is a mistake not to live it the way you want to. Be kind and patient with yourself.

Good luck.

I switched careers (from business to software development) about 5 years ago. There was a lot on the line (wife, mortgage, etc), and so I gave it everything that I had.

I joined a start-up that was okay with taking as much as they could, and I hadn't yet developed the skill or mind-set to say no and draw clear boundaries between work and my personal life. I consistently worked evenings and weekends.

I then left that job for a 'promotion', which ended up being a worse company and an even worse team. I also gave them everything that I had to 'prove' myself in my new job, and carry the load, and then they ended up laying me off, just before covid.

I was off work for a few months 'recovering' (free-time without the enjoyment of it). I told myself that I would never give work everything that I had again, ever.

After landing a new job, I followed the promise that I made to myself, even when I was certain it looked 'bad' that I was leaving on time every day. However, after delivering on projects, my team and company grew respect for me and it never once became a discussion point. I spent the next couple of years enjoying the new free time, spending it with friends, family, and on hobbies, etc. I believe that my ability to deliver in the normal work window was a product of a good team, and good leadership (the lead engineers did a great job in how they built the architecture, so the developers can work and deploy mostly independently and autonomously - we're remote).

However, side projects still felt like work, so I converted my desktop from Windows to EndeavourOS (arch), and now, when I am enjoying leisure time on my computer and feel a spark of interest, it's quick and simple to open up vscode and start hacking away. Often, when I feel like 'playing a game', I actually just want to be creative, and it's allowed me to start programming projects that inspire me without thinking too much about it. I think this was a key move to re-inspire me to code on my own time. Another cool thing, is that at work you're typically locked into a certain set of tools (often older), so it's fun to pick up shiny new toys and tinker with them, with no deadline or formal requirements.

Take long holidays. 6 months minimum traveling around. if you have a family, or a tight mortgage - I'm sorry for you. As I don't have a straight answer. but 6 months away from keyboard is a strict minimum.

It worked for me every time.

> It worked for me every time.

How many times? I am trying to cope with the recurrent nature of burnout.

If burnout is recurring, might I suggest therapy to figure out why you keep burning out.

I found enjoyment after burnout. I worked for an FFRDC for 4 years and it was slow and draining, with no self-actualization. I could complain about the place indefinitely.

However, I switched jobs to a startup where the work I do feels like it matters. I work with a small team and my love for development/engineering has returned. I don't burn myself out by working 10+ hours a day and genuinely enjoy going to work.

My advice might not be what you're looking for, but switching jobs into a small company with a mission that is acceptable (no ad-based jobs for me, please) has been a huge benefit for my mental health.

Yes, I have. I quit my job and worked on my own project for a while.

You have to be doing something you are interested in, and have full control over, so you can rediscover what programming used to be like for you.

Take things slowly, and your capacity for work and motivation will increase over time. In the beginning you will still have days where you can’t bring yourself to work, but just allow yourself those days, and eventually you will recover.

There is a section on burnout in this talk that I found helpful: https://youtu.be/CCVVLAs9mJU

I think the bit about burnout starts at 37:30. There is a comment from animated silicon with time stamps that helps locating specific segments.

I switched to more relaxed role both times I felt burn out.

I suggest to you just coast by for a while and focus on health. Go to gym, swimming, sauna, walk in the morning, squash, yoga, dance, mtb, play social pc/board games etc. Best of it’s something active and social.

I am very ambitious by nature and have to resist attempting too big steps and actively care about my health/balance.

I really encourage physical movement to manage stress and have healthy energy levels then some social hobby.

EDIT: you may need this https://youtu.be/YHxwY3Fz2gU

Yeah I did come back and love what I do. Here's how I did it.

1. When I came back I managed expectations and made it clear I would be taking things slow

2. I was assigned on a backburner project with an old timer who was in the same situation as me and we hit it off.

3. We did not care about the project, but we cared about the craft. You know what I mean ? Despite the project, the teams, the arguing and the practices and the bad managers and [...], ..., etc.

I hope it helped. I since then changed job and I realized my former work environment was toxic and extremely incompatible with my personality type.

From my experience, I can highly recommend:

* daily meditation practice, with a serious meditation tradition.

* fortnightly therapist appointment, weekly if you're running hot at any point

* meditation retreat every six months

When I say 'serious meditation tradition', I mean one that has a few thousand years behind it. Tibetan Buddhist was the path that worked for me, but there are lots of others. 'Mindfulness' meditation, detached from a tradition, is a waste of time for your purposes.

Happy to answer questions, but this cleared up burnout (and lots of other internal friction sources!) for me.

I got burnt out switching jobs while fixing up a new home. What helped for me was finding another hobby. I made sure to not bring work with me home, I started riding a bike in the woods nearby and once my brain was a bit better I picked up electronics.

After some time I could enjoy the challenges at work, but I've almost stopped programming at home. I still do some embedded firmware programming for my electronics projects, but programming is no longer my main hobby.

It was weird at first, but at least this way I can enjoy work and enjoy going home.

Play more, ignore your official goals, do it just for the fun. There are many interesting things to pique your imagination. I bet that's what you were doing when you loved to code.

I spent 20 years working in the same field, at the end as a manager I was working 80 hours a week and I had to be on call 24 hours a day from my executive who was extremely toxic. I was fired after refusing to come back into the office during the pandemic early on within a week. After going on unemployment, I took an upskilling course and started in a new field. I started my own consulting firm and I got a job in tech and I am happier than ever.

I have been here before myself, what helped was not changing my job but rather to live a healthier lifestyle. Get up at 5am, jump in the pool/shower, spend some time being grateful, meditate, journal, then hit the gym and start your day. Make sure you take enough supplements to combat a vitamin deficiency and eat better, cut out sugar, dairy for a month+ and see how you fair. I went vegan for a 3 months and it really kicked my body in shape.

Personally, getting up at 5AM would be detrimental, unless I was asleep by 9PM (unlikely).

I've been burned out a few times and I'd suggest reducing work to minimum hours to give yourself some recovery time. Keep exposing yourself to new things and follow your inspirations. Eventually something will take and that spark will turn into a flame again.

I've been burned out a few times, some I didn't think I'd recover from at all. Each time though, learning something new is what brought me out of it.

Good luck.

I’m on a slow upswing from a long burnout after (over)working a similar timeframe.

I tried everything I could imagine and read about, no matter what I did the two most important ingredients were “time” and “therapy”.

I guess “exploring other things that I enjoy” would be a third ingredient. E.g. I started playing music again for the first time since college. Music eventually led to (necessary) MIDI hacking which got me programming again.

I wrote a blogpost about just the subject, because everyone kept asking me "How did you recover from burnout?". Feel free to check it out: https://tomdeneire.medium.com/10-tips-for-tackling-mental-he...

Number 9 resonated with me. Thanks for the perspective.

I've had burn-out a few times over the last 30+ years of working for various reasons both personal and environmental. Take it as a given that everyone responds differently and there is no One True Way(tm) to recover, but I can at least offer the solutions that worked for me in the past. These days I can detect the symptoms of an oncoming bout and proactively work to avoid it now.

If the burnout is not yet crushing and putting me into a black dog bitter mentality I've found that taking a leave of absence for a few weeks can often lead to recovery. That leave means dropping all work, all work-related communications, all browsing of tech-related news/info, and anything else that will lead my mind back to a work mentality. If the company caught on fire and burnt to the ground, I would only know about it when I returned from leave. I try and change up my routine and stimulus during that leave; taking long walks in areas I've not visited, trying an entirely new and alien hobby, or generally seeking out experiences that are unfamiliar. It's basically an intentional effort to get my brain to context-switch.

Once I return from leave, I sit down and write out what led me down the path of burn-out and then work with my direct reports to minimize or eliminate those things in order to ensure my long-term employment. If they are unwilling to cooperate, I quit.

I did have a bout of burnout 15 years ago or so that was seriously deep, and in that case I left the tech industry for a few years and ignored it with great enthusiasm. Eventually my interest re-ignited and I spent a couple of months getting back up to speed and re-entered programming.

One thing I can tell you is that walking away for a few years isn't a fatal decision for your career. Despite the FOMO hype and paradigm-of-the-month tone of most tech news and vendors, if you've got the mentality, experience, and skill of a good programmer returning after a few years hiatus requires a fairly short on-ramp for getting back to whatever the current hotness and "state of the art" may be.

I can say that pivoting from one burnout situation to another potentially stressful environment (your unease with management certainly qualifies) is a quick way to an even worse case of burnout and degraded mental health, or at least it has been for me.

Good luck and I hope you find some useful guidance in the many replies I'm sure you'll receive here on HN.

I have burned out on software development several times, the second most recent being the worst. Each time, having a few months away from it was the cure, followed by a gentle reintroduction with a lot of small wins. Exercise too.

Right now though, I’m not in a position to take time away and I’m in a little rut. But the cure will again be some small wins and exercise to move me forward again.

This isn't easily actionable advice, and it depends on what caused the burnout. What worked for me was to really focus on functional typed languages and keeping systems architecture simple. Feels like I'm constantly making progress and getting things done without a feeling of dread over increasing technical debt. Also, working for myself is a huge boon.

Look up various stages of 'worker' - "eager beaver" is the young one, and if you're older, you may be bit disillusioned and will not work 70hr week days any more but that is valuable to the company as you know which parts of the work are bs and which are important. So try to add value in a way that matched your current experience level,

This too shall pass.

I was severely burned out in the past year and was very much in your situation few months ago. What helped me was reducing the scope of my work and taking the slow lane until I feel fine. Exercising, power naps and meditation also helped big time. I'm now in a much better shape and I would recommend it to anyone who's in the similar position.

Yes, I hated my job because I was doing status updates for 4 hours a day while still trying to code. After a year, I stopped caring about their project. I started avoiding work and interviewing for the last 6 months.

I found a new job that pays more, lets me code more, and interrupts me less. Now I'm much happier to go into work even if it's just CRUD APIs.

Yes, but it took leaving my then-current job, and start doing part-time freelancing (I spent more time gaming than working for a few months). I did that for about a year and a half and then joined a startup, which was actually great. Barely any pressure, and lots of freedom.

It takes a lot of time to recover from burnout, but it's definitely doable.

ASD and manager. Congratulations for dealing with neurotypicals. That’s a big achievement by itself. You should be proud.

I’m ASD too. I’m engineering manager and tech lead. Management drains energy, coding refuels energy.

Maybe you should aim to just being an IC? ICs are well paid.

You could try quiet quitting for a bit and see if the sparks comes back.

Hyper-fixate on something else for a bit?

As a Lawyer, I see a lot of burnouts in startups.

The solution is often very similar.

First, take a medical leave.

Second, let time heal your wounds. Even if not visible, the suffering from depression can be worse than when it's physical. And it take way more time to heal.

Then, once they went through this process, most people leave their job and do something else or go somewhere else.

Yes, definitely. Have had terrible burnouts in the past, to the point of not being able to code at all. Recovery is long, and these days I will burn out more quickly if I’m in a stressful situation, but I’ve also made changes so that I am not coding under the wrong conditions and it’s made all the difference.

I've been completely burnt out several times to the point of rancid bitterness. And I have completely bounced back to innocent like joy.

Find a healthy environment with a truly meaningful mission and work with people who are sincere, care and are not there for the money.

It is possible to get joy back into your working life.

I’m midway through a batch at Recurse Center — (www.recurse.com) and I both personally am getting a lot of energy connecting back to the part of programming I just think are intrinsically satisfying, and I’m meeting other programmers who are also finding it helpful for recovering from burnout.

I had burnout for a while and I couldn't realize it. I had feelings of unease and some mounting evidence of "something wrong" going on in my life. I felt tired, angry, and more. All sorts of negative emotions... The impact on my work was big.

I think a bunch of people here advise to "care less", but in my case I realized it was hard for me to care more because I was in pain... (emotional, physically tired, etc).

Things started to change when I paid closer attention to my environment.

.Make sure you pick your friendships carefully. A crisis is a good chance to see who's reliable in your life. When receiving good advice, it is easy to ignore it or dismiss it. Really pay attention to trustworthy advise.

.Maybe controversial but... I stopped “giving for free”. You may not be standing on a place where you can be so generous. It can be draining to be selfless. So, still help people, be kind and generous, but do it for people that deserve it. Giving while being con, manipulated, or gaslighted depletes your energy and resources.

.Don't be controlled by your emotions, but also don't ignore your gut feelings ... factor them in while making decisions. Avoid extremes.

.Remove people from your life that may be harming you. Gaslighting has become a buzzword but for a reason... Beware of this and other kinds of psychopathic behaviors [1].

.Cut off whatever is not helping your main objective. Avoid having too many goals, projects and hobbies at once.

.Get rid of “ambiguous friendships": If you ever asked yourself, is this person really my friend? ... I'd say, it is likely they aren’t.

.Some side activities may not be bad per-se, but avoid exposing yourself to an energy draining environment. Say, belonging to some sort of team, like sports or dance, where nobody ever is on the same page. Even “good” activities like fitness related ones, could be consuming too much time? Perhaps refocus is needed.

In short, my environment was draining me of my ability to feel engaged at work. Some things in my life were not even bad per-se, but it was a problem of lack of focus: I identified my main source of stress (my lack of engagement with work), but found that removing all the energy drainers and distractors made it a lot easier to engage with work.

1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting


Burnout for me was caused by feeling like I had no control over the amount of stress and pressure I was under.

Enjoyment came back when I felt free to pursue leisurely interests and work wasn’t the centre of my life. There was a long process of recovery after removing myself from the situation contributing to my burnout.

I did, but it required taking a 4 month bit of self-exile and then starting a new place within the industry (different vertical) such that there was enough familiarity for me to not feel totally un-moored, but enough newness to make it fresh and engaging for me to figure out new problems.

I enjoy programming things I want to program. Working for X company making their veiled crud app but linking it with 900 different things just sucks the joy out of it.

Working towards becoming a pianist now.

Tutoring prospective students as well remains interesting, provided there’s genuine interest on their part.

For me, changing job helped. Also took less responsibility in the new job, that also helps.

Also LeetCode grind was mind-numbingly-demotivating but unfortunately that is part of the deal now. The good news is that once I decided that I am leaving my previous job, I felt great overall.

Oh yes I have:

1. Do only what's necessary working or the bare minimum if people don't mind;

2. Enjoy your time outside work: play games, watch series/movie/tv, read, etc;

3. Learn new things outside work from the field of your profession;

4. Try to practice these new things in your work;

5. Repeat until vacations or new plans.

I suggest to try to remember what you once liked about coding. Then do this again, literally the same thing.

Maybe you enjoyed building a website with html? That's not really coding, but just do that. Build a small little website, only html for fun and see where it goes.

Yes ! Take some time out ! Change job if you can, work less, focus on one area, if you had ASD, try work in a company that use home office work, try integration in a group like yoga, music class, running club, work in your social interactions. Good luck

Thank You for sharing.

I had the really same experience (except only 13 years in). What I found helpful is having autonomy over the project. Having the autonomy allows me to achieve better results with less effort. Maybe that is something that could help you as well.

>Has anyone come back from being burnt out to love what they do again?

I remember reading a post on HN where a person said they took them close to decade to be close to feel mostly fully functional after a major burnout. I'm sure some people recover faster, but I would agree that it can take even longer.

I had a massive burnout about 8 years ago and only now feel like parts of "me" are coming back. My recovery took longer because I had to keep working and I was at the age where I think a lot of people naturally become jaded with corporate structures. So it was a work induced burnout that later overlapped with a natural philosophical crises.

First of all, I don't think I'll ever "love" what I do again. At every job I've had after my first few entry level ones, my job responsibilities are ever increasing and a lot of those responsibilities are organizational things I have to do, not stuff I actually enjoy doing. What's there love in that?

>If so, how did you manage to do it?

1. Time, Time and more Time. Be patient with yourself. Forgive your own failings and the forgive yourself for not recovering at the speed you feel you should.

2. If you have to keep working, find the right job with the right management with goals you agree with. This can take a few job changes. Changing jobs is tough and that in itself can add to the burnout. I did a few job changes and eventually took a step back career and salary wise, but that was the best decision I made for my long term sanity.

3. Highwaylights already said this, but learn when to care and when to not care. Too much caring = burning out

4. When you are ready, try to find the joy in your personal hobbies without any timeline pressures. There's this Richard Feynman letter or article where he talks about how he felt burned out on Physics and found the joy again by doing physics for fun in his free time, not for work or for publishing another paper. Work on stuff without pressure. Take a year to go through a technical (or non-technical) book/course that would take a month under other circumstances. Finding a tiny bit of joy somewhere is the first step to finding more of it.

5. Realize that you may never fully recover and maybe that is a good thing. Feeling like something permanently broke in you helps with caring less.

6. I feel like I've got some sort form of PTSD against a certain type of manager/management. Certain personalities and keywords really upset me. Finding ways to manage that has helped me a lot as I learned I need to be more confident with setting boundaries.

7. Did I say Time already?

As a developer, I feel more productive after trying my workout and morning routine. this seems strange, working hours are less because of the time spent doing sports. but the results of my work are faster and less often wrong

You wrote plenty about the ways you dislike spending your time. You haven't said anything about what you like to do - work or otherwise. It's hard to find ways to do what you enjoy if you don't know what that is.

I think I've never had a burn-out. I would say it's important to strictly manage your boundaries. Make sure you control what gets onto your plate. Make sure the load on your plate is within your comfort zone.

Now, whenever I’m coding, it just feels like an enormous effort to get anything done.

Perhaps it always was, but in the past you were brute-forcing the solution to the problem by throwing more hours at it and now you're not.

No, there definitely is a difference. It is so large that one doesn't have to measure it. But if you were to measure it then it would be something like 5-10x reduction in focus time available per day/week. You cannot possibly compensate for that by spending more time on work/projects.

True burn out is rarely about some surface level routines, lack of excercise, work-life balance habits etc.

It's usually solely about meaning.

If there's no meaning for you, your body and subconscious will scream about it sooner or later.

I took half a year break, then stopped the break when opportunity came to start working with the only few technologies that I still like in a company with exaggerated work life balance focus. So far so good.

I have but I had to backpack around the world for a year with plans to leave IT. Turned out what made me reconsider was working at a startup vs. corporate job. YMMV with all of the above, of course.

It usually takes a switch (new project/company/client) for me.

Find your interests outside of the work. The programming is a mental work so I suggest to find some physical work.

Personally, I recommend the bouldering. It's an intellectual puzzle using your body.

One thing to be careful of is what sometimes is mistaken for burnout can be an episode of depression. If so called burnout persists and affects your general life, talk with a doctor.

The trick is to under promise and over deliver. Only give 50%-60% of your true capacity and gear up whenever it's truly urgent. If everything's urgent, nothing is urgent.

I found out that disconnecting from full time job and focusing on my own projects for a while (like a working sabbatical) does wonders to my enjoyment of work

I took a couple months break after my burnout and slowly after that I enjoyed work again. Also a more enthusiastic team teaching you cool new things can help.

Nope. Got burnt out after 3 years at a tech company. 7 years total in Silicon Valley. Quit. Took a break for a year. Moved to a different country. Recoverd.

Yes, but never got back to 100% Lots of walks in the woods and figuring out what it is that motivates and making sure not to do things that are not that.

No advice to offer you, as I am in the same boat, but I am hoping there is something in the comments that will help pull me out of this too.

This page helped me understand a bit about how I came to be burnt out. Hope it helps you too: https://commoncog.com/g/burnout

Thank you

I stepped away for a few months to sort it out. Did not like where I worked and love where I am now. Same line of work different company.

Yes! Absolutely! (I wish I could elucidate it properly but I 100% get where you’re coming from and can 100% answer yes.)

Dont think its about the hours but the freedom and being confortable with what you do (no surprises, no pressure).

I've been where you are at. I'm an SRE. Last job I had, we were migrating our apps to the cloud. We were ill-prepared and encountered many issues along the way. This migration was over the course of 2 years. In that time I was on call 24/7. Literally, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. There were days I would work from 8 am until it was dark outside, and then get called at 3am the following morning because something was down. It was a huge drain not only on me, but on my relationship with my wife. She saw what the job was doing to me, and it caused a lot of stress in our relationship.

I have since quit that job, and have been at my current company for the past year. When I started at this company, in the beginning, I still felt the burnout from my last job. And then I stopped caring, and all of that burnout feeling went away.

At this company I'm at now, I'm still an SRE. We are severely understaffed, working on containerizing our apps and deploying to Kubernetes, and management continually puts unrealistic timelines on our OKRs. There is too much work and not enough people. So I no longer care. I no longer care about longevity at a company. I put in my 40 hours a week, and I clock out and spend time with my family and doing things I enjoy. Life is too short to care so much about a company that would likely not think twice about laying me off/firing me if the situation deemed appropriate.

tldr; try not caring as much and see how liberating it feels.

I did, but I took 18 months off after the burnout project before I felt like touching computers again.

Can you afford sabbatical? At least a few months, but possibly more. I was able to reset it that way.

I have fantasized about having a sabbatical. I wonder if I'm paying the balance, or the interest, off of my burnout.

Find a job that will let you work fewer hours for less pay, unless you really need the money.

I thought I'd never be able to code again - here's my story. There are no revelations here, perhaps just know that people do, eventually, recover.

I spent 6 years at a startup before realizing it was never going to be successful and I walked away (I was the founding engineer and mostly handled the PM work, it felt like walking away from significant other). I was doing the same, crazy 70-100 hour weeks sucking up all my energy. I had no energy or doggedness to get to the bottom of even the simplest issue. That was 2012. I'd been an engineer for 15 years, and I figured I was now too old to keep up. I gave up.

Since then I've been working Product/delivery roles, which I enjoy very much, but there are frustrations (no EM likes a technical PM looking over their shoulder). I tried to code in my spare time on things but the doggedness to learn/fix complex stuff just wasn't there anymore. Also life gets in the way. There are always more important things to do when you've got kids than spend time noodling with code.

Fast forward 7 years I was trying to get a game running for my son, an old 90's Win95 title. I started noodling with Docker and python. Very simple scripts. Suddenly, one night, I found it was still there, all that excitement about code, all that interest and inquisitiveness that had previously been hidden/suppressed came out bursting out. Before long I was pouring code out like hot coffee.

I'm still working my confidence back up to a place where I feel I could interview for a JOB doing it - but for putting time into my side-projects and noodling with Apps, I have all the energy and focus in the world.

TL;DR - I burnt out and changed roles, continuing to support engineering teams. A few years ago I did some code and concentrated on learning, not delivering, and that seemed to unblock me.

I kind of did. Tldr: gather some allies, create a secret council, push changes from the inside.

It is an ongoing thing, but I found friends with the same values and we are trying to change the environment that cause the burnouts. At the same time I have to convince myself that coding and managing is not the actual root cause of the burnout.

Having friends who share the same sentiments helps. But the most important thing was to identify what exactly is the root cause and bash it.

Talking about it to your manager will help alot if your manager cares. In my case, my manager talked and get the head of department hire a veteran that becomes my mentor and take over some of my workload.

Hiring properly actually helps! It lets good people in. Once onboarded, they alleviate your burdens so you could think of strategies that to change the environment so it's better for everybody. This changed my mind about hiring people, since I previously had a bad experience with hiring when my company was in a hypergrowth phase.

In my case the cause was the classic pm-does-not-know-technical-stuffs-yet-plan-everything-ahead-behind-closed-door-and-say-the-final-decision. Fixed deadline, immature product desig that doesnt account for technical limitations. So often either we had to: 1.) Propose a fix now and add more to our plate so we crunch, or 2.) Not propose a fix and risk ourselves getting woken up in the future.

We kind of had to learn a bit of PM-ing so we "understand their language" and have the ability to persuade them into understanding what happens on the other side and making changes that beneficial for the whole team.

Things are changing slowly. Processes changes within the orgs for the better. Some external influences still could reverse the progress. But a celebration for small steps is in order! Party with the people you care and cares about you.

"Ask HN: Has anyone managed to find enjoyment in their work after burnout?"


Hi OP,

Don't apologize at all... that's what this website is for... free expression.

I'm on the autistic spectrum too, by the way, I just had a fistful of THC pills.

And just so we're clear... how do you define "work"? That's a loaded word.

I was nearly recruited into the CIA around the same time as Joshua Shulte and I'm approximately the same age as him. Here's a publicly available article about him:


I've been burnt out since I had to make a joke about this not being high school at a yet another K Street cocktail event back around 2016.

Imagine someone being purposefully wrong in the same sing song tone bullies used to say "You can't be aggressive in school." and how their faces go white and their hands shake when you just smirk and go "we're not at school" and eye the letter opener you put on your desk after Charlie Hebdo -- it's like there's this set of people who repeat the same rhetoric as the 70s/80s/90s, with the difference being there is no draft, no great war, no big evil forcing anyone to make... so many choices people made between when I got my first job as a sandwich artist until today.

I haven't really finangled ending the burnout, found happiness, nor held a full time w2 role for a full year since the Obama administration... but I do have a weed card and a bunch of cash in my credit union's checking account after selling out of my IRA for a third time, because some folks in the autism community are less helpful about connecting you with full time roles if you prefer... adults.

Like for example, I did one interview with the Texas Department of Public Safety, who acknowledged they'd have hired me but had to hire someone else due to... veteran's preference?

Maybe I should have explicitly said I'd prefer to work someplace in private industry, for more money? I was raised Catholic, and Iraq was a war crime, so I'm limited in my options.

It was pretty frustrating being told that there are people who will misunderstand on purpose to the point you should alter your creative pursuits, and on a long enough timeline that starts to appear purposeful, especially paired with not connecting you with more practical roles.

I probably shouldn't be so sarcastic, but I'm unemployed and it's the weekend, so I don't really have much incentive to self censor in my replies to questions posted on the internet, especially when yet again my phone or whatever is acting up during spooky season -- the last time I felt this uncertain (and this annoyed that I shouldn't), I was telling people at a dinner that I don't want to help kill brown people with robots... but I'm hoping for a bit of a restart.

Anyways, I'd try to go for a hike or something if it's warm enough OP -- maybe go get yourself a cute little cortado and have a sit someplace you wouldn't normally go? It's the weekend... try not to think about "work". I've seen soooo many places during covid have one employee be rude to me as another sits in the corner doing nothing... and then the store closes (along with the whole company sometimes).

You might be getting overly anxious... try to chill out.

(And sorry if this comes off rude, I wrote it on the spot while cleaning out my little black book.)

This is probably a pretty typical story but I don't think I've ever put it in writing, and maybe that might be good for me, so here goes.

I got pretty burnt out in my second last role. A change in tech leadership saw the arrival of someone who took to shitting on everything, suggesting instead the combination of several OTS products. They were gone before the project even really took off, but the effects were already in full swing; culture destroyed, us vs. them mentality, job insecurity, loss of autonomy due to Committee For Improvement, high turnover, backfilling with anyone with a pulse. All of these problems were left to fester, or worse in some cases, exacerbated; project devs started to leave, so they upped project dev pay.. guess what that did to the morale of non-project devs.

There was no escape; I couldn't simply put my head down and keep doing good work. Material was being disseminated by the org to justify the big project, and it specifically called out my team's applications as unfit for purpose now and into the future. Particularly frustrating were the outright lies in the material about my team's applications, presumably used to build a narrative that the big project was the only way forward. The big project was penny-wise pound-foolish; they could send 100 staff on multiple team-building days, but refused to furnish their team with a key piece of $2k equipment (sorry for vagueness: trying to stay anon here), instead demanding my team share ours. There were ridiculous exercises mandated where developers had to document "how" to do their job so that it could be compared with "how" a developer job would be performed, post big project. But I think worst of all was that myself and my team were no longer able to work with smart people; the product owners were backfilled with imports from the org's call center. Every day seemed to be a fight just to write good software and keep the product afloat for the 100,000+ individuals using it.

Leading up to this, each year I used only about 25% of my yearly leave; I worked hard, took work home with me, and genuinely wanted to grow myself. When the big project rolled around, I felt my investment going south. All the knowledge, rapport, and comfort I'd established was about to evaporate. The value of my team's work was being actively undermined by the org, and any new work inherently had no real value. Before I left, we quietly completed a 5+ year project consolidating our legacy platforms, and we got a 10-second mention in a unit meeting.

In the last year I was starting to get physical manifestations of stress; headaches, unpleasant pangs in my chest, anxiety, grinding my teeth in my sleep. This was all a first for me. I took a month of my leave, but that didn't help. I took another month, 2 months later, but that didn't help either. So I quit. It took several months before the 'symptoms' eased, but I still get some of them when I get stressed.

I thought I'd be ready for another job in 3-4 months. It's been 16 months and I'm still dreading it. I took a job about 7 months in, but it was shit in its own unique ways so I left after a couple of months.

In my time off, I've built a couple of little things for fun, consciously trying to fight any thoughts saying I need to make progress, or I need to build something worthy of publishing, or I need to learn a new technology so that my time off wasn't a "waste" in some recruiter's eyes. It infuriates me that the developer is expected to spend close to 100% of their time generating value for an employer OR improving their ability to do so. It has actually been good to work on these little projects, and has confirmed that I do love writing software, but I'm starting to believe my career will kill my passion for writing software.

OP, I found this to be helpful in understanding my burnout: https://commoncog.com/g/burnout/. My post certainly doesn't have any answers for you, but at least you know you're not alone.

I was lucky to have had my burnout crisis at the beginning of my career(over 15 years ago) and learned from them. The most impacting one happened while I was writing my final graduation paper, where I pushed so hard to finish the implementation that I ate poorly and slept only a few hours for several weeks. After that crisis, for over a week, I could not even look at my code or text. I risk failing or even losing my passion for keeping doing what I love doing.

After reflecting on an incident with my friend for a long time, I came to realize that taking days off every once in a while is not enough, and what maybe have saved me from burnout all these years is my habit of taking time off every day.

I have lots of activities out of work, for example, going to the gym three times a week, writing this blog, making Youtube videos, running my farm fishing business, reading consistently, and running my own SaaS and Open-source projects. Those are all self-imposed restrictions to get out of work on time and put my mind and body into different activities. Every day, I do something out of work for at least 2 hours, and I restrict work for the time it needs to be restricted. Once I started doing that, my productivity increased drastically even tho I started working fewer hours.

Worth noting that all my other activities outside of work are not time-sensitive, which means I can do them when I have time, and if I need more dedication for something, I can easily make it fit into my agenda. For that, I use the 2 days rule (I am allowed to skip any of that activity once but not twice in a row). This is important because having a hard agenda can increase your chances of burnout. The only hard activity I have in my schedule is to work 8 hours 5 days a week. The others I can move to best fit my needs that week.

My life hack to do it to Have a daily “Hour of something.” Having a personal routine helps you achieve goals out of work on a daily bases. I recently introduced two new routines in my day.

One hour of cleaning where every day. For this hour, I will clean or organize something in my house. This one hour helps my digital detox and cleans my mind. I liked the cleaning because it is practical and infinity and it gives me a sense of compliment, as a side effect my house is cleaner and neater.

The next, I am still incorporating, but I call the “hours of reading,” and it is 30 minutes at the moment. After lunch, I take 30 minutes to read a book instead of jumping back to work. This moment is when I calmly sit in the middle of the day and turn off my mind not to think about work; with that, I can keep up with my reading and learn something new.

These two routines grantees me at least 1:30 hours a day of not working and gets my mind and body back to a normal state. I usually do my “cleaning hour” after work, so I use it as the commute back home time. Since I work from home, it takes me 30 seconds to disconnect from work, and I do not want to bring to my personal life any stress I collect over my day of work.


What a lot of people are experiencing as "burnout" is what I think is totally normal for human beings. Society has been lying to itself about what work life should be. As a millennial, we were told by our boomer parents and teachers to find our "dream job", that "every degree is a good degree", and to "follow your heart and the money will follow." When we reach the point where we inevitably settle in to our careers, have pretty much figured most things out, and perhaps have even realized said career has internal issues that are hard to reconcile, we see a failure in ourselves for not having that same energy and spirit we did when we were young and green. But it's like anything. Do you really play that video game with the same intrigue and vigor you did back when you first discovered it? Of course not. Maybe you play an old game to this day, but you don't experience nearly as much excitement. Other similar games are probably collecting dust because you "burned out" on them.

The idea that anyone should sustain focus and interest on any given thing for years on end, whether you're "neurotypcial", or ADHD, or ASD, is pretty ridiculous. We are more or less designed to be able to specialize but also grow into other things. The problem I see with tech is that we like to pretend that there's a variety of roles to grow into, but they're all more or less the same, and we're not all destined for management. Coding jobs fundamentally suck once you get beyond junior level because it's not the juniors companies need to fix bugs but seniors. Yet no one became a software developer because they wanted to fix bugs for a living. Sure sure, we all work on features at one point or another, but even those features are fraught with the caveat of navigating all the mounts of fixes to keep an insanely complicated system running. It makes about as much sense are having a committee write the next great American novel all while having two-week sprints and Jira tickets for plot holes.

At the same time, as an industry, we've made things very hard for ourselves. I'm of the opinion that all the tooling we've invented and all the "gee whiz" we've added to our apps kills the efficiency and enjoyment of working on them in the long term. The more tools we add, the more disagreement over those tools we can have, hence everyone is constantly in a flux of learning and considering tools that were written just yesterday "obsolete" or "antipatterned." Way too much time is spent on stupid shit like making web apps appear native, SSR, test coverage, preprocessors, transpilers, package managers, runtimes, whether a thing should be rewritten in Rust, whether a codebase should go back to vanilla JS, and so much more. To be fair, this probably isn't as true for iOS developers, but I'm sure they have their own self-imposed challenges.

So how do I manage it? I stopped caring so much. Jobs are supposed to have a level of suck, else they'd be hobbies rather than jobs. If you can tolerate the level of suck at a job, and the pay is worth that suck, then don't beat yourself up when you can't perform any better than you already are. Yes, you'll probably have to face that fact in performance reviews. But performance reviews are usually bullshit. Why? Because there's "always room for improvement." I've never experienced anything meaningful from a performance review. Whether the manager knows it themselves or not, performance reviews mainly exist to keep employees gaslit into thinking they've got to try harder. So I mostly ignore them. And if a company wants to let me go because I'm not productive enough, well, fine then. I'm actually trying my hardest. My hardest may not be good enough for them, so I'll take it elsewhere. I just don't have the drive to perform highly anymore because the "burnout" is here to stay. I can't restart my brain back to the state it was in when I got my first coding job. It is what it is.

Transitioning into another career is always an option, though it may be the most difficult option.

Every HN burnout post brings out people who think burnout is a bit of exhaustion. Burnout breaks something inside you, like a mini stroke. I burnt out four years ago. The absurdity of lockdowns saved me - I made the most of that to rest and recover - no guilt, the company owed me. Initially my todo list had one item per day. I'm back to getting a bit of enjoyment from programming, but not a lot, and only doing maybe a third per day of pre-burnout, there's no gung-ho, no rocket drive. I take a long while to get started, and probably won't do any personal project work after hours. I have to ignore recruiter emails knowing I couldn't keep up in the described roles. So, it improves, but very slowly, and I don't yet know to what degree. It doesn't help that as the years or decades pass the work becomes less interesting, but occasional mindless grunt work does enable some effortless productivity wins.

College burned me out. The solution was, as another commenter suggested, to drop the baggage and move on. I had a semester left and my career in front of me. Which do you think I picked? Waiting another semester wouldn't have helped me in the slightest.

A couple jobs ago, I worked for a company in the Education disruption space and COVID essentially killed the culture. It was always a big "political activism" company, but the rhetoric got cranked to 11 with COVID and it was incredibly hard to get work done in the same way I used to. The cure here was to give myself more time, I realized here I had been sacrificing a lot for employers who didn't give two shits about me.

Working for the public domain helped me! Get out of the rat race and start playing the game that al-Khwarizmi, Fibonacci, Leibniz, Lovelace, Marconi, and Shannon were playing.

If you can't afford to we have plenty of work to do and are hiring engineers - breck@pldb.com

Also, watch Caddyshack on repeat.

> it just feels like an enormous effort to get anything done

I just quit when I got like this. There’s always another org.

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