Did you ever think about how you'll never again be able to stay up all night and research new technologies, or have a hobby like kayaking, or .. All because of parenting?
Parenting is trending today on HN and I loved the comments. It inspired me to write about a thing I do well that I never thought about before.
Coming from someone who had these feeling from time to time, but almost never ponder on them, here is how I do it.
I noticed this is true not only in parenthood, but in everything else.
What worked for me in parenthood and marriage and sports:
1. Nip it in the bud. As soon as I start thinking about regrets I go and DO something positive now. I did have times when I pondered past (but that was in high-school and I had enough of a lesson that pondering won’t solve anything)
2. Loose hope it’ll get better (I’ve read about a POW in Vietnam war, he was like the longest captive pow in history. He said the guys who died or were in the worst condition first were the ones who hoped they’ll be out by Christmas or other important date)
3. Find joy in obstacles (the more unique obstacles you have the more unique perspective and gift you can give to your children and the world)
4. Hang out with your tribe even if it’s only virtually (whatever happens it’s nicer when you share it and you see other people have it similar)
5. Think about the future when it’s a high likelihood you will look at this moment and wish you’re back (it might help you put things into perspective)
One of these five is bound to help. If you have anything to add please do.
Also, if you like the post please check my weekly newsletter for remote-working parents in my profile. I cover a lot of relevant things there every week.
P.S. I know I'm coming in hot with the post. Raw and unedited. The only way to do it as a parent :)
It will be challenging, it is undeniably more work, but it becomes easier over time and will pay dividends eventually.
It’s difficult to make the perspective shift in the moment, but it’s helpful to remember that the whole entire world is new and exciting for kids. They’re curious little creatures, constantly growing and learning. Even mundane tasks like running errands can turn into engaging, stimulating activities for little ones. The weekly grocery pickup or a trip to the hardware store are opportunities to explore the world and instill curiosity. It doesn’t happen for free, though: as a parent, it’s your job to engage and foster this.
I haven’t even touched on how rewarding it is to include kids in hobbies. My kids are under five, and partake in everything from hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing and snowshoeing to woodworking and cooking. Turns out kids just wanna do all the great things their parents do, and will rise to the occasion if given the opportunity :)
The opportunities are there if you let them be there!