I am seeing lots of posts on HN about layoffs. So and so company fired 1000 people, so and so company reduced it's workforce by 20%, etc.
We have normalised firing of people. I don't know about the "developed" countries where people have social security, but for countries like India where there is no social security and stigma is associated with being laid off, it is a very difficult situation.
I remember asking few years ago to my sister's husband, who runs our family business, what keeps him awake at night with regards to business. His answer, "Not messing up". I was expecting something like "Funding", "Losing sales" etc. But hearing his answer surprised me. Because it sounded personal. So I asked him what does he mean? And he said, "The company has about 100 employees, but I am not just responsible for 100 employees. I am responsible for about 400 to 600 people. Each employee has a family. They make their future plans because they have an income from this company. They have to fund their kids education, they have to look after their aging parents, they might have taken a loan for daughter's marriage or for a house. They are relying on me. If I mess up, I affect lives of 400 to 600 people. That keeps me awake."
Some how firing/laying-off has been trivialised.
We spent decades in the US smashing unions, smashing pensions (replacing them with more volatile instruments like 401Ks) and made at-will employment dangerous for both sides of the equation.
Firing has been trivialized for decades. This is not new, and the current wave is minuscule compared to 2008, 2000, and previous. The worst is yet to come.