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Show HN: Red Goose – Convert your website to mobile app
86 points by satie on Sept 30, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 85 comments
Hi HN! We're Sonica, Marvin, and Satie, and we are building Red Goose (https://goose.red). Red Goose is a web app to mobile app conversion engine that produces ready-to-publish apps for the app stores using GitHub repos.

There was a discussion on HN a few weeks ago about how a developer shaved off almost half of their native app's code without losing functionality [1]. Our launch today is a direct outcome of that thread and, moreso, in the context of this comment [2] and this one [3]. Paraphrasing the context below:

> "Fastmail is the only email/calendar app with a reasonable size (just 20MB)."

Followed by:

> "… EDIT: just realized the app is a web view. Sigh."

As someone who has been into mobile app development since 2010, the comments above read like a punch to the gut. We grew up believing that the native experience was better than the web!

It took a while to admit, but the web, it appears, has genuinely caught on. It has matured to a point where the four pillars of web development—HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WebAssembly—are likely enough for universal distribution.

We already host compute-heavy environments for graphic designers [4], video editors [5], and rich document editing [6] on the web. And there is still more capability [7] in the works, if you will.

So the question we asked ourselves was: Could the modern web become the "native stack" of mobile app development?

With Red Goose, we want developers to be able to do just that. Create web applications that double up as mobile apps for the app stores. But this isn't always easy. Historically, native mobile apps have differed from (outdone?) the mobile web in three broad ways:

An app-specific design language, Smooth and fancy screen transitions and, Solving compute-heavy processes that scaled to millions of users.

However, at the same time, building and maintaining native mobile apps is super expensive, and it requires hiring separate teams of experienced developers whose sole job is to focus on mobile APIs.

Even with the newest alternatives like React Native, Flutter, Cordova, Xamarin, Ionic, or any other similar framework, there is a quantum increase in the amount of boilerplate code. Over time, as many of us have experienced in the industry, the web and native teams grow distant, leading to a less than optimum situation and bloat.

Red Goose puts the webview back in the ring. This step alone removes all the duplicated code from the equation. Red Goose then offers an alternate strategy [8], using the webview as the main leverage over your web app. And solve for native experience in the following three ways:

First—Intrinsic Design: we have built a new css framework called Toucaan [9] to tackle the gaps between mobile app design and mobile web. It allows the development of "app-like" interfaces using new css standards and the intrinsic qualities of the medium.

Second—Screen Transitions and Animations: Not all apps need this, but smooth transitions and performant animations are already possible with the new web APIs. With a strongly cached webpage using a service worker (PWA) and a better understanding of initial containing blocks (ICBs) pertaining to your front end, one can easily take steps to take the experience to the next level.

Third—Webassembly: The best thing about webassembly is that the wasm functions return immediately and synchronously. So one can easily offload compute-heavy transactions to a locally installed wasm utility and benefit from performance gains instantly on both web and mobile apps.

It appears that many apps wouldn't need to sprinkle webassembly into the mix to reach the level of performance expected of mobile apps, and just caching with a service worker and an app-like layout would do the trick.

Red Goose itself uses vanilla javascript and an experimental version of Toucaan for its frontend. Its backend is made with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB and is hosted on AWS within Docker. Our web-to-mobile app conversion pipeline uses NodeGit for app delivery, and the freshly minted mobile apps are written in Swift or Kotlin and shared directly over GitHub.

We believe that the opportunity to reduce app development and distribution cost using the newfangled powers of the web is massive—we've already helped a few teams to cut back on their expenses by as much as 80%.

At the same time, we're still early and would love to hear what you think about what we're building with Red Goose. We look forward to your comments and experiences, especially if you have been on this path before on your own. Thanks!

Relevant links:

HN Discussion:

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30442529

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30443310

[3] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30444202

Leading web examples:

[4] https://www.figma.com/blog/webassembly-cut-figmas-load-time-...

[5] https://web.dev/clipchamp/

[6] https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2021/05/Google-Docs-...

[7] https://developer.chrome.com/blog/fugu-status/


[8] https://www.toucaan.com/blog/mobile-apps-with-red-goose

[9] https://toucaan.com

The end.

> As someone who has been into mobile app development since 2010, the comments above read like a punch to the gut. We grew up believing that the native experience was better than the web!

It is

With the transition to web apps, we have lost some excellent quality standards, integration, and availablity. 10 years ago you could have productively used your computer and software without ever needing to touch an internet connection. Nowadays it's either: - the browser is the portal to everything - apps are just slow, unresponsive, ugly looking WebViews

It's sad that the bar is so low these days that VSCode is considered acceptable. That takes 30 seconds to start up on my i5-8250U with MX150 graphics.

Notepad++ launches instantly on a 10 year old 32 bit computer with a *low end CPU.

Not criticizing your service btw, I'm sure it's well developed. I hate the general concept at the base tho.

The blame is on the mobile vendors (and desktop platform vendors) just trying to "out-innovate" each other (also building propietary security/signing solutions) with their propietary stacks (SwiftUI/ObjC, Java/Kotlin, C#,etc) at the same time as there's been an explosion of apps/services that just needs basic functionality. The budgets/manpower isn't there to support everything... apart from if it's just a webview.

20 years ago a Windows program was enough (guess why Visual Basic was so popular?).

There's also a flip-side to the equation, the web-platform is damn capable thanks to the relentless pacing (both in features and JIT improvements in JS engines) after IE died off and catching up to it is becoming harder every day.

Looking today the only real choices for cross-platform dev seems to be: WebView, React Native (using Expo is a damn smooth experience almost to the level of webviews) and finally Xamarin/C#. (Yeah, I'm aware of Dart/Flutter but isn't it already long overdue to be killed by Google?)

> That takes 30 seconds to start up on my i5-8250U

I run VSCode (on Linux) on a number of different low- to mid-end machines between a 5 and 10 years old and it starts within 2-3 seconds on all of them. New windows/tabs open basically instantly. I ran it once on a Raspberry Pi just for fun and even then it was entirely bearable.

I can only imagine you are loading a bunch of extensions, or maybe one or two extremely heavy ones. It's never anywhere near as snappy as plain Vim, of course. And I am not easy to please nor a fan of Electron apps in general but VSCode has been fairly tolerable for me over the years.

On my Apple M1 it takes ~33 seconds for cold-start. I use only vim and flutter extention. That said, my biggest complaint is that on this extremely fast computer, the lag between a keypress and a symbol is too big. I'm typing faster than VSCode renders characters. With vim mode enabled it sometimes goes super slow, with 1-2 sec between characters (but that's not always).

Anyway, agree with the author. Everytime I use web- or electron-app I'm just expecting sluggishness, ugliness and weird behaviors and refresh the page (=restart the app) all the time. It's just a norm. I guess no matter how people pretend that typesetting engine from 80-s is a good UI stack, they still have to pay huge price in usability, performance and orders of magnitude higher memory usage.

How is this possible? What is a "cold start"?

For me, with Code completely exited (i.e., not in the dock at all), it takes about 1 second to start drawing and about 4 or 5 to finish rendering all the icons and such and be fully usable. Even IntelliJ (now THAT's slow) only takes about 6 or 7 seconds to fully load. On a M1 too.

Do you have some weird antivirus or similar scanning all your apps...?

By cold start I mean, I haven't launched the app in the last days, so it's not in any sort of cache or memory pages.

No, I don't have any antivirus, and generally very concerned about what's running in the background (I delete apps from LaunchAgents dir, avoid keeping hungry Electron apps in the background unless really needed, etc).

I don't understand how it's so slow for you then. I don't even use VSCode regularly (prefer the other IDE), but I keep it around specifically because it's so fast to open. A good lightweight alternative when I don't want to wait for my real IDE.

It's never taken more than a few seconds to load... whether on M1 or x86 Macs or Windows. How weird.

I don't know either, but it's definitely a common case. They have around 200 issues devoted to startup performance.

Meanwhile, NeoVim is consistently starting under 500ms for me, even being heavy loaded with plugins and offering all the same functionality (NeoVim is pretty awesome as an IDE these days).

> It's sad that the bar is so low these days that VSCode is considered acceptable. That takes 30 seconds to start up on my i5-8250U with MX150 graphics.

Have you considered that your computer is the problem? I am running a dual-core MacBook Pro that usually hosts a docker-compose file running Postgres and Mongo, a few NodeJS services, and a React hot-reload server, and I can open a fresh or additional VSCode window in 5s.

Or on my i7-6700k/1070 I was pulling it up within 2s

I don't disagree with the idea you express about the internet connection though - it's frustrating to find all the things that should be locally cached and aren't, and all the places offline-first tech isn't applied that it would be beneficial.

Fortunately airplanes have more and more wifi these days...

> Have you considered that your computer is the problem?

I wouldn't say so, Elementary OS's built in code editor takes a few seconds at most to open a file

Then again, Electron is really slow (among other things), but anyways, regardless of the toolkit you're using, your app is still an overly complex .html page, doing things the DOM was never meant to do or programmed for, e.g. DOM traversal becomes slow. (Unless you use something like React Native, which is 'truly native', but mobile only)

Honestly the idea of web apps sounds a whole lot like trying to make a video editor app in MS Word

> your app is still an overly complex .html page, doing things the DOM was never meant to do or programmed for

I mean, maybe it was true when browsers were hypertext-only applications, but now they are performant app-delivery toolkits.

Native might get higher performance, but at a fairly steep cost of coupling and distribution difficulty. I can deliver insanely powerful apps to many OSs and form factors on a 512kB bundle, meanwhile native mobile apps come in at 60-500MB for 1 platform. It's also not really that hard to have smooth 60fps display on big datasets & visualizations, which means I contest what "slow" really means for DOM traversal.

Seems to me like you're hell bent on discounting this one platform instead of arguing the tradeoffs are not worth it, which is a shallow take from my view.

Arguing that web technologies weren’t originally intended to be used to develop apps is completely orthogonal to the discussion. The fact of the matter is that web technologies are the best tool for the job. They’re one of the only tools that allow you to build an identical cross-platform application; not to mention the host of other advantages, like code-sharing with a website, an extensive JS ecosystem, (in the case of a PWA) fully sandboxed, etc.

And, I agree with you that today Electron apps are a worse user-experience a lot of the times. But just brushing off anything made with web technologies because “it wasn’t designed for this” feels very shortsighted in my opinion.

> just brushing off anything made with web technologies because “it wasn’t designed for this” feels very shortsighted in my opinion

That's more of an ideological reason for me. But even setting that aside, you can't ignore the practical downsides I listed

> The fact of the matter is that web technologies are the best tool for the job

As a former app developer, I can assure you that creating truly native apps with the OS's toolkit has been way easier than any web application framework I have ever used, ever.

For example, here are some side projects I built for Windows:

- a web browser, but kind of forgot about it - a web page editor with live HTML preview, finished but never really released it

On the other hand, it took me hours to get started making a simple react project (setting up the project, styling it, making the basic navigation components), and never finished it.

Sure, my experience is no empirical evidence of anything. But it seems to be a common misconception that building with web technologies is easier than native toolkits.

I understand that the main problem is having to write everything from scratch for every platform, assuming you're not targeting a specific one (then you should definitely go native).

But trust me, outside the Windows world the app dev's life is a lot easier (see GTK, Qt, etc. that work on any OS as long as the DE implements it)

For more complex projects porting is often an option, and for those cases I still think cross platform TKs are much better than web apps. And you usually don't need a web version if the software works natively everywhere possible.

I would note that VSCode is instantaneous on my M1 Pro..but yeah.

See, this is where the misconception comes from.

I am happily creating great offline experiences with static html apps embedded into every platform I want. (pc, ios, android, xbox)

All with the exact same code base.

A browser not implies online connectivity.

Same here. My offline-first Capacitor/Ionic app feels a lot more snappy than the native competitor, which requires an internet connection and has a lag of a second when saving a data item.

Point is: just because it’s native, doesn’t mean it’s well-designed.

You're totally right about startup times with apps like VSCode, but there's a reason that never gets worked on really: the most active users startup those pro apps (VSCode, Photoshop, etc.) and simply don't close them.

Optimizing for startup time probably doesn't end up being much of a gain, better to make sure the experience stays solid once it's already running, and for long periods of time.

Agreed. I do like how it shows the impact that each extension has on startup time, but memory is the real issue I care about.

> 10 years ago you could have productively used your computer and software without ever needing to touch an internet connection

And then users wanted collaboration features, weren't keeping their software up to date (so it had to be done for them), wanted to share their data across their device on the cloud, etc, etc.

I never did.

But a lot did.

Microsoft Word still exists but somehow lots of people prefer using Google Docs because it has those cool features.

Cloud apps != Web apps

I never had a problem with the former, and appreciate their capabilities. Many cloud apps are also web apps, but not necessarily (see Sketch)

VSCode launches instantly for me.

I wouldn't call it instant, but it takes roughly 1s for me. That's acceptable in my eyes.

Do you have the same system (or strictly lower-spec) than GP? If not, your comment is irrevelant.

Yes, but even if I had monster computer "instant vs 30 seconds" wouldn't be irrelevant.

> Yes

Alright, so it works for you, but not GP. That still means that it's poorly optimized.

> even if I had monster computer "instant vs 30 seconds" wouldn't be irrelevant

You're stating the negation without providing any argument, so I guess I should explicitly clarify why it's irrelevant: because the topic of this thread is about medium-to-low-end machines, and not about high-spec ones.

To be even more clear, the difference between "instant" and "30 seconds" is categorical in almost every situation, let alone the specific context of interactive software tools.

Yes, it launches instantly, but depending on the dev env and plugins you have it may take a while before it is fully usable

Yeah but Notepad++ as far as I know doesn't even have the level of functionality that those plugins provide?

Yes and loads more. I don't use notepad++ on the daily but it is a far superior experience than whatever VSCode gave me

Launch time doesn’t matter. The only time I launch vscode is when I have to reboot to apply updates. Even that is getting more and more rare.

VS Code is not slow, it launches in second or two, you probably installed bunch of shitty extensions that slowed Code to crawl.

No, this was on a clean install

By default, webview in iOS doesn't persist the user session(android does). Does generating the app via Red Goose solves this problem?

Currently when developing webView for iOS, you need to store the session before app is closed and reload it the next time so that user doesn't have to log in again.

This isn’t true with WKWebView. You might need a WKProcessPool but it’s certainly not a lot of code you have to write yourself.

> You might need a WKProcessPool

That's what I said, by default it doesn't retain session, you need to use some way or the other to do it.

Sounds interesting. Two questions:

1. Is a new CSS framework really necessary? Smooth transitions have existed for a long time, it's unclear to me what is meant by "new css standards" and "take steps to take the experience to the next level". Corollary: can an existing webapp use Red Goose right away or does it need to be recoded?

2. There's this rumor that Apple fights webapps disguised as native apps with fury; yet Cordova & Ionic exist and prosper; what's true and what isn't, and what's your take on this? Is a Red Goose app at risk of being jacked from the appstore down the road for the sole reason that it's a web view?

Great questions! I'm Marvin, one of the founders of Red Goose and the maker of the Toucaan CSS framework.

1. We gravitated towards a new css framework following some initial work with existing web apps that were responsively designed. While some well-designed responsive web apps might make it to a level where they genuinely feel like mobile apps, we figured most websites reduce responsiveness to the idea of just shrinking the desktop UI to fit the handheld format. That isn't enough and those are the folks who are going to need the new CSS framework.

And yes, one would have to recode their website or plan a separate stylesheet for app-in-webview using parts of Toucaan.

2. I agree that Apple has fought the web and the web standards for a long time, but they do not reject wrapped web apps that meet their app store guidelines. Besides, it doesn't have to be a pure web-view if that is what it takes to get your app through the door. I'd say much of this depends on case to case basis, and it is in the interest of every business owner to go in with the cheapest web-view option first.

A Red Goose app is a web-view, but it also a starter app in Swift and Kotlin. So you can choose to get into native development should there be a need to. And get the best of both the worlds. I don't know, the likelihood of Apple booting the entire web-view based ecosystem from the app stores is fairly low. Even their Safari is a web-view based app. :-)

> Apple has fought the web

Apple launched iOS with first class HTML5 apps downloadable to home screen to run offline, and continues to support those, adding capability and access to native APIs with every release while striving to maintain security.

If Xbox Cloud Gaming can run on iPad/iPhone as a web app outside the app store, so probably can yours.

// What Apple does not like is when you take what is effectively an HTML5 app and pretend it's a native app. And anyway, why do that? For all the whining about Apple's app store not being worth it, almost nobody wants to distribute outside of it even when they can. They value the discovery too much, just don't want to pay for it.

What is the difference between your product and Capacitor as a WebView wrapper (which supports most PhoneGap plugins) plus Ionic as a UI framework?

I’m trying to be positive here, but your post sends off an incredible odd vibe. You drop names of successful web companies and make it sound like you just invented "mobile apps based on WebViews", which is a thing since, well forever.

Also, you claim Ionic comes with a lot of boilerplate, which is simply not true. Ionic 6 is web-components only with zero overhead. You can use them in vanilla JS no problem.

I don’t see what this brings to the table.

I downloaded an example from the gallery page and as far as I can tell it doesn't bring anything to the table over Capacitor or a simple WebView. Proper navigation UX and gestures are missing on iOS so it immediately feels weird, every page transition is slow and throws up a spinner (which makes it feel slower than a normal website), any disruption or intermittence in internet connection and the app will stop working, state is not preserved etc. Kinda everything you'd expect to see if you just pointed WKWebView at a url and shipped it. So I'm struggling to see who this is for exactly when we have capable websites, Capacitor and all manner of cross-platform solutions in between those and native apps.

The missing or badly implemented navigation UX and associated gestures are probably one of the most immediately evident tells that an app isn’t native, and probably one of the most frustrating. When I instinctively swipe from the left with my thumb to go back to the previous screen and nothing happens I immediately feel an impulse to go find a different app on the store.

Your tools sound like a really good base for a PWA framework too -- have you considered that? I know there are 1 zillion web/ecomm agencies of all sizes that know they need to push into PWA/headless in the next ~5 years and only those with strong tech chops can really do that well and without risk today.

I can see a really strong prop at replatform to say hey just build a PWA with this and for phase 2 click this button and it's in the app store. That plays nicely with all the composable stuff going on and the want to not have 20 systems that do 20 different, overlapping things.

In ecommerce, there's a few people that have built headless/composable 'low-code' PWA offerings and I haven't really seen anything I think will win the lower end of the market as all that matures, but I'm confident SOMEONE will appear to mop that up in the near future.

wow. that's a great insight! indeed, pushing the PWA adoption forward is one of the main goals of Red Goose and its sub-tooling.

I'm sorry the pricing here is offputting to say the least, you think that pinch controls is worth an additional $400. and push notifications another $200 and your fastlane deployment $1000

I think you are drastically over estimating your value add.

The website UI is broken on mobile.


The irony...

Good luck with it... I put in my site and it didn't give me a preview, but wanted me to pay the $189 anyways. I'm not going to pay for something I can see. Honestly... instead of a preview, you might want just want to pull up the rendered mobile app in a simulator from browserstack or something so the customer can actually interact with it. Having people pay for something only to ask for refunds later is going to kill your credit rating.

Sorry to hear that. Please send me your website’s address to s@goose.red and I will take a look at what’s happening.

You are missing a ton of screenshots to show what the result would be on mobile platforms.

It took a little while but I found a page with a side nav bar, and thus a link to the gallery: https://goose.red/gallery

The iPhone screenshots are very bad fakes. So that's not encouraging :/

On the https://goose.red/pricing page, it tells me that " Your app is expected to be ready by 04:05PM today." But it's 17:55 where I am, what does it means exactly? Is this server time? Will I get my app in 10 minutes, 70 minutes, tomorrow afternoon?

Do you have any docs for how an app would talk to native/OS-level functionality? I saw push notifications mentioned in the order form...would that just use the web notifications API?

I‘m surprised to see the claim that the App Store approval rate is high for this sort of app. From the review guidelines:

> 4.2 Minimum Functionality

> Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value or adequate utility, it may not be accepted.

I have to think that in this case they mean "website" in the historical form as content vs "app-like" meaning like a web application. If you already have a web application and it works well on mobile, what more could they expect really?

If you are local news site, then this probably is going to be an issue. If your app allows someone to track how many package deliveries they have, then it likely already in a format they are happy with.

why surprised? more than 85% of all apps on the iOS app store use the web-view in one form or the other. App store require "minimum functionality", not minimum native stack if you read the clause you have quoted above carefully.

The quote says „features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website“. Using WKWebView to show ToS is different from generating a wrapper out of a random website.

Now you can have all of the fun of the clusterfuck of modern web development in app form!

(Not criticizing your effort. Red Goose isn’t the problem.)

I'm working on fixing that clusterfuck (which paired with something like Red Goose would restore sanity): https://github.com/cheatcode/joystick.

So now you just have to fix the clusterfuck of Node dependency hell ;).

I haven’t actually looked at your framework or the dependency chain. It’s more of a joke

Only by choice (i.e., if you as a developer add a bunch of packages to Joystick).

I built Joystick to be fairly lightweight on the dependency side (for the exact frustration your joke is pointing at). The core stuff is using long-term stable dependencies. Anything else I built directly into the framework by hand so it would last long-term and not turn into the goose chase that is the JS world.

I refer to it as the "Honda Civic of JavaScript frameworks" for that very reason.

This service does not seem like something that needs pressure tactics. Naming it "fomo" is a bit on the nose as well. And I assume they are all BS as well, unless google ordered one 1 hour ago (or was it 33 minutes ago? who knows... it's randomized).


Just opened the link, and...

Error: Not Found at exports.notFound (/var/www/red.goose/handlers/errorHandlers.js:21:17) at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/var/www/red.goose/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5) at trim_prefix (/var/www/red.goose/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:323:13) at /var/www/red.goose/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:284:7 at Function.process_params (/var/www/red.goose/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:341:12) at next (/var/www/red.goose/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:275:10) at /var/www/red.goose/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:641:15 at next (/var/www/red.goose/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:260:14) at Function.handle (/var/www/red.goose/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:174:3) at router (/var/www/red.goose/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:47:12)

Doesn't really inspire much confidence, does it?

Honestly I'm impressed they are asking money for this product. I see literally no advantage whatsoever of this over competitors (which are open source and free).

Do you have any example app repos?

As an engineer, I'd probably want to see what the generated code looks like before paying. I'm also probably not the target market, but as someone who is regularly asked by non-engineers for tech advice about websites and apps, it would be great to be able to recommend with confidence.

Hey Dan Palmer! Glad to meet you here! I apologize that our instance of puppeteer ran afoul of memory in the morning today and we couldn't generate the mockup of your website in time. It works as expected now:


I'm happy to walk you through our codebase and show you how Red Goose generates sub apps using super templates for iOS and Android. I'm at marvin@goose.red

Website doesn't have any CSS on Android after 2 secs?

Hug of death?

Edit: Yes, application seems down/hugged. Getting 504 from their nginx.

Ha! Back up now.

Honest question, but what is the advantage of having your website as an app? Isn't it easier for people to just go to the mobile site if it's exactly the same?

Yes, but some people prefer to have a website as a mobile app, because it's then more convinient to access and to use. Mobile apps of a website can also be easily optimized to suit for using on a phone, compared to using the mobile version of a website (take Gmail for example).

Distribution and discoverability are big factors. You may have built a great webapp for managing a todo list, but you'll never be found by the people who just open the app store on their phone and search for "Todo list" there.

Another honest question: is App Store SEO easier than Google SEO?

What's the advantage of a webview app over a bookmark?

I'm really interested in using this. Two questions:

1. Can I extend the functionality of my web app using native code where necessary (adding background GPS geofences, etc) 2. Do I have access to the real modern web stack in the compiled app? For example, does my iOS build support offline caching via my web app's service worker?


1. Can I extend the functionality of my web app using native code where necessary (adding background GPS geofences, etc)

There doesn't appear a reason as to why not? This should be doable.

2. Do I have access to the real modern web stack in the compiled app?

Yes. The webview Red Goose provides is basically the thinnest it could be. All your users get to see on the front end is your choice of web stack.

3. Does my iOS build support offline caching via my web app's service worker?

Yes, it does! [1] Haha! And that's the main reason why I believe there is little value in coding up the whole business logic in native stack again. Although, I could be wrong here, and we are just starting to explore this vertical with the enormous power of PWAs.

[1] https://www.toucaan.com/blog/mobile-apps-with-red-goose

When I focus the text input on your website all your CSS disappears. Chrome on Android.

Not even sure how that's possible.

Very interested in using this as a short term solution for launching on Android. Is there a way to see a preview of the app, interact with it, etc. before we pay? Want to verify everything works.

This reminds me of manifold.js from a few years ago:


Completely broken for me in Firefox. Tried disabling uBlock.

This wouldn't get past the app store review stage, would it (no webview apps)?

I put my website in and all it says is, " Is that site live yet?"

Sorry to hear that. Please send me your website’s address on s@goose.red and I will take a look at what’s happening.

Nothing seem to happen when I click "preview my app!"

obligatory PWA comment:

Progressive Web Apps bypass the need for tools like this BUT Apple's support of PWAs has been suboptimal (hobbling). Of course, you can't get a PWA on the app store (or Google Play store?), but you can get it on your home screen.

If your site is fairly simple and you just don't want to deal with the app store, a PWA may be a decent solution for you. They're not hard to make.

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