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> The title bar area is meant for users to move the Window around

i thought that's what alt-drag was for? maybe microsoft didn't get that memo either...

The most basic of window operations shouldn't require a hotkey.

Rearranging windows on MacOS and Windows now requires video game precision aiming. It is absurd.

What's more, every app places things in different parts of the title bar, so I have to search for "where to click" based on which app window is up. Absurd.

The move to controls in the title bar is absurd. It used to be Windows had standard chrome, title bar, then menu, toolbar, then content area. Now days it is the wild west what UI elements are where.

The most basic of window operations wants to be bound to a hotkey because it's a basic window operation and there should be easy and quick access to it. Linux does this by default and I find it's an indispensable feature.

To get it on Windows search for AltDrag.

The most basic of window operations should have a visual affordance right in the UI because they're basic and no one should have to pause and ask themself "how do I move/resize a window?"

Remember your Bruce Tognazzini. Shortcuts are just that: shortcuts. They are NOT your primary interface. Everything should be visible and usable with just the mouse.

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