Just reading the later variant makes me wonder "What are we (a)waiting for here? For set_debug to succeed?". I'd definitely stick to the former variant.
Perhaps, it's just not the best example and there are better usages than the one chosen to illustrate it.
I'm pretty sure that there's no objection to including named arguments in Rust as of yet. It's just that no one has wanted it badly enough to write an RFC for, and implement, named arguments.
Can’t you pass “argument” structs as parameters to kinda emulate the feel of named arguments (along with using the Default trait)? I use this in C++ a lot, and it seems that some Rust devs are doing this too.
Personally I would be really happy if `..` could default to `..Default::default()` which would make this a lot cleaner. But even then needing to name a type for the argument struct is noisy. Language-integrated keyword arguments would make this a lot cleaner:
Yes, but it is a lot cleaner there because you don't need to specify the name of the type and you don't need to do anything special for optional arguments.
I wouldn't mind if it worked this way "under the hood" but syntax sugar for passing that last argument as keyword arguments would be a fantastic quality of life improvement.
Maybe. It depends a bit on how they are implemented. If there is a good way to pass "default" then you can just have a condition for that one argument. But if there is no way to pass "default" then it can get hairy.
For sure. I would like to see that in Rust as well, that would be nice. I am willing to put up with the lack of variadic & named arguments for the goodness the borrow checker brings me, but I can see how that would improve the ergonomics substantially.
Having both approaches available would be better IMHO. Builder pattern is very nice but I frequently miss having named arguments too. Even if macros can partially fullfill that need, it's not the same and introduces more quirks and complexity...
Please note the programmer needs to implement "IntoFuture" and has full control on what and how it would be translated into a future. The example is implemented like this, but it does not have to be.
I think the concept is that you are awaiting the "request type". And getting back a "response type". The example is somewhat confusing since set_debug() returns a StorageRequest.
With tooling this would make your resulting type be a StorageResponse. The whole point is that you can have that "request type" be awaitable.
You may be thinking of "primitive", "simplistic" or "spartan". Things that are simple to use are not necessarily primitive.
It's simpler for library users, because they don't need to know which particular method finalizes a builder to obtain a future from it, and `.await` just works in more situations.
That's not quite the best example as someone else noted, you could better of write an API where converting to Future can be a shore of in places where await may work in the Future.
Say, `for await x in connection.item {}` not real syntax but something similar might be in Rust's future.
My sibling has the super details, but at a high level:
Rust lets you have generic types on structs and functions:
// T is a generic type parameter, x has type T
fn foo<T>(x: T) -> {
Rust also lets you have "associated types":
trait MyIterator {
type Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
struct Alternate {
state: i32,
impl MyIterator for Alternate {
// because we choose the Item type here...
type Item = i32;
// that determines the type that gets returned down here
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
In today's Rust, `type Item` cannot be a generic type:
// lifetimes are generics, so if you try this...
trait MyIterator {
type Item<'a>;
// you'll get this error message
error[E0658]: generic associated types are unstable
In the near future, combining these two features will be allowed.
I fail to see how hiding self.send() inside of IntoFuture makes anything simpler.
Just reading the later variant makes me wonder "What are we (a)waiting for here? For set_debug to succeed?". I'd definitely stick to the former variant.
Perhaps, it's just not the best example and there are better usages than the one chosen to illustrate it.