5 years ago, after failing with a startup idea and being rejected from YC, I started interviewing founders with the hopes of learning what it takes to find a good idea and build a successful business.
I posted these case studies online (started as a side project) and eventually it turned into a business, and started making enough money for me to go full time on it (starterstory.com).
For the last 5 years I’ve been collecting data for each company we interview, such as revenue, startup costs, age of the company, gross margin, what channels they used to grow, and a ton more.
I’ve put all of this into a searchable, sortable, filterable database and I wanted to get HN’s opinion on the tool, and if you find the data / information useful? Also, would love to hear what other data points you think we should be collecting, or features we should add!
The tool is built with Rails, Postgres database, search functionality using Elasticsearch, and it’s hosted on Heroku.
If ten successful companies do something, you'll think it's a good thing to do. But what if one hundred failed companies do it, too?