I think the people who come up with leetcode problems are just going to be into competitive programming. There are a bunch of tricks that are specific to competitive programming just like there are a bunch of common tricks/themes in IMO problems. And, like in IMO, some of th3 required skills are only relevant to the competition and some are more generally applicable (even if part of the value of competitive programming is just being good at some coding interviews)
> part of the value of competitive programming is just being good at some coding interviews
This is crystallized into leetcode, which trains you for "technical" interviews that consist of solving leetcode problems. It's a circular system.
However, using algorithm puzzles is something of an improvement over old school puzzle interviews where you might have had to solve a rubik's cube, a chess problem, logic puzzles, or an arbitrary "brain teaser."
I wish discussions of such site didn't inevitably become discussions about software engineer interviews. It's a really nice site created by volunteers and I've often had it been the only decent resource online for a particular topic, if you want to use it as a reference their "terse but accurate" style for the prose and the compact working C++ code is really nice. And it covers some topics (e.g. treaps) which I've never seen appear in software engineer interviews.
This comment comes off as a little self-deprecating / resigned.
So I just want to say, don’t underestimate yourself! I think you would be surprised as to how much you can actually achieve/learn + how doable these problems are once your foundation is down.
The potential of the average person is vastly underestimated, and the “gifted”/genius person vastly overhyped.