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The problems that technologies like React, Typescript, NPM, etc. solve are mostly only relevant to startups and corporations needing to write business logic and correlate complex projects between teams. The point of front-end frameworks, for instance, is to reduce the roundtrip cost of requests and server-side code by compiling and rendering as much of the site as possible within the browser - an optimization that doesn't matter for most people, but matters when you're "web scale."

Unfortunately, because the web is serious business, all of that complexity became the standard for the entire ecosystem.

Just using HTML/CSS/JS is considered either regressive or niche. It's called "vanilla js" which only shows how utterly locked in to the enterprise paradigm javascript has become, when what should be the default needs its own genre identifier to differentiate it from "the norm."

Interesting point that "vanilla js" is kind of judgemental, or at least framework-centric. Maybe we should start saying "pure js", or "sparkling, refreshing, clean js", or whatever companies that sell bottled water call it.

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