Very cool! Visualizations of data are very important for helping people understand what's significant.
Years ago I worked on a (now defunct) site for a local NPR station in SoCal that displayed information on fires going on in California, and I incorporated geometry from satellites (MODIS and I think something called VIIRS) to implement a fire spread animation. The user could press a play button and see how the fire spread over time.
In retrospect, that feature is kind of like watching car crashes on replay, but I was and am nevertheless proud to have worked on something like that.
The site is no longer working, but I saved a video of it:
Years ago I worked on a (now defunct) site for a local NPR station in SoCal that displayed information on fires going on in California, and I incorporated geometry from satellites (MODIS and I think something called VIIRS) to implement a fire spread animation. The user could press a play button and see how the fire spread over time.
In retrospect, that feature is kind of like watching car crashes on replay, but I was and am nevertheless proud to have worked on something like that.
The site is no longer working, but I saved a video of it:
EDIT: There were much more interesting spread animations than that but this video is all I have