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I spent way too many hours simulating ants (among other creatures) during Covid lockdown:


Latest version: https://into-the-thicket.s3.amazonaws.com/versions/

Hey there! Nice work building something during lockdown :)

I am also tinkering around with wanting to build a zen-management, ant simulation game. https://meomix.github.io/antfarm/ Mine is going in an entirely different direction than yours, but the base idea seems quite similar.

The vision I am working towards is to build a desire for users to check-in for one minute at the start of each day and tend to their ants. There's a lot of directions this could go, though, and it's been tough for me to confidently determine what I'm optimizing for / iterating towards.

Are you interested in sharing ideas at all?

Related, Ants Sandbox: https://www.ants-sandbox.io/ , recently discussed on HN at: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32043229 .

I am not the author, I just remembered about this submission. Also, I find it fascinating that there are so many ways to approach building this kind of simulator.

Thanks! I agree, there's a surprising amount of tinkering going on in this space and everyone's got a different approach. I'm determined to see it as a lot of opportunity not a lot of competition :D

I think I am going to go ask r/antkeeping what they think makes ants cool and see if there are more emergent behaviors beyond pathfinding that are relevant.

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