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uLisp wireless message display with a Pi Pico W (ulisp.com)
71 points by rcarmo on Sept 5, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I hope HTTP/1.x never goes away. So little projects like this can work.

I've been checking uLisp recently. AFAIK, all sources for it is this single `.ino` file (Arduino variant of C++): https://github.com/technoblogy/ulisp/blob/master/ulisp.ino

Is it so that they built uLisp on top of Arduino SDK? Like can it be ported to rely on STM32 SDK, libopencm3 or FreeRTOS?

There is a uLisp Builder that generates platform-specific builds from a single codebase.

> The uLisp Builder is a set of programs written in Common Lisp to allow you to build a version of uLisp for a particular platform from a common repository of source files.

> The aim of the Builder was to make it easier to maintain uLisp across multiple platforms. Where the C function for a particular uLisp feature is identical on all platforms there is just a single occurrence of that source in the Builder repository.

uLisp Builder - http://www.ulisp.com/show?3F07

GitHub repo - https://github.com/technoblogy/ulisp-builder


uLisp for STM32 boards - http://www.ulisp.com/show?29ST

Repo - https://github.com/technoblogy/ulisp-stm32

Thank you very much!

For STM32, they still use two Arduino SDKs not ST's SDK itself. Same with ESP

That is what is in the docs, essentially (have you read them? They are full of interesting little details).

Quite a fun program.

May pretend to be a national calculator of the 70s and see the result.

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