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So in the example of the parent, he's got a domain name registered somewhere (mydomain.com) and he set, in its MX records, the gmail server. But how does gmail make the connection between that address and your gmail address then?

So normally in the cases like this, you also have to tell Google about this, and you typically do this by using one of their paid-for products like workspaces or apps for business or whatever they call it. So let's say that you decide to host skywall@skywall.example with Google. You pay them for workspaces and you likely tell them "I would like to use this domain I already have, with email". They then tell you "OK, add our servers as your MX record in your DNS, or transfer the whole domain to us and we'll do it for you". In this case we're doing the 'changing the MX records' part.

Now when a sending server asks "where should I deliver skywall.example email" by querying MX skywall.example it gets google's servers and starts an smtp conversation with them, saying "I'd like to deliver a message for skywall@skywall.example". At this point, Google knows it can accept that, so they say yes, and then continue doing whatever they do to check for spam beyond that, including queries for spf and friends.

The reason the parent suggests this is that if at any point you decide to move off Google, you can pay someone else, e.g. fastmail, for their services, and modify your MX record. 24-48 hours later, DNS around the world catches up and everyone will get fastmail as a response when they ask for your MX record. Any new email goes there instead of Google, and thus you aren't 'tied' to the provider: you just have to move all your old email over. Whereas Google cannot let you move a user@gmail.com address, because they can only change the MX records for the whole of gmail.

DNS is the source of truth here. Whatever your MX records are is where other servers will try to contact to send email. The MX record is typically just another DNS address that will be queried for AAAA/A (i.e. what is the IP), and that doesn't need to be on the same domain at all.

Here's an example of what it looks like:

    delv MX ycombinator.com @
    ; unsigned answer
    ycombinator.com.        295     IN      MX      20 alt2.aspmx.l.google.com.
    ycombinator.com.        295     IN      MX      10 aspmx.l.google.com.
    ycombinator.com.        295     IN      MX      20 alt1.aspmx.l.google.com.
    ycombinator.com.        295     IN      MX      30 aspmx4.googlemail.com.
This is me using DELV to ask "where should I send email for ycombinator.com?" and I have four responses. Column 5 tells me the priority. Lower numbers are higher priority. Unsurprisingly, this is Google. But let's see where they host their DNS, shall we?

    delv NS ycombinator.com @
    ycombinator.com.        159148  IN      NS      ns-225.awsdns-28.com.
    ycombinator.com.        159148  IN      NS      ns-1914.awsdns-47.co.uk.
    ycombinator.com.        159148  IN      NS      ns-1411.awsdns-48.org.
    ycombinator.com.        159148  IN      NS      ns-556.awsdns-05.net.
So AWS. So they have separate DNS to Email, and could change those MX records to host their email anywhere else, without needing to change or move ycombinator.com's DNS from AWS.

I'll cover off the SMTP outgoing as well while I'm at it. You _can_ also not run your own outgoing smtp server but use someone else's. The key here is that if you use SPF and DKIM, you should put their IPs into SPF and their keys into DKIM, as that is what the receiving server will use. So smtp.zahllos.example could be replaced by sendgrid, provided in my DNS I say so. This may work better, as sendgrid may have a better reputation than the server I chose.

I learnt about delv for the first time reading your comment and struggled [1] to get the commands you used here to work on my Mac.

Turns out that I have to treat Apple-included binaries of OSS utilities with suspicion and instead use the version maintained by the Homebrew guys.

1: If anyone else is interested, I wrote a short article about it https://ayewo.com/how-to-get-delv-working-on-macos/

delv is the successor to dig, and both are tools that come as part of BIND the DNS server for making queries and debugging DNS. Delv happens to understand DNSSEC a bit better, so if you ever need to debug that, it is handy to have.

In this case dig or delv would be fine. You can also use https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx and pick "MX lookup" to find the MX records. It will also resolve the IPs, both IPv4 and IPv6 (A and AAAA) for you for the returned records.

Their supertool also breaks down SPF records, for example, into their meaning and tells you if they're valid or not. I think other links were posted that do similar things but I haven't had a chance to try them yet.

I've mentioned reverse pointers in various cases, delv can do those lookups too. Here is how you do it: first you find the IP of say mail-ed1-x529.google.com, which happens to be a mailserver of Google that was the last step before my mail server when sending myself a message from gmail. For a bit of a change, this is an IPv6 only server, and it has IP 2a00:1450:4864:20::529. So let's look it up with -x:

    delv -x 2a00:1450:4864:20::529
    ; unsigned answer 43200 IN PTR mail-ed1-x529.google.com.
There are some special domains of the format <reverse-ip-address>.in-addr.arpa and <reverse-ipv6-address-digits>.ip6.arpa that point (PTR) to the DNS name. dig/delv know how to reverse and query appropriately. You can use this for precisely this reason: to look up the intended host. This makes for a nice sanity check during email sending, because in SMTP I can announce myself as any host I like, but the recipient can do a reverse lookup on my IP and see if I'm telling the truth.

One of, but my no means the only, reasons you can't send email from a home connection is because you announce yourself as smtp.zahllos.example but your reverse dns resolves to something like <somegeneratedhostname>.dynamic.residential.isp.com. You can find out yours: type "what is my ip" into google, copy-paste that and do a delv -x on it and see what your "hostname" is according to the internet.

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