While browsing the other day I discovered that there used to be a meetup for London based HN readers[1] that appears to have fizzled out when the organiser moved over to America. This type of thing seems to have been relatively wide-spread in tech hubs at the time[2].
To try and rekindle a local HN readers meetup in London, I have arranged a meetup event here: https://www.meetup.com/london-hacker-news-meetup/events/288139501/
If you are in the London area, feel free to come along and say hi!
[1] http://www.coderholic.com/hacker-news-london-meetup-a-year-on/
[2] https://github.com/antontarasenko/hacker-news-groups
If I'm not mistaken the organisers of HNLondon in its final years were Dmitri Grabov[2] and Stevie Buckley[3].
One recurring issue that I recall was the typical audience member trying to hijack Q&A to promote stuff - i.e. "can I ask a question?" then proceeds to make a comment and pitch their product instead. But that's not isolated to HNLondon.
PS: Big shoutout to Dmitri and Stevie for the awesome events that they put together back in the day.
[1] https://twitter.com/HNLondon/with_replies
[2] https://twitter.com/dmitrigrabov
[3] https://twitter.com/StevieBuckley