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None of these are monopolies. Twitch and AWS are biggest players in their fields, but both have healthy competition

I think it would be way easier to make a case that Microsoft shouldn't be able to buy Activision. It seems like major gaming studios are slowly getting acquired by either Tencent or Microsoft

Vertical integration used to be just as strictly limited for competitive reasons. We know it’s bad, just look at how Amazon leverages it’s sales data to compete against products it sells. They undoubtedly do the same thing with AWS and every other business they own.

I'm not saying they are a Monopoly.

Anti-competitive practices are business or government practices that prevent or reduce competition in a market.

Amazon purchasing a company and forcing them to use their services means their services no longer have to compete against their 'competitors'...

Don’t forget the Embracer Group. A nearly silent megalith of game development studios.

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