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A History of HTML (1998) (w3.org)
52 points by mmastrac on Aug 25, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Real unfolding of the web as it happened can be obtained by perusing the www-talk@w3c.org mailing list archives:


Look at the frenetic discourse around Eolas being granted a patent for "weblets". It's kind of amazing that a bespoke web "grid computer" almost became the standard for 3D viz in the browser. Instead I recall just a lot of fragmentation in the early 3D web: Sun people just used Java applets, MS folks rolled out ActiveX controls, etc.

Eolas MultiVIS™: A Web-based interactive remote visualization environment and navigable volume imagemap system


See also: The Lost Tags of HTML: http://www.the-pope.com/lostHTML.htm

Sir Tim Berners-Lee developed HTML in late 1991 but did not formally release it. HTML 2.0 was released in 1995. HTML 4.01, a significant version, was released in late 1999.

He apparently had been working on this since all the way in 1980 and had a system for his own personal use. Like a lot of things, it wasn’t a stroke of genius in few seconds but rather decades long thinking and mulling over how the linked documents should/can look like.

That brought me teen years memories. When I learned, it was HTML 4.

While a lot of details were common Web folklore, I was not aware that "Wolfgang and the Werewolves" played at WWW1.

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