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Tell HN: Google Cloud suspended our production projects at 1am on Saturday
1313 points by 7tech on Aug 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 508 comments
TLDR; never use google cloud systems for production.

Google cloud suspended all our projects due to the billing issue in their system they had.

Despite reassurances "your account will not be suspended" while communicating with billing support, all the projects were suspended at 1am on Saturday.

All the account payments were made and the billing cards are valid. There are no outstanding bills.

Never use GCP for production.

---- Edit: full story by request, long read: ----

Previous month billing didn't went through. Not sure if this was due to the billing outage google had (https://status.cloud.google.com/products/oLCqDYkE9NFWQVgctQTL/history) or financial transaction issue, however we went ahead and made a manual payment covering all the outstanding amount + extra. Despite the payment made, about a week+ later we suddenly started receiving threatening emails "Your Projects are at risk of suspension". Edited and updated the billing cards. Opened a billing support request clearly mentioning this is a production environment and all the bills are paid. They were "investigating" the issue and assured the project will not be suspended.

This is why my old hosting company changed its auto disconnection code to work at 11am on a Monday morning, never at a weekend.

That way it's the bill-payers that notice and get in touch, not the poor tech on the out-of-hours rota.

Also, it only firewalled the customer's public IPs from the Internet - it didn't stop servers. That way when the account is settled there was often nothing for the techs to do.

Also it was only ever done after the bank reconciliation was marked as complete, just in case...

We relied on goodwill and recommendation of engineers for our growth, so were keen not to make their lives harder for someone else's bureaucratic (or cynical) mistake.

The method you describe seems like the proper way to achieve this thorny issue.

That's how hetzner handles late payments and only does this after 2 warning emails.

That may be true for billing, but Hetzner killed all access to my dedicated server on a weekday afternoon and when I reached out to them within 30 min, the response was “it was done by the networking department, I can’t do anything about it, but they’ll look into it tomorrow..” .. :| wtf?! not okay Hetzner! (My “mistake” was a interface mis-configuration, nothing abusive or otherwise problematic)

In the normal BnB world anyone with a account gets a phone call before they get cut off.

Which hosting company are you referring to?

From his profile:

> Cofounder and former MD of Bytemark, a British hosting company.

A few years ago I was working at a startup and we had just started moving some stuff over from AWS to GCP. Things were going pretty good with GCP until one day they pulled the plug on everything with no explanation. It turns out that our company credit card details had been fraudulently used without our knowledge. The criminal had decided to use the card to buy Google Ad Words or something like that - this is the same card we use on our GCP billing account. Anyway Google just took prod down with no notice on grounds of fraud. Could happen to anyone.

Never mess with Ad Words, that makes the Alphabet Beast angry every time.

I've heard the exact same Ad Words story a few times now, someone used their CC or had at one point in the distant past used with Ad Words and the system flagged it. Everything gone with no warning, no explanation and no way to complain. Even getting to the front page of HN didn't work =)

We were lucky enough that getting to the front page of HN did work for us[1], but it's worth noting that it doesn't even have to be your card! Simply having a card from an issuer (in our case a legit, YC-backed, US-based startup bank) that got flagged was enough to have our account suspended and appeals denied.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32237445

Sounds like credit cards are the wrong payment system for GCP. Do they support direct bank transactions? They definitely should, if they don't trust credit cards (which I can understand).

Not to be glib but it sounds like GCP is the wrong cloud system to use in production. Credit card numbers get stolen and show up in weird places all the time, and the way Google handles these cases shows you what Google thinks of its customers. Why build on such an untrustworthy platform when there are alternatives?

If other cloud platforms can trust and accept them why on earth can't GCP?

Probably because they're easily stolen and popular for fraud.

I'm never going to blame someone for not trusting credit cards. Only if you don't trust them, you should offer a better alternative.

The issue is not trusting credit cars, but how you handle suspected fraud.

Google should know that credit cards can get leaked/stolen. Suspending an account without notification is not the right solution. At least give the customer a chance to defend itself, change payment methods or switch to a different platform.

Totally agree. If they don't trust credit cards, they shouldn't keep customers in the dark and then cancel them out of nowhere, they should offer a better alternative. Treating paying customers like that is terrible in every possible way. The mistake is entirely Google's.

But the person you're replying to didn't use ad words! Someone stole his CC number and used adwords.

Alphabet doesn't care, as far as they are concerned, someone messed with their Holy Money Machine and doesn't deserve to exist.

Again, the "doesn't deserve to exist" refers clearly to a different entity than the paying customer who was punished for zero action of their own.

And again, Alphabet doesn't care =)

"This credit card messed with our money machine, it and everyone connected to it are now permanently blacklisted everywhere on our ecosystem."

They genuinely do not care who did what and whose number it was and who got hurt and whether it was used with or without permission. That CC tried to exploit the mighty money machine and that's it.

Someone needs to pipe ad-words into DALLE and see what the ad-words-as-prompts-as-an-AI-service pumps out. Im out of credits at the moment, else I'd do it.

OK - I am a fully paid person on DALLE and MIDJOURNEY. Someone give me some google adwords prompts to pipe to these "things" (scary fn things - artists are dead)

I hear way too many stories like this about Google products. Whether it's Youtube, AdWords, GCP, or anything else - you get blackholed by them and there's zero recourse.

I just can't trust Google for something like running production services.

Several years back I wanted to try my hand at making an Android app and putting it in the Play Store. I knew ahead of time from reading all the horror stories that it's best to make a second dedicated developer Google account because once you turn an account into a developer account you're basically painting a target on your back to be randomly deleted by the powers that be. Additionally, not sure if this is still the case but at the time once you converted to a developer account you could never change your account's country again.

The last time I tried to make a new Google account it required a valid phone number, so this might require getting a second phone line these days. I wouldn't trust Google to only disable one account if there is a related one using the same number.

Even that won't protect you from being banned if Google ever infers that the two accounts are related.

I just refuse to use Google for anything other than mail at this point.

I even got off gmail because of these horror stories. If they banned my gmail account it would be a major pain and I'd have no recourse.

"can't trust Google"

There, fix that for you. If it's mission-critical, there are better customer-focused solutions out there than Google. Despite their massive brain power, they just can't seem to get dealing with users correctly.

I recall there was a time in my life where I thought that knowing exactly why a project was failing would make me feel better, but it ended up just making me feel worse. Being right while a project crumbles around you is not an accomplishment. Fix what you can, and move on when they get tired of fixing things.

I don't understand why so many people find comfort in being able to blame a vendor for problems that could potentially end in mass layoffs.

  they just can't seem to get dealing with users correctly
I guess internally it is considered a major failure if they ever have to deal with a user vs their automation incorrectly banning users without recourse. :-/

Thing is they have products that we use personally and all of those are linked to GCP. So if we do a chargeback on GCP billing that was by error, nobody to respond, they have the potential to impact ALL of our personal Google accounts.

Doesn't get more dystopian than this. Fuck Google.

Google seems to be a giant case study in "why spend ten minutes doing something when I can spend a week automating it instead?"

How do you have so many employees and yet everything important is run by unsupervised computers?

Sounds like those Whiteboard interviews need to incorporate Graph Deterministic Algorithms for Highly-Dynamic Networks...

Need another Leetcode section on heartlessly screwing your SaaS customers.

Wasn't there an algorithm for that?

Yes, It’s called the Google hiring process.

It sounds like they need a whiteboard session on something like “policy engine to decouple billing status from service status”.

For Google a customer is a data point in their machine learning set (hopefully weighted by revenue). The decisions are made by a ML model. If you treat your relationship with Google as such from the beginning, you can extract some value if you use Google for near zero value use cases - spam/marketing emails, disposable non-real time computations, Adwords/AdSense on spammy sites.

Not sure if having an Android phone is safe enough for critical use, because it's entirely tied to a Google account.

GrapheneOS.org, use sandboxed webapps &/or profiles.

Does it have push notifications (Google Firebase)?

This, either be big enough for a dedicated account representative (do they even offer that?) or use for noncritical workloads.

Does this not cover everything people need right here?

$29/m + 3% of monthly spend https://cloud.google.com/support/docs/standard

Or alternatively $500/m + 3% of monthly spend https://cloud.google.com/support/docs/enhanced

Credit cards in general sound like a shitshow that maybe the consumer have the stomach for, but it should never be used for critical business processes. Doesn't Google accept more reliable forms of payment?

A suggestion for engineers that lack business experience. As soon as your project grows beyond the non-hobby scale and starts making real money, invest some time to reach out to company providing the services that keep it alive and find an account manager that will take care of you.

We're a Google customer and of course we had our fair share of issues (btw: it's the same with Azure, based on our experience), and we always escalate to our account manager. That usually starts turning the wheels much faster.

Also, do not be afraid to ask your account manager for additional discounts. Everybody in sales has some wiggle room to get you a better deal. With Google their account manager actually suggested that we work through a reseller and we're getting % off the list prices.

Dealing with Google, Amazon, etc.. is not like dealing with code. It's not only transactional and you need to invest some time in the relationship even if you're the customer.

I found the Azure reps to be completely useless for any of the actual problems.

I worked for couple of really big enterprises, one of which had such a high commitment that Azure sent two engineers to sit with the teams working on their cloud. Highest level Enterprise support .. and yet for actual non-obvious problems it took them a month to reply with: can't help you with this, you must be doing it wrong.

This was techsupport tho, I'm sure the billing for multi-million commitments was just fine and dandy including wining and dining.

One other company was a big AWS user (and some Office365 so there were Azure pitches too) and GCP tried to get in with the business as well. When we went to their offices the level of patronizing smug that came from their reps was astonishing, so off-putting that I refused all further interaction with them as I wanted to barf.

I worked for one of Azure's biggest customers and our account management teams were fantastic. A few individuals were some of my favorite people I've worked with. That's where all the talent in the Azure support org goes- promoted to the biggest contracts.

Yes the big fish get attention and the small fish get ignored. Welcome to the B2B universe. If you're a small business relative to the scope of your counterparty, you generally won't get good service or have any leverage.

Seek out resellers or providers who are closer to yourself in size. You want it to hurt a bit if they lose your business. Of course you can go too far the other way as well, if you're a large client of a small company you'll probably get good service but they will be living parasitically off of you which isn't healthy and they may not be able to respond quickly enough if your needs grow.

I see this for actual service providers that have full control over their business, but if you have resellers of similar size as your own org, don't you end up with the problem that they are about as important for the big provider as you are and you are as screwed as before when things go wrong?

You comment reminded me of what my dad said about service contracts from IBM back in the 1970's. They promise they'll get a tech on site in 24 hours. They don't promise he'll know how to do anything.

just like any other reps from Microsoft services, just completely useless.

I have dealt with Google and AWS under 4 different companies that spent between low double digit to high triple digit a month.

General view:

* AWS - Great customer service. Steak house level customer service when moved from cc billing to contract billing.

* GCP - terrible service regardless of spend and regardless of dynamic or contract billing. AM do not know products. AM's are equivalent of BOA branch employees that solve a problem by calling the same number the customer calls and give the phone to the customer who came to see them in their branch, except that the customer service phone is the same opaque process the customer is subjected to. The only GCP product that had good customer service was the original App Engine, supported out of Germany ( I think ). We could get in touch with engineers responsible for it over video chat.

Same experiences here. AWS was awesome. They did crazy things I wouldn’t expect like spend days in person and join us at equinix colo to get the direct connect working. We didn’t even spend that much relatively, under $100k/mo.

THIS. I love how AWS AM go out of their way to deliver, where as Google's AM simply start to ghost you when the conversation gets to heated or not contributing to their bonus cheques.

As I've said and others have experienced, GCP's AM are killing their business and we've built up everything around AWS. There's no need to even learn Terraform, all of what we do are automated anyhow without it. CDK is enough.

Screw Google, screw Azure.

> ...simply start to ghost you when ...

I read that as "g-host"

At a prior gig we were using their FPGA instances and had a way of causing hard faults on the system that required reboots, with specific FPGA bitstreams. Their systems monitored this and when we reached out about it they scheduled at least 2-3 different calls with the engineers/PIs who were directly responsible so we could coordinate with them and help pin down the issue to get things working. We were literally renting by the hour; I don't even think we had an account manager, with variable costs; maybe a few hundred to 3k a month?

The funniest thing was that we got about a million in CAF bucks from them to go contract and move more stuff from AWS ( our monthly was low triple digits thousands ) and their AMs still messed everything up.

Ironically enough, the last time I was "Courted" by google cloud to move some of our infra there (after it went public that we had raised a round), they were up front about how their "account management sucks" and that we'd have a better "customer experience" if we went through a reseller.

That...always sticks out to me, but, when dealing with the Google Education folks, there were some things that even resellers couldn't do, and I had to email people directly (via LinkedIn stalking) only to have my issue disappear a few days later with no reply.

Thing is parent's advice is horrible because the account manager at google simply started to ignore my billing issues. Like I could reach out to no one, the account manager realized I was going to leave and stopped responding.

So the "make sure you invest in an account manager" is not really an option at Google. AWS does this very proactively.

Unfortunately after 5 years, I can still see Google Cloud screwing over their customers like this. They seem determined to send more customers to AWS.

This is an easy way to accelerate the sale without having to do any of the leg work. The same thing happens when people use procurement vendors like SHI.

As a sales person I'm thinking sweet, I get to send a PO to SHI for example, I don't have to negotiate price, volume discounts, or go back and forth with legal departments depending on whos paper we used. You just need to approve and I get paid, probably quicker than if I used an internal deal desk.



I had amazing AWS reps, that I had a good personal relationship. Request your rep to visit your office, and have lunch.


The best reps I had from AWS moved to GCP, and while I couldnt move my loads from AWS to GCP, I still had a good relationship with them. One of the best things an account rep can do is understand your business, and, in my case, actually pushed for changes in the system to our benefit based on how we were using the system.

They have evolved a lot since that occurred, but a good rep is going to seriously push for your success. (They want you to be successful and increase your use! :-) and thats a good ting)

So, make requests for your reps to meet with you face to face.

Someone should invent a sue-as-a-service ("SaaS") where you can just sue companies in a couple clicks if they shutdown your services or have bad account management that leads to downtime.

Considering the problems are repetetetive, the legal documents can easily be templated and reused and the victim would not have to waste much time or effort in court. Scale the lawyers just like we scale cloud instances.

Maybe even have a way to programmatically sue based on automated downtime metrics.

The reason this hasn't been done is that the ToS for all enterprise-scale cloud services would prevent success, either by requiring arbitration vs. litigation, or via a disclaimer of liability.

If it's so easy to prevent someone from ligitating why don't all small businesses do this? For example, why don't restaurants have you sign a ToS on the menu saying that by ordering you agree to not ligitate?

The Google search URL linked below returns 285M results:


Isn't that what a class-action lawsuit is for?

I don't know how to start one. It would be nice to have an API to deal with that for me.

This is sound advice in my experience. The last company I worked with who was utilizing Google Cloud had a great experience, an account manager and a reseller who offered training as well.

after Azure sunk my employers project with no recourse or discussion allowed, I always advise everyone I meet to run far away from Azure if they value a reliable service.

"No discussion allowed" sounds impressive, almost like legal impetus was involved. What parts of the story can be shared?

I think when the parent commend said "no discussion allowed", it was in the context of "no recourse", not that they got some sort of a pseudo-gag-order.

I.e., basically meaning that Azure refused having any further discussions between then and the parent user, as attempts to resolve that specific case. Not that they dont't allow the parent comment user to talk about it with others on HN (or elsewhere).

I dug into the archives, every attempt to discuss or resolve the issue got shut down with the boilerplate text of:


Greetings for the day!

I have received an update from Account Research Team: As part of our strong commitment to the protection of our customers and our interest in preserving the quality and integrity of the Azure Marketplace, we perform supplementary reviews of accounts which may exhibit irregular or suspicious activity. Your account was selected for one of these reviews and after careful consideration, this account will remain closed.

Please understand that we keep security checks like these in place in order to protect the quality and integrity of the Azure Marketplace


The ridiculous thing.. my employer makes huge use of Office365? We signed up for Azure via a slightly different path with no issues.. but I know this could be pure chance it just happens to work as the service could be teetering on a precipice of arbitrary policy application and the rug could be pulled from under it any second with the same infuratingly cheery account deletion..

Pretty sure your parent poster just meant "they cut you off and you can't do absolutely anything about it".

lol. trying to get an actual human being at google to talk to you is an insane task if you’re not a substantial sized account.

That’s a good suggestion - it worth noting it comes with a cost (eg X% of your cloud bill) but you get much better interaction with the support and service team.

AWS sometimes even connects small players with service team PMs and managers. It was really great but probably only for greenfield services

> it worth noting it comes with a cost (eg X% of your cloud bill) but you get much better interaction with the support and service team.

An account manager doesn't cost you anything - neither would a CE (or SE). There would likely be a minimum spend required, or if you're below that a commit, but there's no %age of annual spend charged for having an AM. In reality, and AM will save you money, as you can negotiate with them, whereas you can't with a website.

Generally, all cloud providers have two ways of engaging with and billing customers. One is using a credit card, which is very easy for getting started. The other one is having an established relationship with a sales / account team and setting up billing by invoice. Smaller companies sometimes don't understand that and stick with credit card billing for too long. Once you move to production and have your own customers that you can't let down, you should really make the extra effort and move to invoice billing (with all the upfront overhead that entails).

Ah yes, it was the customer's fault. Stupid customer using method recommended by service provider.

It's like looking both ways when crossing the road despite the light telling you that you can go. Sure you have right of way and if a car hits you, it's their fault. But at the end of the day, you are the one getting hit by the car.

Google is at fault for how they handled it, but the parents comment is still good advice for anyone reading this thread.

How are you supposed to trust a company who told you they wouldn't screw you because of their own error, then screwed you anyway? Having a relationship with them doesn't matter if they still can't be trusted to do business. The type of payment method you use is not a factor that plays into whether you can trust your vendor.

I don't think you can. My takeaway from this discussion is definitely that GCP is only suitable for toy projects, and not for serious production stuff that requires continuity.

This is a fundamentally unserious point unless you want to add more qualifiers.

I’m pointing to this as evidence https://cloud.google.com/customers

I feel like a lot of the problems that people run into with GCP are avoided with two main components.

Number one you should look seriously at the “enterprise” designation for different products and services if you are looking for long term stability and guarantees about the future (details: https://cloud.google.com/apis/docs/resources/enterprise-apis) and secondly you need to buy actual customer support as an add on if you want to avoid the “I had to hit the front page of HN to actually speak to someone” scenario https://cloud.google.com/support

or just cluster over several other providers and make sure to test failover

the main problem with azure/aws/gcp is that their parent companies will track everything you and others do, and then close every related thing because they have enough market share to not give a fuck about you.

There are more than enough blog posts of enterprise customers running into random issues with the big thing, buying "big three, promise edition" isn't much of an assurance.

I'd suspect most of those customers have rapid migration plans written up. For a reason.

> I'd suspect most of those customers have rapid migration plans written up.

I can assure you from experience that most large customers do not. For either major cloud, most large customers will have adopted proprietary services like AWS Redshift or GCP's Cloud Bigtable or Bigquery. None of these have anything like the possibility of a "rapid migration".

I'm not sure GCP really comes up in discussions about "either major cloud". Distant third place, looking more like becoming fourth before they get to second.

I feel like you’ve just ignored everything I mentioned, made up a bunch of hand wavy stuff and ended up with what might be actively the worst idea (multi-cloud) as a solution.

Not sure what to say in response here…

As I mentioned elsewhere, this is a sign of imbalance in the relationship. If you are too small to matter to Google or even to your account rep at Google, then you should not be using them.

It's well known that Google does bare minimum customer support, was that considered during vendor selection?

>How are you supposed to trust a company who told you they wouldn't screw you because of their own error, then screwed you anyway?

I mean, it's an error.

Sure, it's infuriating, and in worst-case could financially harm (or cripple) your business. But Google didn't intend for it to happen. That makes no sense from a business perspective.

So, as others here suggest, you have to plan around the fact that mistakes like this can happen, especially when you're small.

I think the difficulty is (ESPECIALLY with Google and suspected fraud) that when they make a mistake, getting it corrected is basically impossible unless you know a person on the inside like an established account manager or a highly ranked exec.

I'd be inclined to think it's simply an error if people didn't return to HN to post strikingly similar stories month after month. Meanwhile, I rarely hear of similar stories with AWS or Azure or IBM or any other similar service.

According to the OP, Google assured them a suspension wouldn’t happen then did it anyway.

In the car analogy it’s akin to looking the driver in the eyes and them signalling to you it’s safe to cross, only to hit the gas and run you over as you do. No amount of looking both ways before crossing would have saved you.

It sounds more like they looked both ways, they saw a car, they made eye contact and the driver gestured for them to cross, then when they began to cross the driver ran them over. And now they’re getting advice to never cross streets as a pedestrian. Sound advice can also be victim blaming.

I got hit by a car in a situation similar to this. They made eye contact (I thought), were slowing down, and still hit me anyway by accelerating, despite me having the right of way on a bike. Turns out it was the first time they used the car, 1 minute into the drive and their focus was somewhere else.

I would say the advice here is, wait until the car is basically stopped before you cross the street rather than trusting it will because you think all the signs say they will. I do think this is solid advice for the production systems as well. All the signs can point to yes, but making extra assurances to avoid the bad path is valid for something critical like your production systems (or your life).

> wait until the car is basically stopped

you mean like an email literally saying they acknowledge the situation and won't suspend your account?

In my experience, when dealing with vendors having an account manager can fix these kind of problems and prevent them.

Most places outsource their support to global teams don't have access. If you have an AM , in many places, they receive the same notice you receive, also they will personally send it and address it to you with a reminder. They also have a lot more sway as the sales side of every company has the power so they can get around all the process issues.

As the other commenter posted above, if you can have an account manager where you have critical services, it will provide you safety at the cost of a higher spend or minimum spending amounts.

Edit: Had about $1mm in GCP spend and couldn't open a ticket to get windows running properly. It took a week to find the AM and a day after he had it fixed.

Paying extra is not a viable solution for not receiving what one has already paid for.

I think an email from support is more like "confirmation that they checked whether the car has seen me".

I'm not sure how successfully you've dealt with support with companies, but I have almost never been able to rely on the promises of a support agent, as they are simply not the ones actually making the decisions (in this case on whether your account gets suspended or not).

A support agent is supposed to speak on behalf of the company. If they say "your account will not be suspended for this issue", and the company then suspends the account for that issue, that should be grounds to sue.

Sure, I don't disagree and it's silly/illegal when it happens, but this doesn't mean you can't protect yourself (sometimes without much more effort) to prevent damage or even just more effort. I think most people have spoken to a support agent who said they'd cancel a phone/broadband contract, or worse, had to do something slightly off script and then confirmed that the agreed XYZ would happen?

Regularly XYZ does not happen, or not exactly in the way you agreed. They cancel your broadband too late, or your internet starts a few weeks too late, etc. You can try to get compensation, or even sue, but some of the damage has already been done at that point. While this okay for temporarily overpaying broadband, this is probably not the case for a company's main production system, where the risk is very high. The company might not even survive to sue.

sounds more like you want a written and signed letter from the driver that they don't intend to restart the car, co-signed by their spouse

If a driver gestures to cross and hits the brakes and the brakes don't work it's hard to blame the driver if they didn't design the car. Just saying it might be more of a technical issue and the behaviour probably wasn't normal/expected.

In this situation, the driver is at fault and everyone can sue the manufacturer/mechanic. Back to Google: they are at fault and responsible for damages, period. What benefit is there in differentiating a company from an employee authorized to communicate and act on their behalf?

I don’t take GP’s comment that way. I take it as a suggestion for how to avoid issues. I try not to be quick to judge when someone is offering helpful information.

Hang on - what would you do if you were running a business with hundreds of thousands of users and someone doesn't pay? Was it an accident? has the customer gone bust, or died, or are they trying to defraud you and get a month or two of free service.

Credit cards are exceptionally finicky, very susceptible to fraud, and payment can often fail. They're great for one off purchases and services that don't matter if they don't go through - but not suitable unless you're going to check that payments are made, which the OP seems not to have done. Perhaps GCP notifications should be better (I've experience the similar scenario with AWS and everything got fixed within a day) - but surely its up to the customer to make sure they pay.

I actually had some payment troubles with Linode a few months back; I had cancelled one of my bank accounts and forgot the CC there was tied to Linode, and because credit cards are not very common where I live and it can take a bit to request one so I couldn't "just" pay. Oops!

100% a mistake on my part of course; I emailed Linode, explained the above, and they said "sure, is 3 weeks time enough to sort it out? I've delayed any action on your account until such-and-such date but let us know if you need more time".

I've been a Linode customer for several years, paying about $100/month. Just a guy running some small things, hardly a big customer.

If Linode can do it, then surely Google can. Yes, you will probably have the occasional non-payment, but is kicking your people off your platform for a simple administrative mistake/mixup that much better? Accepting the occasional non-payment is better than kicking off people at the drop of a hat. I've since paid several more $100/month to Linode and everyone won in this situation: Linode because they kept a customer who will keep paying, and me because I could get my stuff sorted without having to worry about having my services cancelled.

Google's policy is simply short-sighted on every level, and harms Google's business interests too. The reason they can do things like this is because they have money to spare. Every business that's not swimming in cash like Scrooge McDuck treats their customers like this; the "big tech" company are the exceptions.

Linode stopped my services because of 20$ outstanding balance that I ignored for two weeks (was on vacation). When I tried to update the payment method, the card wasn't accepted, and after a few tries I got an error message that I made too many attempts and wouldn't be allowed to change it for the next 24h.

Fortunately they have customer support, and 5 minutes after emailing them they resumed my services again.


On GCP you're basically SOL

> If Linode can do it, then surely Google can.

No, because Linode is using humans to interact with you. Google will not humans in those situation, their mantra is to automate everything so they can scale up with minimal human effort, even when it doesn't make sense to scale up that way.

That's just a choice Google made. They can do it like Linode, they just choose not to.

I hope they can also automatically scale down when their customers flee to the competition.

oh it makes sense for them, it just doesnt make sense if youre a customer.

Your rhetorical questions don't match OPs story. According to OP they did pay, manually, not even by credit card.

> however we went ahead and made a manual payment covering all the outstanding amount + extra

(the entire last paragraph of OPs text has those and more details)

I suggest not using and then arguing with and against fantasized stuff when we are talking about a concrete problem for which we have a concrete description, no?

Given that OP paid, of what use is your objection about non-paying customers here?

You also omit this important part:

> They ... assured the project will not be suspended.

> Your rhetorical questions don't match OPs story. According to OP they did pay, manually, not even by credit card.

That's fair enough - somehow I completely misread/understood that part of the post.

But my main point was that you should never be using credit cards for services that you rely on - particularly when billing/payment is automated and hidden from you. Credit card payments and checks fail regularly (10%+ for recurring payment charges) for legitimate (you don't have funds) and less legitimate reasons (a banks AI system thinking the charge looks fraudulent due to something outside of your account etc). Vendors are likely to stop the service as soon as they can get away with so they don't loose money.

A “manual” payment on GCP is usually still by credit card. You just set the amount by hand and hit submit, instead of the scheduled auto-bill.

It's simple - you give them notice during local working hours (i.e. not the weekend), that way the customer has time to rectify, and if they don't you can take action and have proof of warning them of the consequences of ignoring the notification. If they are having payment issues, it affords both parties time to discuss the issues and see what can reasonably done. It's called customer service - something that Google clearly struggles with.

I run a business with thousands of users. When payment fails, I try again eight times over two weeks. You get notices each time. There's no surprises. There's no excuse for shutting someone off abruptly for credit card issues.

I strongly disagree. The host must reach out to the customer, person-to-person, before shutting off a service.

This is the line where HN becomes not so useful. Maybe try to imagine there are other professions beyond engineering that have existed in parallel that have their way doing things oh I don't know like following standards and best practices in accounting.

If you are providing someone a service, and you rely on a third party to provide that service, and that third party screws you over, then by extension, you are screwing over your customers.

That is your fault, and your customers have every right to blame you. You are responsible for the due diligence on which providers you use.

Blaming a 3rd party might absolve you of some of the blame, but your still not providing the service you agreed to provide.

And before you try to suggest anything else, the condition here was "having customers you can't let down."

You have customers you can't let down. That's the context.

I'll counterargue with a saying from the driving context; "The graveyard is full of people who were `right`."


For the record, I was being sarcastic and do not actually believe it was the customer's fault. I believe this is an abhorrent way of running business by Google.

Right, but I think your sarcasm was misplaced. It is actually possible for customers to make a mistake. These mistakes are relatively easy to prevent. It could be that in this particular case there wasn't anything the OP could have done and they are simply unlucky. But that's very unlikely.

All - absolutely all - the evidence we have seems to show that Google was completely wrong - that a payment didn't go off because of a known Google outage, that the company then made a manual payment, but started to receive threatening messages, that they appealed to billing who told them they were safe, but then the site was cut off in the middle of the night on the weekend.

Your argument appears to be this: "Facts are unimportant: the customer is almost certainly wrong in every case."

Epistimological check-in: we don't actually have any evidence, except for a very high level story from the OP without much relevant detail. So all we have is the base rate, which is in almost all cases when there are billing problems they are at least to some extent because of negligence or fraud on the part of the customer.

The base rate of building problems is that the customer screwed up, and the base rate of Google support problems is that Google is negligent. I'm not sure how to compare these.

> These mistakes are relatively easy to prevent.

Assuming one knows about them. How would one learn about them, without making the same mistakes themselves?

Most of it will actually be documented by your provider, and is often pretty obvious. For example, if you're paying with card, have at least one extra as backup payment method (which most providers allow and recommend). For extra safety: make one of these cards a pre-paid debit card loaded with enough money to pay for at least one month. The one thing you don't want to happen is to miss a payment, which could happen for many reasons that aren't under your full control, like a technical problem with one of the cards, a fraud detection false positive rendering your card invalid, etc. And once you are unable to complete a payment, that's when the trouble begins.


> For example, if you're paying with card, have at least one extra as backup payment method (which most providers allow and recommend).

Please don't generalize. There are many countries where credit cards aren't common, and applying for just one (and getting it approved) can already involve a lot of work and take lots of time. Such as: the bank and the national credit authority needing to do a thorough credit check, you having to supply proof of identity and stable income, the bank having to register your new line of credit with the national credit authority, etcetera. Applying for multiple CC's, if at all possoble, only adds more trouble: your registered total amount of credit will rise (even if you haven't used any of it yet) which can limit your options for any other loans like a mortgage, a car loan, a subscription, and so on.

That's true - it's a rather privileged view to assume that everyone all over the world enjoys the same facilities, I know that. If you are somewhere where you can't have services people from rich countries consider basic, like credit cards, then you are left out. That sucks. Hopefully the more decentralized internet being built these days will be a solution.


When the due invoice represents less than 5% of your lifetime value, the least they can do is eat the cost and wait for you to resolve the payment, because, at worst, they’ll lose 5%.

I have taken your advice and will keep this in mind when dealing with cloud providers in the future. That said, I still place the blame on cloud providers when things like this happen.

And then you get hit by the car, even though the light was green. Doesn't help you, does it?

More like: the driver stops and gestures me to walk over the road. As I step in front of the car, they suddenly jump on the gaspedal and drive over me.

Using Google is kinda like trying to cross a 10 lane highway without getting hit.


What is this fud? Both AWS and Azure won't suspend your account for several months, even with charges failing. Especially not if you're communicating with them. It's incredibly easy to get a hold of human support in case of the other clouds.

My company isn't very big (we spend in the very low five-figures with Azure per month) and yet we were assigned an "Azure Success Manager" (or something close to that) who I have a standing monthly phone call with, and can reach out to at any time to oversee any issues that may come up. We actually did have a billing issue come up a while ago (it was Microsoft's fault) and although our account wasn't in any real danger of being shut off, she stayed on top of the case and made sure it got resolved quickly.

> we spend in the very low five-figures with Azure per month

That's over $100,000 a year, at that point having a Key Account Manger (or Success Manager or whatever) to talk to should be the expectation.

I agree. But although I've never used GCP, I get the feeling that an account of my size would not get the same treatment.

That's because Microsoft understands and hires humans for customer support.....

That’s awesome customer service! Thanks for sharing.

Had AWS payment issues at one company spending ~$20k/mo. Had some technical issues trying to catch the bill up. Contacted support, obviously concerned. It was entirely a non-event to them. Basically just said as long as you're in contact with us, we're not gonna shut anything off don't worry about it. And... they didn't.

At other companies where we've had an active and involved account rep literally just shot off one email and got back a "no worries, I put a block on the account so it can't be suspended without my approval".

I know in the past I've had personal accounts go a couple months in the red when a card expired and I wasn't staying on top of the emails.

These sorts of things are really only an issue with one specific provider.

I forgot to pay 200$ Azure bill on a test account for 3 months because I missed the mails. They just waived that one after 3 months without me even requesting and I've been paying since. Google is just hostile to everyone by default.

We use Azure and Linode for all of our cloud services. The number one reason: we can contact human support at any time and we have a designated customer success manager. In many situation this proved to be critical, especially for resolving paiement issues, etc

yes, in my experience, AWS keeps running everything as is when there is a problem with the payment method or a disagreement about bill

Ofc they don’t. Because they charge A LOT for the service. Even if the chance of the customer paying is just 30% it’s probably still a profit (it’s mostly licensing costs you pay with cloud bills, infrastructure costs are maybe 20% of it; hardware, electricity, cooling). And on the way they can charge a lot of late fees, that raises profit even more.

These type of stories, that appear regularly on HN, seem in the vast majority, related to only one specific provider.

Google is just horrible, when it comes to any form of support, paid or not. They make paypal look helpful by comparison.

I really can't understand why anyone would use any of their services. Support counts. It's one of the first things I look at, when evaluating any external partner. What does it cost, how long does it take for it to happen, etc?

Whatever anyone else says in this thread, that's what you need to determine for yourself. Whatever company, what is the support channel like, how responsive is it?

If you don't know? If you can't get immediate emergency response and support, and I mean immediate, then why are you even hosting there?

> Google is just horrible, when it comes to any form of support, paid or not. They make paypal look helpful by comparison.

We have been running production on Google Cloud for six years. We are not a large customer: our spend is in the low five figures. We pay for a middle-tier support plan and support has been excellent during this entire period. We very rarely need to take advantage of it, since the underlying systems are extremely stable and almost never cause us any issues (compute engine, GKE, GCS, Memorystore, Firebase, CloudSQL, etc). Just thought casual readers of this thread could use a counterpoint.

Good for you, but if you used the service only "very rarely," I don't think you've experienced the problems that are being discussed here. I had signed up for paid support for a project a while back and remember having so much trouble even paying for it (some trouble with invoices), let alone get any value out of it, that I ended up canceling it.

Exactly our experience too. We are extremely happy with the stability and quality of their services.

> I really can't understand why anyone would use any of their services.

I can speak to this because a few months ago when I started a project, I went with Firebase. At the time the rationale was, I need something more complex than Netlify/Vercel, but not AWS that will suck up all my time figuring out IAM roles and other dumb stuff.

It helped speed things up in the prototyping stage, but I will likely move my infra over to AWS soon.

Google tech is the best. Google invented k8s, their k8s cloud is the best in the world. There's nothing similar to GKE Autopilot. Similar things could be said about some other services. People want the best cloud and they hope that those issues won't affect them.

We're heavy k8s users at work. We used to use GKE, now we use a mixture of EKS and bare metal after migrating most stuff away from GCP. Honestly, GKE isn't better than k8s anywhere else in any meaningful way at all.

You can just use default K8 without any added service. It works well enough. There is no obligation to use GC for K8. There are a lot of good base K8 providers.

Google has some good tech and then most part of the cloud is just years behind. Want an example: you can't configure the gcp docker registry [EDIT: artifact registry] to cleanup images automatically (after a number of days or number of images or anything).

This is total standard in AWS and the ticket for this on GCP has been open for many years now.

Isn’t GCR backed by a GCS bucket in your own project? Can’t you configure object lifecycle management on said GCS bucket?

GCR is deprecated and I'm using Artifact Registry. (sorry for the confusion)

That is not backed by GCS buckets - if it were, I'm sure that I would have found this solution while searching the web.

But even if: I would like to e.g. keep the latest 100 images always. I doubt this would be possible with a simply GCS polcy without writing custom code or something like a cron job.

> But even if: I would like to e.g. keep the latest 100 images always. I doubt this would be possible with a simply GCS polcy without writing custom code or something like a cron job.


> GCR is deprecated and I'm using Artifact Registry. (sorry for the confusion)

You're right that this functionality seems to not be built into the Artifact Registry backend (and that's weird†), but it does still exist: see https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcr-cleaner (found linked from https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry/docs/docker/manag...), and specifically the `keep` flag for it.

Note also how the project is hosted under the GoogleCloudPlatform GH org. To me, when I see GCP projects that are set up like this (in the GH org but disclaimed as "not official" in the GCP docs), this suggests that Google engineers built it knowing it's a pain point; and those engineers will support it to the best of their ability in the capacity of being maintainers of this open-source project; but Google as a company don't want to officially support it (yet), and so your GCP support contract won't get you any business-level support for it.

It's sort of like how, in Postgres, there is code which is maintained by the Postgres maintainers, but which lives under contrib/ as an extension. It's essentially a lability-waiver for that component.


† I do have a guess as to why Google do things this way. At least where dev tools are concerned, Google seems to eschew the usual distributed-systems architecture for long-running jobs (of having a thin API client binary that submits jobs to a cloud-side control-plane daemon, which then drives the job forward, and which can then be polled/subscribed for job status by said client.) Rather, Google seemingly have a philosophy of designing local fat clients that reach into the cloud to drive backend processes as the "control node" for those processes. The Cloud Dataflow (⇒ Apache Beam) architecture is designed this way, for example. I believe it's the reason that the Google Cloud SDK ships with so many binaries — there are a lot of fat clients in there that actually drive logic, rather than just sending messages to daemons that drive the logic.

And, presuming developers are issued good workstations, I can see the advantages of this architecture. A local control node synchronously knows its own status, rather than having to poll for it; a local control node can use local resources (like how Cloud Dataflow can consume and produce local files on the ends of the pipeline with the same streaming efficiency as a regular CLI text-processing shell command); and an operation started by mistake, with local control, can be cancelled by just ctrl+c-ing the control process.

Depending on how you design the client, it can also "mandate manual usage" — i.e. ensure that the developer is interactively running the process for the process to proceed, and therefore that said dev is available in case anything goes wrong. (I've personally dropped [async daemon-driven] Continuous Deployment, in favor of this sort of "synchronous dev-workstation-driven deployment.")

I wish someone at Google would write up a paper on this philosophy; it's pretty clearly implicit in a lot of their work, but I've never seen it mentioned explicitly anywhere. (Maybe it's just one dev-tools lead who has influenced a lot of these projects, doing what they think is "obvious"?)

> https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/lifecycle#numberofnewe...

That is object specific though, so probably won't work unless I use exactly one image.

> derefr 3 hours ago | parent | context | flag | on: Tell HN: Google Cloud suspended our production pro...

> But even if: I would like to e.g. keep the latest 100 images always. I doubt this would be possible with a simply GCS polcy without writing custom code or something like a cron job.


> > GCR is deprecated and I'm using Artifact Registry. (sorry for the confusion) > > You're right that this functionality seems to not be built into the Artifact Registry backend (and that's weird†), but it does still exist: see https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcr-cleaner (found linked from https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry/docs/docker/manag...), and specifically the `keep` flag for it.

No, it does not "exist". It's either builtin and then it exists, or it doesn't. What you linked is a way for me to build it myself. And I found this AND this solution is even linked in the years old Google ticket. And guess what, they didn't build it. On AWS no problem. As I said: years behind.

Sure, I can setup my own cron job (or here cloud run function / github action). But that's not what I expect from a leading cloud vendor. This is not a niche feature!

Please don't defend it, Google doesn't deserve it. Credits to whoever build the 3rd party solution, but Google really failed here.

> Depending on how you design the client, it can also "mandate manual usage" — i.e. ensure that the developer is interactively running the process for the process to proceed

Just no.

Let's face it: Google is just too incompetent to do it. Not the developers there, but the company as a whole in the way it is organized. Even IF it were as you said and it would be a philosophy, they could say that close the ticket, but it's still open.

I can list you dozens of similar things with GCP and related Google services.

Yeah I agree overall. BigQuery, Spanner, Cloud Run, Pub/Sub, Vertex AI. Like all clouds, some of the services suck, like Data Fusion, but overall the services work well and work well together. In particular, the way Google Cloud makes authentication and permissions seamless is amazing. Google does struggle with support though.

K8S runs well on all major cloud providers. You can run it on premise without licensing costs quite well (for example k3s, rancher, …). Or fully managed with Open Shift.

AWS, Azure and GC are all on the same level. Any of them gives you „the best“ technology.


This is recent topic and you can see that so many people prefer GKE. That's not my opinion.

Sure, any cloud works good enough.

Last time I used AKS (~1yr ago) it was a joke compared to GKE.

> Google tech is the best.

True, but unfortunately they are literally the worst at customer service.

A fellow I know used to do contract work with GCP. Same horror stories.

It would be nice if Google actually told their customers that this is an option. As a result of your post, I realise that I quality for invoiced billing and have just applied for it. Thanks!

If I had an "established relationship with a sales / account team" then yeah, perhaps I would have been informed. Unfortunately my experience is that unless you're spending above some relatively high threshold (>$10k/mo? >$100k/mo? >$1m/mo?) then Google don't prioritise your business.

> Smaller companies sometimes don't understand that [...] you should really make the extra effort

Let me get this straight. This company does everything they were supposed to, paid on time, and Google's own error cuts them off, and you are blaming them?!?

You don't know that. Maybe that's the case (I'm sure it happens sometimes), but most likely it isn't.

I think it’s fair not to take any given story at face value, without ”receipts” to back it up. You however seem to me to go in the other direction and barely want to give OP the benefit of the doubt. What details would you like to see in order to be convinced?

From your profile I clicked through to your LinkedIn via your website, and I think it would’ve been becoming of you to disclose that you were a senior engineering manager at Google Cloud up until earlier this year, given the context of the discussion and your stance on it.

And now I work for the competition :) In any case, I know enough about how cloud services work to be able to comment intelligently, and don't have any interest in Google (except for some stock I hold indirectly via ETFs). This is all just common sense plus what I know from having worked for several cloud services providers.

If you assume, without evidence, that an HN user is lying if they share a story outside your experience -- there is little reason to use HN.

I don't understand why you think that I assume anyone is lying. Nothing I said suggests that.

The original poster said they paid their bill, they were assured they would not have their account suspended, then it was suspended anyhow despite them being fully paid up.

Your parent said OP did what they were supposed to and paid, but got cut off anyhow -- to which you replied "You don't know that. Maybe that's the case (I'm sure it happens sometimes), but most likely it isn't."

I'm not sure how to interpret that other than you saying OP is probably not being truthful in their account of the situation.

I'm very happy Hetzner has all these options built in from the very start. There's no need to make any "extra effort". Actually, most of my servers are on yearly billing to make things even easier for everybody.

It's not really the payment method that's key here, it's having a relationship with sales / account manager.

Right, but Hetzner also just doesn’t auto-charge you (from my experience, at least). You get invoiced and pay it manually (there’s a link in the invoice), then the invoice is settled immediately in your account panel. I’ve even been late once by forgetting about it and they didn’t cut me off in any way.

> Hetzner also just doesn’t auto-charge you (from my experience, at least).

I have my Hetzner account set up so they pull the money automatically (through SEPA Direct Debit). Not sure how it works with credit cards, but it's not like pull payments are not possible with Hetzner.

Ah, I see. I use PayPal and while PP supports payment agreements (I have that setup with a few sites), Hetzner insists I pay each invoice manually. Maybe just bank debit payments support "auto pulling".

Can we talk about how google monetizes (weaponizes) this sales relationship? They force it on you as "common sense" but it makes them A LOT of money.

Ultimately its as bad as car dealerships to require a special connection to get basic tasks completed.

Except finance.

At certain scale (in my case, 5 figures/mo spend with a vendor and up), paying upfront is not something finance usually likes and NET-60/NET-90 is the norm.

Actually, it was exactly finance in the case of one of my clients. "Dear Mr dvfjsdhgfv, we're receiving invoices from this Hetzner company for some ridiculously small amounts each month which adds to our overhead, could you kindly ask them to bill us yearly? Thanks!"

It's quite unfortunate that your parents decided to call you dvfjsdhgfv.

“Mr. Dvfjsdhgfv is my father. Please, call me Shcyahudd Dvfjsdhgfv”

Just passing feedback from my peers at the surveillance van: fantastic joke.

Of course they don't like it, but that's why CTOs and the likes should be talking about these things in management meetings and not just fairy dust future plans.

Someone just the other day said Hetzner did the exact same thing though...

I'm not a blind fan of Hetzner and I'm aware of their limitations, but billing works extremely well for me, and they're very patient with me when I forget to pay an invoice (sending friendly reminders and not threatening to cut me off right away).

However, I remember a case when I was the culprit - spam was being sent from one of my servers (one of the users had a common username and password, something I should have never allowed) and Hetzner notified me immediately, but they didn't block the server in any way (something I'd expect). They gave me some window for explanation/solving the problem. I was very happy with how they handled the issue - but of course others may have had different experiences.

> billing works extremely well for me

I suppose billing works extremely well for most GCP customers as well.

As for me, I hosted a side project on Hetzner a few years back for some European presence. IIRC I used PayPal for payment and they didn't support PayPal recurring payment, so I had to settle an invoice each month. Used them for about two years without problem, then missed payment for two months during a chaotic period when I didn't notice their monthly invoice emails. I got exactly one email reminder about missed payment titled "Reminder" (yes, that's all, I got all their correspondence in front of me right now) before the final "Cancellation of Contract" email and termination of my account. At that point, politely pleading with them to reinstate the account was useless, I only got a threatening letter back demanding a wire transfer of the ~€60 I owed within three business days or risk being sent to collections.

Was I in the wrong? Sure. Were they friendly or patient? No.

Hetzner also has a customer service phone number that you can call. I've never seen anything like that from Google.

i was BANNED from hetzner when i forgot to Pay ( it has been almost 10 years ).at the time i offer to Pay any debts, but they said that i was not welcome anymore.

If you’re dealing with customers that way you should have a big red warning sign everywhere to not run anything in production under any circumstances.

Otherwise don’t take their money and advertise that everything will be easier and more reliable

Cloud providers have a minimum spend for invoice billing. For GCP you need to spend at least $2500 a month for 3 months to qualify.

AWS seems to be patient with that. Had the wrong credit card information from a customer once. Credit card validation seems to take a while and only fails a day later or so. Put in the wrong info a few times and invoices were already piling up since I only checked once a week or so. Probably still a good tip to move to a better payment scheme.

the small azure project that got canned by Azure I was working on, credit card was the only way to pay, and Azure suspended my employers Azure account with no explanation why (though it appears in hindsight to be credit card related), but they refused to explain why. this victim blaming gaslighting is ridiculous.

How would invoice billing even reduce the risk of this outcome? Surely any system with more manual and asynchronous steps involved is MORE likely to result in Google erroneously claiming you haven't paid, not less? I don't grasp what the logic behind this suggestion is even meant to be.

Invoices are indefinitely postpaid; there’s no real point at which you can really 100% declare an invoice as having “not been paid.”

That’s why NET30/90/etc exist — without an incentive to pay sooner, invoices will just sit around on the receiver’s books until it’s convenient for them to pay (e.g. to make their financials for a particular quarter look good.)

Invoices under contract law are like PayPal’s arbitration process: “always favours the buyer.” A seller would need an explicit pre-existing contract clause stating a due date for an invoice, in order for a due date declared on an invoice to have any force; by default, it doesn’t. And because invoice billing is something companies tend to offer mostly to companies they’re trying to stay on the good side of, they don’t tend to sit them down for a binding contract negotiation when doing so.

The invoice itself doesn't solve anything, but it requires a "handshake" step where trust is established with the payer, with the result that things don't just turn off automatically when something goes wrong.

And then an account error happens and your server goes down.

I don't think OP's post is about payment options but about problem handling.

Not exclusive to GCP.

Backblaze has previously locked our account on a saturday.

They claim we were putting too much pressure on their cluster.

They could've locked the 1! token that was causing 90% of the load, but they locked the whole account which was used by 10 different apps for a veriety of purposes causing unecessary downtime in some production workloads.

Also the workload has been quite consistent for days/weeks, so they could've detected it earlier and/or address it in a better way.

I don't see this as related - your account triggered some abuse detection - did you ever go to them and validate what you're doing is covered by the terms you're paying for ?

I mean it sounds like a dick move by Backblaze, but comparing it to what OP is describing is downplaying how bad this looks for GCP IMO.

Going through with official contact at GCP, being assured he did everything right and that it was taken care of - and still getting shut down. In my book that's just inexcusable - if you can't count on that kind of support to work then how can you rely on that platform for anything ?

If you are paying for the load/pressure, what's the problem?

Backblaze is very cheap and has several "don't overload our system" clauses in their terms and conditions.

They're cheap and reliable, that generally comes at the risk of early termination. I don't think you can have a cheap, reliable, unlimited service; pick two at most.

Isn't everything metered with Backblaze (ie. no unlimited)? I think only things such as delete aren't metered. But in order to delete something you must have first uploaded it (which is metered).

If everything is metered it seems kind of odd to complain about a lot of activity. Since it's literally the thing you make money with.

They probably meant their B2 storage service, which is like S3 and bills for storage, egress, some operations, etc. That’s one service I wouldn’t expect to have some cancellation for overload in place. You’re using a token anyway, why not just rate-limit you instead?

Blackblaze B2 is supposed to be AWS S3 competitor. S3 is simply unbreakable. If Blackblaze intends to compete with S3, they can't complain about load stress on their B2.And they can't rate limit either.

> S3 is simply unbreakable

Minor nitpick, but this is categorically not true. As a customer, one who proactively worked with AWS AMs, SAs, and S3 engineers directly before making the change, I still took down S3 by just changing how new files were stored in our S3 bucket. Yes, this S3 bucket was at the time the largest bucket (based on number of files), but still not “simply unbreakable”.

Indeed. If a customer tries to backup a petabyte of data on the base plan (because it’s “unlimited”) and they get the boot, they really shouldn’t be that surprised. Wouldn’t really compare it to OP’s situation, where they got an assurance in writing they were in good standing, and didn’t appear to be blocked for violating ToS.

"Token" hints at everything-is-metered B2, not their unlimited backup plan.

Whoa - how much traffic were you generating?

For a company that operates at such massive scale for their own services, Google has some glaring oversights when it comes to enterprise services.

I have a friend who volunteers as a webmaster for a charity org and they kept getting notices about their impending shut down of G Suite and the need to move to Google Workspace. The problem seemed to be a credit card and yet, when my friend was showing me on his laptop, there was no place for them to enter credit card information. They ended up losing all their email and Drive & Docs access for days and couldn't even get an email or phone address - paid or not - to address the issue.

After getting burned at a mid-sized business I used to work at with Angular 1.x and Google Glass, I learned that Google apparently sees business services as experiments rather than long-term investments.

Was Angular 1.x an official Google thing? I always thought it was just a Google employee’s project.

I'm not sure if it was ever an official thing but I remember accessing their pages and speaking to their reps at conferences regarding Angular.

For example, if you look at the Angular 1.2 docs, look at the bottom of the page here and you'll see Google included their copyright on those docs https://code.angularjs.org/1.2.27/docs/guide/ie

I doubt it was ever an official Google product because open source packages generally aren't. But there was a team at Google working on it when Angular 1.x was big.

The same is true of DigitalOcean, fwiw. Shutting down machines used in production with no notice, outside working hours. I don’t know why these companies don’t care - they’re massively shooting themselves in their feet. Incidents like this turn customers off for life.

I actually managed to get my account suspended one day due to nonpayment. It was just a personal toy project and it was completely my fault: I was automatically filtering the mails into a folder that I didn't read until it was too late.

If you look at the sheer amount of emails they sent me before suspending the account, Digital Ocean did everything right: https://i.imgur.com/ah13bEA.png

They gave lots of warnings and also sent an email with the date the account was going to be closed a week in advance.

I was using Digitalocean for something last year and for reasons didn’t have the money to pay for the bill when it was due, they always have one month of warnings. Ie if I paid one month late, everything was ok and nothing was ever shut down and they sent multiple emails during that time. I knew exactly where I stood, what I owed, when I had to pay by, when they would shut down services etc. That seemed reasonable to me.

Just like you setup multiple instances across different availability zones for redundancy, you also need multiple billing contacts in case one of them fails and causes an outage.

Not sure how to mitigate these risks for providers that only support one "project owner" with a single billing address :/

Use a “synthetic” project owner with an email address that forwards to the group.

That could backfire, since nobody really feels in charge.


But that's the same if you have multiple billing contacts. What is required is that the responsibility in the group of people that receive those notifications is clear.

Having multiple people that receive billing notifications is strictly better than having a single person - what happens if that person is on vacation, sick, overloaded? No one even has a chance of catching this. If at least one other person receives those increasingly important emails, they at least have a chance to catch this before it breaks.

Have one person clearly in charge, but as the emails get more frequent with increasingly dramatic titles the other people can check in and ask if everything is under control

Is it just me, or does imgur never load on Firefox mobile?

I noticed something similar five weeks ago. Imgur would get stuck on the loading animation if I was in private mode but work otherwise.

It seems to work—at this moment, anyway—even in private mode for me now though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It loads fine for me in FF mobile.

We went through a similar event last week. Droplets shut down and account locked without warning and because of “violation of the DigitalOcean user agreement”. Luckily, it was on a sandbox environment we use for testing before taking anything to production. All we had done was set up a simple keycloak server.

The real kicker is that they refused to tell us what terms we had allegedly violated because it’s “critical to maintaining our security systems.”

And they had “just conducted a manual review” and confirmed the suspension.

Then, after escalating further and a few choice words about how much I’ve spent on their platform, sure enough they conducted another “manual review” and found no issues.

I’ve really tried to avoid moving to AWS over the years, but I’m really reconsidering.

> outside working hours

Working hours are relative. Our support routinely gets awoken at like 3am because someone in Singapore, where one of our larger customers has outsourced their IT to, just started their day and decided to follow up on a case.

Though I'll agree that weekends should be considered off-limits regardless.

> Working hours are relative

Sorry but for me this doesn't cut it when you have staff and availability zones in every continent on the planet. It isn't some mom and pop shop in one town. It shouldn't be much to ask a company of Google's size and breadth to consider your local timezone for urgent communications.

It was more a comment on how it's difficult to pin down working hours in this international day and age.

I mean we're based in Norway, but what if we outsourced our IT to Chile? How would Google or similar know that they need to contact our IT guys during Chilean working hours, and not Norwegian working hours? If it's an invoice that's not paid, well that's done here in Norway though, so definitely Norwegian working hours there...

Worst case they can ask, somewhere in the account settings. Defaulting to the billing region should handle 99% of cases though.

Years ago, I used a cheap droplet on DO as an IRC bouncer to hide my home IP address. Someone came into a channel I was an op in and started spamming racial slurs, so I did what a normal op does and banned them.

They proceeded to DDoS my droplet.

Only a couple minutes later, DO responded by disconnecting my droplet from the Internet for 3 hours, supposedly to protect other customers. Thanks, DO, you let the DDoSer win. My droplet was handling the attack just fine, it just made my IRC connection a little laggy.

As a $5/month customer, I was just small potatoes, for sure. But I had ideas for products in the future, and I decided that I would not use DO for them, knowing that some skiddie could just take it offline for 3 hours by just packet flooding it for a couple minutes.

Care to share more info please? Was it because card didn't go through? I've got some important stuff there.

It has been covered here on HN several times, but to summarize:

Budget cloud hosting on a credit card allows scammers to use stolen CC numbers to spin up VMs to mine crypto.

Essentially the hosting company is offering a cash equivalent for unreliable credit.

This kind of abuse occurs at enormous scale, because it can be worth it for an attacker to use botnets to throw tens of thousands of credit cards at hosting companies. If you never actually expect to pay any money (especially your own!), then even thirty minutes of free compute is worthwhile to chase. There have been similar attacks against GitHub Actions, because they're also free and general-purpose.

This is also why the free-tier, dev-only, education, or similar MSDN or VS Subscriber type cloud subscriptions never permit the use of GPU instances. Too tempting a target!

The large providers like Azure and AWS are basically printing money, so they don't care about the small-fry scammers. They're too busy trying to hold on to the firehose of cash.

Smaller, budget providers like Digital Ocean are running too lean to tolerate scammers, but also can't afford to have humans in the loop from the sheer scale of the attacks.

So they use heuristics that are 99.99% accurate (or whatever), which means one in ten thousand legit customers gets axed along with the scammers. Oops.

Essentially, as a customer of these small providers you are taking on some of their risk in exchange for the discount over the big-name vendors. This is especially true if you pay them with a credit card, irrespective of past payment history. Like I said, they simply can't afford to keep a human in the loop.[1]

An example that came up here was a startup that had an account "ticking along" with a handful of dev stuff, went "live" with a big launch, and so almost all of their servers was loaded to nearly 100% capacity thanks to efficient containerisation and auto-scale.

Good job devs... except that looks identical to a hacked account that has suddenly started to mine crypto on every machine.


[1] It's even more complex than you think. Employees can and have been bribed to let the scammers through! The employees themselves might be mining crypto. The scammers can trick them, lie, beg, or just figure out the system from repeat conversations. The only recourse is to take the human out of the loop entirely, nothing else works for them. If you get to be the 0.01%, you generally have no recourse.

Thanks for this very detailed explanation, much appreciated!

I'd like some more info as well. Only case I know was from someone who didn't see the emails about issues with their payment.

At a previous employer we were hosting with DO via credit balance. Our finance department couldn't get things together and kept forgetting (almost every month) to add new credits to the account. Despite this DO never stopped or terminated our servers, and we were often days to weeks behind on the payments.

they are big and you are small. It's like walking over ants.

Ants pay the bill!

Ants that don’t cause trouble pay the bill. Ants that cause trouble are a net loss.

Customer service representation is one of the biggest expenses these companies have. That’s why they go to great lengths to make sure you can’t contact them and why they just close your account with no recourse as soon as you start causing trouble.

Every time they do this, a few hundred ants decide, they may very well be next and move out. Supporting them through whatever they need may not be quite the net loss you claim it is.

Poor AWS must be close to bankruptcy then.

When my account started spending 300-400 USD monthly, I was contacted by an account manager, who was at my office for a meeting two weeks later.

they’re massively shooting themselves in their feet

It doesn't matter. Google operates at scale. As long as they save more money by not bothering to handle such incidents better, they will see it as a perfectly good business policy.

Incidents like this turn customers off for life.

Small customers are completely interchangeable for larger service providers. You can easily get new customers by throwing around some free credits to college kids and posting a few tech ads masqueraded as tutorials.

It sucks that they gave you conflicting information that resulted in this but I wouldn't trust having my cloud infrastructure payments be handled using a single credit card.

If you have a spend of over $2500/mo you can apply for invoiced billing directly from Google or if you have less than that you can contact a GCP reseller partner to get invoiced by them.

Some GCP reseller partners also have a close relationship with Google and the contacts that come with that relationship.

$2500 is honestly not that much. Google cloud dropped the ball on this and shouldn’t need to be handled with special relationships

All of the relationships I have with suppliers are handled by an account manager at the supplier who I can call to get things sorted out. This is normal.

Why should a business relationship with Google (or any other cloud service) be any different? I don't use GCP but if I was going to start, I would ensure that I have a person to call or its a non-starter.

> Why should a business relationship with Google (or any other cloud service) be any different?

Depends on the size of the account surely? Maybe there's some support person to talk to, but there's plenty of services I subscribe to fo $10-100/month and I dont have an account manager for any of them.

Yeah but for almost all of this kind of service you have some sort of phone, email or 24/7 helpdesk system.

Google however is infamous for not providing support at all on all their services, even if your complete digital identity got killed off because some AI can't recognize that the "CSAM" you sent was in fact communication with your child's doctor [1].

[1] https://www.heise.de/news/Nacktscanner-Unbedachte-Fotos-vom-...

NY Time source for this article https://archive.is/4KGKP

> Why should a business relationship with Google (or any other cloud service) be any different?

Because google choose to make this as difficult as possible. A couple of years ago I worked on a third party IAAS database cloud product (think Atlas or Elastic Cloud, but for a different database), and while Azure had the worst tech overall, Google were ultimately the hardest to deal with by a VERY long way because they don’t acknowledge the existence of people as anything other than ad targets.

Because the account manager would be a human. Google never hires a human if it can use shitty AI instead.

What is much and what is not is relative. $2500 breaks the bank for tiny startup and is a rounding error for Google.

Not much for you but a lot for others. This type of arrogance really doesn't belong in this space. Maybe you spend $25,000? $250,000? peanuts to large companies so its okay that Google cloud drops the ball on you?

This is the only right answer with large cloud providers. Get a human to be involved with your account and do invoice payment as soon as they allow it.

Isn't this type of service supposed to be automated? Why is having a secure service about who you know?

because it's about trust.

What's the benefit of invoiced billing?

You have a person to reach out to if things go pear shaped, and N(weeks|months) to sort out payments issues instead of having everything get suspended by robots.

What about telling those robots not to suspend everything and wait for N(weeks|months) or human intervention?

Bitcoin miner goes brrr!

The card is billed once a month anyway.

1. Because they'd probably have to hire several hundred humans and give them benefits. It's much cheaper just to trust the robots.

2. Unlike a small hosting company, Google is so big it will suffer essentially no financial consequences if their robots make a wrong decision for credit card customers a few times per month.

So there is no cost to Google for leaving the system as is, and a high cost for your solution. The decision is a no-brainer from their point of view.

This is what OP should really have done. All of the big cloud providers allow this. We had the same thing with AWS. As soon as you contact your account manager with things like this shit gets done quick. If you are on Pay as you go with a CC your messages just fall into a black hole.

> "We're fully redundant across AZs, regions, and even cloud providers!" crows the engineer with a single corporate credit card backing the entire house of cards.


Murfie died because of Google cloud costs.

It's a bit of a long story, but from what I was able to piece together, a Google cloud service provider recommended some changes to the way the storage was done to save money. Mostly, because of those changes they got hit by a surprise $30,000 bill for data egress. It was basically the last straw for a company that wasn't profitable due mostly to cloud costs. It killed the company. That's why I had to step in to try to save them.

> data egress

Google, AWS are still charging people mid-2000s bandwidth prices. Its outrageous. Digitalocean's egress price is 1/10th of Google's cheaper egress pricing. Same with Hetzner. And with Hetzner dedicated servers? Its unmetered.

If I recall correctly, there was a story on HN about Hetzner threatening to shut down an "unmetered" server for using too much bandwidth.

here it is: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32242987

From the discussion:

> - The link says "my friend got this", so even the person who authored that post isn't claiming to have received this notice. This is a second hand report, at best. For all we know, their friend received this notice years ago, and mentioned it to the OP, who didn't realize it was old news.

There have been people confirming in recent HN discussions that they were using full 1gbps of their dedicated box for a while since Hetzner declared their true-unmetered policy a year or so ago.

There was a long discussion with multiple people getting emails on LowEndBox forums using around 250TB/month

Does the customer data have a proper home yet or is it still sitting in the broken-into shipping containers?

According to the owner's twitter, he's been repeatedly getting robbed.


Containers are repaired and under surveillance.

As I read through this incredulously, I was relieved to slowly realize Murfie was a company, and not a person.

Murfie was the virtual Muppet character who only existed in the cloud. :)

More details that I found about what Murfie is, and the rescue operation: https://www.theverge.com/2020/2/5/21121594/crossies-murfie-m...

What a fascinating concept.

I wonder what it would take to bring a culture change to Google so they can finally start having some empathy for customers and stop the casual cruelty. A new CEO?

Regulation, full stop. The reason Big tech makes so much profits is because they have no accountability and at their scale, social shaming doesn’t work.

Right. Heavily-regulated industries like banking, auto and healthcare are known for being so much better at treating its customers like human beings...

Unregulated banking tend to have a bit more ponzi schemes, pump and dump, and money laundering than regulated banking.

Unregulated auto tend to have a bit more lemon markets than regulated auto.

Unregulated healthcare tend to have a bit more snake oil, blood letting and cocaine than regulated healthcare.

Unregulated food sector tend to have a bit more Listeria and Salmonella then regulated food sector.

No regulation are not know for being that nice either, which is to say that some regulation is good and some regulation is too much, but one can't dismiss regulation as just being bad.

I did not argue that regulation is unnecessary or bad. The argument is that regulation of Big Industries does not bring you better support nor makes the companies more focused in treating customers as individuals.

It all depend on the reason and target of the regulation. Patients might have historically liked doctors more when they prescribed cocaine, alcohol and morphine for most ailments, but then the target of modern regulation is not customer short-term happiness. It is health.

The issue of regulating big industries and big tech in particular is what outcomes we want to avoid and how a healthy market can be created where one does not exist. Words like infrastructure, platforms, and lock-in are all associated with a lack of market choice and competition. Bad support could be a symptom of that, but the target of regulations wouldn't be about support but rather to avoid having a situation where citizens are unknowingly building their homes and companies on quicksand.

You are arguing against yourself. Now, only drug addicts who ignore laws can get painkillers.

Back in the day, if you had an infection in the leg they would bring a hacksaw and cut it off, giving you some whiskey to dull the pain.

I prefer modern medical system with antibiotics, anti-virals and anti-inflamatory drugs.

There could be an argument that US regulators allow companies to be much more customer hostile than other places... i believe it's done in the name of "innovation".

> one can't dismiss regulation as just being bad

No one said that.

In these industries the regulation is the only thing preventing them being unfathomably worse.

It's not the only thing.

Market competition only goes so far.

Glad we agree!

Yup. Too big to fail sucks just as hard in banking.

Google needs to be broken up as badly as banks do. It's a battle that keeps on coming up and here it is again.

Why stop at Google? Why don't we simply get rid of the idea of the mega corporation?[0]

[0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31317641

That post sounds like war on drugs, on paper it makes sense but does not work in real life.

Do you really think an industry like oil refinery can be managed with a limit of 150 people?

The point is not to limit the size of the industry. It is to limit the size of a company.

Think of a oil refinery as a monolith, and that such a mandate would enforce that you'd have to build the whole system a set of independent microservices. The industry as a whole would still employ a large number of people, but now they would be forced to coordinate through specific interfaces (the smaller business units) instead of centralizing under a larger corporation.

Like the Amazon’s “API” mandate, as famously described by Steve Yegge:

So one day Jeff Bezos issued a mandate. He's doing that all the time, of course, and people scramble like ants being pounded with a rubber mallet whenever it happens. But on one occasion -- back around 2002 I think, plus or minus a year -- he issued a mandate that was so out there, so huge and eye-bulgingly ponderous, that it made all of his other mandates look like unsolicited peer bonuses.

His Big Mandate went something along these lines:

1) All teams will henceforth expose their data and functionality through service interfaces.

2) Teams must communicate with each other through these interfaces.

3) There will be no other form of interprocess communication allowed: no direct linking, no direct reads of another team's data store, no shared-memory model, no back-doors whatsoever. The only communication allowed is via service interface calls over the network.

4) It doesn't matter what technology they use. HTTP, Corba, Pubsub, custom protocols -- doesn't matter. Bezos doesn't care.

5) All service interfaces, without exception, must be designed from the ground up to be externalizable. That is to say, the team must plan and design to be able to expose the interface to developers in the outside world. No exceptions.

6) Anyone who doesn't do this will be fired.


Maybe the government could do something similar?

Huh, here’s an idea: Maybe Jeff Bezos did what he did because he was fearing just such a goverment-mandated breakup, and wanted Amazon to be prepared for it?

I know you meant a general idea, but for oil refineries in particular, and probably a bunch of others, this sounds disastrously bad from a safety perspective. A lot of accidents that are tremendously costly in terms of human lives and health, equipment destroyed, and operational uptime eventually trace back to poor communication between groups. There needs to be some top-level department with stop-work authority over everything to coordinate who's doing what maintenance when, equipment replacements and switchovers, and the overall plan for what's being produced when. I can't help but think that if you intentionally made inter-department communication worse, it would result in a huge increase in the number of disasters.

> There needs to be some top-level department with stop-work authority over everything to coordinate who's doing what maintenance when, equipment replacements and switchovers, and the overall plan for what's being produced when.

I find it very hard to believe that this can not be automated to the point of requiring much more than a dozen controllers (4 groups of 3 people, on a 12-on/36-off work schedule). And there is nothing stopping this "top-level" department to be a company in itself.

But anyway, let's say that I'm underestimating the amount of human brainpower that is needed to get this work done safely. Not to be a Luddite, but shouldn't we be asking ourselves if there really is any type of (isolated) economical activity that is so fundamental for us that can only be done with more than 150 people involved?

It's not like we can not refine oil with less than 150 people. It's just that we can not do it at the scale and efficiency that we are used to, right? Instead of having one "giant" refinery that requires thousands of people, perhaps the limitation would force us to have smaller plants spread out around the world, or to have the downstream industries actually doing the refinement themselves, etc.

So, how about instead of looking for maximizing the efficient usage of resources in order to keep the economy growing at an accelerated pace, we start to focus on a constant growth rate and better distribution?

Capitalism would not allow such a company to exists. There would be too much bottlenecks and the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing scenario and the end product would be more expensive compared to a company with no such limitation. Buyers would prefer buying the product at much cheaper rates and then just transporting it to their locations.

I could easily argue the opposite: in a scenario where all companies are reduced in size, they would be forced to become a lot more efficient in their communication and they would be a lot more open and agile.

Also, a lot of the work done by people in Big Corp is something that is not outsourced merely because they don't want to let their competitors to have access it. A lot of these redundancies would be eliminated and replaced by smaller units that can serve multiple companies. Companies that have internal "business systems" developers would simply get rid of that and looking into third-party SaaS and/or open source solutions that could be used, etc.

> in a scenario where all companies are reduced in size

What does all companies mean, are you proposing the entire world follow this approach or just the US. If its just the US then other refineries would just offer cheaper oil and US consumers would buy it from overseas while the US refining goes bankrupt.

Ok. Let's think it through.

1) The price of oil (and basically everything downstream of crude) has little to do with the cost to produce it, and a lot more to do with current market conditions. So even if their productions costs were (slightly) higher, I don't see why a local, smaller, refinery would have too much trouble to keep themselves profitable even if they had to have lower margins to stay competitive.

2) Smaller companies would mean that you'd be consuming a lot less primary resources and your business relationships would be on a much more local scale. You wouldn't be getting a networks of branded gas stations that receive their gas from the same mega-distributor, you'd be more likely than many different gas station owners, each of them too small to be interesting to a foreign refinery.

3) Even if that is not enough and "US refining goes bankrupt"... so what? Why do Americans need to have their own refining industry, if they can be served by others?

> Why do Americans need to have their own refining industry, if they can be served by others?

Looks like you did not think it through.

You need to have energy independence. When you depend on other countries, those countries can use your weakness to get better deals or control you. If there is a pandemic and all the supply chains breakdown your people can still survive.

How "energy independent" is Switzerland? Singapore? The UK?

You are too deep in "Big State" thinking. Forget about that.

> If there is a pandemic and all the supply chains breakdown.

Under a localist model, your people can still survive because they do not depend on global supply chain and can still have a functioning economy.

What I am asking you is to imagine a less radical version of an Amish community. Less focus on economic output and more focus on resiliency. Try to keep your economy as local as possible and do not over-generalize. Do not think of industries as something that has "strategic value" and instead let them develop as much as it is required to fulfill the needs of your citizens. This way, your community will have plenty of redundancy and no one will be at the mercy of any other external entity.

You are too deep in "Fantasyland" thinking. Forget about that.

> How "energy independent" is Switzerland? Singapore? The UK?

Exactly, atleast the UK depends on middle east and Russia which funds their murderous regimes. You should be supporting human rights not murdering innocents.

> your people can still survive

Tell that to the people who died from Covid because they could not get masks which were all manufactured in China.

> Try to keep your economy as local as possible and do not over-generalize.

I think you getting confused with your own talking points, in the previous comment you wanted want the US to be served by others and now you are saying keep the economy local.

What I am asking you is to live in reality and not live in fantasy land, you sound exactly like a politician who declares war on drugs. The current globalized world cannot just cannot function with your fantasy 150 people limit.

You getting confused with your own talking points is one the proof that your limit does not work.

I misspoke. I meant to say "do not over-specialize".

> in the previous comment you wanted want the US to be served by others

No, read again with the whole context: what I said was that the focus should be on keeping the industry local, on a smaller scale and more worried about robustness than profitability. Then I said that "even if after that they are still being out-competed, it doesn't mean that they all is lost".

The point was that plenty of countries can be successful even if they are not 100% self-sufficient about key resources. I am not advocating the end of trade. I am advocating for smaller/stronger communities and stronger/more explicit interfaces between them.

> You should be supporting human rights not murdering innocents.

Please stop with this absurd rhetoric. Not only is BS, it could easily be turned on you ("So, you buy things from China? This means that you support the genocide of Uyghurs!")

> The current globalized world cannot just cannot function with your fantasy 150 people limit.

First, this "current globalized world" is precisely the thing that is so full of systemic issues that we should be working to avoid. In a less-globalized and not hyperconnected world, Covid would not even be a thing, so the whole "people died of Covid because they didn't have masks" is complete rhetorical bullshit .

Second, there is no limit on people. The only limit is about the size of a single corporation. I don't know what is so hard about it to understand. You keep mischaracterizing the argument to the point that it is making clear you are not interested in a good-faith conversation, which should be a signal that I am done here.

You say misspoke, I say you got confused with your own talking points.

> it doesn't mean that they all is lost"

I dont know if you understand capitalism but out competed companies eventually run out of money and get bought out by the more successful one. I think that is the context which you dont undestand.

> it could easily be turned on you

Its not rhetoric, I am being serious, I would love to buy things made locally but that is just not possible with your 150 people limit. You want things to be less efficient and more expensive.

> In a less-globalized and not hyperconnected world,

Again you sound like a politician who declares war on drugs, your ideas sound great on paper but the globalized genie is out now, its not going anywhere for a long time.

> Second, there is no limit on people.

You are getting confused again with your talking points, you are the one who is advocating for 150 people.

> I don't know what is so hard about it to understand.

and yet who are the one getting confused or "misspsoke"

The only thing I misspoke was that I said "over-generalize" when I meant "over-specialize". Everything else (I think) was okay.

> You want things to be less efficient and more expensive.

There is a difference between wanting things to be more expensive and accepting that this may happen as part of the trade-off being made. Specially so if the idea is that this type of policy could potentially eliminate the concentration of power on the hands of a few conglomerates and create an incentive for automation and to eliminate "bullshit jobs".

> I would love to buy things made locally but that is just not possible with your 150 people limit

Why? Go to any farmers market, is there any step on the production chain that requires 150 people? Do you think (e.g) a municipal ISP to serve 10-20k people can't be operated with less than 150 people? Can't we buy fabric and materials (from small scale producers) and have a small textile manufacturing co-op making clothes?

Also, consider that we are used to having products being completely assembled, but there is nothing stopping companies in a "human scale" economy to work as provider of components that get to be assembled by the final consumer. These components could be made by separate companies. So, instead of having "Google Assistant vs Amazon Echo vs Apple Siri", we would pick-and-choose different speakers, different software providers, different enclosures, etc. The hard work here would be one of coordination - i.e, all these companies and providers would benefit if they worked on a "AI speaker device" common standard - but once that is set in place it reduce the average company headcount. The same logic could be potentially applied to any big consumer industry: clothing, furniture, home appliances...

Finally, let's talk about the software industry. Take any big product from the big companies and you can bet that you can find a small ISV (with certainly less than 150 people) who can deliver and profitably operate an equivalent service. Even though Gmail and Outlook dominate the mass market, smaller email providers still exist and they haven't "ran out of money" and got bought out by the more successful ones. We don't need the big players to serve the population, we could have more of these ISVs acting independently (*). These ISVs would likely invest in opensource as a way to outsource as much as they can to keep their overhead low, which would lead to a even more pulverized industry.

> your ideas sound great on paper but the globalized genie is out now

Again, why? There is no magical force stopping us from preferring local products. There is nothing forcing us to consume indiscriminately. I get that "the system" is too big for any of us and that our individual actions will barely have any impact. But feeling apathetic is not a justification to just accept things as they are. You can not say "I would love to buy things locally" and blame "Capitalism" when you end up buying things at a big-box store.

(*) "Oh, but Gmail/Facebook/etc are free to the user, people won't be willing to pay for it!" Well, the argument could be that these people would either have to find a smaller provider willing to do the service for them (their employer, some non-commercial community, the tech savvy family member who wants to self-host?), or they would indeed have to learn about TANSTAAFL.

Because it’s regressive. We need to fix the issues, not throw the whole thing out.

These "issues" only exist because of the scale and reach of Corporations. You can not fix "too big to fail" issues unless you stop letting these institutions to grow too big in the first place.

I'm yet to hear a single convincing argument of why we need to have organizations of such a large scale nowadays. Could you make a case of what we would be missing if we just "threw the whole thing out"?

I propose another option: unless you can show clear written instructions, the ceo and the board are personally criminally responsible for the acts of their agents, contractors, and employees at the course of their duty.

If your branch manager incorrectly adds your teller to an industry wide list of do not hire, the board and CEO are personally criminally responsible for it. No hiding behind the corporate veil. I don’t know how to prove whether someone acted in their own and not on the instructions of the employer though. What I’m afraid of is equifax will simply create many companies and divvy up it into equifax backend web services llc that has fewer than 150 employees.

> What I’m afraid of is equifax will simply create many companies and divvy up it into equifax backend web services llc that has fewer than 150 employees.

I'd argue that if the split child company ends up only working for the parent, it is easier for the governments to prosecute them. So the child company would have to get other customers and act as a real independent unit or would have to shut down altogether and the parent company would have to go back to the market to find a proper "web service" provider.

I'd also argue that there is no way that a company like Equifax would be able to exist only with 150 people. The whole national level corporation would simply be broken down into many localized offices. Their databases would no longer be shared. The damage that each unit could make would be reduced, and their customers would be much closer to the managers responsible in ensuring that their data is managed properly.

In other words, my argument is that Capitalism and market forces do work. We just need to have these systems deployed in the correct scale.

Wouldn’t that result in the CEO and board being literal scapegoats, employed by the people actually in charge, to be beheaded if something goes wrong? They would even sell it as „giving control to the employees“ or something.

I don’t believe in measures to radically change the world. That’s both a direct example of the Chesterton fence, and applied game theory - CEOs, board members, or investors, they are all gamers. Give them any set of rules, they will analyse and subsequently game them.

Because scale breeds efficiencies. It should be obvious why WalMart is a better business model than the previous experience of shopping at 15 different stores to get the same stuff.

"Efficiency" is not a goal in itself, and it does not pass as an argument here.

1) Walmart may be a better "business model", but is it a better model for a society that we want to live? I surely don't want to live in a place where big box stores are the norm, and the only alternatives are crazy expensive "niche" stores. And I surely don't want to live in a world where the quality of my food is determined by Walmart's weight, who will favor products that can last longer, are cheaper to produce and are easier to store and transport - i.e, ultra processed crap. If the price to pay to have better groceries is the "inconvenience" that I will have to go to 2-3 separate shops, it's absolutely worth it and I'll gladly accept the "inefficiency".

2) Optimizing for efficiency is a recipe for systemic, catastrophic failures. Just as an example: think of the semi-weekly github outages that are happening. Everyone is convinced that the cost of paying for a SaaS is negligible compared to the cost of operating your own, so they don't even try to set up their own CI and code repository and have to pray everyday to make sure that will be able to work with it. Meanwhile, my self-hosted gitea/drone/docker repo has been running for almost 4 years already with no issues and it requires minimal maintenance. It took me some time initially to set things up in a way that I was satisfied, and it probably doesn't save me any money compared with a off-the-shelf solution, but thanks to my initial investment and willingness to accept these costs I am more resilient than any competitor.

3) Taken to an extreme, focusing on "efficiency" could be used to justify authoritarian governments and the most dystopian worlds. I really do not share this techno-utilitarian worldview that thinks that maximizing economic output can justify the existence of corporations that reduce us to nothing but consumers that can be placed in a segmented box. It's this worldview that is brought us Big Data, the invasion of our privacy, the "gamification" of everything, and so on. Google/Apple/Microsoft/Amazon may all be trillion-dollar companies and may have built incredible products, but the societal/environmental/civil cost is just too much to be worth it. If I knew in 2004 that by accepting the invite to 1GB of Gmail I would be contributing to the emergence of Surveillance Capitalism, I'd never had done it.

Anything else you'd like to try?

That's a lot of text to just say you don't trust the government or corporations. This argument is orthogonal

Of course efficiency is the goal. Wouldn't you argue our current use of natural resources is unsustainable long term? The only way out of that is to improve efficiency.

Ignore Walmart. If we were to rollback farming to the methods used just a few decades ago, the world would starve. So, yes, we need to continue to improve efficiency. It's required due to resources being limited.

> The only way out of that is to improve efficiency.

Or by stopping/reducing consumption of things that we don´t really need and have been shoved on us by the corporations. Stop focusing on the symptoms and focus on getting rid of the disease. Let's get rid of fast food, fast fashion, let North America abandon the failed experiment that is called "Suburbia" and get rid of its car dependency. Let's stop expecting overnight shipping for whatever stupid gadget we want to buy, etc...

If the US reduces its consumption to the average of the developed world, instead of having growth-addicted Corporations and Goverments pushing to make the rest of the world consume like the average American, I can bet that we can improve our overall quality of life even on a smaller GDP per capita.

Also, even if you disagree with that: the argument is not against "improving efficiency". The argument is against optimizing for it while ignoring other costs and especially ignoring the fact that most of these optimizations have diminishing returns. E.g: airline travel is something that has been optimized beyond imagination, but it will never be as sustainable as an economic activity as traveling by train or boats. Between trying to "optimize" air travel even more, I'd rather we just decided to ban short haul flights altogether and reallocated our resources to the (re-)construction of decent rail roads and passenger boats.

What would someone break Google up into, ad and vertisements? If you look at their quarterly reports you'll see that they are almost entirely based around one product.

You could cut out ads from the rest. And make Google buy ad space from Foogle Search.

Of the viable companies, each would still be a monopoly.

I haven't heard stories about bank's AI deciding to close a person's account, take all their life savings, and refuse any explanation, contact or cooperation. Maybe regulation has to do something with it?

1) There have been stories of N26 customers who are locked out of their accounts, or had their devices stolen and lost their funds to thieves and the bank refused to reverse the transaction.

2) No, regulation (or the lack of it) has nothing to do with it.

3) No one is arguing for the end of regulation.

You think those industries suck now, imagine what they're like without regulation holding their feet on the path a bit.

They are, in Europe, where we have decent regulation and consumer protection with teeth.

I'll buy that when the German auto makers get to pay properly for Dieselgate.

Until then, EU regulation will be just a demonstration that money and power still talks just like in the US, the only difference is that Europeans are better at fooling themselves about their moral superiority.

I fully agree that automakers should be held responsible. However, I am feeling a bit of negative sentiment here. What does 'properly' mean? There has been court cases that have been decided against them. Sure there is always more. But this sounds a bit like whatabotism. Also there is a high probability of defeat devices in Citroen, Dacia, Fiat, Ford and Honda cars as well. It is however true that the EU create a huge grey zone. But what does that mean in terms of court cases against cloud providers??

"Properly" means that the automakers should pay a fine per vehicle sold that was producing more emissions than allowed, and that fine should be so high as to effectively get them into bankruptcy. It should also put in jail anyone that was aware of the violation and did not report to the authorities. Everyone, from the CEO to the test engineer who knew about the cheating devices.

Anything less than that and all you are getting is an incentive for the make a risk calculation between profit and losses of being caught.

> Also there is a high probability of defeat devices in Citroen, Dacia, Fiat, Ford and Honda cars as well.

Which would be a sign that the regulations are not really working and consumers are just getting fooled into believing that their beloved EU is oh-so-awesome.

> Anything less than that and all you are getting is an incentive for the make a risk calculation between profit and losses of being caught.

But that logic applies to anything that any company does. You want to effectively kill any company for any infraction?

That sounds a little too severe.

If the infraction was intentional and with the sole purpose of getting unfair competitive advantage in the market, yes, the company should be dissolved for it.

> If the infraction was intentional and with the sole purpose of getting unfair competitive advantage in the market, yes, the company should be dissolved for it.

My memory may be hazy[1], but I don't think Dieselgate was ever proven intentional; your proposed policy wouldn't have kicked into effect anyway.

[1] So feel free to post links to the findings if you have them handy

The whole thing started because the EPA reported that the software that controlled fuel injection on diesel engines was intentionally programmed to detect if the car was running in special lab conditions. It's on the first paragraph of the wikipedia page[0].

[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_emissions_scandal

I'm mostly with you in spirit but I'd stop at big fines and jailing the executives. Most of the employees are probably fine and someone better can take the helm without too much disruption to their work. Jailing executives might be enough on its own but the fine is useful as well, to pay compensation if nothing else.

Meanwhile, in the EU the price displayed/set in the contract is the price you pay.

Meanwhile, the prices in EU are overall higher even after sales tax included...

We could spend the whole day in this pointless display of "my dad is better than your dad", but can we just skip it please?

Having lived in the US and now living in Germany for over 9 years, I have no intention to leave. But this idea that "regulations" could fix the consumer hostility of Big tech is naive at best and damaging at worst. To assume that the differences between US and Europe are due to lack of regulations is a terrible mistake of reversing cause-and-effect. Cultural differences between and Europe can explain a lot better why things work different, while "regulations" assume that people are just automatons who can do nothing but follow orders established by some higher authority.

> Meanwhile, the prices in EU are overall higher even after sales tax included...

Regulation has its costs. Predictable.

> Cultural differences between and Europe can explain a lot better why things work different

Yep, the cultural differences that lead to even a "left" US government to be a lot more hands off than any EU government :)

It's not whataboutism. Read the comment it was replying to.

This is a non-sequitur. EU has shown plenty of effectiveness enforcing consumer-facing regulation especially in tech/internet.

Dieselgate is a case of corruption in Germany, a particularly horrific and embarrassing one sure. But the existence of corruption in a single member state is not sufficient to disregard EU-wide regulatory efforts in a broad swath of consumer-facing industries.

The point is that no matter how good they are at enforcing, they still can't manage to use the regulations to actually regulate behavior of the economic agents in a way that is beneficial to society.

"Strict emission laws" did not stop EU car makers to focus on ICE cars, it worked only to give consumers a false belief that their cars were not as clean as they believed. It's not regulation that is changing the industry, it is Tesla.

GDPR did not (and will not) stop big companies to collect and exploit user data.

"Right to repair" did not get the big manufacturers to stop producing devices that are consumer friendly and don't stop planned obsolescence.

Europeans have this stupid sense of moral superiority, but the people still buy from China, still look at cost above ethics and just use the "but our govt is strong" as an excuse to redeem themselves of personal responsibility.

consumer protection doesn't tend to apply to businesses

Heavily regulated industries ANYWHERE in the world except the US work perfectly fine. Its because regulations are watered down in the US that they don't.

I'm a fan of regulating big tech, but in this case reputation will also make a big difference. I know lots of people who actively avoid google's cloud products because they don't trust google not to pull stunts like this.

There have been too many stories on HN and twitter over the years of business critical google accounts being suspended for no reason or google cloud products massively increasing their price overnight.

I don't trust google as a provider for business-critical infrastructure. I'm far from alone.

The cost to provide proper support for the 99.9% is much much larger than the benefit of bringing on the possibly 0.1% who don't trust Google and avoid their products. This minority cannot be the solution to the problem.

Anecdotally I cannot remember the last time I have mentioned GCP in person or in online discussions without the conversation turning into why no-one wants to use them for anything serious.

I suspect it's far more than 0.1%. They have a bad reputation and word-of-mouth is now working against them.

> bringing on the possibly 0.1% who don't trust Google

I would imagine it would be more than 0.1%.

I'm not opposed to regulation, but in this case, another solution already exists. That is, competitive services that pride themselves on great customer service and satisfaction. Apple kind of does this in the iPhone vs Google phone wars. Azure and AWS do this in the cloud wars. Fastmail and Proton mail do this in the email wars, etc. Regulation didn't force Fastmail to be awesome; it's just the core of their business model and differentiation.

I wonder if you could require that some data be made accessible to the user. Like transaction logs and actions relating to those transactions. So that you have direct incontrovertible evidennce of the internal state. That could then be used by third party support, or even courts.

  no accountability
Can't they sue google? Surely this is a case here.

How much money do you want to waste on lawyers while your case drags on for years?

Sue google? Are you mad? What do you think you'll accomplish with that ?

Stop using their products and giving them money.

It’s probably too big for one strong personality to get it back to the Don’t Be Evil days.

Regulation, litigation, or split it into pieces.

When was the last time any big company was split? AT&T 50 years ago, any newer examples? Nowadays big tech is too influential to allow politicians to make such decisions.

IMO we really need regulation on how support is done by big tech. It should be really hard for them to close accounts like this.

Agreed. This issue seems to be popping up constantly on the front page. Not just Google but many of these companies.

I should not be able to get customer service from a random McDonalds franchise over a chicken sandwich easier than a company that we spend thousands, tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars with.

They do not get to use "We're too big with too many customers" as a defense. They can figure it out.

It won’t happen. Google is probably going to be like the next IBM: a former tech giant that became irrelevant.

I wouldn't be so sure that will happen to Alphabet before it does to Amazon or MS. Nothing lasts forever, though IBM aren't actually showing any signs of dying outright yet, despite the fact their own attempt to get into the cloud platform market hasn't exactly been inspiring (even if they were only ever intending to cater for niche markets).

Ironically, empathy is the reason why they are doing this. Empathy for the support worker. They literally call it Human Ops. The idea is that support work is horrible for their intelligent engineers and so they invest in AI to replace human the bad jobs that impact humans.

Of course human ops is originally about reducing actual traumatic jobs like reviewing actual evil images, but its basically now all brain work which techies hate.

I'm kinda surprised they don't voluntarily allow courts to make these tricky decisions for them.

Perhaps even offer to pay court costs.

They can say:

> We suspended your account for violation of XYZ rule. You can appeal internally, and if that is denied, you can ask a court to rule on if you broke this rule. If the court finds you did not violate the rule, we will reinstate your account. We will provide any data from your account to the court to make its decision, including proprietary data that we cannot reveal directly to you, for example data about other linked accounts.

I doubt that can happen organically. The Google is ground zero for ego in Silicon Valley. When ego is inflated, empathy must deflate to make room.

They should be freaking broken:

1. Ad business should be one thing 2. Other products should be different companies: Gmail, GCS, Domains, etc etc. They should not be "cushioned" by Ad business revenue.

That way they will play an even playing field with similar companies. And I think Amazon/AWS should have the same split.

If that happens, these companies will have to differentiate to their customers with non-crappy customer support.

empathy for customers not paying ? lol

In this case, for customers who do pay and get fucked over by google anyway.

> They were "investigating" the issue and assured the project will not be suspended.

In my experience, and from everything I have read of others, Google's customer support is mostly a facade - Google will have given them a few buttons to press but they have absolutely no autonomy or authority, they are disconnected from Google and when things go wrong they cannot help you no matter how much they promise.

Also: If you're on AWS/GCP and only backup to S3/GCS, you're doing it wrong. All your backups to setup a new system (even if it takes time) need to be with a different provider.

Backups to another provider are very costly for most users due to egress bandwidth pricing.

Most backup systems can't do efficient incremental diffs either - so you end up sending your companies entire database every 12/24 hours, burning through a lot of bandwidth.

Would have through incremental backup (replication) would be a core feature of most databases.

I think the problem is that replication alone isn't enough. You also need to support snapshots for backups because you don't want to replay years worth of replication logs to do a restore.

And when you support snapshots in your backup software, it's very tempting to then drop support for replication...

Replication logs also have another problem - since they include every data change, certain types of database updates, for example a large field that changes hundreds of times per second, can work out far less bandwidth to just snapshot periodically.

Overall, all this stuff is a lot of complexity most businesses don't want to have. They just want to have a simple backup solution and get back to building their product. And that usually involves using some managed database where backups are just an option in the control panel. Or a self-managed database where backups are disk snapshots. Or a script that copies a database dump to S3 every day. But it hardly ever involves streaming change logs...

I use borg backup for this very use case.

Not free, certainly. But it's a system requirement there to be able to rebuild the system in a non AWS environment.

You don't need to use a separate provider to address the problem here, where using a separate provider may not address the problem at all:

> "We're fully redundant across AZs, regions, and even cloud providers!" crows the engineer with a single corporate credit card backing the entire house of cards.


You could backup to a different account, possibly in a different region, with the same provider, as long as the other account has a different payment method. Using one provider would in most cases reduce the amount of effort to get back up and running.

The key piece would be how DNS is structured and hosted/billed.

> If you're on AWS/GCP and only backup to S3/GCS, you're doing it wrong.

If that’s how you feel then you should be applying that logic to any provider. Even if you rent rack space in a data center. Because unless you own everything through and through. This could happen anywhere.

I agree with this premise. Backup to another provider, and also make sure it is in a different physical location - different city. In the old days you would pay a company to take a tape backup offsite so why not keep to that idea.

Of course you should be applying that logic if you rent rack space in a data center - your backups should definitely be outside of that data center somewhere else.

You can get some cheap storage from Hetzner and also back up there. With their !sane! egress transfer costs compared to the lunacy that plagues Google, AWS etc, accessing the data wont ever be problem either.

Those are different providers. Why would you need a 3rd?

Think they meant "AWS or GCP and only backup to S3 or GCS respectively"

I think they’re saying only backing up _data_ is not enough (S3, GCS). You need to be able to roll out infrastructure elsewhere to, in order to have somewhere to restore said data.

Does business interruption insurance cover Google, or is that under the "acts of God" exception?

Seeing all these horror stories, I can't help but wonder when people are going to switch back to on prem, or at least some hybrid. It's pretty apparent we can't trust cloud providers...

I'm not so sure. Aren't we having a bit of negativity bias here, as we mostly hear about the negative events while there are probably countless successful integrations with cloud providers.

Exactly. This is truly negativity bias.

Look at all the banks shifting their infra to the cloud. Haven't heard anything bad happen from that. And their uptime and business requirements are as stringent as anyone else, even further scrutinized by regulators and auditors.

Yes, if you'd compare all horror stories of people having huge downtimes because their on-prem system collapsed vs. people having an issue with their cloud provider then we'd very quickly realise again why the cloud has taken us by storm.

The pendulum will swing over cost, not over outages like these, because the cost challenges are real, while these outages are rare.

It won't go all back to on prem because cloud providers will slash their margins once they struggle to maintain growth, and doing so they'll diminish the advantages of on-prem/hybrid setups for a lot of people, and so we'll find some equilibrium or other.

I'd expect more emphasis on hybrid between multiple clouds rather than cloud vs. on prem to happen first. E.g. layers to threat more parts of cloud services as commodities.

Full on prem is a pretty bad for a large company because your company now depends on a single monopolistic service provider that is run as a cost center (ie: the department managing your on prem stuff). Eventually that leads to a very bad engineer experience which leads to a massive opportunity cost for any tech company. It works for a while and then over time becomes more and more dysfunctional. Hybrid at least includes competition with cloud providers which makes things less dysfunctional.

Most places de facto depend on a single provider that becomes a cost center when using cloud providers too. While you can shop around, in effect it tends to get entrenched and get more and more dysfunctional as people try to exploit characteristics of your approvals process for using resources from your chosen provider. For a big company, you need a team to manage these resources - I've lost count of the number of recruiters who has contacted me just this year for roles involving management or architecture of cloud strategy etc. because they're building whole supporting organisations around a specific paradigm for hosting rather than building an organisation responsible for understanding and providing the best possible substrate for their applications.

I'm all for hybrid solutions, but mostly because it means you usually end up being able to cut the cost of on prem, colocation or managed servers even more relative to cloud setups because you can increase the utilisation rate (e.g. run your base load on cheap Hetzner servers but being able to spin up EC2 instances on short notice to take spices or handle failures up to and including all of Hetzner falling off the face of the earth). Most larger managed providers today also offers cloud services and many also offers colo services, so you can often easily mix and match as long as you're conscious off egress pricing which is often the biggest barrier to such setups today (especially if the big cloud providers are in the mix, though it's better than it was).

That said, I prefer not putting my eggs in one basket, and instead going the direction of putting in place layers to treat a multi-provider setup as one. In the past I've e.g. done zero downtime migrations between AWS->GCP->Hetzner that way, and also had systems split between actual on prem (as in a data room at our office), multiple colo's, dedicated servers at Hetzner, and a couple of VM providers where everything was transparent to our engineers (they didn't need to know on what continent a service ran unless doing performance optimisation or reliability engineering). We prepped to tie in AWS resources too, but it never become cost effective for that company to do so vs. the prices of the other providers used - it would have been if we had sudden extreme load spikes, but it was a business where traffic was linked closely to physical capacity at restaurants and nightclubs, and so traffic was very predictable.

Which is funny because reduced cost was one of the major selling points of "cloud" way back when.

Most companies aren't actually at the scale where they need cloud. Cloud comes with the benefit of minimal to no need for ops/devops, high uptime (when nothing goes wrong lol), integrated DDoS protections, APIs your junior devs can string together, and the illusion of infinite scaling.

In reality, it turns out you do need someone to effectively do ops, you don't have 99.999% uptime, your don't need most or any of those APIs, and you didn't need that promise of scaling after all.

With DDoS protection, on-prem hosting or independent dedicated hosting might be more economical and practical.

On demand pricing is also a key benefit of cloud. Instead of needing to make a big initial spend on hosting infra you can pay only for what you need.

The other big benefit is auto scaling, in 2012 lots of companies would launch and be unable to meet traffic from a big push from reddit or HN or others. Today it’s rare to see a new product’s site go down due to a “hug of death.”

That's an argument for using cloud for highly spiky traffic, or for not doing actual on prem primarily.

If you do in-colo hosting with leased servers you've already cut the big initial spend drastically (e.g. deploying to a new colo for a past employer involved buying a pair of switches and some cables), though you're still usually tied in to a lengthy contract. Doing managed servers usually comes with little to no upfront cost (sometimes a low setup fee) and often month-by-month contracts.

With respect to the on demand pricing benefit vs. monthly, my experience is that the price differential is so steep vs. the cheaper managed hosting providers that it's only usually viable for loads that run less than ~6 hours a day. Most sites do not have a variable enough load to justify the engineering cost to use cloud to handle their normal day/night cycle that way - usually the variations are too small. Some do.

But note that this only pays for itself if your base load is not on a cloud setup, as the base load tends to dominate and the base load cost of most cloud setups is high enough not to be outweighed by the increased flexibility vs. a pure managed/colo/on prem setup.

It gets worse for cloud: If looking for the most cost effective, they're not competing against a pure managed/colo/on prem setup, but against a hybrid setup which can auto-scale into the cloud but usually won't. If you e.g. deploy containers, all your need is to tie cloud instances automatically into an overlay network and feed data from your monitoring system into a tool that adjust min/max instances in for an autoscaling group in AWS when load exceeds a threshold, for example.

For a typical "pure" on prem setup you'd usually aim for the daily peaks to rarely exceed 50% of on prem capacity. Maybe a bit more if you have a very predictable business, or even less if your traffic is very unpredictable.

But if you add capability to that setup to spin up and tie in cloud instances to handle peaks, and you can push that into 90%+, or even above 100% - basically whichever number turns out most cost effective. Usually if you optimise that for cost, this means you'll end up with a setup which almost never spins up cloud instances, but which is now vastly cheaper relative to a pure cloud setup because it's gained the benefit of auto-scaling at a far higher load factor than would be safe in a pure on prem/managed setup.

I'd guess that a large percentage of SMBs are running on-prem, so you don't hear about switching back because they avoided the cloud in the first place.

No need for on prem (rolling your own cloud just means it might be you that fucks up, or your ISP anyway). If you use standard legos like VMs, simple functions, containers, k8s, postgresql etc. then you can have a replica of your site on another provider. Scale it down and keep the data in cold storage. Flick the on switch for an hour a month to check it all works.

A number of orgs I've worked with in the last few years have gone from on prem to full cloud to hybrid, with plans to bring more stuff on-prem in the future.

On-prem requires a good half-dozen people just for managing the servers and doing on-call rotation.

For a 10-20 person company that's a huge expense with not that much ROI.

People won't switch to on-prem because if Google and some other providers screw up, there still are many other cloud providers. For K8 they could have gone with anyone from Digitalocean to Linode. Actually, they could have already replicated their cluster to more than one provider to use as failover in such a case. (assuming that they were using K8)

Expect to have issues with colo as well, unless you own the building.

I think it's a vocal minority. The vast majority of GCS customers won't have this problem. These kind of posts typically do very well on HN.

It doesn't take most to have this problem. It takes a reasonable proportion to fear they could have this problem.

That said, I think cost is more likely to drive change here than fear over billing - most people pick lover cost over risk mitigation far more often than they'd like to admit.

This sort of stuff genuinely scares me to try Google cloud, ever. Even if I were to try something on the aside, it's scary how much I rely on Google services, and how monumentally screwed I would be, if my Google account would get disabled somehow without any recourse.

Google Cloud is a weird thing. It's got Google quality:

- technically amazing: BigQuery and GKE are great

- really half assed as a product: console is somehow slower than AWS despite the latter being the most tech debt of the lot for having invented everything, support half witted, and honestly I had a card declined and even Alibaba Cloud didn't suspend my shit

If you have one of their premium support things you'll get faster service but I think I'm not hyper keen on them for general stuff.

I'm always stunned whenever I have to search for something in our GCP audit logs, because the company that shipped Google search also shipped a log searching and filtering interface that's slower than our self-hosted kibana while searching over multiple orders of magnitude less data.

Googler, opinions are my own.

I know nothing about this case, but I have a few thoughts about this story.

1) The "full story" is actually rather sparse on exact details. The author quoted just a few words of "Your Projects are at risk of suspension", but doesn't provide more details about what was actually in the email. Did something else potentially cause this shutoff, not just billing? (I agree, based on his wording that this likely was a billing issue, but it would be good to know the full story).

2) The OP has not replied to any comments on here.

3) If the OP is reading this, they should go through their front-line support people at GCP saying this story is about you, so they can help you look into it. (it'll likely get the PR people to know who you are). If there was really a screw up where you paid and were still shut off for billing non-payment, I bet that would lead to a larger postmortem internally.

Some really good points in here.

The company I work for has forbidden the use of Google and their services (if possible) such as GCP etc. due to how they treat their customers. In particular, there never seems to be any human being that you can talk to and find out what you need to do to fix the issue. We do not want the same to occur to our production systems if there is an overflow from a Play Store ban to GCP etc. The business risk is too high when you rely on Google's services.

Some examples:

Suspended GCP even when everything in order - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32547912

Ban app even when competitors are similar - https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3vdpj/google-play-store-ban...

Play Association ban - https://old.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/ts6jfg/google_h...

Ban due to wrong wording - https://twitter.com/hermaritz/status/1371383715381805061

Terraria banned - https://twitter.com/Demilogic/status/1358661840402845696

New project banned - https://medium.com/@amton15127/why-you-should-not-use-fireba...

Google bans company - https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/8kvias/tifu_by_gettin...

Google bans mail - https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/a-serf-on-googles-farm

Ban app for communicating changes during covid - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23221447

Adwords ban - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23224791

Serverpunch bad support - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17431609

Delete app - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20826618

Google bans game with pandemic - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23229073

Google bans dev with no recourse - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15197357

These are the ones that got the limelight. Multiply this list x100 to get the true number of fuckups.

Thank you for this collection of references.

The business continuity risk of using google is just too dangerous, while the odds are low, the consequences are disastrous for a business and there is never any recourse.

> In particular, there never seems to be any human being that you can talk to and find out what you need to do to fix the issue

This isn't really 100% true. It's just that Google uses third party contractors for the grunt work and they are working off a script. You can contact them but the comms with them is weird you won't get a direct response only canned responses as they are not allowed to talk to you directly. I'm pretty sure that these contractors are working out of India due to the times they would "respond" to the ticket.

I went through this recently with one of my apps because you can use the Google picker to load files. Very strange and stressful process I was this close to just deleting that feature due to the insane process.

Example was I had a spelling / grammar mistake on my landing page (minor) and they knocked back the application by sending me a premade email with all the rules that need followed which was full of spelling mistakes. Then once I corrected this they said I had a broken link (it was a link to instagram which didn't work and I took it off) again the email they sent to me was full of broken links. Very weird.

> if there is an overflow from a Play Store ban to GCP etc

This only happens if you're using personal google accounts / @gmail accounts to manage gcp resources. Even if you don't use Workspace as your main directory, you can set it to be a SAML consumer so you still get full Workspace data governance.

Eu's digital gatekeepers law will kick some of these bad behaviors in the curb. But letting large tech companies go unaccountable despite their near total domination in certain aspects of life has been something incredible that we have done.

I understand the cost and complexity of doing so but I think that production loads should be engineered across two or more service providers. That way any incident on a given provider is recoverable without that providers cooperation and you can mitigate against Oracle style lock-in.

I somewhat agree in principle. At the same time, the (implied) promise of the big providers like AWS and GCP is to provide everything needed for a reliable service while saving the time for setting it all up yourself. If you need multiple platform providers with fallback logic etc., it is hard to see a scenario in which setting up your own infrastructure would not be more effective.

Perhaps the latter is the more practical solution indeed, though.

If you think that production loads should be designed as multi-cloud as redundancy, then you don't understand the cost of complexity and doing it.

Using Google services for anything important is like tossing it into the wind and hope for the best.

Tangential question.

Has anyone compiled a list of these Google customer service nightmares anywhere?

I would love to give a Google sales person a link to such as an explanation why I will never buy services from them.

I'll repeat it again and again and again, Google is not a trustworthy partner and scammed me a lot of money out of my adsense gains, only to slap me in the face by sending a 50 bucks voucher to my physical address to "buy ads". And it was all 15 years ago. Google are a bunch of thieves in my book and nobody should ever trust Google Cloud. Since then I worked in many big corporations and have had responsibilities and everytime I could weight against using Google cloud, I did. They must have lost millions because of me, all that because they kicked me out of adsense for bullshit reasons without the possibility of appeal. Google can go to hell.

Out of curiosity, what level of support did you have?

I'm referring to these


What I hear is that unless you have at least standard support, they treat you like garbage.

They have the standard level of support, which means to get your situation resolved you need to post on HN and stay on the front page long enough for Googlers to notice.

I swear this website is slowly starting to become a way to contact support for big tech more than anything else.

The only entities Google doesn't treat like garbage are advertisers. All others are part of the product

Haha, I am an advertiser on Google and trust me, getting hold of someone is like doing a summoning ritual.

At least most rituals are well documented ;)

Thanks for this. I was checking the billing page recently and was surprised by the 2-3k cost for the support plan. Now I see it’s a % of the monthly spend

We've also received the same threatening emails, even though it was an error on their end, and everything was paid. We were also assured it was an issue on their end, and to ignore the emails. This is wildly irresponsible stuff.

This is exactly my nightmare. I have several google cloud apps, all stupidly under one account that I use for other things also than just to gcp. Maybe it's time to start to migrate away from gcp, because how can you even reach them ?? and how on earth any provider cuts anything off during the weekend?

This reminds someone's assertion on cloud long time ago: "Cloud is just someone else's computer".

Really sad Google just continues to do this BS.

At the company I work for, we are seriously evaluating moving off of AWS (about ~$10k/mo bill).

This is not going to fly.

Try digitalocean. Their offerings are competitive, with a fraction of the price. With that kind of low cost, you can have failovers elsewhere. Like Linode, or even Hetzner.

This would be a situation where government should step in with some regulatory authority. The public utilities in general cannot cut off your electric or gas service for a simple billing issue. And in some cases, such as during a harsh winter, than cannot disconnect you at all. We need something like this for cloud providers.

I used to work at Google Cloud, I left about 2 years ago so my advice might be slightly outdated so hopefully it helps someone.

I highly recommend anyone running production workloads to get in touch with sales and meet your account manager, and customer engineer.

You also need to swap to invoice billing and sign the offline payment terms. Credit card payments leave you in a MUCH higher risk category at higher risk of suspension.

You can ask them to put a flag on your accounts so that you won't get suspended in the event of billing issues. Iirc it gives you something like 180 days and blocks any of the automated systems.

The downside is you could get a crazy huge bill if you have an account compromised or some rogue IaC code. But you can manage that with quotas mostly. And with some good negotiation you can get a rogue bill written off. YMMV.

Google has the worst support, bar none, of any infrastructure company I've dealt with in my 13 years in the industry.

IF you can get ahold of someone... and IF they comprehend your issue... and IF they know how to solve it... and IF they can communicate with other departments involved... and IF they remember to respond to you... and IF their internal documentation is up to date... then you MIGHT stand a chance of getting your problem solved.

It's at the point where you will get better support for Google's own services from companies that resell them, because they have on-call internal contacts at Google and actually care about their customers.

Cloud computing platforms are a bit of a double edged sword. I find it kind of ironic that big companies are moving their stuff to those services but they often have to rely on some consultancy firm that can deal with these problems. Congratulations, you had a problem and now you have two.

That's a feature not a bug.

They went from: (Remember, companies are people!)

We have to make choices about big expensive things. - 0 people to blame besides them. Vendors / Consultants make choices about bigger and more expensive things for them - 1 person to blame besides them. Consultants + "The Cloud" to blame - 2 people to blame besides them.

It is a feature to have many people to blame, in these type of environments.

Reading a lot of comments here makes me think that GCP has built up a very bad reputation for customer support. Does anyone know if they are responded to this?

Not only that they stringed me along for the free credit thing and I realized that I started to incur expenses for running some other instances. When I protested they assured me I billing will handle it. Except my account manager just ghosted me and I found out that if I do a chargeback all of my google services could be shut down, not just my GCP related billing.

I've never returned and have been with AWS since. Nobody in their right mind uses GCP and the only good thing they had was Firebase but already Supabase has pretty much rendered that useless.

Fck google cloud and I say that with confidence. If you are one of those shops that require engineers to use both GCP and AWS, start choosing, because new and old are on AWS and will remain on AWS.

Hell is other people. Cloud is other people’s computers.

Out of curiosity, how long was the suspension active, how quickly was it fixed once you notified them, and how large is your account (very roughly)?

I keep hearing about this "automation" and sure, I'm probably too dumb to understand FAANG-level automation but aren't there switches that the automated workflows are expected to check against, atleast before running high-impact actions are like account suspension? Switches that can be pushed by the customer service groups with appropriate entitlement? I have written components with such overrides (with proper auditing to ensure review) and that worked pretty well as a safety-valve. Surely a bunch of PHDs with research papers can't be all wrong so what am I missing here?

Googler here. I'd like to help. DM me https://twitter.com/david_klanac

Are you someone with authority over Billing, or a nice but powerless employee in a different department?

It doesn't take authority to effect change. You'd be surprised at what you can accomplish once you figure out how who owns the various fragments of the solution.

OP – My offer to help still stands. I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience. Sorry doesn't fix it. I realize that. But I want to make it right.

Google Cloud is the Clown Shoes offering amongst major providers. I’d much rather bet my business on DigitalOcean or Vultr before I ever touched Google Cloud.

Try reaching out to their Developer Advocates on twitter & then maybe with any luck a 'person' can look into this.

There's a TL;DR like this at least once per month on HN. How do people keep making the same mistake?

Google doesn't care about you. Escalate enough, and they will also block your personal account, deleting all your emails+photos in the process.

Friends don't let friends run production software on Google services.

In terms of customer experience, GCP is amazing and its why we chose Google. When you work with an account manager, the experience is far better than any other service. If you only work with support, you aren't going to have a good advocate for your account.

Same happened to us the last Thursday, but in our case they suspended our GCP account without a prior notification. Just learned about this from our external monitoring.

Turns out they wanted to check my IDs, and it's after I had been their customer for 14 years. And it took them 5 days to verify that ID. An hour ago they activated it back.

I've been running a few projects on GCP, with active customers, which I lost now. Those 5 days of outrage is basically a catastrophe for us.

And no apology was given by Google. There was barely any communication from their side.

Never use GCP for production.

It's not just Google cloud that's the problem here. It's using somebody else's computer. Now that you've learned your lesson, you need to run out and buy a nice Threadripper and I guarantee it will run your whole workload eith enough juice to spare so when you're pulling 1 million paying visitors per day or whatever you'll still be able to run your whole operation on one machine. You may have to fire your "responsive" front end people but they'll kill your whole business sooner or later anyhow.

Running your whole company cloud off a credit card is OK pre-seed round, but then you should get a proper business account setup w/ ACH payments/invocing.

Better still, after you grow a bit, use a GCP reseller (SADA and DoIT are great) or a usage commitment with your account manager for a nice discount. I've never heard of one of those accounts getting turned off in the middle of the night.

Sure, it sucks to hear of account lockouts like this, but productionizing your finances is part of the startup lifecycle.

The leader in search folks. This level of incompetence. I moved all my domains from google when they starting picking political sides. Even their search product is becoming useless.

What most engineers fail to understand is that when you calculate true reliability of a service you should factor in all such incidents. Most people are somehow convinced that outages due to billing issues "don't count". Service outages due to overzealous automated enforcement of some security rule do not count. Being banned from a service because of your politics doesn't count. The end result, however, is the same - your service is down.

I was really under impression that Thomas Currian will make Google cloud a little more reliable. Less cool (even worse tech ) but more reliable: good documentation, reliable servers, good management console, and good support (think Rackspace in olden days).

I guess that is not happening. AWS is good enough and Azure is a mess but at least support personal is trained.

Were you able to get back online? Have they responded since the suspension? It's early Monday morning now.

So as of today, mid 2022 ... there is still again ONE only reliable cloud?

How can a company fight the so called "vendor lock-in" without opening their own data center?

The only alternative I see is just really going against the flow - use simpler hosting services, etc.... but who does that nowadays?

Running a hobby project on Oracle Cloud (that or a provider like DigitalOcean/Linode are the only ways it is profitable due to bandwith expenses) that I may try to turn into a business eventually and worried about that same scenario happening.

This reminds me about a criticism of quoting 99.999...% reliability of storage systems: the number of 9s kind of doesn't matter because you're more likely to experience an administrative problem, such as an unnoticed payments issue :)

Have you try contacting Google Cloud support teams? What did they say? I found this path https://cloud.google.com/support/billing

That's another case of reliability of cloud solutions compared to bare metal.

> TLDR; never use google cloud systems for production.

By this point the TLDR should be “don’t use a Google account”. It doesn’t matter if it’s business or personal, the horror stories of suspension without recourse are the same.

Getting ready to start reaching my IT for Professionals class this semester.

I've basically shifted to making the final project something involving "a machine on which you (genuinely and completely) have root."

This would be why.

On the other side of the coin, AWS communicated they were shutting down EC2-Classic. With years of notice, and then on the cut off date, is still slowly winding it down. :) Love AWS

There are other cloud providers out there that are be trusted. Rest assured that these events are not common.

OP’s lack of replies to countless comments here is making it hard to trust the credibility of this post.

Is there no model of service where Google can't make real human support possible at scale for profit?

Probably, but there is more profit in not having real human support. The savings are massive, and the cost is just a few dropped customers here and there

Sorry, not really sorry.

It has been well documented that any of the big tech companies will thankfully flush you and all you've build down the drain whenever they feel like that. You'll also probably never be able to talk to someone (high enough up the ladder) to figure things out.

Nevertheless lots of people are building their tech and their lives based on the services provided by these companies, when a maliciously flagged YouTube comment for a linked account can kill _everything_ in seconds.

Stop building stuff on their platforms. Now.

edit: Yeah, probably not very "helpful" but how many of the "Google killed my X for no reason" posts will we have to see until either regulatory bodies step in (doesn't look like that) or people will just stop using those services. Yeah, it's cheap and it's easy to start with, but so are some drugs, too.

Do we see much of this for AWS? Asking for a friend...

AWS will email you for months and months about billing issues before they terminate anything

This. In my previous company I was receiving almost every month some email from automated systems AND humans at AWS because either our finance dept screwed it up or AWS screwed it up but we had like hundred of thousands of $ in missing payments for months, and nothing happened (we always eventually paid AFAIK). Nowadays I think they are removing humans from the loop as much as possible though.

Indeed. My company forgot to warn the the credit card had been updated, emails were being sent to the work email of an employee that left... Took 4 months before they started turning off stuff, and even that was quite gradual, just enough to draw attention

I confirm this, had this multiple times

And AWS support is much better.

Some with Digitalocean.

With AWS the problems I heard was your bill getting really really high unexpectedly.

but they always find a solution to it. i've spun up redshift instances to play around that racked up thousands by accident, and they forgave them in a snap.

TBF that can happen with any of the big cloud providers.

We've had some mishaps with Azure billing and they did call for a couple of days before they switched things off.

This calls for a "me too" moment where everyone shares their Google is terrible and I'll never use them again. Here are a couple of my favorites from our company:



There's this story from a couple of days ago which is shocking: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32538805

Google is a terrible, dystopian company.

The most interesting part is how all this awfulness seems to stem purely from apathy.

Warning for that Medium link, that background color burned my eyes...

Underrated commend.

I don't use google ads now because of suspended account for the last 2 years. No luck to get the response about the issue from their support. I would say never use google products. They are not people oriented. They charge for the digital products without having reliable communication. if you want to grow it's definitely better to keep using the other services.

I don't recommend anything else but have you heard any cases about digitalocean or amazon or fly or other platforms? also it's possible to write to support and get information about any kind of the issues that you are getting for any kind of the reasons.

My ad campaign was suspended every three months because I had an exclamation mark in it. After explaining it for the third time I gave up on it and started to build for the post-advertising world.

What does "build for the post-advertising world" entail? I'm extremely interested in alternatives to the Google Ads protection racket. I've been focusing on outstanding customer service/product to drive word of mouth and it seems to have a better ROI.

Fly.io employee here.

Account suspensions are manual. If you have billing issues at most you will be limited on what you can do (deploy, scale...).

exactly. I heard only the good words about fly actually :) You don't break things like google services with their clients.

for my case with google ads I don't even get any reasons to be suspended and no luck to fix it somehow. I was promoting my indie games with no income actually.

The law should come hard on this sort of shenanigans, but hitting on Big Tech has already become a political issue in the US, Europe is, in the end, too afraid to do it (bar some relatively minor extra taxes that Big Tech is all to happy to pay as long as it's not made legally liable in other ways), and here we are, with crazy stories like this one (one of many).

> Europe is, in the end, too afraid to do it

Hmm, I feel this is opposite of what people normally complain about here. Every time EU does something about big tech, HN users will pop up saying it's just because they're jealous and wants to harass US companies. And other's saying the US are just afraid of hurting their own companies and look the other way so they can grow big.

> Europe is, in the end, too afraid to do it

Take a look at the Digital Markets and Digital Services Acts on top of the already active GDPR.

Well, the GDPR isn't there to fine companies for doing the wrong thing. A company's first violation rarely results in fines or disciplinary action. In any case, I do agree that the EU seems to move quicker and act stricter than other regions in regulating big tech companies.

Of course, the point of the legislation (any legislation for that matter) is for things to be improved, not to top up the budget by catching infractions. A warning on first offense is a good principle to adapt (of course baring murder and the like)

>Europe is, in the end, too afraid to do it (bar some relatively minor extra taxes that Big Tech is all to happy to pay as long as it's not made legally liable in other ways),


$8 billion afraid. If you consider that 'minor', i rather suspect you are being anti-EU just for the hell of it.

If a small butcher-shop round the corner sells the wrong type of meat the authorities first close his shop and then apply the fine, or close the shop and apply the fine at the same time, thing is butcher shop is getting closed no matter what until the issue is resolved. As such, yeah, 8 billion euros/dollars is just the cost of doing business as long as the Google "shop" (or any other FAANG shop) is not closed until the issue is resolved.

Back to this, had any political authority (the EU/US, doesn't matter) applied the same principle in here, i.e. "we won't allow you to sell any cloud-related services anymore until you don't have proper customer service" let's say, I can assure you that would have done a lot more to alleviate problems like this one.

> we won't allow you to sell any cloud-related services anymore until you don't have proper customer service

Yeah, and shut down everything that everyone has running on Google's servers on the process. Killing millions of small to large businesses in the process. That does make sense. The way to enforce food regulations is to shut down the food stores even at the cost of leaving people hungry.

"Wrong type of meat", or unhealthy meat. I think your argument would depend on the distinction (as much as "the authorities" ie working on a local level, vs "The EU", working on a National, and Continental level).

The law can only come if people sue

And yes I think people should engage lawyers in cases like this. Even in small cases court if it's the case

> The law can only come if people sue

That's not true in the long run. Legislators can make arbitrary laws that ban or prescribe arbitrary things.

See eg how there are special laws in Spain and Australia that (try to) force specific behaviour from Google News. Behaviour that you can't override with a contract.

Europe is too afraid to do it? Like how it was afraid to roll out the browser ballot and fine Microsoft ~500,000 a day or something until they implemented it? Like how they were afraid to roll out GDPR? Or like how they were afraid to roll out the digital gatekeepers act just recently?

Counterpoint: GDPR

I know I'm going to come off as a Google apologist, however, I'm leaning towards there being more to the story than what you are saying.

The previous month's billing didn't 'went through' and you are unable to zero in on whether this is a Google issue or a you issue.

I get that it is easier to complain on the internet and often cathartic do so as a coping mechanism.

Having an account suspended because of a billing issue is not exclusive to Google.

Have you moved your projects off GCP now as voting with your wallet would be the sensible thing to do. Until you encounter a billing issue with AWS and move again to Azure and then to DO.

>Having an account suspended because of a billing issue is not exclusive to Google.

I'm sorry but :

>Despite reassurances "your account will not be suspended" while communicating with billing support, all the projects were suspended at 1am on Saturday.

If he contacted someone at customer support, after making sure the mistake was corrected (on whatever side it was) and they assure him that the account will not be suspended - what the fuck is he supposed to do about it beyond that ?

Imagine having your business/job fucked up over an incompetent customer support system.

GCP is a SPoF. If you care about your availability, avoid single points of failure. Then it doesn't matter if what support tells you turns out to be not true.

How you do that can vary, but ... billing issues are always a risk. Having two cards, with two different banks, and two different names, is a pretty basic precaution to take. Having multiple cloud providers closes out a bunch more existential risks.

DNS is the one unavoidable SPoF for most Internet businesses: you cannot have a "backup registrar". The best you can do here is pay for a quality service provider: someone who will call you if there's a problem, before they cut you off. That's going to cost a lot more than GoDaddy, btw.

> Until you encounter a billing issue with AWS and move again to Azure and then to DO.

You have to be joking or ignorant. I have never met someone who had a billing issue with AWS that wasn't able to be resolved without shutting off access.

I have never seen a story bubble up on HN about someone who had their account terminated by AWS for no obvious reason.

Perhaps Google is subject to an ongoing smear campaign, or they just attract people who don't know how bill paying works and Google has been completely reasonable. What I do know is that both AWS and Azure have been completely open, honest and will send engineers, account managers or whenever was required to get problems resolved without business impact when I was at both large corporation and early stage startup.

I have never encountered this with any interaction with Google, so it can't be part of their corporate culture, which makes it very unlikely that Google Cloud can be much different.

> we won't allow you to sell any cloud-related services anymore until you don't have proper customer service

No, they attract and select people who see the world only from an engineering perspective. Combined with Google's cultural roots that come from MIT, where projects and services are things that are funded by the government, military or megacorporations in which you can pull the plug whenever and the other side would not flinch, this makes them totally blind to the existence of humans on the other side of their services. Resulting in an false reality in which you, me and the millions of other people who depend on their services do not exist.

So you see things like this happen. Things like 'deprecating' products in people's faces. Things like 'combining and merging and unmerging products because it makes more engineering sense' and creating messes like "Google Gmail Hangouts Chat Rooms Meet" or whatever they are calling the frankenstein they made by combining all those.

Not the same person, but this sounds very similar to an experience I had. Payments fail all the time for various reasons, that isn't really the issue. It's what happens after that.

In our case our bank blocked transactions to AWS and Google one night. I contacted the bank and Google, made arrangements and successfully paid the account within a day. I just retried the AWS payment and had no further issues with them.

I had issues with Google for months. Google kept sending me threatening messages about how our accounts suspension is imminent. We'd then follow up with a human, have it resolved, only for the same thing to happen weeks later. Note that there were no outstanding payments, and no failed payments again.

After ranting to friends in startups it became apparent that this was not an isolated incident, and it's always Google.

Google is the outlier here. Relative to their competition, they're both new at public-facing corporate Cloud offerings(1) and new at non-scalable customer service issues.

They're playing catch-up, and customers are at risk while they do so.

(1) AWS had a head-start on Google and Google's been chasing AWS's monetization strategy and away from their Google App Engine approach, which was fundamentally different. Azure may be more contemporary to Google's Cloud, but Microsoft has a tried-and-true large-scale corporate customer support engine that Google's only now being forced to build out to support its Cloud offering (the customer support story for ads was fundamentally different, and Apps for Domains didn't have the scale Cloud now does).

(I just wanted to say thank you for using the word "apologist" so I didn't have to.)

That was really all I had: expressions of astonishment at the prevalence of Google apologist comments here today.

In an effort to be constructive let me say, it's a matter of scale. Google can't be fair because of their scale. Contrariwise, I use small-scale services and get outstanding customer service.

E.g. Tarsnap, cperciva is a god among men when it comes to customer service. Or sr.ht (Sourcehut) ddevault is right there on IRC most days. Or Podia, I wanted a certain font on my site, they didn't have it, I emailed them about it and they literally added it within the hour. Give these folks your money, eh?

No human working at Google will do an account suspension on a Saturday.

So it must have been automation. And there is a very good chance that automation simply hadn't been blocked by the support agent which had been giving reassurances.

never use google cloud systems for production is a strong statement based on one random incident. CGP customer since launch 2008 (when it was App Engine) and spend around $3k/m on it (Also using AWS and Heroku). Never had a single issue but CS responses vary a lot depending on how you funnel requests.

I don't think dismissing such incidents as random incidents is a good idea.

Although crimes and thefts are rare, all developed societies invest millions into law enforcement and justice systems to measure and mitigate them.

Although device and equipment failures are rare, both private and government systems exist to address them fairly.

It seems like it's only in the tech industry that statistical insignificance of failures is assumed and then wielded as justification to avoid even minimal levels of accountability.

> It seems like it's only in the tech industry that statistical insignificance of failures is assumed and then wielded as justification to avoid even minimal levels of accountability.

Stealing this, it's far more broadly applicable than just to this sort of billing issue.

> I don't think dismissing such incidents as random incidents is a good idea.

If I had €1 for every time a politician has dismissed some incident as a random incident I could probably buy a high-end MacBook.

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